Office MATES
The more that he felt nauseous the more he worried for his health. It was only yesterday  b he got out of hospital, he wouldn't want to be back so soon. So it was really a relief for him when Alex came and helped him feel better. Elliot weakly received the medicine and smiled a bit to Alex's comfort. 

He could feel his stomach starting to settle and Alex's hand warming it was really helping a lot. Elliot hummed at the question of his love. "Y-yeah... Thank you for the help, love." Alex's warmth plus the rocking was making him feel sleepy. He was still out of breath and pale and maybe it would be good that he rest first. But then he remembered work, the project that was to happen today. 

"Alex, what time is it? The launch will be starting soon and we shouldn't be late." Elliot tried to stand up but found that he can't. His legs were like jelly at the moment. Then thoughts of the event failing flashed in him and he became even more determined to go. "Love, help me get ready please " . He could see the worry on his face and he just smiled at him as assurance. "We'll be fine."
"It's still very early, not even 7am now." Alex said, disapproval written all over his face. "You aren't going.... " He shook his head but knew the determined look on his omega, and reluctantly added. "Unless you could at least eat something. Elliot.... you shoudl know you weren't only yourself now." He pulled over Elliot's hand and placed it on his own belly. "think about here.... not one, but 3 little lives are in here. You have to at least eat something to keep your energy up." He said, compromising.

He refused to let Elliot on his own feet yet, and just lifted him off the floor entirely and made their way to the kitchen. He placed him on the coach, far enough from the ktichen and any potential triggering smell of food. Alex thought about his options and thought maybe toast would be best, and searched for the marmalade he had just bought thinking it might work with Elliot's stomach with it being sort of citrus.

He came back with a plain piece of toast and one with marmalade. "Try this first, the jam would give you more energy.... if it didn't work, then we would switch to the plain one." He said sitting down next to Elliot, who just rested tiredly on teh coach, looking very sickly.
Elliot bit his lip when he heard the disapproval of his mate. His eyes looked pleading, and he smiled when Alex changed his mind. "I'll try my best..." If he could stomach anything, he'd eat also knowing that he would need the energy. " I know love, and I'll force myself to eat just so all of them get their nutrients." He put his smaller hand on top of Alex's and sighed. "I'm sorry if it looked that I hadn't thought of them. It's just that the launch is today and the boss will get angry if I'm not there on time... I don't want to lose my job, especially now that we have these 3 angels coming."

Elliot didn't fuss and just let Alex carry him to the couch. He smiled as Alex laid him. His mate was really being gentle with him and it warmed his heart. Alex cooked and he tried to rest, hand rubbing his stomach to warm it.

When Alex came back, Elliot dropped his head on his shoulder. The marmalade looked so inviting but after taking a bite of it, he gagged. Good thing there was a nearby trashcan that he could puke in. "Alex... Let's try plain..." Without the marmalade he thought that his nausea won't be triggered again. He was wrong. It still made him want to vomit but it was more bearable. 

It was a pitiful sight to see. Alex trying his best to feed his omega and Elliot forcing himself to eat in between gags. It continued like this until Elliot had some how finished the whole toast.

He was panting in the arms of his love, still feeling so weak even after eating. "W-what time is it, love?" His hand remained on his bump. He was gently stroking it with his thumb, silently praying that the little ones inside him remain healthy despite him being so sickly.

"The boss might fire me... If I don't come." Unknown to him was that the boss he feared so much was the grandfather of the babies growing in him.
(Haha i would imagine the grandfather to be much higher up... like, still a few levels between them? Anyway, we could work on this)

It pained Alex seeing his mate trying so hard for the babies, it's very difficult and it jsut felt wrong for the inner alpha and also the emotional part of him to let his omega out. He knew, however, that he had made a promise and thatElliot had tried hard to fulfill it. He frowned hard, still not approvif but.nonetheless helped Elliot up. "It's almost 8 now. We would get there on time.... but Elliot..." he hesitated, dont know if he should insist on him staying home.

He heard how Elliot thought his boss would fire him, and in fact that wouldnt happen at all. His father wasnt unforgiving, especially when it camr to issues related to his son. He kenw how much his father loved him, even marginally spoiling his.alpha son, but he did not know whetehr he should.come clean to Elliot right now.

"Please dont worry too much about the launch... you know we would be alright. We know what we are doing after so long, and yes maybe they would feel better to have you present, but even dont we would manage. Elliot... can you promise me one thing?" Alex said helping Elliot to the room to grt changed. "If you feel anything, unwell, nauseous, anything, tell me, and I would find a place for you to rest. Please? You really have scared me that day from how you just collapsed...."
(We have the same idea for Alex's dad. I just didn't know what to call him so I called him the boss. Sorry for the misunderstanding  Blush )

Elliot smiled fondly at his mate despite still losing color. The alpha cared and worried for him and the babies so much that it really was heart warming. He shook his head weakly when Alex was trying to convince him on not coming. "I have to be there... I'm responsible for it. P-presence is a must, love."

They were slow in getting to the room with the omega relying most of his weight to his alpha.. As Alex said his conditions, Elliot knew that there's no option of not following. He knew that their triplets health need to come first now. He hummed in agreement. " I know, love. Actually...I'm getting concerned for them. If I'm not doing too good then that would that mean they're not doing good too?" 

Getting washed up and clothed was a task to do, but luckily by the end of it, Elliot had managed to regain some energy back. He hasn't felt nauseous through the ride to the venue but it didn't put him at ease.

At the venue, Elliot was back to being supervisor and you could see the pressure on him. Employees swarm him waiting for his instructions and he would go to employees making sure they do their job right. Finally all was settled and the event was starting soon. The higher ups were just arriving and as the supervisor he need to present himself and greet them properly. Problem was he was starting to feel light headed with all the activity earlier. Keeping true to his promise, Elliot said to Alex what he felt. But the need to meet the higher ups was also brought up. "I'm sure it will pass. Come with me, love. This event was yours just as it was mine. You also deserve to be there. Besides, if anything is to happen at least it will give us some comfort that you are there to make things better." He kissed Alex's cheeks before leading the man to the VIP table.
(Haha nice. Hmmmm should we make Elliot find out about Alex's true identity here?)

Alex wantef to just put his omega in bed multiple times, bur he understood Elliot cared for what he worked for, and he was a responsible employee that the company should cherish, so he forced himself not to say somethint as selfish.

Alex helped Elliot got dressed and truth be told, he was highly nervous through their way to the venue. He almost thought Elliot would throw up again but thankfully it didnt happen, and getting to work actually had Elliot regian some of his colors - being in work had him forget about a lot of his discomfort. Alex helped give some of the instructions as much as possible, but still peoplr were more used to Elliot being their leader and often they still need to verify with Elliot before being entirely comfortable.

Alex's nerves werr getting to him once Elliot confessed to him about his discomfort. It's after he noticed where they wer eheading that he realised what it meant - it meant Alex is going to face his father - and provably his mother if he guessed right - for the first time since he had marked Elliot.
(You're choice. We can hold it off to when Elliot's already huge and very moody if you like. Alex's parents would just be suspicious of their son having a mate and confront him about it without Elliot knowing. But we can also do it here.)

The table's guests looked so professional that it was actually intimidating. When Elliot came, all eyes were on him as if judging him, but then Alex came behind him and he can't help notice the raised brows of the boss and his wife. "We were expecting only the supervisor. Why is it that you bring an in-training employee here?" The tone of the old man was gentle yet firm. 

Elliot gulped but was determined that he don't take all the credit. "Good morning sir, ma'am and other repsected guests. Welcome to the xxxx launch. We're very thankful for your presence." He greeted receiving nods of acknowledgement, before looking at Alex and introducing him.

"This is Alex. Though he is still under supervision, he had contributed a lot in this event, and was even able to replace me effectively when...I felt unwell." He gulped hoping that they wouldn't mind that he became sick and gave his responsibility to an underling. "I want to introduce him to you so that you could know we have much talented employees in our company." Elliot was holding Alex's hands tightly to handle his nervousness. And though they thought they hid it well, the mother saw the holding hands and had whispered the info to her husband looking very amused. 

Elliot didn't know what was going on and was just waiteing to be dismissed. He looked at Alex whispering to him a silent 'Are you alright?' He had faced a lot of these already and he was worried for Alex thinking that the alpha might be feeling very nervous too.
(Hmm i am a little conflicted. I want to give Elliot a proper wedding and introdiction, but then to have Alex's identity revealed when he was huge would be fun as well.... but either case I think we could postpone it a little :))

While Elliot was busy addressing all the guests, Alex from behind nodded with a smile to all who sat at the VIP table... aside from.his parents, he knew all of them... basically all are aunties and uncles who had known him since he was born. He scratched his head and shrugged when his mother gave him an amusing look, and stared at his dad with the most intimidating look he could muster when he asked about why Elliot brought him forward.

He smiled brightly at how his mate addressed him, and stood up a little taller when he was praised. He groaned inside when he knew his mother had discovered his rrlationhsip - and of course she wouldshare it with his dad.... he would be facing a lot of questions - very soon.

That uneasy look was exactly what Elliot saw when he turned to him, and Alex just squeezed his hand to reassure his mate he was alright. He cleared his throat and started. "Welcome everyone. I am Alex, the newest member of the department and would like to extend my welcome to you all for attneidng this event...." he continued on, acting smooth and in control, letting his confidence show. He didnt notice it himself but soon he was stepping up, standing right nextto Elliot instead of behind him, facing the situation together.

He felt at ease and in control, and the event was soon starting so they politely excused thesmelves and Alex subtly escorted Elliot.out of the way, holding him at the small of his back. "Phew, that's hmm, nervous right?" He said, even though his nervousness was mostly from the amusijg look from everyone. His mother even.pointed at the phone telling him he would be called very soon.
(Alright let's postpone it and we'll just do the reveal whenever you feel it best to happen Blush )

In his nervousness, Elliot didn't notice the knowing looks of the respected guests to Alex, all he thought was that they were looks of judgement made to intimidate the new employee. When Alex came to stand by his side and made his introduction, he felt proud. His mate really had it in him to step up in the company.

The alpha had excused them from the table, and he can't help to sigh in relief, moaning a little to Alex alleviating some back pain by holding him there. "Yeah...I thought I was gonna faint in nervousness." He chuckled. "You know you made me feel proud back there. The way you handled the was as if you were a natural. I confident you'll succeed with your career, love. Maybe even someday we can be both supervisors" the dream of being promoted to a higher position died on him but he was comforted with the thought that at least Alex can be on the same level and more as he.

The event started and so far so good. Elliot still went about places to make sure all remains organized. It was tiring but it was assuring to have his mate with him to share with his stress and discomfort. He can only smile fondly as he could watch how dedicated Alex was in his work and into making sure he doesn't overwork himself.

It was lunch time and all was starting to eat except him. He still needed to make sure that the second half of the event will also go smoothly, and it would be alright if he wasn't getting hungry. He tried to postpone it as much as he can but then he felt dizzy and good thing Alex was there to stable him. "Love, can you bring me some crackers? You should eat too."
(Hmm right now I am thinkinng perhaps 5 months. When Elliot's lookign quite big?)

Alex smiled at Elliot, proud that he had made his supervisor look good. "I am your apprentice and I learnt from you, it's all thanks to you." Indeed even if Alex's confidence might not have all come from Elliot's teaching, he knew he learnt about this.departmnet from his mate. He could only smile wider when Elliot mentioned about being supervisors.... if only he knew that he probably.would becme more than that.

It again scared Alex when Elliot stumbled in his steps when the dizziness hit. He was watching Elliot with careful eyes and noticed it was past 2pm. His mate needed to eat considering he had only a plain toast that morning. He nodded and brought Elliot to a resting room where some of the staff made preparations and makeup. Thankfully ir was empty now and Alex quickly put Elliot to sit.

"Stay here." He said to Elliot and quixkly went out to get some food. He was a little annoyed wirh himself. He should have watched more careuflly. Just now when everybody's eating and enjoying the luncheon, he should have stopped Elliot from the follow up work. As a result if his annoyance to himself, he looked stern and the alpha scent become a little more aggressive.

Slipping back into the room, he had with him some crackers and as before, a bit of jam and a piece of lemon tart, hoping Elliot could at least eat something sweet to.raise his blood sugar level. He offered the glass of lemonade. "Do you want to try this? Or we could get just water. Or somethign warm?" He asked, kneeling in front of Elliot, his brows still tightly knitted together.
(That's fine with me. At five months it is then?)

Elliot rested in the empty room he was led in and was actually very anticipating of the food he will be brought by his mate. He rubbed his bump as he waited, apologizing to the little ones that he had let go hungry.

Alex came back and you could see how the omega beamed at the sight of the food. But then his smile was gone when he saw the aggressive look of his alpha. It unsettled him that though he was hungry, he was unsure whether to eat or not. He wanted to ask what was wrong but the knit of his love's eyebrows told him that he should just do what he wanted him to do, to eat something. The food was received by the omega well. It didn't made him want to puke. But the unsettling feeling of his mate being angry with him or to something prevented him from fully enjoying his meal. The knitted eyebrows didn't come off and he would even hear some occasional snarls and huffs of annoyance from him. It made him think that maybe Alex was getting tired of putting up with him and his symptoms.

They were together but the room was silent. The aura was tense in the room and it was really uncomfortable to Elliot who was quickly filling with worry and guilt. The atmosphere between them was so tense that he flinched when another employee came and said that he had been looking for him. "Sir, something came up with the final act and we were wondering what would you like us to do about it?" The employee was oblivious to what their situation was. Elliot just nodded but another snarl from his alpha restricted him from saying any more. He gulped and slightly shooked in fear. "I-I will just go there... thank you." Once the employee closed the door again, Elliot let out a shaky breath. "A-Alex... can I?" He feared that Alex would disapprove and he'll get in more trouble with his alpha.
(Yea i guess around 5 months... when Elliot will look almost like full term if he was having one baby?)

Alex was still immeesed in his own emotions and was talking to himself which meant the snarls and huffs were towards himself. He grabbed his own bite and was eating as well, his mind wandering to how he could convince Elliot into retiring from the event early.

The employee barging in startled Alex from his thoughts and he nodded and took care of what remained from his dish, and lookrd at Elliot prepared to convince him into staying here... then he saw how he was all fearly.

Alex was apologetic immediately. He didnt know how he had caused his omega distress again and he just realised how aggressive his scent had become. He suppressed it immedoately and approached Elliot, kneeling down to make himself appear less intimidating. "Elliot... I am so sorry. I didnt know what's wronf with me... " when he realised his mistake, he found himself unable to start the lecture he was about to say, and smiled as gently as he could. "Alright, let's go. We are heading out but if you feel any discomfort, tell me ok? Do you want to have another few pieces of crackers? How about we get a refill before heading out?" He said smiling, trying to lighten up the mood.
(Oohh... the drama when that happens. I can imagine Elliot feeling very betrayed and struggling on not having his mate help him anymore.)

Elliot was at first reluctant to believe that Alex was then really alright. The scent became less intimidating and was replaced by a much gentler one but still it was doubtful especially when the mood change seemed sudden. But maybe he just ought to have faith that his mate was sincere on his apology and that he didn't really mean to make him feel that way. He thought he'd test his waters.

"I-it's alright... I'd tell you, if I feel anything off." the voice wasn't confident, not knowing if it would trigger another negative response from the alpha. At the offer of more food, Elliot blushed but nodded. He was still feeling hungry after finishing what had been given to him. He was just too scared to ask for more earlier.

So they had their refill and when they came out of the room, he could be seen munching from a plate full of crackers. But just as the supervisor and his mate went out, an angry employee of higher position to him came and was looking very annoyed. "Elliot! You were called to fix a problem and you should be fixing it already! Not here eating like a pig! Should I remind you that you are the supervisor of this event? Act like it." Elliot put down the cracker he was munching on back to the plate feeling guilty. Alex was trying his best to cheer the omega up and encouraging him to just continue eating when the higher up sneered at the alpha also.

"You're his mate, right? You should be supporting him on being a good supervisor rather than influencing him to slack off." Elliot just bowed his head. The hormones were playing on him and he felt like crying. 

"I'm sorry, ma'am. We're sorry. I-I'll get the problem fixed...right away." He was almost pulling his mate to the direction where they needed to be, not wanting that he will be seen as weak if ever his tears betray him and fall.
(Hmmm yes. Alex would be following Elliot around like an abandoned little puppy - alright, perhaps an abandoned fierce wolf is more like it. Maybe he would fell ill at Elliot's doorstep because he got tired out needing to manage both works as Elliot's subordinate and starting to pick up business from his dad?)

how timid Elliot still appeared to be made Alex to feel even more guilty. He should remember Elliot was in a delicate state of mind now and should be more cautious of his appearance and also attitude. He kicked himself on teh inside and nudged closer to Elliot, helping him to another serve of crackers happily as he reminded him sometimes to get some more lemonade. The sugar would be good for maintianing his energy.

The snorty lady came and Alex was very tempted to just step up. He knew this lady for her repuation around. She's a good actor, always putting on her mask as a polite and hardworking staff in front of higher-ups, but then in frotn of her subordinates she was a nasty boss. Alex held Elliot's hand as he wanted to put down the plate of food, knowing he was far from satsified and probably still quite hungry, when he became the one getting attacked. He stared at the lady and tried to suppress his fury, not wanting to make too much of a scene.

Hearing elliot's feeble sound, he was heartbroken and he knew he had to step up. He shielded Elliot behind himself and looked straight into the mean supervisor. "You should give more sympathy towards your subordinates. Elliot had missed lunch and was just gettting a bite, and you are bossing around without knowing the situation. I knew there was a problem and we were notified of it already. I'm his subordinate and also his mate. I would support whatever he was doing and back him up in work, but on top of it, his wellbeing was my top priority. Go ahead and ask your boss, I think no supervisors here would say their staff should put their work above their health." He said sternly, his alpha scent and the natrual sense of superiority oozed out from him and the beta woman took at step back, not knowing what had hit her for betas were insenstiive to scents, but nonetheless was affected from its effect.
(sorry if this is late? can't wait for that time to happen! I really like the plot of it! Then Elliot would have to struggle taking care of his mate while being heavily pregnant plus the inner conflict of whether he should forgive Alex or not.)

Though the woman didn't smell anything, there was something in how the alpha defended his omega that made her step back. She quickly regain composure and sneered at the two. "No good supervisor will put his priorities first before the company's. I don't care what your situation is and I have all right to have no sympathy. I am higher than you so remember your position!" Elliot didn't really like to be scolded. His face was getting red from suppressing the want to cry. The woman saw this and snickered.

"I knew you were a weak one, even more now that you revealed yourself as omega. Needing to rely on your mate to fill your short comings... What a loser." She left with a nasty look on her face, the click of her heels sounding heavy. 

Elliot let out a shaky breath and glanced up to Alex. He saw how tense Alex had become and moved to rub the large arms of his mate. "Let's just go to the area, love... She's always like that. Just ignore her." His glasses were low on his nose and the red of his cheeks can't be hidden. Nonetheless despite his depression (and slight hunger) he carried on with his task. The final act was more of a mess than he expected it to be and it cost him a lot of energy just to make it organized again. He could see that even Alex got stressed with all the dysfunction that there was. Luckily they were still able to fix all in time and the program went on to to it's end smoothly. He gave his final speech of thanks as the supervisor and the event was finally done.

Guests started leaving, but Elliot can't think of anything more than to rest with his mate. So while the guests exit, the two of them were at a discreet corner. Elliot was panting and a bit sweaty but there was a smile on his face as he leaned against Alex. "We did it... They say it was a success! Thank you for all the help, love. I'm just happy that we're able to accomplish this even with the pregnancy making it harder for us." He chuckled. His hand was rested on his small bump and it just cupped the little swell. "The three of you must be tired as well... I'm sorry for making it hard for you too."
(Nah it's ok i know real life precedes rp LOL aww Alex would act like the poorest puppy in the world, always looking at Elliot with apologetic eyes even when he suffered from a high fever and could barely get out of bed :))

Alex almost bursted in anger, and seeing Elliot so close to tears just made everything ten times woese and had rhe lady stayed for any second longer, Alex was quite sure he would blow his cover and told the lady outrightly she waa fired on the spot. Had his parents heard what she just said, they would only support his decision. He was still fumy when eh felt Elliot's touch, he remembered how he had scared him before and suppressed his anger as much as possible and followed after his mate.

Then his mind was not free to think about the incident anyymore. To get the program back on track, he was finding himself running around and alking with a million people giving them specific instructions. There were simply too many things to settle that he had to work simultaneously with Elliot on different places, making sure everything would go fine again. Even he was exhausted, granted he covered most outdoor areas including the garden and dealt with the press so Elliot could avoid the hot sun, but still it's very draining.

Alex watched from under the stage and was proud of how his mate gave such a crisp and nice ending speech, and he had been there when he stepped down, marking the very end of the event. He smiled and hugged his mate close. "You are the one more affected.... want some juice and cracker first to keeep the babies happy first? I am planning on some home cooking with grabdma's secret recipe but it could be time consuming..... or we could eat out as well. What do you feel like?" Alex half carried Elliot to hide behind the curtains and gave him a very quick kiss holding his undoubtedly tired back.
( thanks.  Blush hahaha Alex would be so cute and Elliot will be so conflicted and panicky to make his puppy better.)

Elliot smiled at how proud he had made Alex of him and allowed himself some self praise. At the offer of eating, his stomach rumbled, and he laughed as he rubbed circles on it. "Juice and crackers definitely... The little ones are still hungry from earlier and interrupting them from their feed made them hungrier." Alex laid out their eating options, and he salivated at hearing grandma's food. At the realization, he quickly wiped the drool before Alex could notice. 

" i like better the option of you cooking grandma's recipe. I-it's been a while since I started...c-craving it." Elliot would cook it every day if only he knew how. He didn't want to bother his mate to waste time just to cook him the meal at early or late hours of the day. Both of them were 
(His puppy might act weaker than he really felt... just to get some sympathy from his pregnant mate. Hmm let me see, perhaps trying to wobble out of bed and pretend he would collapse, luring Elliot to come by and then grab him by his waist tightly, claiming he would never let him go?)

Alex did not see Elliot drooling but he saw how he wiped his mouth and guessed as much. He chuckled. "You should have told me..... hmm then I should cook it everyday. Make sure both you and the little ones are well fed. Especially dinner when they could accommodate food the most." He smiled and grabbed Elliot's waist to bring him over to the buffet session and asked the serving watier to give them whatever crackers were left and took away teh whole bottle of lemonade to get back the car. Elliot could snack on the snacks on theri way back - and probaby loosen up his shirt so his slight bump wouldn't be so constricted.
(hahaha the reply that I sent was unfinished. I was supposed to save it as draft when I couldn't finish. I was unaware that I sent it, but either way it still works?   Blush you're getting me really exited for the future plot. Really looking forward to it. I can imagine the fluff between all angst it would just be so romantic!)

His cheeks only got redder being caught by his mate. But still his eyes shone in anticipation that soon he'll be satisfying his craving. He did try other substitutes, but still none can seem to compare grandma's recipe. Elliot licked his lips. He could already taste the sourness of the meal.
"That's really nice of you, love...but I don't want to bother you often for it, and you know how the babies get hungry. Maybe you could teach me? Share the burden of the cravings?" He chuckled. Elliot thought he was just missing his grandma so he felt that he need to eat her specialty. Who knew it was already the pregnancy cravings?

Since no one would be eating the leftovers, Elliot had indulged himself to get many of the crackers. Of course only enough to satiate his hunger. 

Settling in the car, Elliot moaned from a bit of discomfort. His bump was aching and he rubbed it, fumbling to unfasten the button of his now tight coat. It was already uncomfortable to wear during the event and now sitting down made it tighter. When the button was released, a sigh of relief was made. Elliot kept on rubbing it as to alleviate the dull ache that remained. Though still in discomfort, Elliot can help smile. This means their babies are growing well in him. And then there was a rumble that reminded him that he need to eat. And so he began snacking on the crackers.

"If we have time, maybe we should try buying bigger business suits. Are there even made for paternity?" He chuckled. 
(Haha guessed as much, i was going to ask in my last post but forgot when i finished my part LOL yep couldnt wait for that as well!)

"Hey, i am glad i could cook for you! Let me be your personal chef, I am so happy i.could do that." Alex smiled indulgrntly at Elliot. He liked how his mate just broke into such a big smile from mentioning grandma's recipe. He laughed when Elliot stuffed himself with crackers even before they reached the car, looking almost like a hamster.

He glanced at him with slight worry when he heard the groan of.pain, but smiled when he heard Elliot's sigh of relief. He turned away to stop himself from gawking too much - somehow, like after just a day, his bump.appeared to be larger already. "Hmm yep I think we need paternity ones. I am quite sure they have it, there are male omegas anyway." He smirked glancing at his bump. Elliot is destined to grow very large if he felt the need for paternity suits this early on in his pregnancy. He still got almost 8 months ahead and the babies still had a lot of time to grow. Alex also took a mental note that he should rub his belly after they got back, for he saw the somewhat pained expression on Elliot when he loosened his jacket.

When they arrived, Alex, as sweet as he always was, opted to lift Elliot up from his seat. "Let me do the walking for you... you have been on your feet for too long already." He smiled, his arm fitting just the right way behind his back to give him the support he needed.

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