Office MATES


Alex praised him again, saying how he was the lucky one with the omega. Elliot thought otherwise, him being the lucky one instead with the alpha. Nonetheless he accepts, more so the kiss rewarded to him. Thankfully, he doesn't taste like vomit anymore.

Elliot really beamed, though still keeping his blush, when Alex approved his weird craving. He thought Alex would be too disgusted to get them for him. His mate proved him wrong. "Thank you, love. The cheese must be melted and the pickles should be from the brand..." Elliot shyly rambled on, getting lost in the fantasy of his food. He was as always startled when carried by Alex. He can only sigh when the alpha insisted to carry him despite his struggle. "I don't know why you want to always carry someone so heavy. Isn't this straining your back?" As consolation, Elliot was pressing some of his fingers on Alex's shoulders, thinking it would help.

They arrived at the living room where a waiter was preparing their food. He almost drooled at the sight of it. Only missing was his ingredients and his meal will be perfect. Elliot almost forgot the waiter until he heard Alex 'introducing' him.

He huffed. With his mood swings, the omega interpreted the intentions of his mate wrong. When it was only the two of them in their suite, Elliot let out his annoyance. "So you want to introduce me as a pig that just have to have extras. You didn't have to say it like that. You made me look like a glutton to others. I can't help that I'm eating for three, Alex. Just what did that waiter thought of me now? That your fiancee's such a pig?!" But despite being upset with the other, Elliot still leaned to the kiss on his forehead and hummed to Alex's explanation. "Are you sure I'm l-lovely? I'm not a pig too. R-right, love?" He sighed. "Say sorry again, to me and the babies, and maybe we'll forgive you." Blame his hormones.

"only when i'm holding you, i'm sure you are safe." Alex smiled explaining why he liked to lift elliot up so much. He was also afriad his little petit omega would still be strained to walk, afterall his soreness had triggered rounds of nauseousness before already. they settled into their places with breakfast set out in front of the couch, facing the lovely scenery outside the full windows.

"Of course you're lovely. and no of course you're not a pig!" Alex exclaimed, again looking at Elliot with his innocent looks, his large, round eyes staring into Elliot with disbelief. "how could you think yourself as that... you aren't eating enough. I am serious. And you are the most adorable person on earth. i swear." he said raising his hand in the air. "and oh please.. do eat more. Remember the doctor also encouraged that? you're eating for our 3 little angels... you need lots of nutrients." Alex added pressing closer to Elliot, holding his lovely omega close and fed him some of the truffle scrambled eggs. "hmm, taste good?" he smiled at how lovely Elliot looked with his cheeks full of food, munching like a hamster.

The extra orders came soon. Alex took a spoonful of the rather strange combination of food to feed it to Elliot. "hmm, good right? but no, no thanks. I wouldn't share it. you should indulge in yourself with that entire serve." Alex said, before Elliot could offer it to him. he woudl be content with normal breakfast, for Elliot's choice of food was rather peculiar and truth be told, he really didn't find it too appetizing. For his fiance, though, anythign is good.

They enjoyed the food rather leisurely. They were having such a great time here, looking out into the cityview, it looked rather diffferent than at night, but both times it was lovely and magnificent.

(time skip to office scare soon or you want to prolong their after-engagement moments? l just go with the flow so I'm good whatever you like  :D )

Elliot looked at Alex, a hint of guilt and regret in him, when the alpha asserted just how wrong he viewed his self image. He shouldn't have doubted his figure and habits. He is pregnant; it's only normal for him. And besides, why should anyone else's opinion matter when it's only Alex's opinion, and the babies' health that he should worry about.

 Alex got him with his pep talk, and from guilt, his eyes shone determination. "Alright. I am a-adorable, and I'll eat m-more for the sake of our triplets." It was like a vow he made for his love. He smiled seeing Alex nodding and smiling in approval. "Okay, let's eat! Our babies are already protesting in there." He rubbed his belly saying a silent apology to them also.

Of course it was Alex that's feeding him. Elliot didn't mind and actually thought of it as sweet of his mate. "This is delicious! Ooh what's that one? I also like that love, and that..." Elliot was happily enjoying all the food flavors, and also the feeling of having something filling his hungry stomach. He almost finished half of all their dishes when he remembered Alex was not eating. He took a spare spoon and began feeding Alex as well. "You should eat with me, love. Here. How does it taste?" 

They were almost through with their breakfast, five plates of large servings of different dishes, when his most awaited order has arrived. On his first bite, "Alex, this is heaven! It's so good!" The weird food looked disgusting and doesn't smell too good either. But the look of Elliot's face as he ate it told otherwise. "You should try this!" Alex refused and he was fine with it. He understands. "More for me then. Thanks, love."

Their breakfast ended with a satisfied Elliot relaxing with his beloved alpha. The view was beautiful too in daytime. "I'm so happy I get to call you fiance from now on until our wedding. It feels like our relationship went deeper and I love it. And now you are also the new CEO. You're progressing so much, Alex and I'm so glad I could be with you in your journey. Congrats, my love. Oh, the babies are saying congratulations to Papa too."

Alex was grateulf his lovely omega was able to shake off his insecurities. He had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time his omega was worried about his looks and weight, but he was also sure this woudln't be the last of it. He would just have to reassure Elliot time and again how attractive he htought him to be, and encourage him to embrace his new body - he truly find him very sexy this way.

"i have come so far because of you... without you, i wouldn't be picking up things at work so well. Without you, i don't think i'd ever be as happy as i am now. You are the reason for everything, Elliot." he smiled at Elliot and kissed him, wincing a little tasting that strange mix of food that Elliot had just so happily indulged in, and made a face at Elliot. He looked at Elliot's belly and smiled, kissing it as well. "and you three as well, babies. Without your presence, i doubt if i'd ever get as far with your mommy." he smiled.

They made use of the tub of the room again to wash away the filth on them. Refreshed and beaming with love, they checked out hand in hand, Alex lovingly held his mate's waist as they moved along, aware of his situation.

Life went back to normal - or abnormal. Alex had become insanely busy right after their celebrations. There were a lot of things for him to pick up, the running of the company was no small businesss. At first he attempted to be there to cook breakfast for his mate, but soon enough work was eating into his morning when he had to host meetings early and late into the evening. As alternative, he hired a maid and driver for his mate. He called Elliot in his 20minute lunch time to tell him of the new hires about to attedn at home to his needs. "I'm so sorry babe, but i really don't have time... and i couldn't let you head to work and cook alone. If they aren't doing a good enough job, let me know and i'd give them a chat.... wait i have a call coming. I'll see you tonight dear." he said and had to quickly cut off the line.

 "You also gave me my everything, love. I would have long resigned if it wasn't for you giving me light in the office." They shared a kiss. Elliot noticed the face made by Alex, he chuckled, still mid kiss, knowing it was because of his recent craving.

Elliot smile at what Alex said next to their children. "And they'll keep us together and in love for many more years to come." They soon checked out of their hotel after getting themselves clean and ready. Elliot was still sore that time, to which Alex lovingly gave him a solution for. They were all smiles when they exited out of the hotel, some passerby couples we're even staring at them, but they didn't mind.

They were back to work and as usual it had been busy in the company. Elliot didn't mind the work, he was up to take a challenge. What he did mind was his fiance not having any more time for him. "That's okay, Alex. I understand where you're coming from but..."And for the hundreth time since getting burried in work, Elliot was cut off by Alex before he can even reply properly."  He slumped back on his seat trying to suppress all the sadness he feels. He was rubbing his belly, also comforting the babies inside. "Papa... (sigh) he can't be with us as often anymore. But hey, he said we'll be having an uncle driver and Aunt maid to take care of us so we'll be okay." Elliot sighed another before turning to his own workload.

It didn't get better as weeks passed. By now Elliot reached his 7th month, but instead of being healthy as he was supposed to be, he was becoming more and more ill. He was eating and sleeping less with all the stress and work. But what hurts him the most is Alex not there for him when he needed him the most and seeming to not notice anything either. 

He came out of the toilet after another bout of nausea. As usual he had these employees flocking over him offering him all things that didn't matter. It took all his being not to snap at them. "I'm fine." He stumbled to his office chair almost ready to call it a day. "Sir, there are more documents waiting for your signature." Oh he wanted to cry. "Okay" Another day, another over time at the office.

Alex was so busy himself. he didn't know what Elliot had been going through, his omega wasn't putting on the weight, instead he was losing it. He appeared pale and sickly, but every morning, Alex could only have enough time to give him a chaste kiss before stumbling off bed himself. The alpha had been working so hard. he was a responsibile new leader and he was rather serious about the new responsbiilties, that he had for a moment lost track of what's most important to him. he trusted the driver and maid to take care of teh daily needs of his mate, but himself wasn't there. his scent wasn't there to help stabilize Elliot's body, and what's worse, he even missed an appointment of Elliot's due to business engagements, therefore he missed the doctor's solemn orders for Elliot to reduce stress level as all of the babies were going under weight now. The charts of the babies and also Elliot's weight was dipping, an alarming sign for the mother and children entering their third trimester.

Alex was himself stress borne. He had lost weight as well with minimal sleep and meeting after meeting. His coffee intake was also over the roof, and sometimes he even spend the night in office instead of returning home, so even the driver and maid could not alert the alpha the distress the omega was in.

It was again one of those meetings where the department heads quarreled with each other over the new direction of the company. Alex had been building up his authority but in times like this, he was just too fed up to shut them up. he sat there listening to their pointless ramble, feeling ever more tired and wished he could have Elliot by his side. Finally, he was irritated enough to interrupt. "Stop it! Mr Elliston, please head back to come up with a more comprehensive report. I have spotted and circled out the inadequacy. And you Mr Morris, if you continue to just criticize others without contrbuting, you can head back to pack your things. Dismissed." he barked. The irritaion had grown on Alex, his eyes bloodshot and his alpha self agitated with the long separation from his mate.

Then his secretary knockd on teh door timidly. "err, Sir. Your mate, Elliot, he's, hmm, he's just fainted...." before she could complete it, Alex felt his heart skipped a beat. He rushed out, leaving the stunned crowd behind. Oh please be alright Elliot... Alex couldn't think straight as he ran towards the lifts to make his way to his omega.

It had been hard on Elliot how distant he and Alex had become, especially his omega instinct was relying so much on his alpha's pheromones to keep his pregnancy healthy. His mind kept replaying what the doctor had said about the danger on him and their babies. He tried to keep healthy, experimenting with different dishes with their maid and resting as much as he can, but it was futile with his situation. His body was rejecting all food, and without the support of Alex, he cannot provide enough energy leaving him very drained. There was even a time when he got so sick that he couldn't get up from the bed and needed a bucket for his nausea. He had his maid call Alex, only to go on voicemail every time. Good thing his doctor was available and got him more stabled, but the visit didn't end without another lecture on how his pregnancy is going downhill. 

Elliot planned to file for leave soon. He wanted to ask Alex's opinion first, he never did had the chance. So his days of working continued. He would come to the office with a tired waddle, arms straining to support his back and belly, and dark bags under his eyes. His complexion was getting paler each day and there's not enough rest for him anymore. He can only manage small fruits during his 20 min breaks and is close to becoming malnourished. Elliot wanted to cry, and he did cry sometimes when he was alone in their bedroom. He felt so guilty for his babies. He can only rub his belly and try keep them positive but then he would broke to apologies. "We'll be okay, daddy and papa will see you soon. I bet all of you are gorgeous. D-daddy's sorry my angels.. p-please be strong."

Elliot had enough and today he was submitting his leave request even without Alex's opinion. He was on his way to the office when nausea came again. He had to ask the driver to pull over just so he can vomit.  He already felt very weak since morning and was feeling the sickest since all this because. He was deciding to just head home. Then his phone rang. "Sir, we have a client seeking a meeting with you. It's urgent!" He had no choice. "John (the driver)... do you have paper bags" He needs to be in the office.

The client had been very demanding, not even having pity on him that he is pregnant and sick. When it was over, Elliot was feeling a bit delirious. An employee was offering tea that only triggered his vomiting again. He dashed for the toilet, and dry heaved for about 10 minutes. He walked out light-headed and wobbly in his steps. His vision had black dots and he was having difficulty in breathing. And then his knees buckled when pain shot through in his belly. "Aahh! My babies!" He was crying not knowing what to do. This is the most pain he'd been through and he's sure there's something wrong. Employees began crowding him that caused him to panic more and hyperventilate. He embraced his belly. He needed Alex, where's Alex? "A-Alex? Alex?" Then he saw the red coming from him, he fainted.

When Elliot woke, he was in a hospital, various wires and IV attached to him. He remembered what happened, he quickly sat himself up feeling for his belly. He cried hard feeling it still round. The movements in there have become weak but he could still feel, three pairs of baby feet. "Thank you! Thank you! You're so strong. Daddy's sorry angels. I'm so sorry!" Alex suddenly came in, maybe had gone to buy food only to return to hearing his fiancee's voice after being three days in coma. "A-Alex..."

(Wow you went a step ahead! HAHA it's great ;) how about we punish Alex by making him needing to draw blood stabilize his mate's condition?)

Alex couldnt see anything other than his mate. When he arrived, much to his annoyance, a large crowd gathered around Elliot but no one was doing anything except fanning him to "provide him with fresh air". He couldnt breath when he saw the blood between Elliot's legs... "call the ambulance! No... fuck off people!" He yelled pushing people away and went ahead to scoop Elliot up. He took Elliot bridal style and rushed outward. "Call John!"

Afterwards it's a blur. Alex wasnt sure what had happened and how he mamaged to rush Elliot to the hospital. Throughout the trip, his alpha pheromones over the roof as his protective instinct kickrd in, his body knew that's what his ailing omega needed. Even the beta driver was beginning to suffocate at the overwhelming scent. Alex was oblivious to all of that.

Alex ran with the gurley to the diagnosis room. With their peculiar situation, the doctor allowed the alpha in to keep up with the stabilizing scent. He didnt know what the doctors did, all he knew was, after some time, he was asked to leave the room by the doctor for a quick chat.

On that little lecture, he was let known of the severe condition his mate was in. The accusation from the doctor was sharp, and it pierced to the deepest of his heart. His mate had been in distress for almost a month, yet he was entirely oblivious to it. He was the one guilty for it all, but it was Elliot who'd paid the price and endured through it so bravely... until finally his body couldnt take it anymore. He wanted to yell and scream, so angry with himself.

The doctor noticed his condition was not so well either, and quickly send the alpha back to be with his omega. Their mutual scent would be the best tranquilizer. However, after the initial rage and frustration, deep guilt.enveloped him. He passively accepted the blood drawing to maintain the level of pheromone for the babies, and then spent his entire day at the bedside of Elliot.

He would have stayed , but entering the third day, the doctor insisted for him to head out to take a breather before returning with some lunch. He did found himself thinking a bit clearer returning, his brain finally functioning and he had made a decision. Returning, he was ready to meet the heartbreaking scene of his mate laying there, unresponsive with his belly sticking out, making a large contrast with his thin body. He was therefore beyond thrilled when he saw his mate finally opening his beautiful eyes.

"Elliot! Call the doctor!" He asked loudly of the nurse then rushed towards Elliot, clutching his hand tihht and kissed it repeatedly. "Elliot... elliot! Thank god... i'm so sorry mate... i'm so sorry my love..." the alpha cried, his voice broken, extreme thrill and renewed guilt washed over him.

(sorry  Blush . Yeah let's punish Alex, maybe Elliot's condition needed him to take regular inserts of Alex's blood and it would be an unpleasant experience for Alex needing to constantly draw blood blood for Elliot. Elliot will be there to comfort him still though ;) ) 

It had been so long since he saw his mate, and the omega inside him was just screaming for his alpha. Elliot hugged Alex with all strength that his weak body could muster. He joined in with the cries of his love, saying his own apologies and guilt as well. "I'm s-sorry too, alpha. I wasn't strong enough to keep the p-pups healthy..." It was his omega side surfacing let loose by the fear and tension for the babies safety. 

"I was so s-scared Alex... I wasn't feeling good... things started getting blurry... and then there's pain... a-and blood! I thought we've lost our angels! I'm so s-sorry!" Elliot had burried his head into Alex's scent gland. His body was shaking from how hard he was crying, while a hand never left its protective hold on his belly.

It was a while and Elliot manged to calm down when the doctor finally arrived. "First things first. Elliot how are you feeling? Any pain?" Elliot responded shakily. "I'm good... my belly still hurts a little." "It's okay, that's to be expected. It will get better, don't worry."

 Then the doctor became more serious. "Elliot and the babies are stable... but they're still not in the clear. Elliot lost lots of weight and nutrients that greatly affected his health and the babies. I'm not gonna lie to you, Elliot's condition was so poor that both the mother and children almost died... "The room was silent. Elliot can only return to Alex's hug in devastation. "I'm sorry. It was a miracle they'd pull through so I want you to take better care of your pregnancy. Elliot, you need to regain and more all that you've lost just so we can be sure you can deliver them to term. You'll be staying in the hospital to finish your IVs but after that and you go home, no more work and no more stress. All you will do is eat, eat, sleep, sleep. Alex, I've talked to you already. I can't stress enough how much you're needed by Elliot right now. From now on, no longer 5 hours apart and keep close distance. But... that won't be enough anymore. While Elliot's still here, we need your blood to infuse with his. Elliot will be needing them regularly, and it's not gonna be a pleasant experience for you. I'm sorry."

(Haha I am thinking Alex would have already drawn some blood for Elliot during those 3 days when he's unconscious. Just let Elliot pull up his sleeve, he would see the many needle marks on him ;))

"Shhh shh love, no you have been as strong as you can already. Oh love, i am the one to blame.. please, please dont cry baby." Alex pleaded. His heart ached so much seeing the constant tears from his omega. He took the smaller mancloser to him, rubbing his head against Elliot and let him take as much of the comforting scent as he could. He was heartbroken and consumed with guilt as well. While his omega had been fighting so hard for their babies, he had been the culprit. He was the reason for all his pain and fear, yet he was so oblivious to it.

They maintained their close proximity to each other when the doctor came in. The more the doctor said, the more ashamed Alex was. He coukdnt believe he had made his omega and pups fall into auch danger, and they could have all been gone! Alex trembled at that overwhelming horror. "Yes please doctor, draw as much blood as you can. Elliot... i am so sorry, i am so so sorry... i have been the one causing all these. Elliot i am not even a proper alpha. I have abandoned you when you most needed me. You had needed my help but i couldnt even spare the time to.properly talk elliot... elliot. I am such a failure..." alex was a mess. He cried and his eyes were so swollen.

"Nurse? Can you please draw blood? Elliot..." he pressed kisses on Elliot to distract him while the nurse pulled up his sleeve. The doctor had drawn several times from his right hand, so now he offered his left hand. Later, the doctor might need to take blood from his feet to avoid puncturing the same blood vessel too many times.

(Sorry for the late reply! And sorry for misunderstanding  Alex's blood letting. We can have Elliot scared after seeing Alex's bruises and begged for an alternative instead like slower recovery?)

It wasn't Alex's fault; Elliot believed that if his mate only knew, he would be cared for 24/7 by Alex no matter what. He shook his head with conviction, his heart breaking with the state he had put his love in. "No... don't say that! Y-you can't help that you've been busy. I'm sure that i-if only you knew, you'd l-leave work for us. It's not your fault! You're the greatest alpha for me and nothing can convince me otherwise, so please don't be like this!"

Elliot broke from his stare with Alex when the nurse approached them and pulled up his love's sleeves. His eyes widened. Alex's arms where blue with bruises and pale with blood loss (he had also seen the right arm when the nurse checked). They looked really painful and the doctor wanted to do more? He shakily ran a hand to Alex's bruised arm. "W-what? N-no. Love..." Alex tried distracting him but he can't, not when he can hear his mate holding back winces and groans of pain. He broke free, looking at the doctor with pleading eyes. "P-please... Stop this. My mate's hurting! M-maybe there's a-another way?" He shielded Alex's hand from the nurse, pushing the needle away despite the insistence of the nurse and his mate.

Elliot held back his own wince when he felt cramps in his belly, letting go of Alex to cradle his huge bump. The doctor quickly acted to relieve the cramps. "Your still recovering, don't stress yourself too much!" Once again he was led to Alex's scent gland, after of which it had calmed him, he was guided to lay down again. "Alex... Doctor, please. I and the babies will keep getting stressed if I should see my love and their Papa hurting again."

(haha no it's very alright, i didn't hint on any of them in my previous post. yep let's have elliot trying to persuade the doctor and Alex into abandoning the bloodlettign method - but he would fail. Maybe Alex would let the nurse take the blood when Elliot fall asleep? ;) they both are really eager to sacrifise for each other, right?)

Alex's beyond touched. His little omega was so protective and trusting of him. he really was a very lucky man to have elliot as his mate. "elliot... you're too good. I'm the one who don't deserve you. how could you forgive me, when even myself couldn't?" he asked, hugging Elliot tight."

Alex didn't know the nurse would check on his bruised arm as well, and when she lifted his sleeve up, it was too late already and his mate had seen it . The alpha bit his lips. He had wanted to hide that from Elliot entirely... this was just a small pain compared to what Elliot had been through. Frankly, this had him feeling a little better somehow. it felt like some form of punishment that he deserved.

With his womb cramping again, Alex almost panicked but followed strictly what the doctor instructed, holding Elliot carefully against his gland on his neck so the omega can calm down. He rubbed on the pregnant man's back slowly as well, keeping on mumbling with sweet words so he could calm down. With Elliot laid down, Alex came sit on the bed looking over him. "Shhh no it's going to be alright... promise. a little of blood's not..." Alex wanted to convince Elliot into letting him continue with this bloodletting, but already the omega was shaking his head furiously.

"Alright ... shh, no need to get so worked up." Alex comforted him gently. Looking at the doctor, he waited and the doctor sighed. "alright... if you're so insistnet on not letting your partner draw any more blood, it might still work. you two will have to stay close to each other almost all the time, and Elliot you will have to be on bedrest for the week. I will minimize the distrubance you two will have so that the scents of you two can calm each other and the babies."

(LOL cant really think of much else... feel free to add onto the doctor's words! i'm thinking Alex will be the one suggesting? he will sneak out to discuss with the doctor to collect his blood after Elliot's asleep? it will be a much more reliable method to ensure of Elliot's recovery, only all these would be hidden away from Elliot?)

(Alright, let's keep it hidden from Elliot. Alex and the doctor can convince Elliot that by alpha scent alone he was recovering, but he could notice Alex getting paler and always wearing sleeves that make him suspicious?)

Elliot had tears in his eyes looking up to his mate who was trying to calm him. His belly had now only a little ache and he was more composed than before, but still he wasn't letting up until they say the blood letting stops. "Alex... you don't have to do this. You're hurting, love. You're not supposed to suffer like this." He then turned to plead next to the doctor. "Please doctor... I can't let him be hurt like this. There must be another, safer way." 

The doctor sighed. There really isn't another way, but she knew that if she told the truth to Elliot now, his condition could get more serious. Still she needs to say something.

Elliot's body relaxed when he heard of an alternative recovery method. It was safer too. He only needs Alex to constantly be with him and he and the babies will be healthy again. He gave an excited nod to the doctor before turning to Alex again. "See love, you don't have to be hurt anymore. We'll get through this without anymore pain. I'm not gonna let you be hurt again." He pushed his pregnant body up a bit to reach and kiss his mate on the cheek.

The doctor cleared her throat. "As I was saying, you two need to be together as much as you can. I know Alex that work had been a huge hindrance to that but we must make sacrifices now. Elliot, you'll be in heavy medication with the condition you've been so you'll find yourself frequently sleepy if not a bit delirious. But that doesn't mean that Elliot can be left alone then, speak to the babies Alex when he sleeps. It gives them strength knowing their Papa is bonding with them." The omega listened intently, taking note of what he has to do and what to expect; all the while holding back a yawn. The doctor noticed and chuckled. "Sleep. Don't fight it." And with one last kiss to his love, Elliot slept.

The doctor's attention was back to Alex. Making sure her  patient is already asleep, she began. "Alex, I'm gonna be honest with you. This 'safer' method... Elliot and the babies will recover from it... but there's a huge chance they can never go back to full health. We can expect a weaker immunity from the omega and the babies. The blood letting is still the best option to go. You are his alpha and the father of the triplets he carries. I'll take your decision as the final choice."

"of course doctor, thanks for not telling Elliot that. He would never let me continue to do this." Alex stroked his sleeping omega's hair. he saw large dark circles underneath his eyes and again, the alpha's heart ached. "Please take my blood. We can do it when Elliot's sleeping. He woudln't know. My blood can be used on him without him noticing right? that would work well. I will make arrangements at work so i can work from home and take good care of Elliot." he looked at the doctor and declared, rather determinedly, his intentions.

Alex bit on his lowerlip when the nurse again took a tube of his blood. His hand was bruised with many needlemarks,. when Alex stood up to get back to Elliot's side, he swayed aas dizziniess consumed him. He shook his head and continued on. All he woudl care about now was his mate. "Get well soon, Elliot.. and you all 3 as well, babise. papa's here now, i will look after you." he pressed a gently kiss on Elliot's large belly, gettning some small responses from within and smiled.

Alex was rather tired himself. He soon nodded off sitting beside Elliot and fell asleep at an awkward position, his neck turned to the side and his shoulder pressed against the bed. Before Elliot woke up, though, a nurse came to shaek him awake. Suppressing a pained groan, he followed him out to take his other tube of blood, then returned to Elliot's side waiting for him to wake up for his dinner.

Elliot woke with the most peace he had felt in weeks. He and the babies are on track to recovery, and finally he has Alex to bear with through this all. He smiled seeing his mate near dozing off on his chair. His hand was carefully held by Alex, and it seemed that it had been a while like that with how his love's arm position looked awkward compare to Alex's position now. The skies outside was dark; maybe it was time for dinner. He was actually not surprised he had slept for that long.

Elliot pressed a kiss on the hand holding his, successfully waking Alex up. "Love? Alex? Did you have dinner already?" The room was dim and only lit by a night lamp (probably made by the nurse because they were sleeping). He thought Alex looked paler than normal but brushed it off as an effect of the dimmer lighting. 

Soon, a nurse came in carrying two trays of hospital food for the couple. Elliot looked a bit green when the food was brought in, his nausea still in the process of settling as he recovers. But he was thankful he had now even a bit of appetitie than none which was his condition before. He ate in small bites, more occupied with talking with Alex. Alex, too, can sense his happy and peaceful omega scent, hopefully helping to the secret pain Alex was having. Elliot also noticed the unstable movements of his love, like how his hand shake when lifting a spoon to his mouth. Still he ignored it as maybe Alex getting tired. 

Oh how Elliot was oblivious to what was happening. "Eat more, love. And after this, you should get some good sleep. You look tired.Take care of yourself, won't you? Babies also wants their Papa healthy." Elliot happily conversed with Alex while they're having their dinner, all still convinced that his mate is alright.

Alex was startled awake with the kiss. He wasn't aware that he had fallen asleep again after taking the blood. Perhpas it was really taking a toll on him with the bloodletting and the previous super busy scehdule. he shook his head to make himself a little more awake, then smiled at his love. "Elliot? feeling much better now aren't you?"

they ate while Elliot was obviously getting more vibrant than before. He was eating in small bites, but still eating. James scooped up some soup and to his surprise, his hands were shaking. He groaned to himsef and willed his hand to be steady again. Lifing his arm up was another thing, he felt pain at where the nurse had drawn blood from, the cotton still there reminidng him of the discomfort, but seeing his love so happy and at ease was all he needed to forget about it all. They had a rather enjoyable convrsation, and again, Alex was reminded of the days when they felt like they could spend all day with each other.

He ate all the things on the tray. He was hungry, and also, Elliot's words reminded him of how important it was for him to stay healthy - if the doctor didn't think his condition was stable enough to draw blood, Elliot's and the babies' health could be affected. He nodded and smiled at his omega. "i will Elliot.. i promise I will sleep almost as much as you I have already called my father... just before you woke up from that long, long sleep. He would take care of business until AFTER the babies are born. That would be best, and it would almost mean a smoother transition. I will still perhaps work a little from home, but otherwise.. i'm all yours." he kissed Elliot's hand, looking at him in his eyes, silently declaring his love to him.

Elliot smiled at Alex's assurance. He could feel that his love still blames himself from what had happened, and he feared that Alex was letting himself go like what he did in their first fight. Even now he fears, especially when he could notice the slightest hints of weakness from Alex, although still not sure with the poor lighting. "I'm glad. You don't know how much that puts me in ease. You better keep that promise, yeah love?... Alex... none of this is your fault. I just want you to remember that."

Elliot wasn't expecting Alex to give up his work for them. Alex will be with him almost all the time, except for when he has to do little work, and the thought just made him so touched and overwhelmed. "Alex.. I...Thank you! This means a lot to us. I'm sorry that we'll be taking your time from work but... we really need you now a-and I'm so thankful, love!" Elliot blushed at the sweet gesture made by Alex, returning his own love confession by a kiss on the lips.

Dinner ended, and though Elliot didn't even manage finishing half of his meal, he was energized enough just by his mate's presence. Unknown to him that there was also the influence of Alex's blood injected in him. They were cuddling, but he was mostly supported on the chest than on Alex's arms. The alpha's arms were also loose on him. He was about to ask when a yawn escaped him. It made him forget what he was to ask and opted for another question insted. "How was your day, love. I'm sorry I've slept on you and you must have been bored. Tell me about it?"

"work is nothing compared to you. Besides, my father's been saying he was too bored suddenly entering retirement. He couldn't really adjust to life with my mom all the time." Alex smiled taking his kiss, lingering on it and playfully licked Elliot's lip with his tongue as they separated from it.

Alex looked wiht a little concern with how little Elliot was eating, but this was his first proper meal after so many days, he guesseed he shoudln't push it. His omega was already doing his best, and he knew if he forced him to eat, it could ccause nausea and that would make the situation even worse. He was glad to see some healthy blush returning to Elliot's face, and he pressed a kiss on him fondly.

Alex shifted subtly to prevent Elliot leaning back against his arm. he wasn't sure he could hold in the moan if he pressed on his bruises. On top, he could feel the cotton and disocver about the secret. He only hold Ellito loosely so he wouldn't feel the strange sensation. "it's very alright love. I've gone out to grab a breatha dn walked along the garden outside. when you're better, let me take you there. it's refreshing and they have ducks in teh pond - and a few ducklings were born last month. I could bring you to see how cute they were lining up behind their mommy." He smiled stroking Elliot's back gently, slowly luring him to sleep.

(Let's have Alex maintina this bloodletting for a few days?

maybe when the week was ended, the doctor declared Elliot was stable enough, Alex's blood wasn't a must have. But Alex insisted on taking another few days of blood so his mate and children would recover even better? and then Alex blacked out for a second when he returned to Elliot's room, bumped his elbow on the cabinet or something liek that. When the nurse came to treat him, Elliot disocvered the bruises?)

It was hard imagining his most respected boss bored from the madame. The thought made him chuckle, sort of excited that their babies will have good  grandparents. Of course he wasn't spared  from the blush that Alex  caused by the end of their  kiss.

Elliot hummed at Alex's stories; the hand running on his back was warm and comforting, it was lulling him to sleep. Another yawn threatened to escape, eyelids felt heavy, and Alex's chest was so inviting... "That sounds lovely, hon. I... I'd love to take that walk with you, hopefully soon. I'm sure the babies will also love it, to be under the sun again after so long... Wonder how they'll react with hearing ducklings (yawn)" He lovingly rubbed his belly, smiling down at it before snuggling further into Alex. He might have hit a bruise in the process but he was to out of it to notice his mate's wince. Finding a comfortable spot, his eyes slowly closed against all will to spend more time with his beloved. "Love you..." 

Days passed, and it had almost been a week since he was admitted to the hospital. Elliot was still on bed rest, but it didn't matter to the mother-to-be who was growing healthier day by day. What had him the happiest wasn't his own health, though, but their babies whose kicks are slowly getting stronger again. They were returning to their usual active selves and he can't be any more relieved. He spent most of his days sleeping. The good side of it was that for every waking moment, Alex was there waiting for him with new stories to tell.

Elliot was relieved for the babies, but another thing was bothering him. Something's really wrong with his love. Alex looked paler and more sluggish. He always smile when he talks with him and it seemed that everything's okay, but he knew Alex. He could feel something's wrong with him. But he didn't want to make the same mistake again on not giving Alex his full trust. Alex will tell him everything, right? He promised...

(I like the idea. Elliot will be so broken, but then will understand why his mate was sacrificing himself so much and comfort Alex. Hahaha, excited for that fainting scene.)

(haha yea! i am excited as well ;))

It was a great relief seeing Elliot getting healthier every day. Alex was also able to feel the babies moving energetically in Elliot. The alpha had found that it was most effective in luring Elliot to sleep when he snuggled close and stroke his belly. The babies would respond rather excitedly to their papa's touches, and as Alex's strokes grew more gentle, they would fall asleep one by one, their movement slowing gradually, and Elliot woudl join them eventually.

That was when Alex would take his doze of blood. The nurse would come in to take from his arm, then quietly disappear pretending nothing had happened. After a week, Alex was discreetly called out by the doctor when Elliot was soundly asleep one late night. "Alex, it's great news." the doctor smiled looking at the alpha. "Elliot's out of the most dangerous phase. Let's say he is now 70% healed. From now on, your scent would really be enough for his recovery. You just have to stay close to him all day to keep him stable." she smiled.

"Would my blood keep Elliot healthier? is it still beneficial to him?" Alex asked, and when the doctor nodded, he squeezed his fist tight and shook his head. "Then i will continue to draw blood for my mate. He needed to be more than out of danger, i want him back to 100%." The doctor saw his determination and agreed with the treatment, for she also coudnl't deny that Alex's blood was the best nurture for the omega now.

With almost 10 consecutive days of bloodletting, Alex was really feeling the effect on his body. Whenever he stood up or turn his head too quick, he would feel dizzy. Occasionally he would have to hold onto something to steady himself. He tried very hard to conceal all of that from his omega, but this afternoon, after he had another doze of blood taken during Elliot's nap, he was feeling extra tired.

Entering the room, he saw that Elliot was awake. "Hey... i thought you would need a bit more time so i went out to take a phone call. You feeling alright?" he asked walking in, then it all went black for a moment. Alex swayed and collasped onto the cabinet beside him, his side hitting the metallic furniture rather hardly. It was that pain that had him regain his consciousness. There was blood dripping down his sleeve and even the nurse passing by was aware of the incident. 

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