Office MATES

Elliot's heart warmed at how understanding Alex had been when he heard the story. He tried telling it to a 'friend' once and he can still clearly remember the disgust on her face. Good to know that his crush was one of those few that still respect the omegas. "It's alright. I've forgot about them already. Thank you, for always being on my side." He took the hands that held his, and gripped them back, as if saying he was really thankful to the man.

He must admit, there was a bit of jealousy that Alex had parents that seemed to care so much for him. But it was sad to know that the alpha felt lonely having busy parents and no siblings. Blush crept on his cheeks hearing Alex's plan of a large family. He was an omega so he can make that happen right, if ever Alex would choose him? With their hands already parted, one hand came to touch his stomach, not knowing Alex was also looking at that direction. "I'd love to have a huge family too. And if ever one of my children will turn out to be an omega, I will still love him/her as much as I would if he/she happened to be an alpha or beta. I promise they won't ever have to experience what I've experienced."

"My grandma lives in the countryside. We have a farm that up to now she insists on taking care of by herself. She's really amazing! Sure I'll take you to her someday. She'll be happy having someone other than me visiting her." After finishing their coffee, they started making their way to the skating rink. On the rink, Elliot noticed many dating couples. That got him to wonder. He hadn't really asked this to Alex, and here he was already making plans of future with the alpha. He even flirted naughtily with him!

"Alex... well I'm curious if... I ... are you already mated?" His glasses were near falling off his nose, and he blushed, embarrassed by what he just asked. He tried skating away from the man to get rid of the embarrassment but not knowing how to skate, he ended up tripping. 

His glasses fell off to the floor, but Alex managed to catch him. Their faces were so close, his face getting redder by the minute.

"Wow! I would love to visit it! It's been so long since i did it.... back when i was in my first year of college, I was so convinced i wanted to be a veterinarian i took a year in pre-vet studies. Too bad it didn't turn out to be what I wanted, and I changed my mind soon after, but man, that year spent on the farm is nice." Alex responded excitedly as he took a few notes out to settle the bill, pressing on Elliot's hand stopping him from trying to get the bill. "I am not trying to bribe you, but please, let me pay for it." He smiled and instead, pulled Elliot up to the skating rink.

watching Elliot tying the skaters on, he coudl still remember vividly how gentle Elliot's face looked when he caressed his own stomach. He would be a great mother, he knew right away from that look, and Alex couldn't imagine anyone else being his children's other parent. He could hear how hesitating Elliot was when he uttered the question, and what happened next was such a blur that he relied entirely on his reflex to save Elliot from falling right away.

"phew careful! Stay close to me... i don't want you to be falling so soon." He caught the glasses, prevented it from being smashed from others skating on top of it, and also held Elliot steady holding his waist, half-lifting him up. "And to answer your previous question.... No. I am not mated.... but now I have a target. Someone who is bound to be my perfect mate...." His voice bordered on a murmur as his breath brushed against Elliot's beetred cheek. Elliot's eyes looked incredibly brilliant without glasses, and Alex pressed his face even closer....

Elliot was already so red from how close they were, but his heart still managed to leap hearing that Alex, his crush, was not yet mated. he let out a breath that he didn't knew he was holding. He still has his chance and that made his lips tug upward. "...but now I have a target." When Alex said that, he felt his heart breaking. So there was SOMEONE. Not mated but he was courting someone already. Elliot's face lost its red and he gently pulled himself away from the larger's hold. The thought of him being that someone Alex liked didn't come to him. Our omega was often insecure of himself that he thought it would be impossible for Alex to like him like that.

"O-oh is that so. Whoever that person is, he/she must be really lucky. I-I mean as far as I see it, your a great alpha... and..."Elliot's voice was weak and shaky, and he wasn't aware of it but tears started pooling his eyes. "you'll get to have that family you wanted with him/her... and he/she will love you and...y-your children so much because you're just so a-amazing!" He felt the tears falling on his cheeks, and he was quick to wipe them away. He already envisioned having a family with Alex. Alex would be caring for him when he became pregnant, and together they'll be chasing rowdy kids. He can't envision that future with someone else! But unlucky him, Alex already has his target, and he was sure it was not him. How could it? He was just a plain omega after all that have been rejected many times.

"Ah... I-I'm sorry. I don't even know why I'm tearing up. I'm just so ha-happy for you! I'm sure you'll get your target. I mean how could someone reject someone as perfect as you!" he tried to laugh and cheer the confused man up but the laugh ended up weak.

"I wish you all the luck! Just promise me to introduce me to your 'target' okay?" Oh how he really wish it can be him.

It all went well for Alex, and he was pleased to see the blush deepened - he didnt even know how one could be so red. Then the tears welled up. And Elliot became so pale he was sure he could faint. The broken and sad voice told Alex what's wrong. He had been so confused until he realised Elliot didnt think he was the one. How could his little cutie be so insecured of himself. Even how he wiped his tears away was adorable. The smaller man used his palm to rub against his eyes where huge tears just continuously fall from his gorgeously clear eyes. Alex smiled despite the situation and lifted him up, holding him easily and glided through the rink to the side, where they had their shoes on.

"Elliot.... I know I would be a loving mate, and also a great father. I also sincerely hope that my taeget wouldnt reject me. I am not sure now though, since he's currently crying so hard I wasnt sure if he's listening properly." Alex took Elliot to a bench and sat down placing the still hiccuping omega on his lap. He rubbed his back soothingly, and alrwady his other hand was placed right at his abdomen. It's not only Elliot thinking about having a family with Alwx, Alex was thinking the same as well. His elliot would look absolutely adorable when he became pregnant - with his babies definitely.

"Elliot.... would you agree to be my mate?"

Elliot was busy crying that he didn't realize Alex lifting him and guiding him back to the benches. He knew the alpha was saying something but it got filtered that he only heard how Alex seemed to cherish so much his target and not the crying part. Elliot was busy wiping away tears and catching his breath, hiccupping in how hard it became too hard to breathe. Alex was holding him, letting him cry on his chest. The expensive clothing of the taller was soaked with tears but Alex didn't mind. The man was even chuckling. Elliot thought that he was laughing at him and he cried harder. His little body was shaking with the force on how he cried. His face was so red too!

A hand placed itself on his stomach that got him startled. He looked up to see the owner of the hand and was confused when he saw that it was Alex's hand. The hand felt so perfect and warm on his abdomen, like it was made to be there. It must have felt nice to be pregnant and with Alex holding him like this. If only...

"Elliot...would you agree to be my mate?" Elliot's green eyes widened. Though he can't see the alpha clearly without his glasses, he knows that the man was smiling at him. So was this for real? He was silent, didn't know what to say. His emotional mind can't process it. Did Alex really just asked him to be his mate. Hope filled him instantly, his heart beating so fast. His eyes looked so hopeful. Our omega wanted to immediately say yes and hug the man, say many things to him like how he wished for this as well; but at that moment the words that only came from him was

"A-are you sure?" Alex didn't fail to assure him that yes this was happening for real, and yes HE was asking HIM to be his mate. In an instant Alex was attacked by a very tight hug by the omega. The smaller of the two can be heard laughing and he smiled so wide he felt like his face will split in half. So he can have his alpha after all? And the family he dreamed to build with Alex can really happen. He kissed the man's cheek and fell back to the alpha's lap. The expression on him was one of pure happiness. It didn't matter if the face of the omega was red and messy with tears, or if the handsome face of his love seemed blurry to him at the moment.
"I love you, much that it hurt to think that someone else will be your mate. I've also wanted this for so long. T-thank you for choosing me." and he was back to hugging the man. The crowd of the place saw the scene and also cheered for them. "I just hope I won't disappoint you as your omega."

Alex was not expecting more crying from.Elliot as he spoke. He didnt know what's wrong and the big fat tears just seemed never ending. He had to admit he was slightly nervous when he asked the question, especially when Elliot seemed still unable to take in his words. He nodded very solemnly when Elliot asked him, still unsure of what he heard, and immediately the attack from the omega was the best tackle he had ever expereinced.

Alex quickly held Elliot tight so they wouldbt topple back together. He laughed in both happiness and relief. "I just thought you wouldnt say yes! Oh babe,.you wouldnt know how your tears scared me..." same as Elliot, he was feeling like his face could.split in half from smiling too much. The cheers from the crowd made him confident and he did something daring: he tilted Elliot's face up and kissed him on the lips.

As the kiss deepened, they were lost in each other. The couple was oblivious to what the crowd was doing. He smiled when he heard Elliot's whimpering. When he finally let Elliot go, the omega's lips were bruised and swollen, his eyes dazed. Alex smiled and stroked his face, "you are mine... finally. You wouldnt know how long I have been wanting to do this."

"How can I not say yes to a wonderful alpha like you?" Elliot was all smiles now; still teary but smiling. "I would be crazy to reject someone like you, Alex! I was crying because I thought you found another to be your mate and was laughing at me for crying." He continued wiping his face. The smile on it won't die down. "You should have made it clear in the first place. I must have looked foolish c-crying like this." he laughed, there was really no point of crying after all and he made so much drama too. He blushed in realization. Alex's hands on his body, hugging him felt right. They are mates, they are one. And Elliot's loving every moment of it.

Just when he thought Alex had made him happy enough, the alpha just had to kiss him. Green eyes closed shut in ecstasy of the kiss. Elliot was moaning through the kiss, really liking it even though t Alex began biting on his lips that made him whimper. The kiss broke with both of them panting for air. Alex was presented a flushed, panting omega whose eyed told him that Elliot wanted more of the kiss. The alpha stroke the small face and Elliot had leaned into it and kissed the hand. "Me too. I've lost count the times I've thought about this. It feels good to be finally called yours." He chuckled. "I don't have to hide my feelings for you any longer. You don't know how hard it was to hide my feelings for you, especially you being so sexy and all perfect at work. I've never blushed so much in my life than when I'm with you."

Being smaller, he had to tiptoe, but at least he succeeded in pecking his now-mate's lips. "I'm really lucky to be chosen by you." He didn't mind if they were being watched by many people, all he could focus at the moment was being in the loving embrace of his mate. "M-my alpha...I can call you that, right? and I'm sorry for overreacting earlier."

"Yea, my omega, I am very happy that you have overreacted though.. now that we have sorted out our feelings, it's clear how much you are attractes to me... and vice versa." Alex smiled. "Though no more, or not as much tears! It's devastating you know? I have no idea how to make it stop... are you made of water?" Alex smiled wiping the last trace of tear away from elliot'zs face. "Did i tell you that i love to see your blush? I almost tjought you did it intentionally to seduce me." He smirked knowing that's not the truth.

Taking Elliot's hand, he responded to the kiss but still remmebered what they were here for. When they separated, Elliot's lips were so swollen anyone would know he had been properly kissed, and Alex was proud of it for "marking" his omega like that.

"Are you ready for some action now then?" He led the way to the rink and, holding Elliot's waist, glided into the area in a flawless motion. He led him past the most crowded part and then out in the middle, so Elliot could only hold onto hi. He smiled at how Elliot clurched his shirt. "Dont worry, you wouldnt fall... not ever because I am here."

"I'm not made of water. Fine, I promise no more crying for tonight." Alex wiped the last of his tears and the gesture brought warmth to his heart. "Really? You like my blush that much?" And as if teasing, Elliot's face was tinted pink again. "Can't help it... you got this effect on me."

With all the drama gone, the two went back to what they were actually came here for, to skate. It was fun when Alex led him with one fast whoosh to the center but after that Elliot became scared again because for the life of him he can't seem to get his balance and would repeatedly wobble in his steps. He would fall forward and he would be forced to grab on to Alex since there was nothing else there to hold onto. "I-I trust you. Please don't let me fall." His mate was really the sneaky type he thought. Can't complain though because he also like the idea. 

At first Elliot was determined to balance himself on his own in an attempt to impress his new alpha. He really did tried but he can't help slipping and wobbling. Alex seemed amused though that made Elliot blush as he continued failing on his skates. It was unfair. How come Alex was able to skate around him with ease while he was stuck being a penguin. It made him pout. After a number of huge slips and Alex's shirt almost close to ripping with how hard he was clutching and gripping on it, he gave up and just leaned into his alpha's hold, letting him guide the two of them around the rink. 

"Can you teach me, how to skate like you do? I don't know why but I just can't do it right. You look so professional and I'm just a failure at this." He wanted to learn how to do it right so that someday when he got the hang of it he can skate side by side with Alex, skating so freely without the care of falling.

(Oh you are late tonight!)

Alex secretly enjoyed seeing Elliot clumsily slipped around, and to be honest him grabbing on his shirt was adorable, and he didnt mind letting him rip a few of his shirts if Elliot wanted to. He kept a close eye to Elliot and in fact had let out a sigh of relief when he evntually gave up on the idea of skating on his own. It took time to adjust, and apparently Elliot wasnt one of those who was gifted with an excellent sense of balance.

He tugged Elliot closer to himself as they breezed through the other stumbling individuals who were grabbing on the handrail like their life depended on it. He chuckled and pressed a kiss to Elliot's face and nodded. "Alright... can you feel you are skating now? Dont try to stay. You are on wheels so just let your body go with your feet. Look at your feet now." While Alex was taking the lead, Elliot in fact had been moving forward like he should on skaters. It's just the most natural gesture. Like learning how to bike, he just lacked rhe confidence to go on his own when he got all the basics for himself.

Amost right the moment when Elliot started paying attention to his footing, he started tripping again and Alex smiled and grabbed him. "Careful babe... alright. Just look up. Look forward, dont mind your steps." He secretly lamented that next time Elliot probably wouldnt be as clumsy. Maybe he should try to make him waddle due to other reasons, so that even when tehy were not in the rink, he could still admire his wobbly form like a penguin.

(hehehe :D got some things needed to be done yesterday)

Elliot had held onto Alex tightly. He was still nervous of falling but with the alpha leading him around, he felt more safe and balanced. They encountered the group of clumsy beginners, he felt his face heat up when Alex tugged him closer as if protecting him, then pressing a kiss on his cheek. "Y-yeah. Alright, I'll try moving." Alex began leading him again, this time he was at a distance from him only holding hands. 

Elliot's eyes were fixed to the encouraging ones of his mate. He smiled, he was skating! Green eyes sparkled in amazement and excitement. 

He looked at his feet as per instructed by his love, and sure enough they were gliding through the floor naturally. That amazed him more. Still he ended up tripping. But at that moment his focus wasn't on that he almost fell again. It was on what Alex called him. Oh his cheeks were heating up again. "O-okay. Don't mind my steps, right." 

They spent the rest of their visit there just like that; Alex would lead and Elliot happily follows. They both would laugh together and shared more stories as they skated. Not once did Elliot let go of Alex's hands nor did he look at somebody else other than his mate. "This is really fun, love!" 

( ;) and I thought you are a good girl sleeping very early every night)

Alex chuckled seeing the flushed face of Elliot's. He knew the omega would like it, but he didn't expect him to enjoy it so much. "Yea? I am glad you enjoyed it... you have been skating quite well by the end of it really!" Alex praised Elliot's performance and led him to the benches, untying their skaters. When he was done with his own, he was finding Elliot still struggling with his. He smiled and then moved over to kneel in front of him.

"Let me...." His dexterous fingers removed Elliot's from making the knots even worse nad quickly untied it. He took Elliot's foot and pulled the shoes away, leaving only his small foot on his hand, still socked. He smirked at Elliot and squeezed it. His foot just fit on his palm and it's probably the most delicate thing he had seen. He couldn't wiat to see it bare.

When they had changed back to their own shoes, Alex changed his mind. He thought just a stroll around the park, maybe feeding the ducks in the pond, should work for the afternoon. The movie could wait. He took Elliot's hand and together they ventured into the deeper part fo the park - their hands still linked. "Tell me something you like. What color you like, what scent, what food?"

(what I did was school related. I'm still a good girl! :D )

How shameful, a supervisor at a top company and yet didn't know how to until his laces. But it might have been a good thing though because otherwise wouldn't have Alex here making him feel like Cinderella. Seeing his feet small compared to the huge hand off his mate made him blush. They may be different in size but it felt so right to be together.

Hand in hand, they walked through the park. He could see some staring at them, and it made him a bit insecure. But no, Alex chose him and he has all the rights to be by his side. Let the others say what they want. The grip he had on the larger hand tightened.

"Something I like? Well I really like the color blue, for scents I like the mild earthy type and my food choice is more on sour or savory flavors. I like walks like these in the park but honestly I'm not a fan of being with too much people. Um... There's a lot of things that I like that this day might end and my list still isn't finished. But of all the things that I like, of course I like y-you the most." Oh he hopes he didn't sound too cheesy.

"How about you? What are the things that you like?"

(HAHA alright. Good girl... good student? or teacher?)

Alex was nodding, memorizing everything that he had heard, so he was quite taken by surprise by Elliot's timid declaration of his love and he chuckled. He turned to Elliot and squeezed him tight against his side. "How could you be so adorable.... hmmm what I like,... I like you the most as well! Then... color I am indiffernet I guess. I do like fruity stuff... you know what you smelt like to me right? A mix of sweet smell.... vanilla? Peach? Honey? Did anyone ever commented on you smelling like a walking dessert? I do enjoy sweetery.... so, I would love to devour you...." Alex's voice became deeper as he said that, his eyes glued to Elliot.

He chuckled when Elliot's face burned so much he was quite sure he could fry an egg, and dragged him up to sit on a shady bench. He didn't put him on his lap this time, but put an arm around him, still holding his hand. He gazed at Elliot and then muttered in a dreamy voice. "I know we have just confessed our feelings... but god I am already wanting to mate with you. Formally. Can we go visit your grandma the comign weekend? I would want to, you know, ask for your hand...."

(student Blush )

Elliot was burning so red right now. He didn't knew Alex would make him blush so much just by anwering what was supposed to be just a simple question. Sweet? He didn't know he smelled sweet. Others don't either so he was always on suppressants making him scentless. And the main reason of his blush, Alex saying he wants to 'devour' him with his provoking tone. It sent chills to his spine.

"I actually agree with you. It didn't feel right that grandma stays in the dark of our relationship. I'll call her later. Be prepared. She'll be gushing over you for sure!"

(Aww such great time to be a student. Cherish this period of your life!)

"Bring her on, I am prepared, for you." Alex straighrened his back like he's a knight about to face the dragon. He then broke into a laughter himself. It's so much fun with Elliot. Either making him blush or making are great achievement.

They chatted for awhile longer and then started their stroll again, gettinf to the pond and bought some treats from the old lady and started feeding the ducks. A toddler came running by and Alex was surprised when he hit his leg and almost toppled over. He chuckled and lifted the chubby baby up - he couldnt be older than 2 - and raised him up.high in the air. "Hey little buddy, where are you going in such a hurrry? Where's your parent?"

(Thanks!  Blush )

"Oh you should be prepared. She's a super mother hen!" Alex breaking out in laughter was a beautiful sight to see. Elliot can only hope that he can continue to make the man smile and laugh like that.

Everything was going well so far. Their stroll had been peaceful, yet the romance between them can be felt intensifying. Hidden with small smiles and blushes, Elliot was getting used to the idea of being a mated omega to his office mate. 

Elliot's heart warmed at the scene - Alex carrying a small child, talking to the boy with a cooing gentle voice. He approached the two and held one of the child's chubby little hand, smiling when the child gripped back. "Your mama and papa would be worried, little one. Where are you going?" The child made grabbing hands for the sky, looking at the flock of birds that flew by. "Bird fly! Ivan fly!" The boy was excited, but then he looked back. He must have realized that his parents were not with him anymore. Tears begin pooling his big eyes. "Mama... Papa..."

Elliot noticed that the boy was about to cry and reached for him, his omega instincts taking over. He got the boy from Alex and began rocking and swaying the boy, rubbing the child's back. "Shhh...shh... don't cry little one. We will find Mama and Papa okay?" He then looked at Alex. "Alex... we have to find his parents."

Alex was looking at how Elliot knew by instinct how to handle the little toddler. He nodded and ruffled the curly hair of the boy - Ivan, and reassured him. "Dont worry ivan. Your parents would be here very soon." He started looking around. The boy couldnt be running that fast so be was expecting some worried parents coming any minute now.

They started walking slowly towards the diection where Ivan came from, and Alex nudged closer and closer to Elliot, holding his waist so he wouldnt need to watch his way while tending to the child's needs. Alex was emitting some calming scent, which shrouded Elliot like a blanket. That, coupled with the small warmth and needy little child, would start a process in Elliot's body. Elliot's instincts to care and nurture would prompt his heat again...

"Papa!" Ivan suddenly yelled, struggling in Elliot's arms and.pointing towards a figure not far from them. "Ivan!" Thefigure, and a smaller one following at the side, imemdiately rushed forward. Ivan was so excited he pushed Elliot away and Alex had to interfere, taking hold of the child and loweredbhim.down. the boy immediately rushed towards his parents.

It came all natural to him to care for the little boy in his arms. Elliot's omega instincts had been strong on telling him to comfort the child. All he could focus on was little Ivan. He could feel Alex's instincts responding as well, and the scent he released plus his active instincts, Elliot could feel the desire to bear children too, his and his mate's. It felt as if he was going into heat again.

Elliot almost didn't want to let Ivan go but of course the boy must return to his parents. Seeing the little one run to his parents and the parents carrying and hugging him back made his desire grow worse. Unknown to him, his scent was getting sweeter.

The parents thanked them but he can only smile a little, more affected of being left by the child. Alex was hugging him still on the waist. He let his head rest on the wide chest of his mate.

"Alex, love... w-would it be too selfish of me... to want a b-baby with you so soon? Seeing Ivan and his parents, my instincts are telling me to have one. B-but I can suppress that desire if you think we're still not ready!" Elliot blushed at what he just said. For sure Alex won't want a child too soon. What was he even thinking?

" Ah forget what I said. L-let' s just continue feeding the ducks."

Alex didnt notice th3 change in Elliot's hormones either, all he wanted to do was hug tight and console him for being.rejected by he child, even though he knew that's not Ivan's fault either. He patted Elliot's back and tried to sooth him from falling deeper into his sadness.

Alex smiled hearing what Elliot was trying to say. "I do want to be a father... but yes, I think it would be too soon. I wouldnt want your grandma to chase after me for messing up with her dearest grandson! At least I wanted to wait until she knew about us." He confessed even though he knew he had imagined how cute Elliot would look with a big belly.

Unbeknownst to both of them, there would be an incident later that would trigger not only Elliot's heat, but also Alex's rut that got them into some unexpected "surprsie."

(Lol sorrey for that last bit of cliche... i am thinkin maybe they would have an accidental mating. Maybe the couple bumped into Elliot's parents that night? There would be a fight and Elliot wounded by his parents' words... so Alex rise up to protect his omega. Then a rut..... what do you think?

And also, you prefer multiples or singlet pregnanxy?)

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03-22-2016, 08:09 PM

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