Office MATES

(I'm really sorry!)

The doctor was touched by the couple's reaction. She moved the wand more to have a better look on the babies. "All three look as healthy as they could be; just keep them well fed and stress free and they're good. But I can see that they are in the big side so I'd like to recommend that Elliot start taking it easy. It will help the babies continue to grow at their pace without straining their 'mommy'."

Elliot blushed at being given the feminine title by their doctor but then got over it to kiss his love again. He then rubbed his belly, a look of relief on his face.

 "Thank you for being healthy." He breathed out before looking at Alex. "Thank you for keeping us healthy."

They were heading out of the hospital to the park when Elliot felt wet on his chest area. His eyes widened when he realized he started lactating. Alex was busy leading him to the front doors so he hasn't noticed yet. The milk had soaked his shirt a little and he felt embarrassed that Alex would find him gross.

"L-love... I need to go to the restroom first." His voice was weak from embarrassment. He spend quite some time in the restroom just wiping spilling milk from his nipples. When he did come out, his cheeks were flushed and he was smelling sweet. 

(it's alright :) i was thinking this is such a shame we had so much potential with each other! the important thing is you're back now though :) sooooo welcome!)

It didn't come as too much of a surprise when Elliot requested for a bathroom visit. These days with the babies growing big and heavy, it was creating pressure on Elliot's bladder. Alex nodded - and frankly he was still at an adrenaline high knowing their babies and Elliot are doing fine - when he led Elliot to the toilet.

He waited outside, looking at the tiny black-and-white sonogram the doctor gave them, chuckling to himself making others stare at him strangely. It would be awhile later that he realised Elliot had been inside for quite awhile now. He was about to knock when elliot cam eout, the front of his shirt wet - and Alex just assumed taht's from him getting himself wet while washing his hands.

Alex smiled good naturedly at Elliot and stroked his chest natrually. "you are indeed getting clumsy right? and why is it you're so red? he asked seeing the beautiful blush on elliot, unknowingly brushed his hands across Elliot's chest garnering a whimper from him. What's more, the stroke on his sensitive nipples had Elliot's knees weakened, and in his surprise, Alex held him up by his waist. "Elliot? are you feeling ok? should we head back to the doctor's?" Alex said in worry, feeling Elliot's forehead.

(lOL sorry i might have dominated Eliot's reaction a little.. just htought that would be fun ;) ah, and, remind me, how far along is Elliot now?)

(I'm so happy that we can still continue this! Thank you for understanding! It's great to be back!)

Elliot thought he did a good job making the wet spot unnoticeable as possible. He tinted red as Alex remarked that, yes, it was still obvious. Good thing is that it was not obvious it was milk that made the stain and not water. "Y-yeah. Um.... I'm fine, just had difficulty easing myself on the toilet." A lie, but it was his case whenever he needed to pee.

His ache worsened to pain when Alex had brushed on his nipples, and Elliot wasn't able to suppress a whimper. It hurts so much that he felt his legs grow weak and he almost fell if it wasn't for Alex strong hold. The Omega was still very uncomfortable though, and kept biting his lips to stop whimpering. He closed his eyes. Alex hugging him was putting more pressure on his nipples. it took a lot not to push the alpha away.

Elliot just shook his head slowly, not talking with all that he was feeling. He just moved to have them seated on a near bench, hoping that the swelling and ache be gone soon.

As if the babies want to torment him more, they pressed on his bladder making Elliot need to pee for real. "R-restroom." He groaned out before moving to stand and heading for the toilets again. He didn't notice but it left the impression on Alex that Elliot was indeed sick, maybe bowel problems? Nausea? The alpha wasn't sure what. 

(It's fine, just do with him as you want but not too much. Elliot's at his sixth month,  I think? It hadn't been specific since the fifth month when they fought.)

(haha it's alright ;) i am not putting any pressure on you but it's really exciting to see you again!)

The alpha just waited, in shock at how his omega just left, rushing right back into the toilet. He was imaginign the worst: Elliot mentioned about having difficulty relieving himself... maybe he should help.

"Elliot? are you alright?" the alpha knocked, walking in, he knocked on the only occupied cubicle and waited. What answered him was just grunts, and the worried alpha just pushed the door open when he heard the little click. "Elliot?"he asked worriedly, crouching down to look at his lover.

Sat down, Elliot's belly was looking quite massive on his lap. His lover could no longer reach his penis too well so sometimes he would sit down to pee. Alex looked at Elliot, whose blush seemed to only worsen. "are you ok?" he asked, reaching down to feel his lowerbelly. "is it still difficult? would it help if i rub it like this?" he asked, tryign to put a bit of pressure onto Elliot's bladder to help empty its content.

(yay 6th month would be good ;) still a long way for Elliot!)


Elliot was surprised that Alex had followed him, though he should have expected it with how awkward he must have been acting. He was having a hard time peeing and his lap pressing on his bladder wasn't helping. It was embarrassing to have Alex see him like this. At first he was leaking milk, now this. Just how much can he embarrass himself?

"P-pee won't come out...starting to hurt." He admitted. He was hoping he'd have it done before Alex saw him but he can't and it was starting to worry him. The warm hand of his love rubbing on his lower belly finally got things moving. Elliot's body relaxed as urine flowed heavily beneath him. He sighed in relief, rubbing his belly in content.

After he was done he tried to stand on his own, only to fail with his huge bump pinning him on the toilet. He sighed in defeat before looking at Alex shyly.

"Please help me up?" and he sort of had hit the bigger man when Alex slipped out a laugh.

(oh my god i'm really thrilled you are introducing this little scene! the desperation to pee is some of my biggest kinks, but that's not widely accepted so just for hinting on that, i thank you!)

Elliot wouldn't know how vulnerable hew as looking, his eyes tinted red as he looked up, helplessly, at Alex for his help. Alex knelt down besdie Elliot, practically holding him up against his chest and rubbed his bulging lowerbelly - both from the triplets and from his full bladder. Alex was no expert in massaging, but he had learnt a great deal since Elliot's pregnancy and he was giving just the right amount of pressure on the full bladder. he was also moving Elliot slgihtly back to reduce the weight sitting low on his lap.

Alex was also relieved hearing the healthy stream of liquid hitting the toilet bowl. he smiled at how beauitfully Elliot blushed when he failed to raise himself up. "ah baby, i'm only too happy to help." Alex smiled and pecked Elliot's face. He scooped Elliot up from behind his knees and his waist, lifting him up bridal style amidst the omega's surprised yelp. "there you go...." He chuckled some more when Elliot became too surpised by the sudden act, he forgot about the slight annoyance and turned to wrap his arms tightly around the alpha's shoulders.

They mde their way out. Some of the other patietns were looking at them curiously. Alex didn't ralise this had been the perfect way of masking the slight wet patches developing on Elliot's chest. The omega essentially buried himself into Alex, so no one can really see what his shirt had become.

(hahaha :D glad I've made you happy! And I really don't mind it so it's fine.)

Alex came swooping him to a bridal carry. Elliot can't suppress the gasp of surprise leave him, his eyes widening. His anger was gone and replaced with his concern of him and his love falling. He expected to be pulled up, not carried! "Alex! I'm h-heavy!" Elliot tried squirming a bit but then just stopped in defeat when he felt Alex only tightening his hold on him. He sighed, resorting to bracing himself on Alex's shoulders instead. 

"Be careful, okay!" Was his last reminder before the alpha had made his way.

People where staring and whispering. It made Elliot feel more self-conscious. They we're probably thinking he was too overbearing on his lover. He shifted to hide his face on Alex's chest but when he did, he felt the wetness again and he was reminded of his lactation. Elliot peered down on his chest area to see if it was noticeable. Maybe that was the reason why people are staring. He saw that his position was covering it actually, he was at least rest assured with that. As thank you, he snuggled more to his love, head fully resting on Alex.

"Let's go home? I n-need to fix something" Elliot was determined to find solution to the leaking, without letting his alpha know and possibly gross the man out. Though his plans really don't happen, don't they?

Alex chuckled at the exclaim and squirm. "nope you aren't that heavy..." alex slapped Elliot's buttocks once when he struggled, successfuly getting Elliot to stop squirming and just relax into his hold. "you're in safe hands... i'm not gonna drop you." Alex smiled taking nsteady steps outside, ignoring all stares and whispers.

Halfway through it, he felt elliot snuggling his face into his chest, and it felt so nice to have his omega beign so plaint and submissive in his arms. he then smelt something: something so sweet and milky. He wasn't sure if that was someone bringing food or drinks inside the clinic, so he didnt' comment, but it was strange.

Alex put Elliot into the passenger seat, pressed a kiss on his forehead before releasing him. On their way home, Alex was surrpised how Elliot stubbornly wouldn't look at him, his arms warpped tightly around his chest. "Elliot? you aren't mad with me right?" Alex asked with a little worry, but the omega just shook his head, and Alex had no other way to get the truth out of Elliot.

They came to the house and got back to their home. Alex was aobut to ask Elliot on what he wanted for dinner, and already Elliot was waddling his way to the bedroom: looking so cute but it was also obvious he was in a hurry. "elliot? where are you going?" Alex natrually followed him, ready to help with anything.

Arriving on the passenger seat safely made Elliot breathe out all anxiety he had on falling. He leaned in to the kiss on his forehead, and gave his own to the alpha's cheeks. But of course he was still very aware of the wet patches he has to hide and remained on guard on Alex not seeing them. The situation, though, made him tense and a bit stressed that he didn't notice his behavior was getting on Alex. "I'm not mad just... We need to get home." It may have sounded colder than he intended to but he was too out of it to mind.

At home, Elliot's first priority was too wipe off milk again and have a change of clothes. He began leaking again on their drive home and now the patches on his chest grew big enough to be really noticeable. He went straight to their bedroom, only sparing Alex with "Bathroom" to answer his question.

A new shirt in hand, Elliot locked himself in the bathroom. He immediately threw off his soaking shirt and began to wipe and wipe. A stack of tissues was on the sink before he finally felt dry again. He sighed. He looked at his bare chest and saw that his nipples were still swollen. He clothed himself and sat on the toilet lid, bringing out his phone. He needs to find solution to this.

The babies awoke and started kicking a storm, and Elliot might have slipped out a groan. He leaned back, pushing his belly out, and rubbed his active belly. "Shh... Daddy's finding a way to control your milk. Seriously, you must be really the eaters for you to have me produce this much. You make daddy feel like a gross cow."

At this point Alex was quite worried. Elliot wasn't talking to him, his gaze fixated outside during the entire drive, and now he was escaping from his side. Alex felt nervous. He almost got his on his nose when Elliot slammed the door shut. Frankly he was quite stunned by the sudden outburst of Elliot - he assumed there must be something wrong. Was he mad at him for something? he thought back hard but couldn't come up with anything that would cause such rage in his normally sweet lover.

Returning ot the kitchen, it was an understatement to say Alex was distracted. He pulled out several ingredients, ready to prepare dinner, but he was highly alert of what was happening. It was nervewrecking when after a good 10 minutes, Elliot still hadn't come out of the bathroom. He was cutting the cabbage when he heard the moan, and in his panic he cut his finger, though he quickly left the chopping board, his bleeding finger in his mouth to stop the blood, and already he was rushing to the toilet.

He knocked on the door. "Elliot! what's wrong? oh god please be alright... i'm worry for whatever i've done, but please don't be mad at me.... Elliot? say somethign please... " he said, already at his nerve's end. He tried the knob and found it locked. "elliot! if you aren't answering i'm coming in. just wait there..." he said, hurrying over to grab the keys, needing a bit of time to search int nhe drawers.

He was imaginign all kinds of scenarios in his head. He thought Elliot might have hurt himsefl? would he happen to have slipped? or is it he was too angry with him to talk with him? was he annoyed because he barged into the toilet just now in the hospital? was it he didn't like him carrying him like that? The alpha was sweating and his hands trembled when he searched for the keys.

Elliot was calmng the triplets when he was startled by Alex's worried voice and knocking. First to register in him was to get all evidence disposed, scrambling to stand up and clean - tissues put in the bin, wet shirt in the laundry basket, and getting off his subtle sweet smell.

With a plan in mind he was on the move, but before he can even do anything, he was grounded with the words coming from Alex. Did he really make his love think that he was angry with him? He didn't even realize how cold he must have been to Alex.

"No, nothing's've done nothing wrong! I - oh goodness..." He tried to reply and assure his love that he was okay but as if fate joking him, his milk was leaking again, for the third time now! Elliot groaned in frustration.

Panic rose when Alex said he's getting the keys and coming for him. He needs to act quick. He immediately threw off his new shirt and went on to wiping as quick as he could. He had sat on the toilet so just in case he can excuse that he was only peeing. "Please don't come...milk, stop leaking already!" He was muttering with anxiety.

Elliot jolted and gave a (manly) shriek when the door opened to a very worried Alex. Worse was he was in the middle of wiping one nipple, the other dripping milk, when Alex came in. He suddenly felt very ashamed, he quickly put his arms on his chest to hide them.

"P-please don't look! I'm gross..." Elliot was getting teary from all the shame, face very red and body slightly trembling.

Despite Elliot's words saying he'd done nothing wrong the abrupt stop in his words just made Alex even more worried. "Elliot! i'm so sorry.... i didn't mean to invade your privacy and all but i just HAVE to make sure you're alright.. are you ok? please don't hide from me...." Alex started firing off questions and frantic apologies while he attempted to shove the key in. The shriek was what cut him off.

"elliot.. what are you doing?" Alex asked finally, catching Elliot at such an awkard position wasn't what he had imagined. "gosh what have you done to yourself! look at this... oh poor you." Before Elliot could cover it up properly, Alex already caught sight of how much damage Elliot's rough and frantic wipe had done on his delicate nipples.

He looked up at Elliot when he dodged, trying to turn himself away from Alex , his belly turned to the side and his hands tightly cupping his breasts. He finally registered how red Elliot's face was with embarrassment and tears were rolling down his lovely cheeks. "oh my.. elliot. why are you crying? is it very painful?" Alex said, clueless on how Elliot thought he was gross.

"you are gonna be fine.. let me see the damage. Oh poor you... you should have told.... oh wait. that's what happened is it?" Every dot suddnely connected, and it dawned on Alex what was it that caused his mate's weird behavior. "oh sillyhead.. you are attempting to hid that from me? your mate?" Alex chuckled hugging Elliot. "you shouldn't need to... this is normal. this IS something that we can make it better together.... oh baby. you're so adroable." he smiled and started kissing away the salty tears of Elliot.

"now here we go... let's see. that's been leaking right?" Alex gently removed Elliot's guarding hands, looking at the purely abused nipple, he pressed closer to have a beter look. driven by strong curiosity, Alex took a lick on it to taste the fresh bead of milk that had appeared.

"Gosh what have you done to yourself..." was what Alex said, and it made Elliot more ashamed. His nipples were hurting from how he was wiping quickly and he could only imagined how gross they must look now.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." he kept muttering as Alex tried to console him. He was avoiding Alex as much as he could, flinching when the alpha tried approaching then touching him. Tears poured down messily on his cheeks, and he just felt so ugly. The hands on his chest was gently pried open. The look on Alex face was worry, Elliot thought it was disgust. Alex was intently observing him and it made him so uncomfortable.

 "I'm gross, don't look at me..." Elliot finally said. He was trying to save face as much as he could. but then Alex sounded relieved? Elliot, confused, had looked up, meeting gaze with his love for the first time since their appointment. "H-huh? You're not d-disgusted at me?" and he felt more convinced with Alex's smile and kiss. he blushed, but not of embarrassment anymore. He gave in to Alex and just let the alpha do as he want. He was hoping that he can really help.

"It's been leaking since our appointment. They're very swollen and it hurts... ahhh...." Elliot's body slumped forward on Alex, breath shaky with the pleasure he felt. "Alex...hmm...."

Elliot's tears had been saddening. Alex mentally kicked himself for not realising sooner and had Elliot suffering from teh fear for so long. "oh babe... you aren't gross, not at all. this is just normal...a little early perhaps, but it's normal. your body's preparing to feed our babies." he smiled at the omega.

the playful lick had induced interesting response from Elliot. The alpha was happy to fnd such convenient solution to the problem though - obviously Elliot was welcoming his lick. he held Elliot's waist as he slumped forward, then took another gentle lick on to his wet chest. it was peculiar, the taste of Elliot's milk was somewhat bland. Perhaps his milk wasn't too ready yet, but they did come in massive amounts if Elliot said they had been leaking for so long.

"how about this... " Alex whispered and then really started latching from Elliot. It was a slight bit rougher than a lick, but as soon as he was suckling, Elliot's pained whine turn into hot moans so Alex knew he was on the right track. Oozes of milk squirted into his mouth, and the alpha devoured in it, drinking htirstily from Elliot.

(I'm so sorry!)

Elliot was still recovering from the initial lick when he was forced to give out another whine. His nipples were very swollen so it hurt when Alex suddenly latched on them. But as the suckling started, his whine became moans of relief and pleasure. It was still embarrassing for him that Alex was drinking from him, but he felt his nipples becoming less swollen, plus the pleasure that comes with was so good that he can't be more bothered.

Without noticing, his hold on the alpha's neck became tighter. His back was arching forward to make it easier for his love. "Mmmm....haaa....A-Alex, the o-other one too...please...ummm."

The once quiet, tense-filled bathroom was slowly filling with moans and laborous breaths from the pregnant Omega. His hands from the nape of the alpha was itching to roam on bare back. His 'down there' is getting excited too. He bit his lips. 

Elliot still felt ugly and gross and to think of forcing himself on Alex like this, no, it has to stop. Both nipples empty of milk(for now), he slowly pushed away Alex from his chest, his love detatching from him with a pop. Guilt rose in him seeing the confused face of his love so he tried to explain, swallowing his pride.

"I'm getting...aroused, but I'm sure you don't want to take me when I'm like this." His member was erect and shifting made his bump rub against it. He had to bite his lips hard to not let any more moans. Only good thing about his bump in this situation was that it was big enough to hide his erection.

"I just need to take care of... something. Please leave first? I-Imight take a while." He doesnt want his love knowing he was already erect in fear that Alex would see.him as a pig.

(haha it's alright... though i will have to admit i'm very close to sending you a PM xDD)

The litlte hums and moans went straight to Alex's cock. His omega's little whimpers were simply too adorable. he followed Elliot's wishes, going to the other side and smiled when he felt the small hand of Elliot tightened behind his neck, unconsciously pushing his back up to shove himself more into Alex's waiting mouth.

Alex could have gone on for a lot longer even with the milk supply exhausted.he coudl spend all day making Elliot moan like this, so when he was pushed away, it was pure confusion on his side. "Elliot?" he was even more confused when Elliot admitted he was aroused but still pushed him away. "But why? You're aroused and i thought... you don't feel up for it? i can still give you release if you don't want that ..."

The alpha wasn't making any sense of the situation. Elliot looked so fragile and sad this moment. "But why... i want to stay. if you don't want to get intimate i can respect that., but if you need the relief i'm always here!"" he said urgently, kneeling down in frotn of Elliot, he took the omega's shoulder to look at him, only to find small tears again rolling down his face. "Elliot please don't cry...." at this angle, Elliot would be able to see Alex's erection straining his pants - thouhg it hadn't been as hard when he saw the tears.


"I am, and I want you so bad! B-but look at me. I'm not as good looking as before. I don't want you to feel forced needing to take care of me." Elliot was so aroused, yes, and he really want Alex in him now; but will Alex not be disgusted with him?

His love looked hurt and was even offering a quick release just so he can stay with the omega. Elliot was confused, and shocked? Alex wanted to stay and help him even if he's like this? He felt so guilty. How can the alpha be so considerate?

"No... I want you... in me, but I don't want to you to feel like you're forcing yourself for me. But even if it's selfish of me...c-can you please m-make love to me?" Elliot's face was bright red, cheeks wet with tears. Alex moved to face him to his love's own worried face, but not without getting glance of Alex's hard member. His eyes widened, staring at his alpha with disbelief. "Y-you're aroused with this too?" So the need for sexual intimacy was mutual. But....

"But why?"

(it's ok ;) truth be told i'm also not around as often as i used to be... so it's good!)

elliot's timid request was so adorable. Alex's heart melted seeing him being all worked up just to make that feeble request. "Of course my love!" Alex was beyond excited to know his omega mate was also eager to be intimate with him. he had always assumed Elliot didn't wnat it - and he had done his research knowing not every omega would want that during their pregnancies, especiall for multiples where the omega was under more stres, so he had assumed he would have to stop all that.

"Of course i'm aroused... you wouldn't know how much you're affecting us. gosh just look at you naked is making me..." Alex was about to elabroate when he caught on the tny "why" from Elliot. "why?" Alex's heart broke understanding what Elliot was implying - so he wasn' tjust saying it, Elliot indeed felt himself ugly like this! Alex felt so bad for not noticing that earlier.

"Why? Because i truly find you attractive and sexy like this. you're ripe with our babies... you are the sign of fertility. you are so big and round - all because of me. that's why i'm so proud of you. my body won't lie... i'm telling you the truth when i say i'm attracted to you, not only mentally, but also physcially." i pulled over your hand ot gnetly press on my bulge. i hissed and sighed in relief. "feels so good...." i smiled and swept you off your feet, carrying you bridal style. "l think it's time i prove to you the extend of attraction i felt towrads you..."

(I was thinking of our timeline and got wondering when the proposal will take place. We'll still do the office scare, right? And maybe we can also include a scene where Alex formally introduces Elliot to his parents? Blush )

Elliot was surprised. Alex was beaming, and the look on him just proved that he was really genuine with all he was saying earlier. "Y-you really want this too? But I'm..." The Omega was ready to list another round of self insults on how he was unattractive for his alpha when he was cut off by Alex's own list of how he finds him truly attractive instead.

Elliot was moved, almost near tears again because just how can Alex see him as beautiful? His heart was feeling overwhelmed. It was because his mate really love him, and them. Though he had to chuckle on how he was compared to a sign of fertility. Maybe being big and round wasn't so bad after all. 

The feel of his love's hard member on his hand was enough to make him moan. He was stroking it gently, biting his lips, when he yelped due to being suddenly swept off his feet. The shock was only for a second before Elliot was gripping tightly on the alpha's neck. He had buried his head on the crook of Alex's neck, nipping and kissing hungrily the skin there.

Don't get Elliot wrong, he was like most of the omegas in his condition that have dampened desire for sexual activities. It was as his alpha had predicted. But today, he just felt the need to be one with his mate. The stress of his lactation, with Alex being so loving to himself still , might be the drive for this sudden neediness. Elliot was loving the feeling nonetheless.

"Aahh... A-Alex... hurry..."When Alex had gently laid him on their bed, he could notice Elliot so red, eyes hazy and chest rising up and down with how he was panting. Also, now that he was laying down, Alex can definitely now see his own erection against his paternity pants.

(oh how about this! after the proposal - maybe a nice dinner out with Elliot andAlex will be surprising Elliot with it. he will then introduce him to his parents, and the parents will agree to make Alex the CEO of the office Ellliot was working in? would that make Elliot feel bad? if not i can also have Alex insisting on returning to be Elliot's assistant so he could share some of his pregnant mate's workload?)

Alex saw the erection of Elliot and chuckled. "Aw baby... i've waited for this for so long..." he sighed and pressed himself closer to Elliot. he moved Elliot slightly so he would be facing sideways, relieving pressure on the pregnnat omega's back with his belly supported, and peeled away his paternty pants. His rounded butt was even sexier than before he got pregnant, and Alex swallowed hard seeing the globes of flawless flesh.

He kneaded Elliot's buttocks, making the omega moan again and he actually shook his booty to tell Alex to hurry up. The alpha growled at the inviting scene in frton of him, and slipped 2 fingers into Elliot's waiting hole. After some time of not beign intimate, Elliot had tightened up and Alex frowned a little. he had to be careful now, although Elliot couldn't wait, he still insisted on openign Eliot up properly to avoid hurting the omega.

It took time, but the more Alex stretched Elliot, the wetter he got and finally the alpha was satsified that the omega was ready. He whipped out his cock - now that he wasn't in his rut and Elliot not in his heat, his knot wouldn't flare out, but it was still considerably large.

He positioned himself at Elliot's opening and rubbed a few times against the omega's puckered hole. he raised Elliot's leg to hold it away from his belly, adn finally he plunged himself deep into Elliot. himself growling at the sweet feeling of reuniting with his lover, he devoured the lovely sensation gloved around his cock.

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03-22-2016, 08:09 PM

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