Office MATES

(I'm good with that  :D . I prefer more a multiple pregnancy  Blush )

Though he knew that Alex would want to wait, deep down Elliot hoped that his alpha would agree. They'll have their baby when the time comes, right? "Yeah... grandma might chase you down the fields then you to be a scarecrow if that happens without her knowing. Yes, let's tell her first about us." He laughed, but you can notice the hint of sadness in his voice.

They finished feeding off all their bread so the two went on to continue strolling around the park. It continued to be peaceful, Elliot feeling all loved with Alex by his side. He was enjoying the feeling of it, until he saw familiar figures walking in their direction. His eyes widened and suddenly his small body tensed in the hold of his alpha. He can't move.

Alex was asking him if he was okay. He can only tremble more in fear. "A-Alex let's get away from here. Please..." But it was too late, they already saw him. 

"Well, well if it isn't the disgrace that we called son." Elliot's eyes began tearing up. He saw his parents look at Alex with much distaste in their eyes. He didn't really want his mate getting involved in this. "Ma...Pa... please don't..."

"Oh look, the slut had allured himself a man. Not like he'll be loved by him anyway." His parents were sneering and laughing evilly at him. Then he saw his father, getting out the bat he used to hit him. A shiver ran through Elliot. In instinct, he hid behind Alex's huge form. That made the couple laugh.

"He's scared. Such a weakling."

Alex heard the disappointment, and he promised himslef he would make the omega happy again - as soon as he could. He was usually quite good with elderlies, let's hope his charm would work as well on Elliot's grandma just like how it worked on her geabdson.

Alex was quite happy to see Elliot resuming his previous happy mood when they had finished feeding. One mother duck even led her whole line of ducklings towards them for food, and continued to follow them for awhile after they decided to leave. It's so cozy that ehen Alex felt Elliot tensing up, he was quite puzzled and asked aelliot what's wrong. Then he heard it. The disdained voice from the couple in front of them.

The alpha of the couple taking out a bat had caused distress on Elliot's side and Alex just straigtened his back and shielded Elliot as best as he could, his hand holding the omega at his back. "How dare you insult my omega like that! You.could be his biological parents, but from the day you refused to recognise Elliot as ypur son, you have lost the right to be his parents, or have any say in his life. Stop with your insults, and leave him alone."

Alex turned and hugged Elliot properly. Facing the couple, he sneered and said coldly. "Just for your information, I am very happy wirh your son who's the best man I have ever seen. You two are just patheric weaklings who couldnt handle life." He glanced on their clothing and found, despite trying to hide, werent too well dressed. He couldnt imagine anyone as mean and foolish could gain any success in life anyway.

(Multiple it is then! Hmm triplets..?)

Elliot gripped on Alex's arm feeling the man going up against his cruel parents. He felt a little comfort and sense of security seeing that his alpha was defending him. 

The father and mother were angered with what Alex said. "How dare you! If there's anyone who's pathetic it's definitely you! Who would want such a lowly omega for a mate anyway? You're an idiot for letting yourself be with that lowlife. We're actually doing you good by warning you that you go away from the likes of him and you have the guts to even defend him? The boy ain't even deserving of love!"

Elliot whimpered behind Alex, each hateful word from his parents piercing his heart. The father heard the whimper and got even more irritated. "Tsk, stupid omega... making himself look weak and vulnerable. Attention seeker! You're great in making us look like the bad guys don't you? This is what you deserve!" The bat was raised high and was to hit Elliot's side. The mother was just smiling evilly next to her husband. In fear, Elliot can only grip harder on his mate's arm, crying harder. It was about to happen again.

(Triplets sounds good  :D )

"You just demonstrated how completely ignorant you are of omegas. As an Alpha, I am ashamed that you are one of my kind." Alex was so furious his natural aggressive scent got stronger, momemtarily suppressing Elliot's father so much that he backed up a step, which could also contributed to agitating his father even more that he raised his bat.

The whimper from his omega was the last straw and Alex just growled. He grabbed the bat and shoved it back at the older alpha, who whined patheticallg getting hit on the leg.while his fathee was jumping around holding his leg, Alex ripped the bat in 2 halves and threw it back to the couple. "Yoh two, you would pay for whatever yoh did. I would report to the authorities for your abusive behavior. Just wait for that summons to court." Alex added and put his arm around Elliot.

Addressing the crowd gathered around them, he raised his voice and asked. "Please, anyone would be willing to stand up and acr as witness to the horrid behavior of these so-called parents?" There were an abundance of omegas in the area, and Alez waa pretty sure they would have undeestood the sad story of Elliot's life from their conversation.

Elliot can only watch as Alex became more aggressive in protecting him against his father. The aura of his mate gave off strong dominance. The alpha scent was becoming heavy that his omega instinct began submitting himself more to Alex. He too became a bit intimidated by his love but he was comforted with the fact that Alex was doing this to protect him. 

The father's eyes widened. He didn't expect that this alpha his son had can be so overpowering. But still, because of pride, even there were a lot of people who already witnessed his shameful attitude and defeat, he got up and got his wife along with him. 

"Sue us! Report us to authorities! We don't care! Omegas are low creatures and we will stand by that! All of you are foolish to accept them!" He shouted before walking off hurriedly. Though the father tried to act as if he didn't really care, you can see the fear and doubt in his eyes and how his steps were unstable. The wife was also scared of being jailed, whispering to his husband how they need to apologize. The father won't listen though.

When they were gone, Elliot hugged Alex tightly. "Thank you, love. I-I don't know what they could've done to me... if I wasn't with you. You were so brave a-and... I'm sorry for being so weak." Our omega was still shaken from what happened. All he could rely on was his alpha's strength, and he felt so pathetic being unable to pull himself together and defend himself.

Alex could see a few of the passersby agitated by the arrogant words of the older man, and he swore to himself he would see to getting these two in a lot of trouble - if not in jail. An icy cold smirk appeared on his face. Anyone who dared to hurt him omega would suffer, his parents included. His heaet ached for how his little mate had to endure parents like that.

The moment Elliot came hugging Alex tight, all the aggression left him and Alex's scent was never as gentle. He squeezed Elliot tight on him and rubbed his back. "That's not weak... I am here to protect you. Omegas are to be cherished and you have been brave enough yourself. You endured through all these cruelty and come to be such a fine man now. You are the brave one here, you have oveecome so much, I am very proud of you." He said sincerely. He kissed Elliot gently.

A few of the surrounding crowd offered their namecards and nimbers, which Alex gracefully accepted as he shielded his omega from all curious or prying eyes. He thanked them for being so helpful and nodded his thanks .he brought his omega to safety - home. When all were settled, Alex lifted Elliot up and marchdd down the way. "Let's go home now... it's been a long day and perhaps I should make you some dinner." He smiled soothingly and got to his car, ready to take Elliot home.

Alex was the brave one, but here he was being praised by the alpha of being brave as well. His love had made it sound that he was so brave as well, and it eased his self pity. And to hear that he was made him proud, Elliot was now crying with much motivation that he'll become better for his alpha. In the larger's protection he stayed, not minding the crowd that surrounded them.

Not expecting it, Elliot let out a gasp of surprise when he was lifted and was put in Alex's car. Feeling a bit feverish, the omega only nodded with a soft smile. Alex making him dinner sounds lovely. Throughout the ride, Elliot was leaning onto the alpha's side.

They arrived and now Alex was cooking dinner in the kitchen. He can't phatom how his alpha can continue to look so good even in apron. The smell coming from the kitchen was delicious. As if on cue his stomach growled. He blushed.

"S-so what are you making, love?"

This was also Alwx's first visit to Elliot's place, and, just like the owner, the flat looked simple but organized. Very cozy as well. Being "invited" back to the omega's place also held some subtle meaning according to old traditions, and all these contributed to Alex's body to react in some ways that was out of their control.

Alex moved around the kirchen, and needed surprisingly little effort in locating rhe utensils. He sort of had a feeling how Elliot would prefer things to be placed. Smiling, he turned back and faced Elliot. "I was thinking some simple pasta. Do you like garlic?" He asked washing the ingredients. "Hmm, would you mind switching on the fan? I am feeling a little warm..." alex didbt understand why there seemed to be a surge in temperature for him. And the sweet smell of Elliot seemed to be getting stronger by the minute.....

"hmm... I don't mind having garlic. I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever pasta you make." Elliot could notice the sweat drenching on Alex's shirt, and was his alpha getting flushed? At his request, Elliot didn't waste time to turn on the fan. Actually he was feeling hot too. The fan seemed not enough. He was starting to feel hazy, and Alex's heavy scent quickly filling his small flat wasn't making it better.

"Ugh... Alex I'll just change my clothes. It's really getting hot in here. You should too after you're done cooking."

(I'll be posting slower from now on. There's a deadline coming up and I need to rush Blush )

(Aww ok, I understand ;) good luck with your work!)

As Alex sweated, his alpha musk was even stronger. Without turnng around, he nodded and wiped away the sweat on his forehead. "Yea sure, go ahead. You got spare clothes that fit me?" He asked jokingly and continued to cook, not really realising what's happening to his body.

With the pasta almost done, he was getting very thirsty and waa gulpint down icy water when Elliot returned, and he ddnt have a good look of him. When he did see though, he was finding Elliot looking very cute in the loose and cozy clothes for home.

"Thanks. I'm not sure but I think I can find something that will fit you." Elliot left and changed clothes. He had one look again of Alex and seriously the man was sweating so much that it was starting to worry him. Maybe turning on the air conditioning of his place will help. It was a while but Elliot returned in more comfortable clothes.

"Hmm....that smells delicious. You done yet? You're in luck. I remembered having a friend your size over and he left spare clothes so.... Alex, are you okay?" The look in the alpha's eyes didn't seem right for a while and it made his omega worry more. Elliot got a towel to wipe Alex's face, concern was clear in his face.

"Love, are you feeling unwell? I can take over cooking you know. Maybe you should rest. You can rest on my bed." Elliot then noticed the heavier musk of his mate. It was so strong that it made him want to submit.

"Alex, can you tone down your musk a bit? We're at home, there's nothing to worry about."

"A friend camr over to spend the night....?" For a second Alex almost wanted to scold Elliot for inviting a friend over for thr night, then he calmed down slightly when the omega wiped his forehead. At least his scent was doing something to make his firehot body cool down a bit. He panted and shook his head. "Yea I am done... let's have this done quick. I guess it's just facing the fire. Maybe when we got out it would be better." He nodded to the 2 filled plates and thanked Elliot fro yhe clothes.

"Go ahead and set rhe place, I would quickly get changed. Tbe toilet…?" He asked stepling a step back from Elliot, sensing his whimper as his nature called for him to submit. He decided he would take a quick.shower. the heightened musk actually did have its effect, even though elliot would have followed his direction anyway, his omega was also thrilled responding to an alpha's orders.

"Yeah, b-but don't worry, he was already mated that time." Elliot was torn between following the alpha or obeying his orders, but knowing that Alex may want to have his privacy while in the showers, he ought to just do what Alex told him to do.

"Alright... but if you need anything just ask okay, love? The toilet is just across my room, you can easily spot it after you turn that corner.

Elliot did as he was told. Plates and utensils for two had been placed on the table, glasses were filled with water. All there was left then was the pasta. When the pasta was done cooking, all there is to do was to serve it, problem was that the pasta bowl was at the highest shelf. He could reach it, though he needed to really stretch his limbs.

That's how Alex saw him after finishing his shower; an arm stretched upward, a milky shoulder showing with the collar sliding off, and his waist revealed because his shirt was pushed upwards. After some more attempts, Elliot was able to reach for it then proceeding to serve the pasta in it. Noticing Alex was finished, still holding on to the bowl of pasta, he called for his mate to join him with a smile, not knowing his scent became even sweeter.

Alex got a quick cold water bath to keep his scent down. He didnt know what's worng. He felt his own forehead and didnt feel any fever. He sighed and wiped himself dry. Being in the toilet of Elliot had him exposed to even more of Elliot's sweet scent.

Coming out, he gulped down seeing Elliot in such a sexy post. He could see his thin waist and the milky whit flesh. He would love to just push that shirt up and see more of his exposed skin, explore his whole body.

He was startled awake by elliot's calling. He cleared his throat and went to his side. "Hmm did you make dessert while I am away?" He asked holding Elliot's waist, his bare palm touched the exposed part of him and he sighed in content...then quickly recollected himseld and helped the omega tug the shirt back down.

Elliot blushed when Alex had touch his bare waist and had even helped him pull his shirt down, not having been aware that it got pulled up. "Y-yes... I managed to make some sweet gelatin while you were gone. They still need some time to cool though." He moved to the table, with his mate still clinging onto him. He didn't think much of his mate's extra clinginess, assuming that the alpha was just being affectionate to him. 

With everything all set, Elliot turned to face Alex. "Now how are you feeling love? Did the shower help? Come on let's eat!" As they ate, the mated pair continued to chat. But the omega was keeping a close eye on the alpha. Something was definitely not right."

Alex thought the dessert is the reason for the sweet scent to strengthen. Be nudged close to Elliot through dinner and put their chairs very close. He even fed him a few times, enjoying how tbe omega would blush and timidly eat from his fork. When they were finished, he could no longer hold back his urge and kissed his cheek. It turned into somethint more heated as he captured Elliot's lips. He deepened the kiss and his hands moved down his waist.

Before they realised it, they were each triggering each other. Alex lifted Elliot up and put him on his lap. They were reaching rhe point of no return.

Alex was very romantic as they ate, and Elliot can only blush with every nudge and feeding his mate gave him. Maybe he shouldn't worry afterall? Maybe his mate just wants to show how much he loves him.

Once they were done, Elliot got to cleaning up the table. He was caught surprised though when Alex suddenly kissed him. He could feel the man's large hand exploring his waist and was going upwards to feel his chest. Our omega was too captivated by the kiss and the heat of the moment to even care. His alpha was giving a scent that told him he needed him, and it made him want to submit and to just please his alpha's rut. He was getting into heat too and was growing quite need for his mate to take him. Their kisses was getting hungrier.

"A- alpha...take me please..." Elliot lost his control and it seemed Alex was nearing his limit also.

"My pleasure, my love." Alex murmured in rrturn. He lifted Elliot up and went to his bedroom, finding the way without problem even though he was busy pressing kisses onto his neck and then his collarbone, determined to leave his mark.

Putting Elliot on the bed, Alex crawled up from the end of the bed and looked at Elliot with a predatorial look. He tugged tbe shirt and removed it altogether, then gasped seeing the flawless body of Elliot. His pink and trembling nipples and his milky white body that almost shone through the dimly lit room. He worshipped his omega, especially at his glands at the neck, couldnt quite get enough of the sweet scent that's his omega.

"Present yourself.... are you soaking wet for me?"

Elliot purred when Alex consented to take him. He was at a loss of words, only being left to gasp and moan as his mate hungrily marked him. His head was getting fuzzy, all he could see clearly was his alpha.

As Alex was busy guiding him to the bed, Elliot was getting wet. That by the time they made it and he was already prepared. "Y-yes alpha.... I'm soaking wet for you. I'm prepared... Please claim me now. I...nghh... Need you." He begged, his entrance was only getting wetter by the minute. The sheets below him were also staring to get wet.

Elliot was panting, cheeks flushed. And it made him look more vulnerable to his predator alpha

It pleased Alex knowing his omega was almost delirious from wanting to submit to him. His hands continued to light fire on Elliot's delicate body. His innocent look aroused Alex even more, and he couldnr wait to make Elliot his own.

He spread Eliot's.legs and smirked when he got a handful of slick. Elliot was indeed very ready, and Alex's cock twitched as well finding a jolt of thrill spiralling down his body. He slipped a finger into Elliot and smiled proudly feeling him clench down tight o his finger. Tbe moans of Elliot was probably the sweetest sound he had ever heard. "Sp beautiful my omega... MINE."

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03-22-2016, 08:09 PM

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