Office MATES


Elliot was sweeped off from all consciousness of the watching crowd by Alex who had pulled him into another deep kiss. It was so passionate that it left him breathless and at daze. The babies were also happy. Alex could feel with how they were kicking against the hands of their papa. All anxiety of the employees judging them and their relationship went away as he heard them cheering at the background. He also have his alpha to protect them so what is there to worry more about? 

After the announcement, the crowd died down and then there's just them. Elliot was blushing, although he found himself chuckling at the cheesy, possessive play of his mate. "And you are mine, Alex. I love you too... so much, h-husband." Oh goodness, he had long dreamed of calling Alex that and now that he can, he was stuttering. It was unfamiliar but definitely pleasant to say. It needs working on right now but he's sure he'll get used to it.

The couple ended up sitting at a private table, due to the feet and back of our Omega beginning to ache, but still they continue to cuddle and just talk sweet nothings. Their hands were joined on top of the belly where their babies continued to happily squirm about. Elliot would sometimes steal shy kisses on his Love's cheeks, and he would redden when Alex returned them. There was really no question on their relationship. They are deeply in love and meant to be. It was clear to everyone. In a way, one can say their love is inspiring.

Elliot was resting his head on his alpha's shoulder. "I thought we will need to keep our relationship hidden, and that we can only be like this in private. It feels nice being so free like like this. Thank you, Alex, for claiming me... and our babies." They were having a very sweet moment, until his hunger made itself known again. "Um...Let's eat, h-husband?" Okay still awkward but it will be better. Elliot was suddenly aware of the lot of delicious smell. He saw a cake heavily layered with chocolate, and there was also a good looking pasta. Alex might have found it funny how Elliot was eyeing the buffet table. "The buffet looks good, love! Did you prepare all this?" Upon realization, his gaze returned to Alex. "Wait, how were you able to plan all this when we had been so busy? Oh you must've worked and stressed so much. But I'm really thankful, love. All of this is just so perfect. Thank you! You make me feel so special and loved."

Again having their private moment, Alex smiled at his timid mate trying to call him husband. Elliot was so sweet and shy, it warmed Alex's heart when he attempted to initiate kisses only to have himself turning into a tomato with the returned kiss. he just felt himself falling more in love with this cute side of Elliot.

"I coudln't bear to have you getting discussed upon... besides, i'm proud of our relationship, my parents also approved of it so much, I would be damned if i don't announce it to everyone. I just wanted EVERYONE to know how much we love each other, and that we're made for each other... love you so much Elliot." he chuckled at the longing gaze Elliot placed on the buffet table, and nodded while helping him up to choose their food.

"Well, i have been thinking about this for some time. It's really nothing, for you... ic an do anything." he smiled sweetly at Elliot, shaking his head. "you don't have to thank me. I should be the one feelign sorry... Elliot, i am so sorry i didn't realise sooner what they were saying behind our backs. You shouldn't be exposed to that.. no one should cast doubts on teh paretnage of our babies. You deserve the best things in the world, and I'm so sorry for not realising the pressure and judgement you were under earleir - you shoudln't need to go over that at all." he kissed Elliot apologetically.

Taking his omega's waist, he took the dish and let his mate choose from the array of food. "just eat whatever you want... don't forget you're feeding a lot of mouths now." he chuckled continuing to be loveydovey. There were some glances from others, females and omegas inclsuive, some of them blatantly jealous, but none of them dared to make a move on their future boss' mate.

Seeing his mate's happy face was worth all the planning and preparations Alex had done. As the night went on, some poeple started taking leaves. Alex had a great meal, and looking at Elliot on his 3rd plate of food, he smiled at him. "had you have enouhg of that cake? do you want another piece?" he offered, ready to fetch anything for his pregnant mate. "if you are done.... we can head upstaris." There was a twinkle in his eyes - as a second surprise, he had reserved a night in the hotel right upstairs for the night.

Elliot was being guided to the buffet table by Alex, and his anticipation of the food grew the more they get near. But then Alex started apologizing; he paused walking, making his love do the same with confusion. The food can wait a little more. Elliot observed the sorry look of the alpha before smiling and cupping his cheeks, forcing Alex to look at him. "You didn't know, and you were also very busy those days so how could you know? They hurt, yes, and they made me stressed a little. But do you know what let me bore through them? What kept me strong? It is you Alex, it is because I know that I have an alpha who loves me and the little ones very much, and who would do anything just to keep us safe and happy, just like you said. So don't be sorry, okay? Love you." and it ended with another kiss on the cheek, though it lasted for a bit longer than others. Elliot released his hold on both cheeks and grabbed for Alex's hands. "Now come on. Daddy and babies are hungry."

The pregnant Omega obeyed well to what his mate said. He didn't hold back and chose food that he liked to eat. First on his plate was definitely the cake, then the pasta he wanted. A lot of the food looked delicious, and he was hungry; Elliot had his plate full and then asking Alex to help him fill a second and a third. He chuckled seeing how his love struggled to keep up with his continuous orders and juggle to plates full of food as they went back to their table.

He was so engrossed in eating his last plate that he didn't mind that people are starting to leave, marking the end of the event. Alex was still with him so it must be okay to just continue. He finished the last of his cake, savoring it to the last bite. "We're good for now, but maybe we can get a slice to go?" The chocolate cake was the best and it was pure heaven for Elliot. 

Elliot raised a brow when Alex said 'head upstairs'. There was that twinkle in those eyes. "Upstairs? Wait... you don't mean... Oh goodness, we're staying here, aren't we?" Elliot eyes widened and clearly he was excited. The hotel was well known and very luxurious. A country boy like him can only dream of spending the night there. "Is this another surprise? This is too much, Alex. (in a good way)"

It warmed his heart to know although he wasn't aware of it at the time, Elliot had treated himself as emmotional support. he was grateful his mate was confident in him. perhaps that was built up from the time when they were separated from his secret identity exposed. They had gone through that hurdle and now they are stronger than ever.

He just looked at Elliot downing all the food wtihout problem, like his stomach was a black hole. he chuckled at his omega's little request for bringing a small piece away. "Alright ... i'd have them take a cake up when you feel like it." he stood up. "so that the cake would be even fresher than this one - this hotel had their own bakery so everything offered on the dessert desk here is produced themsevles." he smiled standing up and helped his mate up.

Alex oggled at ELliot's belly. He could swear it had gottne a bit larger. His waistcoat looked rather tight now, and his shirt as well. it had fitted perfectly just 2 hours ago, but now with a full stomach, it just looked a bit awkward. "well we're supposed to be celebrating for the night, so what better thing than to have a room ready upstairs." he smiled, very happy to see the surprised smile on Elliot's lovely face.

He tilted Elliot's face up to kiss him on the lips. Passionate as always, they only separated when Elliot whimpered at the intensity. "hmm, that chocolate cake is indeed very tasty..." Alex smiled at Elliot, licking on the corner of his lips just before they part entirely. Hand in hand, they disappeared after Alex nodded at his parents and took their leave.

Alex led the way to the lifts, making the way towards the top floor. Through the lift they coudl see the view outside, and as they went higher and higher, Alex tugged Elliot closer, cupping his belly, he anchored the omega as the height slowly became more intimidating.

They had reserved the best suite offered by the hotel with a marvelous view of the city. "Thank you for being my husband, elliot. This is a gift for you..." he smiled while opening the door for him, presenting the room to the omega.

Elliot's eyes glinted at the mention of a bakery that produced his beloved cake. "A fresher cake sounds good, and a bakery... I'll keep that in mind, for future cravings." Elliot gave a coy smile. He was joking, or maybe not. He only planned on teasing his mate but something tells him he'll be craving for the sweet sometime in the future. When the alpha confirmed of staying the night, Elliot radiated pure excitement and curiosity. "We get to spend the night here. Woah... Thank you, love. This will be my first time staying at a place so grand!"

Alex helped him up and soon he was on his feet, though he stumbled a bit with a new center of gravity. Alex was quick to balance him so he was good, but the stumble made him notice his now larger bump. He blushed. He could see Alex oggling him but trying not to show it. The suit did look awkward now. His excitement wasn't deterred despite of it, and he just savored the kiss given to him. Yep, sweets plus Alex tastes good. Elliot smiled, still blushing. "Yeah... But it t-tastes better with you. Um... Let's go? I can't wait to see our room!" Alex reached for his hand and escorted him to an elevator. It was just the two of them in there and the view of the night city was mesmerizing. It was a bit relaxing and romantic; Elliot leaned to rest his head on Alex's shoulder, a hand on his belly. That was until the floors went beyond 20. It was becoming intimidating, like the helicopter ride, but Alex  pulled him closer and that made him feel so safe. He was almost clutching  his mate's suit, wrinkling it, but nonetheless he was calm. The babies were calm too, probably feeling their Papa's hold on them. The Omega was grateful for the support. He might not admit it but Alex supporting his lower belly alleviated some back pains.

 The lift stop at the top floor. When it opened, they can only see one door. Elliot was confused, but Alex continued leading him towards it. His love had unlocked it and inside was... 

"Alex! This is..."Elliot tried thinking of what he can describe it as but he was just so amazed by the sheer size and grand decorations of the room that he was left speechless. Elliot's eyes were wide with wonder. He turned to his now fiancee, pulling him into a brief kiss.  He can't express it in words so why not through actions. 

"Can we go inside?" The pregnant Omega was eager to explore the huge room. 

The kiss offered by Elliot was a cute gesture, the alpha happily accepted this alternate form of gratittude. He nodded gesturing for Elliot to enter. "of course my love.... be my guest." he smiled letting Elliot pass holding the open door.

He followed Elliot, who waddle forward approaching the full length window. it wasa nice overview of the city. Few place would offer such a breathtaking view. Alex took Elliot's hand to drag him away from the city view, moving on into other parts of the room. it was a nice suite with an open kitchen and a living area that would allow them to snuggle on, with thick carpet covering it. Then there was the huge bedroom, with a 4-pole bed draped with curtains, a sofa at the end of it, and a big bathroom adjoining wiht a jacuzzi that overlooked the other side of the cityview. everything was brightly lit and beautifully decorated.

"Do you like this?" he smiled as they entered the bedroom and was greeted with a tray of strawberry and a bottle of sparkling juice - requested especially by Alex in place of the usual champagne. "i have asked them to deliver the cake a little bit later. Let's say we can clean up, get changed, and enjoy the night a bit. Alos lalowing time for you to digest what you've eaten." Alex chuckled cupping Elliot's belly.

There was a bag at the side, the secret duffel bag that Alex had packed for the night, with their personal belonging inside. "hmm, fancy a shower or a bath?" he asked, turning Elliot to face himself, he started unbuttoning Elliot's shirt. THis was the favourite activity of Alex, and everytime he did that, he felt like unwrapping his Christmas gift.

With Alex's approval, Elliot sped off (as fast as he can with a huge belly) into the room. Nevermind that he'll look like a waddling duck; he was too excited to actually care. His first stop was the full length windows that gave an overview of the city's night life. It was beautiful with all the colorful lights that accented the calming black of the night. He was mesmerized, but was pull out of trance when Alex led him to the other parts of the room. Having the opportunity to fully observe the room, Elliot was overwhelmed. The suite really looked so grand that it made him feel like royalty. It was the best suite for sure, and it wasn't expensive for no reason. The whole room was bigger than his and grandma's home and it actually looked that people can live in it, not just a mere hotel room. All the grandness of the place was new to the Omega that he feel quite out of place, in a good way that made him more curious and excited to experience. 

Alex was smiling at him, and for sure he can only smile back. "I love it Alex! It's so big and fancy that... I don't know what to say. This is amazing. You're amazing! Oh thank you!" His love keeps surprising him and it only gets better and better . He knew Alex must have put a lot of effort in all of this and that's what touched him the most.

They settled in the bedroom and Elliot could immediately see the strawberry and sparkling juice. It will be a nice treat. Definitely eating them with his love when they snuggled later. "That sounds nice, hon. Cake and you sounds nice. Will be waiting for that. And fine, I'll give time to digest these first. Babies doesn't like feeling too full either." Then something registered to him. "But we don't have clothes to change into." And of course Alex had a solution, again proof of how much the alpha had planned and prepared for this.

At the offer of a bath whilst undressing him already, Elliot chuckled. "Do I still have a choice? You're already undressing me. Alright, I'll take a bath. I really want to give the jacuzzi a go..." He paused, before starting to unbutton Alex's own suit. "But only if you... j-join me" Elliot might be pushing it but he saw the jacuzzi. It was big and, by his estimation, can fit the both of them. Hopefully his estimations are correct.

"i thought you'd never ask... if you're up for it, of course we could try it.... " Alex smiled at the beautiful blush creeping up his mate's cheeks. "of course i'd love to join in... if we are doing that, let me quickly start the water flowing." he said and pressed a kiss on Elliot then quickly moved to the jaccuzzi - with his shirt dangling open showing his nice chest and washboard abs - to start filling the tub. He returned to Elliot, taking his hand, they sat together on the bed and he stripped Elliot of the waistcoat. Then he moved on to strip his shirt. Then his trousers.

the same went for himself, Elliot's smaller hands working quick in unbuttoning his own shirt as well. the pile of clothes were heaved in a pile at the foot of the bed. They were exploring and admiring each other's bodies.

Alex's gaze was fixated on Elliot's bump. Approaching the end of his second trimester, almost entering the third, Elliot's triplet filled bump was gorgeous. Alex was amazed by its sheer size. Cupping it fro both sides, he smiled, proud of how he had made his omega ripe with their children. "you're so beautiful Elliot." he smiled and in one swift motion, lifted Elliot up from the bed to head towards the tub.

He placed Elliot on the marble side that surrounded the tub to taste the temperature of the water. He adjusted the flow of water and offered the 3 bathing salts for Elliot to choose from. "Which flavor you're feeling like?" he smiled letting him see from teh tiny basket holding the 3 sachets.

Elliot was embarrassed by his request, but he certainly doesn't regret making it; not when he can see those washboard abs of his mate and get to lean on them later. "Y-yeah.... you d-do that." His eyes followed Alex in his sexiness, staying put as he was more focused on admiring them for as long as he can. It was as if he was near drooling - he looked like a shy kid eyeing a candy store - that was fortunately stopped by the bathroom door closing and he was finally able to compose himself more. Elliot exhaled then patted his belly. "Papa is not a dessert so please stop making me crave him. Chocolate cake later... let's be satisfied with that."

Alex returned to him and thankfully he got himself more composed than before. Before he knew it he was on the bed with Alex hovering him, taking off his clothes. He sighed in relief when the constricting buttons were slowly unbottoned and removed from him. Realizing what they were supposed to do, he went on with his shy hands to work on undressing his love as well. Brushing up on those abs, Elliot can't get enough of them. He traced each one before moving to feel the muscled back of the alpha. He stopped when he felt Alex's hand settling on his huge bump. It had been larger since Alex had last seen it and without doubt full with energetic babies. He joined Alex in his admiration of the bump, smiling at the compliment given to him. "Thank you."

Elliot knew better not to worry about Alex carrying him because when did the alpha listened? Instead he just let him and chuckled at the enthusiasm his mate was having for this bath. Usually he'd be so embarrassed being naked together with Alex, he was still blushing but he was more caught up on the bonding moment that he was actually just enjoying it. It had been a while since they have shared such a moment that he anticipates it.

It was endearing how Alex paid a lot of attention with making their bath perfect. He was offered bathing salts which he had no idea of. This was another first for him. "Umm... This one? ( the middle) sorry, I'm not really familiar with bathing salts." Hopefully that didn't put Alex off and his mate understands him. There was no such thing at the farms he grew up in so he was quite foreign to it.

Alex smiled to himself seeing the tips of Elliot's ears again turning red from seeing him naked. Elliot was leaning against him so easily, he fel the trust his mate placed on him through the little endearing gesture while went out to the bath tub.

"that's an excellent choice babe it's my favroutie as well, jasmine with Himalayan rock salt." Alex praised Elliot, kissing him. "i would have chosen this myself." he smiled and drizzled the sachet into the water. Feeling the temperature of the water beign just right, he helped Elliot slid into it. Alex himself stayed outside to control the jacuzzi, soon stream jets of water was oozing out, working into massaging deeply into the sore back of Elliot.

Alex slipped in himself. taking Elliot's hand, he smiled leaning back against the tub himself. "is the water massaing you at the right spot?" he asked. He had chosen the lowest magnitiude of the force of water, just in case Elliot didnt'n like the feeling. they smiled and shared a drink of sparkling juice - Alex was smart enought o place them within reach, and together they enjoyed it until both felt like it was enough.

With the engines switched off, there were no longer bubbles hiding their torsos as the water quieted down again. Through the slightly pinkish water - colored becuse of the bathing salt - Alex coudl see the lovely bump and the still slender legs of Elliot...

Elliot gave a sigh of relief with choosing the right salt. Alex looked very pleased with his choice that it made him happy. "I'm glad. This must be good to have it as your favorite." The relaxing scent of Jasmine was inviting, and with Alex's help, he was very willing to enter and enjoy the jacuzzi. The smell was heavenly enough but when the jets started hitting his sore back, massaging it, he was in even more bliss. He moaned of how good it felt. Elliot gave a satisfied smile at his alpha who was still on hand making their bath the most comfortable and relaxing as it can be. "This feels amazing, love! My back feels so much better."

Alex soon joined him in the tub. It seems like this will give Alex his overdue relaxation too. "Yep! I haven't felt my back less sore ever since I became pregnant and this is just nice." They shared stories over sparkling juice - which he was thankful for being within reach even for him - and just overall had a wonderful time. Elliot had kept a hand on the babies, occasionally rubbing the bum,  because the triplets definitely liked the water. His large bump felt less heavier too in water so it was also plus for Elliot. 

With all the relaxing waves of the and the lulling streams of water on his back, the omega felt his eyes growing heavy. His head was drooping. He almost did fell asleep, saved by when he realized the jacuzzi was turned off. His eyes had been closed before it happened, so when he opened them to wake himself, he found Alex staring at his belly and legs. His face felt hot as blood rose in his cheeks again "W-what are you l-looking at, love?"

"well whatever flavor would be good since i'm doing this with you..." Alex smiled at Elliot and gave him a loving kiss. He enjoyed the bath just as much as Elliot did. The jacuzzi was such a wonderful thing, he felt his soreness going away as well. Both of them closed their eyes at some point, but Alex didn't realise Elliot was so close to sleep until he started staring at his body.

"i'm looking at you Elliot... " Alex answered, quite distracted by what he was seeing through the clear water. he took another greedy glance at his omega's overalls, until Elliot squiremd and squeezed his legs together tighter. He smirked at Elliot and came closer to him. "Why are you hiding yourself..." he muttered, pressing a kiss on Elliot's cheeks. His hand reached towards Elliot's hand under the water, gently peeling it away from his body.

He cupped Elliot's belly from under, rubbing it lovingly, he started kissing Elliot on the lips, devouring his taste and really drawing moans from him as he expertly aroused Elliot. "you are so pretty..." he whspered, separating liightly from Elliot, their faces still only inches apart, bfore recapturing his lips, deepening it while his hands explore Elliot's body.

Elliot is red as a tomato right now. They both are naked, and with the water becoming clear, all their nudeness are exposed to each other. His huge belly was sort of hiding his member but a part of it can still be seen so he was frantic to conceal it by shutting his legs tight. He saw the look Alex was giving him. He knew what it meant for him. Elliot gulped, he's going to be devoured. 

"N-not hiding just... Oh goodness." Alex was advancing and he saw that his mate's member seemed not as limp as before. He closed his eyes at the initial kiss as if preparing himself for what's to come next. He is pregnant and full of hormones. Even the slightest tease can make him... "Ahh~" his eyes shot open as he realized he just moaned. It was when he felt Alex's hands on his legs, prying them open. Elliot bit his lips hard. It was nice that his love's hands are cupping his belly - it took off weight and the triplets are settling at the touch of their papa - but it was so close 'down there' that it was arousing him and he definitely doesn't want to let out another moan.

Alex started kissing him. At first it was soft and gentle but then it started getting more and more heated. Elliot, so caught up in the moment, had circled his hands around Alex's neck, pulling the alpha closer to him. Alex succeeded to make him moan. In fact he was moaning so much and they were getting louder. 

Elliot had to whimper when the kiss broke. Alex complimented him but he can only pant and try catch his breath. His face was flushed. Still he managed to give a small smile. He surely gave a satisfied moan once their lips were back together again, and it seemed his alpha had gotten more fierce with this second round that the omega found it hard keeping up. The force of the kiss had Elliot sliding further in the tub as Alex came more on top of him. He moved to place a hand on his belly and another on the base of the tub to help stabilize the calm babies inside. The tub was slippery and he was now having difficulty to keep himself seated upright with all the slipping of his back.

Elliot's moans went straight to Alex's member. he was happy to see Elliot's face getting redder and redder. Alex sometimes wondered with how sensitive Elliot was to his touches, would they be engaged in intimacy all the time after the babies are born - or perhaps it's all hormones talking now. he would have to find out after their little angels are here...

elliot was moaning non stop now, going boneless under Alex, he slipped bit by bit further down the tub. Alex didn't realise the dilemma Elliotw as in, and continued to deepen the kiss as he caressed the belly. It would be when finally elliot's hand at the bottom of the tub slipped and he almost slipped into the water himself that Alex realised it was a difficult position for Elliot to maintain.

Luckily Alex was an alpha blessed with quick reaction time, he tightened his hold on elliot's waist as soon as he started slipping and held him steady. "careful baby.. would this help?" he smirked and smoothly, he flipped their position and settled Elliot on his lap, his big belly jutting forward to rest on his lap.

"hmm. i think this is better." Alex planted his feet steadily on the bottom of the tub so Elliot could be supported on his back. sitting on him like this, elliot's belly was in full view, and he was pretty sure his slowly filling member would be felt by elliot now that it was poking against the omega's lowerback.

"hmm Elliot... you know, it's technically our engagement night. You think we should do something to celebrate it?" Alex smirked looking at Elliot, whose face seemed to be burning enough it could cook an egg.

Elliot was struggling in his position but still wanting the kiss, he just kept on. His breaths between the kisses, however, were more ragged and there were whimpers because of the struggle. He was actually starting to get worried because Alex doesn't seem to notice his problem and their kiss was just getting more and more heated. And then the hand supporting him on the tub slipped. He felt fear ran through him, tightening his hold on his belly. He was expecting his back hitting the tub harshly and him completely going underwater, but instead he felt being held firmly by his love and before he knew it, he was on top of Alex, sitting on his lap. Elliot can only stare with wide eyes at the suddenness of it all.

"This... this is b-better." He realized what just happened and so stricken with fear and relief, he felt near crying. "I-I thought... the babies... I should have been more careful and you... Oh thank you!" Elliot can feel the hardening member of his mate behind him, and as if he had been provoked by the feel of it plus the overwhelming emotions, it was the omega who initiated the resume of their kiss...

Well kind of tried because after a few attempts he just stopped. Their new position was safer and more supported but definitely not very comfortable when it comes to making out. His belly is in between them and whenever him or Alex move to lean into the other, it puts pressure on it that gets the triplets squirming ; it didn't help the alpha's abs are hard.

Elliot sighed dejectedly, and Alex was chuckling at him. His lust had died a bit as his embarrassment rose. And only did he became aware. Elliot reddened. If he was sitting on his mate's lap then for sure... He looked down hoping his member wasn't erect. To his greater embarrassment, it was and definitely poking on to Alex's abs. It was in between them and very visible. Then Alex just have to hint on having sex... Goodness, help his hormones.

"Y-yes, please... But on b-bed?" He was so flushed that he avoided looking at Alex directly, who he was sure was wearing a mischievous look on him. 

alex wasn't aware of how much of a shock this would be for Elliot, not until he saw his watery eyes and the teares welled up in them. "sorry Elliot.. didn't mean to startle you like that..." the alpha started apologizing, only to have his last words muffled by teh kiss his sweet omega was giving him.

they tried several times, but it was simply impossible to find a position that would allow them to kiss properly. Alex chuckled at the disappointed sigh from Elliot. he seldom see Elliot outrightly expressing how longing he was towards making out. then his smile just got wider when he felt the hardness pressing against his abs. his little omega seemed to be anticipating this as much as he was....

he followed Elliot's gaze down and chuckled at Elliot's face burning so red from seeing his own prick. "well sure...bed's a nice option." Alex smiled, stroking his hand along the side of Elliot's torso, making his omega tremble with want. he moved around in water, his own erection still pointing straight at Elliot's buttocks .

Alex moved Elliot in the water readying themselves to stand up, then his hand slipped - Elliot dropped a bit back down on his lap, his cock dragged along Elliot's crack and they both moaned out loud.

"Hmm... don't, err, don't move." Alex said huskily, needing to take a few breathes to calm himself, then with loud splashes, he stood up first before helpign Elliot up.

Elliot can't understand why but he felt himself slowly losing control to his lust. He was sure he was more conserved than this; maybe carrying triplets brought on so much to his sex drive. Whatever the reason, Elliot decide to just enjoy this rare moment he has with his now fiancée. 

He was so turned on that the mere brush of Alex's fingers on his side felt like tingling fire that edged on his desire. He bit his lips trying hard to not be a moaning mess again, but it seemed so difficult with how Alex was touching him all over. He was squirming with every touch, not helping him as he only felt more aroused with feeling the erection at his back. Alex got him cornered. But it was soon be over, Elliot sighed in relief. They will soon be on the bed where he squirm as much as he want...

Alex was moving to get up, and he was eager to be up also.  But then he slipped, landing straight on Alex's hard member. "Ahh~ mmmhh...o-okay...n-not... moving." he replied in between pants. He was amazed he managed to say that coherently with all the intense arousal he felt with that stroke.

After a few awkward moments later, Alex was finally up and helping him. Elliot succeeded to stand but going out of the tub, he felt his legs go jelly. He almost fell if it was not for his mate who quickly caught him. "C-can you c-carry me, please?"

Alex's reflex was quick - and he somewhat expected this. elliot was so aroused, Alex knew he'd be boneless with the relentless teasing he had been giving the omega. He smirked and kissed Elliot's forehead while holding him around his waist. "you shoudln't need to ask..." he muttered. he reeached for their bathing robe to wrap Elliot up, not wanting to create a water trail on the floor, he carried the omega up so easily.

He walked towards the bedroom, prssing butterfly kisses on Elliot. Elliot's belly was pressing against his front while the omega hang his arms around his neck, his toros turning inwards. Alex was feeling not only Elliot, but also some very light movement from within Elliot, the sensation was heartwarming and at the same time, reminded Alex of how much diffferent elliot's body was now.

He placed Ellito down gently, splaying open his robe, he was hit with the entire naked front of Elliot's. He smiled and climbed up the bed, kissing his way up Elliot's front while he forced Elliot to spread his legs. "So beautiful." he sighed in praise, kissing along the underbelly to his bellybutton, then up to his chest over his heart, and finally his lips, entanglng them in another passionate kiss.

(I'm back! hahaha, sorry it took so long! I hope I made this worth the wait! :D )

It almost went like a blur for Elliot. With Alex carrying him, he was brought near to the scent glands of his alpha. The scent was addictive - he could smell the arousal of his mate and it was turning him on more. His gaze was becoming hazy and Alex could feel the harsher pants of the omega. 

"A-Alex..." Elliot had started nibbling and kissing Alex along his jaw and neck, eager to get back in his mate's deep kiss. He was moaning and purring in anticipation, going louder when he hears Alex grunting from his bites.

Finally he met the soft mattress of their bed, but ignoring the high quality of it, Elliot was more captivated by his love standing and ready to mount him in all his sexy naked glory. 

His body was presented again for his alpha. It was still wet from the shower making it glisten with the moonlight shining through the room, especially his mountain belly that really stuck out. His face was so red and flushed. When his legs were pried open, it made him squirm and bit back a moan. Alex could see how wet he had also become down there.

His heart raced faster seeing Alex starting to climb on top of him. The kisses started from his underbelly, making their babies excited by their Papa's attention. It slowly went up until it was his turn, and he hungrily accepted the kiss he had been longing. If he wasn't too immersed in the kiss, Elliot could have laughed with their position. Alex was avoiding his belly, but it was so jutted out that Alex was curved, almost bending at an arc, just to reach him.

 They were enjoying the kiss until the position became too much for Elliot who felt like his belly was squishing him with all the weight. It made his back stressed, and breathing was difficult. He broke away from the kiss with a groan. 

"I-I need to... l-lay on my...side...mmmhhhh!" Elliot turned to his side with the help of Alex. It was a bit painful moving but once he was in position he was able to relax again. Though he needed a few moments to catch his breath, rubbing his belly to help the babies destress as well. Alex was looking at him worriedly, so he smiled to assure his love that he was okay. Elliot took a few more breaths before pulling Alex by the shoulder to resume their love making.

(welcome back! HAHA certainly... your posts are always worth the wait ;) and this is a long onee!! ohh and how's the trip? fun and smooth?)

Alex growled at his omega teasing and nibbling along his glands. it worked to arouse him further, and it was rare to see Elliot so eager. Both factors adding together as his desire through the roof.

He laid down Elliot and had a quick moment of admiring the beautiful form of his mate. Elliot was one of a kind, as heavily pregnant as he was now, he looked stunning. Alex worshipped his body with little kisses. He spread his legs and was quite delighted to see his opening glistening - this time wet for a different reason. Alex stroked over his opening, making Elliot moan louder, and showed him his own slick.

"wet and ready." he concluded, not surprised to see the blush spreadng to Elliot's neck. Alex kissesd his way up to Elliot's sweet lips. once there, Alex had no mind left to sense what an awkward position he was in. he had to curl his back like a cat to avoid crashing into Elliot's belly, but the urge to kiss his mate surpassed everythign else.

Alex helped Elliot move, adn the pained hiss and the rub on his belly worried teh alpha. "Are you sure you're fi...." Alex asked although elliot already gave him a reassrugin smile, his words were however cut off by the resumed kiss. Alex moaned into the kiss, he cupped Elliot's cheeks and deepened it. this proved to be an effective stopper to the alpha's worry, and in no time they had started again from where they had left off.

Alex stroked the side of Elliot's body, running his hand along his curves. it was an exquisite feeling, feeling the pregnant belly and the sweet body of his omega. He deepend the kiss further, really devouring the taste of elliot while his hands lit up sparkles of desire all over his pregnant mate.

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03-22-2016, 08:09 PM

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