Office MATES
"Ah...ah thank you." Alex own praise to his fertility and ability to keep the babies healthy made the omega felt accomplished as a worthy mate for his alpha. But Elliot still knew he was still guilty for letting himself go a bit underweight. "I'm really sorry about that.

Elliot groaned at the reminder of active triplets at night. His mood though shifted with hearing Alex's high liking to omegas like him. Elliot blushed. "Alphas are not that bad, love. I was actually hoping that at least one of them be alpha." He said while slowly rubbing his belly. "Our child that is same with you, strong and protective."

Elliot was clearly not happy with being grounded on the couch. He'd pout but both mate and grandma can't be swayed; so he gave up and just accepted his fate.

He was getting bored but still was able to endure. Elliot was curious on how Alex and grandma was doing and he can't even check on them to see. He sighed. It was going well until he got sight of the bowl of peaches on the dining table. Suddenly he was craving for it. Alex and grandma weren't looking, maybe he could sneak to get them.

He tried getting up. The couch was lower than his usual that it made it even harder to lift himself. But he wanted to eat those peaches, the babies do, and he knew he won't be at peace until he had them. He was already near salivating! 

Elliot gripped on the edge hard and tried but he only went sitting back again. He tried for about three times and honestly he was getting frustrated. On his fouth attempt he was able to rise from the couch to a standing position; but with legs shaky from effort then tripping, he was back to sitting, only he now landed on the floor.

"Why can't I do it on my own? I'm a supervisor yet I can't even do this!." Elliot was so frustrated with his failure that his hormones made him quite emotional. He wasn't injured or anything from he fall but he felt so weak and useless. He was crying for his thought, and also for the unobtained peaches. So when Alex and grandma ran to him, they must've thought he was injured.
(I really love your detailed descriptions ;)that lovely reaction from elliot always manage to melt my heart!)

The dull thud indicating an accidnet happenint at the living room abruptly stopped the light and happy conversation of grandma and Alex. Alex was faster and he resched Elliot not a second later. He dropprd to his knees and anxiously touched his mate. "Elliot! What happened? Where are you hurting?" He cupped his face, his hear breaking seeing his omega's tears.

Elliot hiccuped and just shook his head, whcih made Alez even more anxious. "It's ok babe, it's ok. Dont worry about talking, we should just calm down. Yea, calm down is good. Now deep breathes..." he said, hyperventilating himsslf in scare of his mate being hurt, and worst of all, if the babies were also hurt. He even stole a glance at Elliot's legs and underneath him, hoping not t9 find any bloodstain - and luckily there arent any.

Alex hugged Ellipt close, patting his back as his omega cried into his shoulder, and his heart was pumping fast himself. "It's alright, grandma's here, i am here, I would call the ambulance right away so we could get to the nearest hospital. It's alright love." He said holding the back of his neck, caressing Elliot's bitemark to calm him.
(Thank you!  Blush I also love your replies! You reply with much consideration for the plot and your partner that it makes me so giddy to read your replies!)

Elliot knew he was grieving for his peaches, and he thought that maybe Alex understood too what he was feeling, comforting him that he isn't weak and that he can have his craving fulfilled soon. He was still sobbing hard when Alex said he'd be bringing him to the hospital. Not yet able to speak, he tried shaking his head. He's not injured and it will only be a waste of time. 

"N-no....pea...pea.." Elliot also tried talking but before he can even say it he was up in Alex's bridal carry hold. He saw his beloved peaches get farther and farther away and that, blame hormones, made him more upset.

At the hospital, Elliot was happy that the doctor understood his dilemma and was able to give him his peaches. He was happily eating them when Alex and grandma entered. When he saw them he stopped eating and blushed in embarrassment. The doctor chuckled.

"Elliot and the babies are all good. It seemed he fell gently and hadn't any damaging impact. Just a strain on one of his foot, nothing that can't heal overnight."

"Then why is my grandson crying?" Inquired grandma. 

"He was strongly craving for peaches. He told me he was trying to get up to get them on his own only to fail and have him landing on the floor instead, frustrated."
(Yeah same here! LOL sorrey for the delay I didnt have time to.complete this reply earlier today....)

Alex sighed in relief and it was a moment later that he started to get how.hilarious the situation was. All that drama just for peaches. It had taken Elliot falling down, him.summoning the helicopter, and a visit to the hospital coupled with Elliot crying nonstop throughout the way. He sat down on the bed, next to Elliot, and couldnt help but burst into laughter again seeing his mate's mouth stuffed with peaches like a squirrel.

Taking another piece from the bowl of peaches, he moved away when Elliot tried to snatch it. "Uhuh, swallow what's in your mouth first." He smiled, already foreseeing themselves saying that to their future children. "And next time, you should just tell us you wnated to get up. Or.outright call for us to bring the peaches over. It's not making you any less of the man you are, do remember you are carrying 3 babies inside, which was the only reason why you couldnt manage even everyday stuff." Alex smiled kissinh Elliot, getting himself a lipful of peach juice.

He fed Elliot the piece of fruit in his hands and exchanged a smile witb grandma. Turning to the doctor, he asked just to be sure. "So aside from the light twist on his feet, there's nothing wrong? The babies are also in good conditions? Should he be on bed rest just for safe measures?" If he need to, Alex could definitely keep Elliot on bedrest for the whole week, no matter how strongly his.lover protests. "And can he handle another airlift right away? Can I get him.home now?" He added immediately, not liking spending his night here in a hospital, probably alone.
Elliot wanted to be upset that Alex was obviously laughing at him but the peaches he was having was so good that he can't be bothered anymore. He was just too happy to be finally satisfying his cravings.

Elliot loved his peaches so much and thinking that his mate will be taking away one got him possessive. Though he eventually retaliated with being reminded that he had still many of the fruit. Once he had eaten all that's in his mouth, he was snatching up the stolen peach. 

"I-I'm sorry. It's just you and grandma seemed busy and I don't want to bother you with something unnecessary like getting a bowl of peaches. But I was craving for them so much that I... I didn't expect I'd fall if I do it on my own. Sorry I've endangered our babies..." Elliot gladly received the incoming kiss, really needing that comfort from his mate. Never mind that his lips had bits of fruit and was dripping with juice. Peach and Alex actually taste good together.

Grandma smiled back to Alex and laughed at the cuteness display of his two grandsons. Elliot was just happy he get to eat his stolen peach.

The doctor also smiled at the two.
"Yes, there is nothing wrong and the babies are as healthy as they can be in this stage. I suggest a few days bed rest for him to have his foot really heal. And yes, you can fly him by helicopter and bring him home." Elliot joined in with the relief of his grandma and love. But he frowned... seeing there's no more of his beloved fruit in the bowl.

"Can I have more?"
"Ok, thanks so much doctor." Alex thanked the kind man. He turned back to his family and got Grandma to sit down as well. "Hmm I guess our visit would have to be cut short.... i am so sorry grandma, I was planning for a lovely afternoon togehter. Too bad, we would come again, after Elliot had gotten his rest.let's see if he would still be small enough to be contained in the chopper by then..." he looked at grandma apologetivally.

Turning to Elliot, Alex shook his head. "Nope. That's too much already... you would complain that you got a stomachache later if you eat too much." The alpha said in a stern voice, though he knew he probably would lose in this battle. His bottomline was only anogher half a bowl, for too much of anything shouldnt be too good for the omega.

Alex decided he could at least try one last time to distract Ellipt from his peaches, and decided to kiss his forehead. "You have scared the shit outta me.... honey, can you please dont do that again?i have been so worried... i had even looked for blood back there inagining the worst...
(I'm really sorry it took me so long to reply!)

"Oh don't worry about me. I'm just happy that I get to at least know my favorite grandson is well and expecting. The little time you had spent with this old lady was more than enough. Now make sure that he recovers well, okay dear?" Grandma laughed at Alex's words about Elliot becoming too big for the helicopter, and it was more amusing for her seeing Elliot glaring to the alpha with a pout.

"What do you mean with what you said, love? I'm pregnant with triplets, not a growing whale! Of course I can still be 'contained by the chopper'." His tone hinted displeasure. The omega was made even more upset when he was denied of having more peaches. But this time his being upset was no longer of anger; Elliot looked ready to cry.

"B-But I still want to eat peaches... the babies still want peaches. We're craving for it. I don't mind the stomachache, we just want to eat love. Please honey." His pleads were hushed by Alex kissing him on the forehead. His love's words rang through him and he was now filled with guilt. Alex was successful taking his mind off the fruit.

"I'm sorry... I promise I won't do it again. I didn't mean to make yo u so worried, and I even let you imagined the worst. I'm really sorry, hon! I was thinking of only myself and didn't think of the consequences. Please forgive me?"
(Haha it's ok. It's always a nice to see you back!)

Alex was panicking when he saw the tears welling up in Elliot's eyes, his mate's tears was the best weapon to him, so when Elliot finally didt press on the peaxh issue, he was quite relieved. Until his mate became so guilty he again was on the brink of tears. Alex was so panciked he didnt now what to do, sitting closer he hugged Elliot tight and attempt to wipe away his tears, only to be met with eveb morefalling from Elliot's bright eyes.

"No, no, dont cry mt love, of course I forgive you! It's no.pronlem, you are the priority now. Nothing you do would make me angry at you, absolutely nothing. You are the king, my king.... my prrgnant king." Alex decided he coukd kiss away the tears, might be more effective while his lover hiccuped, his belly jiggling as a result.

Just then the nurse knocked and brouvht in another half bowl of pea ch, which Alex really thought was godsent. Ge quicklh took over and offered one to Elliot. "Please babe, smile for me again?" He almost begged, looking at him with eyes that said he was running out of ideas to make his lover happy again.
(thank you! :D )

His mood swings were really playing with him. Just a few sweet words from Alex got him in good spirits again and was now chuckling. "T-Thank you for understanding love."

Elliot's eyes shone at the offer of peaches. He gave his best smile to his love as requested. "You're the best honey!" And he was back to his happy stupor of eating peaches. But for a moment he was snapped out of it when he saw the relieved fond smile of his mate. "I love you Alex. I'm sorry if I'm becoming too pushy with you. Thank you for being so patient with me and my pregnancy." And sweet lips met with his love's again.

After a few hours, the couple said their goodbyes to grandma and was now boarding the copter back home. However while Alex was busy preparing, Elliot began to feel some stomach aches, not painful but uncomfortable. It was only dull ache now but he knew with the amount he had eaten, the aches may get worse. Hopefully that won't happen. Maybe he should have listened to Alex when he said one bowl was enough (in the end he managed to eat two bowls full of peaches).

Elliot was becoming uncomfortable that he had sat down in a corner, rubbing his belly with a small frown. He waited for Alex to finish. He really wanted to be home and be comfortable.

(The stomach aches can be just a passing thing if you want. I'm not really sure on how should we go next so I thought maybe another filler. Up to you on how we will proceed! You're always great with your plots!)
(Haha am i good with plots? I have you to thank to accommodate for my sometimes old school ideas! You are playing along with so many of my interests I love rping with you!)

(Hmm, i think some belly rubs should relief that stomachache. Then maybe Elliot has started lactating and he was so embarrassed he attempted to hide it? I am thinking something sexy... )

Alex was busying communicating with the pilot on the way to the hospital and where best to drop them off . Be would want to take Elliot home as soon as possible. When he finally settles everything and gets back to his onega, he noriced his.pale looks.

"Ellior, you alrighr? Are you feeling pain again?" With his condition, he wondered if he should get back down to the hospital, but his omega just shook his head and smiled at him. Alex squeezed his hand and quickly brought him to be seated, running slightly through the srrong wind from the paddles.

He buckled up for Elliot and saw his hand kept rubbing on his stomach, instead of on his belly like before, and knew he didnt try to say it, not eanting to make Elliot feeling even worse, but just silently grabbed the paper bag preparesd at the side pocket.

The flight was almost smooth, but when they land, it's slightly bumpy and Alex can see Elliot going green, but Elliot held on. He looked white as a sheet but at leadt when Alex unbuckled his seatbelt, he was still ok - only to cover his mouth when he stpped on land again. Alex jist glt there in time to open the paper bag for him to spew into.
(Hahaha :D  Well I'm quite fond of old school as well so that's really more of a bonus to me than anything! We share almost same interests so it's fun, and yeah, love rping with you too!)

(Okay Elliot gets better after a few belly rubs. I'm okay with the lactating. When do you want it to start: the same day, tomorrow, a few days later, or after the gender reveal?)

"I'm fine, don't worry. They're just being active again." He lied but it was because he knew how his mate would worry, and he shouldn't be bothered with something as simple as a stomach ache.

Elliot wasn't so keen on admiring the sky view anymore. He was rubbing his stomach continuously. The pain was getting stronger and he had whimpered from the ache a few times. He was having cold sweat from all the discomfort. Hopefully he wasn't getting Alex too worried.

It was going well, it was bearable, until it neared the end and the helicopter got bumpy. Elliot's nausea increased and he blanched. He had leaned his head to Alex's shoulder and was trying his best not to puke. When they landed, Elliot was just thankful it was over; but then with shaky legs he got down and instantly his stomach lurched. Good thing Alex was there with the paper bag. After he was done, he felt so drained; and his stomach ache was still there. He fell into his knees but he was still more focused on rubbing his belly to relieve the pain. Why can't it pass quickly like it does usually?

"Alex...m-my stomach hurts. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you." Elliot had groaned and Alex had came to comfort him and help him up, which ended up with the omega being carried by the alpha. "I really want to go home and feel better already. Babies are getting upset too."
(After the gender reveal sounds good ;) hmm maybe at first it's at home, then when they went out somehow, he started lactating from seeing some other mothers feeding their kids?)

Alex was quick to lift Elliot up, he couldnt just let his omega struggle with how exhausted he was already. The alpha wanted to suggest another trip to the hospital, but he understand that the omega preferred home much more than another trip to a strange bed in a strange room. He struggled mentally before agreeing.

With them.tugged at the back of the seat, Alex had the foresight to call for his chaffeur to give them a lift. He needed to put all his focus on his mate. At the back seat, Elliot curled up into a ball on his lap. Alex kissed Elliot's sweaty face and rubbed his back. "It's ok, this.would pass. We should have some medicine at home, and it would make the pain go away very soon. Dont worry my love...." at this stage, Alex was really more guilty than anything else. He shouldnt have allowrd for that second bowl of peaches....

Alex palmed Elliot's stomach throughout their way back, thankful that the ride didnt trigger anotehr round of nauseous. He thanked the chefffeur and quickly rbought Elliot back home, the omega staying still in his arms, curled up still, as tight as he mamaged with the belly
(Okay :D )

Elliot was so grateful to have his love with him at the back of the car. It made the ride home better for him, he didn't have to endure the pain alone. Alex didn't mind that he was now sweaty all over. He still cared for him and that touched his heart, making him feel a bit better. His kisses cooled him and the belly rubs were helping. They also helped in getting him distracted from his stomach ache. "Love,lease take away the pain... I'm so tired... I just want to sleep already." Elliot whimpered pitifully.

Everything went a blur to him with Alex's rubs the only thing he was aware of. Before he knew it, his mate was gently laying him on the bed and helping him to get in his sleep wear. "I'm really sorry for this hon... if only I have listened." Elliot almost didn't want Alex to go when his mate had to leave to get the medicine. He was thankful that at least his love was quick to return. The medicine was as expected bitter but the pain was slowly going away so he didn't complain. 

He was joined by Alex on bed after, and with the larger frame of the alpha already inviting him, Elliot went closer to snuggle. Alex had him in his embrace with one hand joining his on rubbing his huge belly. "Never again with peaches. Even if the babies crave them, I'll just find some other alternative." then Elliot became silent for a minute, before continuing with a guilty sigh. " I've ruined our trip to grandma's. I'm such a pig, letting my cravings get the best of me. I-I'm sorry Alex."
"No, no... please dont be sorry over soemthing that's not your fault at all. I should be more sensitive in this, if only I have noticed peaches is all that you wanted..." alex cooed over Elliot. He loved his mate and the last thing he wanted was to make Elliot cry. "Please babe... it's the babies' fault. Really. We should blamr these little ones for causing all this trouble." The alpha joked patting Elliot's back as the omega snuggled close to him.

It's nice and warm, and Alex just wanted to make his omega feel better - a lot better. He rubbed his belly, and then also his stomach, warming his omega to relieve him of any remnant discomfort he had. He was aware tElliot seemed to be a little more cuddly than usual, and Alex was enjoying it every second. Elliot looked so small and lovely, he just wanted to shield him away from any harm.

"And dont sacrifice peaches! Just not too many at a tine - though a healthy diet is always recommended. Peaches at least isnt any weird combination of food.... try not to ask for peanut butter on pasta or anything like that..." alex smiled and continued rubbing Elliot's large belly, luring his mate to sleep.
(sorry I'm late again!)

"The babies' fault?" Elliot had to chuckle at that. Suddenly he was feeling less guilty. "It's not their fault they were hungry, Alex." He playfully kissed his love's nose and went deeper in the embrace. It was sort of a relief to the craving male that he won't really need to end it with his peaches, but at Alex's comment, Elliot had raised (sleepily) a brow. "What if I did crave for something weird? (Yawn) like ice cream with tuna, ketchup and pickles? Hmm... That sounds (yawn) yummy..." His love's belly rubs were really making him so relaxed that he soon was fast asleep. "Love you..."

Day of gender reveal 

Elliot woke to the sound of an alarm. Did Alex set this? But why is it so early? It's barely 7 and they usual get up at 9. Alex was also no where to be seen, but he was sure that it was because his mate was already making breakfast. He slowly sat himself and went thinking. It almost felt like he was forgetting something important. But what is it?

"Angels, do you know what daddy's forgetting?" The babies were being active like they were excited or anxious for something too.
(Haha not at all! Been busy for me as well lately....)
It's a relief seeing his mate again in his cheerfuk self, and his yawns couldnt have been cuter. He continued his rubs and hid the disgusted look when Elliot mentioned about the weird food combinations, amd hoped sincerely his little omrga wohld forget about them when he was again awakr.

Alex had been so excitef he wokr up even brfore the alarm. Hr sneakrd off bed, and prepared brrakfsst for his mate while checking a few work emails. He had taken up some of the daily opetations of the company, ehile acting as Elljot's replacement while he was at home. Alex had inssited on him.staying at home after that day to gradnma's.

It's their big day. With a tray of full breakfast in his hands, the alpha came up to his omega talking to his belly. His look was so confused, and he seemed like he was genjinely wajting for an answer from the belly, Alex couldnt help.with the chuckle. He sat down on the bed, facing Elliot, and ruffled his fluffy hair. "You are forgetting some thing again? Awe love, you indeef have a serious baby brain."
(thank you! I hope you're still doing good despite being so busy?)

Elliot blushed when Alex came ruffling his hair then commenting on his forgetfulness. "So I am forgetting something?" his eyebrows knitted as he tried hard to remember what this day was. "Don't tell me I have an important meeting to attend to?" Not taking a leave from work wasn't an option for Alex and his in-laws after all that happened at grandma's. At least he knew all was still in good hands even if he was absent with his love taking his place, and he was still involved with work through phone calls and emails so maybe it was a meeting he forgot.

Elliot had let out a sigh of relief when his love just chuckled and shook his head. But still it troubled him. There had been a few more guesses until he finally gave up remembering on his own. "Okay, I can't think of anything more. Please tell me, love."

The babies kept fussing about in his stomach that he had to adjust himself for a more comfortable position. "Whatever it is it's making the little ones fussy." he said as he rubbed his bump. In all his confusion, the breakfast went unnoticed by the omega. It was only noticed when he'd smelled the delicious aroma of the food making him realize that he was actually starting to get hungry. For the effort that was made, he gave his love a kiss. "But I still want to know first what's so special about this day."
(Yea, still good... even though it had left me with little time around for timely replies ;()

It's cute seeing Elliot trying so hard with remmebring. This had been the worst so far, Elliot usually would have recalled something by now if that's work related - perhaps it's because of how he treated his job. His own personal matters comes as secondary

Alex laughed out loud when he heard faint growls from Elliot's stomach, and finally gave in. "Yea, n order not to starve these little ones, I am gonna tell you. We are going to the doctor's today! Time for gender reveal..." alez said with a smirk, holding E-iot's large belly and kissed it. "Bbaies are getting.nervous as eell? Dont be.... daddy and 'mommy' woukdnt be judging you by your gender.... we would be raising you up as nice individuals either way. So please dont be shy and let us know smoothly today." He smiled at Elliot, looking up from.his belly.

They went down for breakfast hand in hand, it was a nice day - just the perfect weather for some suspense getting lifted. Alex couldnt wait to see what theybwould be having - even tbough it didnt really matter as long ad they were healthy and strong.
"Gender reveal..." Elliot's eyes widened in realization before breaking out to a happier mood. "Today's our babies' special day and I forgot!" He chuckled along Alex's sweet words of encouragement to the triplets. The term that was used for him didn't go unnoticed but maybe he can let it pass for now. Alex looked so adorable holding and talking to his belly like that; how could he ruin the joy of something so pure? "I hope you forgive 'mommy' little ones. Daddy's right, we're both excited to see you so don't be afraid to show us your genders. We'll love you no matter what."

Breakfast became with excited chats of what they think the genders will be. Both of them agreed that none had particular genders, just hoping that all three are healthy and strong.

They made it to the doctors without problem. They were called in and Alex helped Elliot to get up on the bed. "I hope we really get to see what they are today, Alex." He had said as they waited for the doctor to come.

The doctor came and soon the three babies were revealed in the monitor. They really listen to their daddy because all of them had turned so they were facing front. "You have very cooperative children I see." The doctor smiled and Elliot beamed at Alex. "They listen well to their daddy."

"Okay, so as we can clearly see, you're having a boy, a girl, and another boy! Congrats you two!" Elliot's sight were getting blurry with tears of joy. "Love, two boys and a girl. How does that sound to you?"
Somehow, Alex loved calling.Elliot.mommy. he would keep that as an affectionate nickname perhaps. After the babies are born, if Elliot didnt like being referred to in the feminine way, he would keep that in their bedroom... it's just so endearing and slightly naughty, Alex just find it incredibly suiting to Elliot.

Alex helped Elliot up to the bed. He had noticed rhe bed was somewhat tall for Elliot to.climb up, probably having more to do with his height - or lack of it being a petit man himself - and the added weight of the three babies. He wss so nervous when he looked at the screen, and smiled widely at Elliot when he mentioned thr babies listening to him well. Indeed they quite liker their daddy, usually responding better to Alex's wishes than Elliot's.

"Oh my.... 2 boys and 1 girl... so perfect babe, so perfect!" Alex smiled kissing his mate. It's adorable seeing his mate so touched, but ag the same time he felt like his eyes stung as well from the annoumcement.

They shared a long kiss, until the doctor cleared his throa5 and pulled them both back to r3ality. "Hmm... yea, err, doctor? They are all healthy right? Do we have anything that ee need to do?" It's Alex who had recovered first and he asked anxiously, the forever no1 concern for th3 soon to be father - aside from Elliot's wellbeing though, that always came first.

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