05-28-2018, 07:15 AM

Elliot was sweeped off from all consciousness of the watching crowd by Alex who had pulled him into another deep kiss. It was so passionate that it left him breathless and at daze. The babies were also happy. Alex could feel with how they were kicking against the hands of their papa. All anxiety of the employees judging them and their relationship went away as he heard them cheering at the background. He also have his alpha to protect them so what is there to worry more about?
After the announcement, the crowd died down and then there's just them. Elliot was blushing, although he found himself chuckling at the cheesy, possessive play of his mate. "And you are mine, Alex. I love you too... so much, h-husband." Oh goodness, he had long dreamed of calling Alex that and now that he can, he was stuttering. It was unfamiliar but definitely pleasant to say. It needs working on right now but he's sure he'll get used to it.
The couple ended up sitting at a private table, due to the feet and back of our Omega beginning to ache, but still they continue to cuddle and just talk sweet nothings. Their hands were joined on top of the belly where their babies continued to happily squirm about. Elliot would sometimes steal shy kisses on his Love's cheeks, and he would redden when Alex returned them. There was really no question on their relationship. They are deeply in love and meant to be. It was clear to everyone. In a way, one can say their love is inspiring.
Elliot was resting his head on his alpha's shoulder. "I thought we will need to keep our relationship hidden, and that we can only be like this in private. It feels nice being so free like like this. Thank you, Alex, for claiming me... and our babies." They were having a very sweet moment, until his hunger made itself known again. "Um...Let's eat, h-husband?" Okay still awkward but it will be better. Elliot was suddenly aware of the lot of delicious smell. He saw a cake heavily layered with chocolate, and there was also a good looking pasta. Alex might have found it funny how Elliot was eyeing the buffet table. "The buffet looks good, love! Did you prepare all this?" Upon realization, his gaze returned to Alex. "Wait, how were you able to plan all this when we had been so busy? Oh you must've worked and stressed so much. But I'm really thankful, love. All of this is just so perfect. Thank you! You make me feel so special and loved."