Office MATES

Alex might have missed the stares but Elliot didn't, and maybe because they are bonded that he was feeling a bit possessive. That's why the moment Alex returned to him. He was sure to kiss him on the lips, though still being subtle of the possessiveness he feels.

Elliot leaned back to the welcoming embrace of his love. The dizziness he felt earlier left him with a bit of nausea that he was trying to shake off by drinking water and taking deep breaths, not really obvious that he was doing more than resting. He hummed as Alex stroke his belly, the babies was just slowly moving within him that made it easier for him to relax. He looked at Alex with love. "3 angels to come. 2 boys and a girl. Hopefully we give birth to behave babies to save us from too much hassle." He did these not really aware of the jealous stares directed at them.

Elliot was still grateful for the instructor for earlier so he didn't thought that she had an intention to break them off. He obliged to let go of Alex and have his love help him stand.

The instructor had them move to another room with tables and baby materials. Each couple was assigned a table and a robot baby. "Okay so everyone, after our omegas and betas gave birth, first you have to know is how to properly hold your babies." Elliot nudged Alex to tell him that he wants him to go first, curious how his big, stern CEO handle carrying a small baby. 

"Now remember that the practice babies you have now was designed to act like a real baby. Once I turn them on expect them to cry if they don't like what you're doing. Okay let's begin. Follow what I do" "You got this, hon."

As always, Alex held a steady hand on Elliot's lowerback as they moved towards the other room, at one point, he even reached out to cradle his bump for him, sharing the weight so he could move with easier.

He made a face at Elliot when he felt the nudge. He had held babies before from his cousin's, but that wasn't nearly similar to holding a new born. He was nervous and the big man squirmed on his feet.

The instructor came to swtich on the robot babies - and immeidatey some started crying. Alex awkwardly picked the baby up. He attempted to adjust the head, he knew he should support the neck, but that made him holding the baby at an awkawrd angle. luckily, the intsructor came for the rescue.

"Sir... Alex is it? hold the baby further up... yes. and i believe your mate's carrying more than one baby right? so i better add in another baby...." she smiled and carried another robot baby to put it into the other arm of Alex's - and perhaps pressed a little close to the big alpha. Alex could feel something soft pressed against his elbow, but with 2 babies in his arms, he couldn't move away too fast.

"Sir, please don't step away... here, use your hand to adjust the baby, they won't break." the instructor stepped even closer to Alex, this time it was clear she was pressing her breasts against the big alpha while she was helping alex in adjusting the babies. "don't be too tensed up.... relax." she said with a smile, even going as far as reaching up to rub Alex's shoulders.

Elliot was smiling at first, very amused with how obvious Alex is nervous. He laughed and cheered on for his love. He tried to guide the bigger man with having experience on little lambs but Alex was so fidgety and tense that it was hard not to break into laughter again.

He was smiling so wide, but that turned into a deep frown. Elliot was only a bit cautious when it first happened. Merely raising a brow when big boobs touched his man. He had noticed the glances the instructor made earlier to Alex and he knew there's really something to be cautious about. He closed his and Alex's gap hoping that it will intimidate the woman. But was she daring. She only glanced at him with a sly smile and pressed her melons further to his alpha. And she dare to even rub Alex's shoulder's! He looked at Alex expecting him to resist, but there was no resistance at all. Did Alex like this? Feeling boobs on him that he doesn't have?

"What are you both doing?!" He finally expressed the anger he feels, glaring at both the instructor and Alex. 

"I'm only aiding your mate to hold the babies. Don't be angry. It's not good for the babies." Her voice was too sweet and fake that it makes Elliot feel sick.

"Aiding? You're flirting with my mate like a whore you b-" he was stopped by Alex telling him to not cause a scene. All couples were looking at them and that made him feel worse. 

"This is the worst! I'm leaving. Enjoy you boobs Alex." Elliot said going over to his things to leave as quickly as he could but he seemed more like a grumpy penguin now with his hurried waddle and hands on lower belly and back.

Alex didn't make a move to resist - he thought he could tolerate it until the end of class. he didn't expect Elliot to make a move on that and the moment he started accusing the instructor, Alex thought he was overreacting a little - to the alpha, he had been attacked way too often by other girls. His background and upbringing made him exposed to these sorts of flirting a lot from a young age, and perhaps his threshold of tolerance had been way higher than elliot's.

"Elliot... stop. it's ok... Elliot!" Alex tried stopping the omega from outright scolding the instructor like that. "stop overreacting..." oh-oh. that was a no-no. even Alex knew that himself when he let it slip.

Muttering a curse to himself, he quickly put down the dolls to chase after his mate. this could be the first time Alex was actually thankful of the weights of the babies since it made it possible for him to catch up to his omega.

"Elliot... " he muttered, holding the smaller man's wrist to stop him from grabbing his bag. "I'm sorry for not pushing her away. it's only you... i don't like those touches, i swear. i wouldn't be interested in any other one except for my lovely one." he covered ELliot's belly with his large hand, caressing the lowerbelly in that exact way he knew would make the omega's knees go weak.

Elliot quickened more his pace (if that was even possible) when he heard what Alex said. Angry tears sprung from his eyes. 

When he was about to enter a corridor, Alex managed to catch him. He was reluctant at first, pulling on his hand hoping he'll be let go. But then Alex just had to caress his lower belly. He held on to Alex disappointed that their babies betrayed him for their Papa's touch. Still he won't give in to the embrace reminding himself that he was angry.

"You could've shown even a bit of resistance but there was none. She was clearly picking a fight with me but instead of her, you scolded me. It wasn't enough that you looked to want her boobs but you also embarrassed me in front of those judging people!" Elliot pushed himself off of Alex, though maybe he shouldn't have with how he found himself leaning to the wall with a new wave of dizziness.

"You don't know how shitty I was feeling before you came, and when you did come you tell me I'm over reacting? Let's say that I am.." Elliot took a deep breath. "But your PREGNANT MATE can't handle the stress anymore. I want to leave." His dizziness was getting worse but Alex wasn't letting him go probably still not getting his situation.

"Alex let me go, I'm seriously very dizzy right now." He plead in a weak voice. A hand went to hold his head.

Alex thought he would succeed in holding Elliot with his little sneaky trick, but he definitely forgot about how headstrong his ex-boss was. Well, at least the babies were on his side as well as he felt the little kicks and strokes from within.

"I…i tried resisting her.... but, ... " he sighdd and mentally kicked himself for making his omega so angry. "I'm sorry Elliot. I reacted wrong. I.should have pushed her away and exposed how ugly she had been trying to seduce me. I know I should show more determination in pushing her away. I'm.sorry for not having stood at your side..." Alex apologized most sincerely, even more determined to hold Elliot in place hearing his omega's accusations.

"…Elliot...? I' sorry..." Alex assumed Elliot was just angry enough he was trembling. Only when he heard Elliot's weak complaint that he realised his mate wasnt feeling too well. "Elliot!"he pulled Elliot closer when he saw how pale he looked. He lifted him up bridal style and went out of the centte. "I'm going to bring you to thr hospital!" Alex himself didnt realise how his voice was trembling with the extreme concern and fear for his mate.

He was aware Alex was telling him something, Elliot just doesn't know what it was. He couldn't comprehend anything more than the blurry image of his worried lover and the need to keep himself upright. He found stability in being carried by Alex and was then able to get that he was about to be brought to the hospital again.

"N-no... 'm fine. It go away soon. mmhh... Just n-need space to breath and relax." Elliot mumbled as his eyes closed and brows scrunched. It maybe in instinct but he was burrowing his head in the alpha's scent glands.

A worker have seen them and being told of the situation, have led them to the center's garden, to a bench where they could rest.

Elliot knew the worry he had caused his mate again, and once he was feeling a bit better, had caressed Alex's cheeks. He was taking in deep breaths the fresh air he longed after feeling stuffy and hot in the room. He was also slowly rubbing his belly to try make the babies settle even a bit. They were rolling around that was edging him for nausea.

"Maybe I was over reacting, but as your mate, I'm entitled to be possessive, right? But still you're right, I was too much. Sorry love." All those breathing methods they just learned worked and in all the relaxing he got calmed enough to have some reflection.

It was pure panic for Alex and for a moment he wanted to insist on them getting another check up in the hospital - he was really terrified of fidning himself inadequate and left his mate in distress because of how oblivious he was. He took him closer and nodded when he sensed Elliot's reluctance to revisit the hospital, and nodded to follow the staff's instruction to get to the garden.

Once they settled, Alex was also feeling the incessant kicks from the triplets. They were so strong now Elliot's body wasn't taking their movements too well. Alex added his large hand on Elliot's bump as he caressed the large dome to calm the babies. "shh....." he whispered and pressed himself closer to Elliot. Unconsciously, he had strengthened his alpha's scent in an instinctive attempt to calm his omega in fury and distress.

"I'm sorry... i should have showed more resistance to the instructor. However....." seeing Elliot had calmed down and came a little to his senses, Alex was feeling brave enough to tease him a little. "i find you very sexy getting all possessive... i bet the entire class knew now, i am occupied and would not be available to anyone aside from you." he nuzzled Elliot's cheek with a smile, quite relieved to see color returning to the omega's cheeks.

Elliot purred at the increased alpha scent, his body untensing by the comfort of his mate. The babies had slowed down a little because of their papa but still actively squirming inside him. He shifted to try meet Alex's eyes with their position. 

"You better work on that. I don't want anyone touching or flirting with you besides me." He sighed. Elliot knew what fright and guilt Alex might be having now because of his petty jealousy. Alex was too loving, how can he stay mad at an angel like him? And also it was part his fault too.

Elliot was back to blushing when he heard the comment about being sexy. He hit Alex's arm in embarrassed. "I-I'm not! But at least I can rest easy after claiming you. Just anyone dare and they'll know they'll get it from me." Elliot was mostly talking air, still he was very possessive. He was actually surprised he was able to say such things.

The garden was nice and warm, with Alex, Elliot was slowly feeling back to his usual self again. "I don't want to go back, for now. I like to continue classes if they let me, but now I think we just want to be with Papa."

Alex was surpised Elliot managed to say such harsh words in fact - but to match his words with his current very-pregnant-state, the effect was almost hilarious. Still, Alex just smiled indulgently at the 'fierce' omega. "you won't be needing to fight as hard, babe... from now on i will protect myself carefully from any form of touching by others." he nuzzled against Elliot's neck, taking in the omega's scent as well to reassur ehimself his pregnant mate was alright.

"Ok, then be with papa is good enough.... we mgiht be a little early for what i've booked, but maybe we can go there earlier - and see if you could take a quick nap in the car?" he smiled at Elliot - yes, Alex didn't come unprepared. The moment he decided he would surprise Elliot with his unannounced presence, he had also planned for what they'd be doing next.

He had booked the penthouse of a hotel. With a jacuzzi pool facing outside, where they coudl enjoy their little private time. If elliot was feeling tired, they could take a nap first, and if not, then they could maybe relax in the pool for awhile, with chocolate dipped strawberries served.

He looked at his lovely omega, whose face has relaxed and he was looking quite content... and lifted her up again. "Let's go... the earlier we go, in fact, the more we could enjoy the facilities." he smiled and carried his mate out of this place, crossing classrooms after classrooms, but never once did he peek inside - nor was he interested in what hapened next in the class.

Elliot was aware he was being out of character and he just hopes Alex won't be put off by it. Seems like a very positive reaction from his mate, clearly Alex was amused and he became a very embarrassed Omega. "Y-yeah. Re-remember you only b-belong to m-me" he stuttered, completely losing the earlier confidence.

Elliot , as much as he was enjoying his mate scent him, was back to looking up at his alpha with confusion. "Booked? Go there earlier? Love, what do you mean?" Elliot yawned feeling a bit tired from all that happened but nonetheless held his questioning gaze. 

"You have something planned? How can that be when  you just unexpectedly came here from the office?" Elliot was skeptical but it couldn't be denied that he was also excited. It would be the first time since Alex's promotion that they spend bonding time together outside.

Alex was again being the mysterious type with his surprises. He was a bit startled but still expected that he'll be carried again away. Elliot chuckled loving the goofiness of his love. He was just feeling horrible a while ago and now he was off to feeling better because of Alex. "Slow down, hon. Wherever we're going I'm sure we still have lots of time to enjoy ourselves."

Elliot wasn't able to see into classrooms too. He was more entranced by Alex and their babies that were same in enthusiasm. "I don't know where you are taking us but thank you in advance love. You're really a life saver."

He was radiantly excited until he was sat.down in his reclined seat in the car, and cool air conditioning was on. His eyes shut for a nap against his will while still unconsciously caressing his belly with babies that refused to settle down.

Alex was again amused by the words Elliot stuttered out - and above all, the blush appearing so beautifully on his omega's cheeks were most loved by the alpha. He gave him another kiss as the rouge subsided on their way out - only to be deepened again as the omega flushed excitedly at the surprise Alex was promising him.

"ah babe, i'm not a life saver... i'm just taking up the responsibility as a good alpha." Alex shook his head gently, nuzzling his nose against Elliot's soft hair while setting him into the reclined seat and belted his omega up comfortably with the seatbelt. "Comfy right? off we go... you could close your eyes to rest a little, it would take 45 minutes to reach our destination." he announced wiht a mischievous smile, then proceeded to take the wheels.

It was a nice drive, with them off class early, they avoided all traffic jams at rush hour. Alex drove safely for his omega, keeping it gradual and smooth so his omega could enjoy some sleep if he wanted to, without his seatbelt pulling on his bump too much. they glided into the roundabout in front of the hotel and the bellboy immeidatley opened the door for him.

"I will be here for a night, please park the car." he handed the carkeys to the bellboy and proceeded to Elliot's side. "Ah, leave him to me. but thanks." he said to the bellboy who had opeend Elliot's side of door, and looked a little surprised seeing the omega reclined on teh chair - perhaps he hadn't dealt with a pregnant omega before.

"Yes, this is... comfortable (yawn). Thank you, love" And then Elliot was of to Dreamland. The Omega slept throughout the 45 minute drive, though not so comfortable as he was in the beginning. He slept on, but the roughness of the movements inside him was making him shift and whimper at times. It's not the alarming type though, just the usual big babies being too active.

Alex might be aware of that, making sure that he was as comfortable as he could with the babies. The ride was smooth and the seatbelt was not causing him added discomfort, that made the long drive more tolerable for Elliot.

However, the hotel's bellboy was not aware. Elliot woke up upon arriving at the hotel, not able to sleep any more with the restless babies. He groaned as he opened his eyes. His hands were on his huge stomach rubbing big circles. "Alex... Nghh.. they won't settle down" It was the usual routine for the couple but the bellboy was alarmed.

"U-uh sir... Is he going into l-labor?! D-do you want me to call 911?!" Elliot, just noticing the other man, blushed and shook his head. He gripped Alex's hand as another harsh kick hit him. "'m fine..." He tried to give a small smile. "The babies are just playing soccer it seems...mmnhh... Very wild soccer hahaha..."

(I'm not sure if I'm stil on track with this reply. Tell me if there was something wrong with it and how I can make it better. Blush )

Alex in fact chuckled out loud at the shocked look on the bellboy's face. He patted the scrawny teenager on his shoulder and hsook his head. "nah, don't worry about it. It's just my omega's way of asking for comfort." he smirked at the young man. "now if you'd step aside and hold the door for me, I would be able to escort my omega out andhopefully calm these little footballers down...- yep, there's more than one in him." he nodded to confirm the bellboy's question that was written all over his face on his use of a plural, then reached in to place a kiss on Elliot's belly first.

"Hey there little ones... please calm down. Papa and Daddy are here." he whispered gently at the bump, then lifted Elliot off the seat holding him behind his back and under his knees. "Thanks buddy. I'll see you around." he flashed a proud smile at the bellboy to proceed into the lobby.

He put Elliot down, as they entered the grand hall of the hotel. "you ok, do you need a minute?" he asked with his hand firmly tugged at the side of Elliot's waist, letting the omega regian his balance. he cupped his bump from below and caressed it slowly. "babies, can you please calm down a little so daddy and papa will have the time for a night togehter? maybe some last ones before you 3 little devils come to mess up with our lives." he smiled pressing a kiss on Elliot's forehead.

(haha yea sure, it's always cute to see other's reaction towards Elliot's size and also, Elliot's so loveable in this!)

(sorry I'm late!)

Elliot sighed. The babies might be slowing down because of their papa but they were still tumbling about in his belly. But he had worse days so it was enough for him. "Why is it that they only listen to you?" he smiled and joked for the two other men, but fatigue was evident on his face. Elliot nodded at the bellboy to say his thank you.

The babies made it hard for him to find his balance with their constant movement. It was only when he had placed a firm suspporting hand under his belly, and a wider stance did he became stable. All the while he worked on it he tripped on Alex, very thankful of his fiancee's support. "I'm fine, they stopped playing soccer but you know your kids, always moving about." He chuckled.

He smiled as Alex was again talking to his bump. Elliot decided to join in."Yeah, I love you but you're starting to hurt daddy so please even just this night? But Alex, love, stop calling them devils. They're my darling angels remember?" He leaned to the kiss given to him on his forehead. He sighed feeling some energy return to him.

"Do you need to check us in first? I'll walk some while you do it, hoping I can tire them to sleep."

(hey it's ok! i know you could be busy with skl and everything~)

"ah right, your little angels who would constantly hurl up kicks on your internal organs... yep, still little angels." Alex smirked, looking at Elliot with a teasing smile. He held Elliot steady when he almost tripped, and held him up looking around to the reception counter. "You sure you're alright on your own? If you're feeling tired you could head over to the coaches to wait for us." Alex had just realised he had missed out a special order to put at the front desk, otherwise he would have had brought Elliot up direclty ot the room - his assistant had checked in for them.

Alex gave Elliot another kiss before leaving his omega by the side of the classical looking sofas, before heading towards the front desk to mutter a few quick instructions. He was fixing the orders when someone gasped behind him - his heart skipped a beat looking back. Elliot was sitting on the coach, but there was a huge stain on his pants between his legs. The unthinkable crossed Alex's mind as he started rushing towards his mate when another lady screamed at the top of her lungs. "Oh god his water broke! someone call an amubalance!!"

what everyone overlooked was a waiter beside Elliot,w ith a tray of welcoming drinks in his hands. He looked out of sorts and panicky for a glass cup was laid there on the carpet beside Elliot - somehow when he handed the drink to Elliot, the glass dropped accidentally from their hands and the content stained all over Ellot's pants - and created this easily misunderstood scene.

Alex rushed twoards Elliot to hold his hand. The alpha could only think this was a bad situation, and the babies would be too early. but there was no stopping now with his water broke and he attempted to comfort his omega.

"E-elliot,... this is alright, we are heading to the hospital right now. You're gonna be fine, the babies are gonna be fine as well. Are you in pain? take deep breathes Elliot..." he cluthced Elliot's hand kneeling down in front of him, obviously the alpha was the one panicking here.

(thank you for understanding! Also, I love what you did :D I'll have fun replying to that one!)

Elliot relented to just be brought to the couches. He underestimated his body's fatigue in caring for their huge triplets and now he can't get his balance. He held on to Alex as he surrendered to the fatigue and let his mate support him. "Yeah... The couch indeed seems like a better idea. They tired me out." Elliot smiled softly at Alex.

Elliot sat on the couch, lazily rubbing his belly, as he waited for his fiancee to return. The babies were now only squirming that made him a bit more comfortable than their previous ruckus. He noticed that there were some hotel guests sneaking glances at him. It made him slightly insecure. He snapped out of his anxious state when a waiter came offering drinks. He was still a bit jittery that caused his hand to slip. 

It was all too sudden. He hadn't properly processed what happened when he heard a woman shouting that he's in labor and now he got the attention of everyone in the hotel lobby. Elliot definitely didn't want the attention. He was starting to feel panic though trying hard to calm himself. But that only made the effect of people assuming he was doing breathing exercises for labor.

He could feel a slight cramp in his belly, probably the babies feeling his distress. He was so focused on calming them that he was startled when Alex was suddenly in front of him asking and comforting him like he was actually in labor.

"Alex... I'm not... gosh that hurt!" Elliot winced as a sharp kick bruised his rib. Alex took it as a contraction and began counting with him. The heavily pregnant male leaned back, belly more jutted out that was only made more pronounced with the Omega cupping and rubbing it. He needed to breathe after that last kick. 

He was getting stressed by all the people looking at them, the uncomfortable feeling of being in wet pants, the babies getting distressed, and he really needed Alex right now.

"Alex, love, listen!" He grabbed both Alex's cheeks and brought the alpha's face close to him. "I'm not in labor so please calm down! I need you to stop panicking." Elliot sighed  shakily. "I and your b-babies are getting s-scared. Please... I need my alpha to not panic and help me." 

He suddenly let go of Alex to cup his forehead. He was feeling dizzy again, the stress getting to him.

Then there was hurried steps and all attention was drawn to the panting hotel boy. "The ambulance is here!"

(aww you're welcome. and HAHA thanks for liking where i'm leading us to! it's rili crazy but i kinda like how funny this all is! xD)

Elliot was wincing in pain , and he was breathing deeply frowning so hard. That could only mean that was a contraction and Alex quickly noted the time to start counting it. "Shh babe it's ok, you're gonna be fine..." robotically he repeated his words, needing to repeat it to himself to make sure he was confident in their situation as well. this was way too early, the alpha was already counting the weeks and found the triplets would be dangerously early if they were born now. All he could do now was hope for the best - and accordingly he clutched Elliot's hands tight needing to draw stregnth from that.

He was startled when suddenly his omega shushed him. he looked at Elliot with panicked eyes, not really taking in his words... other than the part that he said he "needed him, that the omega and the babies were scared". His omega was looking so weak crashing back down on the couch, holding his forehead.

"ok, ok Elliot, i promise i wouldn't panic. Now you need to get to the hospital, i will help you up the ambulance." he said, wiping away the tears that had streaked down his face in his worry. He nodded at the bell boy and scooped Elliot up from the couch. "lead the way boy, our children are soon to be born." he said, regaining a little bit of sense even though his hands were still trembling. He would become a daddy tooday, whether he liked it or not, so now he would focus all his energy on helping his omega through wahtever difficult birth they had ahead. He walked down the aisle, looking like a soldier about to face the battlefield - determined, but sad.


Elliot almost had hope that Alex understood him and will get him out of this situation, but then the hospital was mentioned with his fiance looking a bit frantic (and saddened ?) at him. "No... Alex, listen! I'm really not..."he tried to plead in his now dizzy state, though it might have been too soft because Alex definitely didn't hear, as by the alpha's motion of hurriedly carrying him to the ambulance. 

They passed by people that didn't miss the chance to look at him. He shifted his gaze to Alex but it made him more unsettled. His fiance was clearly distraught by the supposedly impending birth, and it was affecting him to be distraught as well. Panic rose in him after another cramp came in his lower belly. He was beginning to hyperventilate, clutching to Alex's shirt as if that will help him, and his sight became blurry.

When they were near the ambulance, two paramedics guided Alex to transfer him in the stretcher inside. They were hurriedly bustling about, saying medical terms and feeling his belly. He can't see well beyond Alex's figure and it was scaring him. "Alex... w-what's going on?!" He held on to Alex's larger hand, hoping he'll gain comfort from it.

A paramedic started asking questions to his love that made Alex's attention divided. "Sir, is he your Omega? Can you tell us his name, how far along is he and how many he is carrying? Is there any past incidents that had him hospitalized? We need information sir to know what we could be dealing with."

As the paramedic asked, the other went on to pulling his pants to try see his 'dilation'. Elliot could feel cold hands down there and desperately tried to keep the man away from his entrance. He was thrashing on the bed feeling scared of what they were doing to him. Tears came with broken sobs and whimpers. He repeatedly swatted hands and was constantly calling for his mate's rescue. "Alex! Alex! Stop...stop this please! I'm not...I-I'm really not..." And his eyes rolled back as his body fell limp.

"The patient shows signs of low blood pressure and high stress levels. Put him on oxygen now!" The paramedic did as he was told, needing to separate Alex from Elliot as they busied over the unconscious pregnant man.

"How is his heart rate?" "It's dropping ma'am" "goodness! Put a belly monitor on him, we need to check the babies!" The paramedic pulled up Elliot's shirt, revealing the huge orb of a belly with splotches of purple bruises. The monitor was attached and it showed three very eratic heartbeats. "Okay, that's good but the patient... Tell the driver we need to be at the hospital by 10 minutes!" "Yes ma'am!"

She turned to look at the very worried mate by the end of the van. "Sir, don't worry. We'll do all we can."

(Too much? Blush )

(haha nah, my time to say sorry for not responding for so long!! have been super busy at work...)

(hmm... a bit maybe HAHA i intended this to be a funny scene to pass quickly. LOL well this would work still! pity the hotel suite would be wasted xD

hmm. while you mentioned about the bruises on the belly... how about we make it an even a bigger scene. LOL. this is gettin so out of hand - in a fun way xD)

Alex was in his whole macho mode and he tried calming his omega when he thrashed around so violently. "he's my omega, yes, at (shoot i forgot.. 24? 26? i will fill in this blank later) weeks. Hsi water broke just now and yes, he was admitted to the hospital before. Because of malnutrition and .... stress." Alex supplied. the more he explained, the more shameful he was feeling. he took Elliot's hand and attempt to calm him. "Shh babe, you have to let them do their job, it's ok, they're just trying to help. Shh baby don't cry..." Alex cooed over the omega. It did make his inner alpha feel violated witht he paramedics attempting to pull away his mate's pants to check his dilation, but he was met with little success until finally Elliot lose consciousness.

"Elliot!" Alex yelled and was finally pushed away from the side of his omega when the paramedics needed to interfere. Alex was strong and the paramedics exchanged a look and pushed in a tranquilizer into Alex while he was busy fighting his way back to Elliot. the alpha blinked several times and finally crumbled beside his omega - or he would be even more panicked at the spiral fo things happening at the same time.

"Do you think ti's an abuse case?" one of them asked, hooking up the omega wiht drip and finally, was able to pull down his pants to check...

"Why? you thinking hte same as me? otherwise where would these bruises come from.... and the alpha's also saying he was malnutritioned before..." the other one looked at Alex with a sneer. "you never know... even good looking ones could be scumbags. You ready to check for dilation?"

(LOL i dunno how to rili end this but.. hmm, yea, are we really gonna hv someone check Elliot? xDD)

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