C The Labors of Sir Justin

This went on for several days traveling. The sixth morning Justin felt incredibly sick to his stomach. The smell of the morning stew had an effect on him. He ran to a group of trees and emptied the contents. He wasn’t aware of any illness and that he had been fine for the last few days of the trip.
He came back uneasy on his feet but the smell again caused him to become nauseous.
Maybe his injuries had taken an effect on him but wasn’t sure. Again suddenly more nausea and more vomiting. It felt like forever.

Day by day the two travelers were approaching closer and closer to the destination. One bright, sunshine filled day Samantha was busy fixing a nice round of meaty stew mixed with carrots, a bit of mild but spicy green peppers. She hummed as she stayed patient but in protest her belly was complaining because it was hungering for the generously delicious scent of breakfast. When she saw Justin she went to greet him but before she could she saw him running to a few trees just halfway out to where many steps would guide you. She stopped beside him, kneeling down and gently rubbing her hunched over beloved's backside in medium circles. "Justin .. are you ill?" She asked, keeping the true reason secret as to what was happening to her Justin.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

He wiped his mouth and said “it’s nothing. Probably a cold or some other minor illness.” Secretly he was hoping it wouldn’t progress into something worse but he did not want to unduly worry her in any way.
“We have made good time so far but many months yet ahead of us.”
The rest of the day went uneventful though Justin couldn’t keep much down and felt a little weaker. Near the evening they spotted a tavern near an inn.
“Maybe we should go in for a meal and some much needed shelter for the evening”

Samantha played the act of worrying about Justin very good. She simply nodded, gently helping him up. She assisted further with helping him sit down in front of a rough tree trunk so he could lean against it for support. "I understand about your haste to see the sorcerer but you are ill, we should stay at a tavern so you can rest for a while. I do not want the illness to become worse. We have time, I want to nurse you back to perfect health." She wanted ever so badly to reveal to Justin as to why he was vomiting and feeling so sickly but knew that the process would put stress upon the young, pregnant knight. She wanted more than anything to be close to her beloved Justin but knew that soon the change would be with her too. She would transform to a man and her beloved Justin would be more sweet and womanly. She could not wait to have a chance, a golden opportunity to touch Justin's soon to be round, heavy belly and teasing his soon popped out belly button gently. She wanted to see just where the pregnancy would become more of a reality once Justin would have tightly stretched flesh known as a belly.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Samantha nods in agreement and they put a stop at the local tavern. Justin hoping a good meal and a room might be the remedy for what was ailing him. They entered the tavern and due to Samantha’s insistence planned a week’s stay at the inn so that Justin could regain his strength. Telling him the sorcerer would be waiting 6 months what is another week’s delay? Justin deferred for her wisdom as he had done prior.
They paid for the room saying that Samantha was his bride to protect her from any advances and have no questions for sharing a room. They brought in the clothing and the armaments. Leaving the animals and supplies in the stables.
Justin looked and pulled out the silver bracelets with emeralds. These were very pretty and they shined in his eyes. He couldn’t understand why he was so enamored but it just made him feel better to have them. He put them on both wrists and admired how they went up his arm. They were a little snug. He rolled down his short sleeves covering them. He knew enough that he didn’t want questions but he almost felt lacking if they weren’t on his wrists.
“Shall we go to the tavern and get a meal?” He asked her.

Samantha paid a medium sized bag of gold coins for the week like stay at the nearest tavern, presenting the stable boy for putting the horses, donkey and the carts they carried to the stables. She made sure that the animals were fully fed and comfortable as both she and Justin would be. She was eager to spend time with her beloved husband who was soon to be a new woman. She wanted so very much to be with him and him only, not ever wanting to be separated or she would be responding with being lonesome if she was left alone without him. She tended to Justin each night and soon the features that made up the formations of a woman had son started with longer hair that slowly grew in length. She and Justin were in the comfort of each other, she was highly tense and nervous about what would happen when they were soon to the castle and her cover would be sadly blown. 

"I would love to have a meal, anything will do for me." She smiled, feeling and hearing her belly growling as if it were a roaring bear. She felt a blush form on her cheeks, giggling happily. She wanted to be able to be with Justin for as long as she could be, keeping each moment they spent together close to his heart.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Justin had been a little oblivious during that week. He hadn’t shaved but it looked like he didn’t need to. Plus his hair had grown a little longer down to his shoulders. He’d have to get it cut soon as far as he was concerned. He admired the bracelets that he was wearing. He had kept it hidden from Samantha not that he was embarrassed but that she might want them.
He pulled at his chest a little. Lately it has bothered him as his nipples were chafing against his shirt. He inspected and saw they were red and a little larger? Maybe it was the after effect of his illness which had still been affecting him each morning.
Samantha was going to meet him at the tavern for one last night when she heard her suddenly. She saw him there with the bracelets on his wrists.

Samantha sighed as she rested for a while, awakening within an hour or so after mind and body relaxing slumber. She yawned and stretched, sighing once more but only happier than before. She wanted to check on Justin so she exited the room that was hers and went to his one. She was smiling as she entered and then walked over to him. "Justin .. are you alright?" She looked at the jewelry who was to be of female type of style, not daring to ask him for them or take them away from him. She did not want to be found out as the cause of what was called a "transformation" spell that she brutally casted on him a time ago but now she developed feelings for this suffering man and soon would be a man as Justin would be a woman. She felt badly for making her beloved suffer through it but she felt like he (now she)  could merciful toward him now she was changing to fit more of a womanly amount of clothes and jewelry. "That jewelry looks very beautiful .. I did not know that you liked those. May I try some of them on. Just for a look?" She did not know that Justine would be defensive of her her possessions.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

“Ummmmm you can look at them” he was surprised at the words coming out of his mouth. He shook his head a moment and whispered “ sure” and took them off for her to inspect.
His nipple area was reddened due to his constant scratching. Red spots on his manly pecs that he started to cover up.
“I uh found them at the marketplace”

"Thank you." Samantha said softly, gently holding the bright, emerald green and inspecting them as well. "These are very beautiful .. you sure know true style." She tried them on on her wrist and arms for a minute, gazing in the mirror on the dresser as she began admiring how shiny they were. She then took them off and handed them back to her beloved Justine. She knew that Justine bought them while her back was turn but she did not care of simple items or possessions all she cared or of about was her beloved (soon to be woman) Justin who was also soon to be Justine.  She also had a pained feeling about how swollen Justine's soon to be formed breasts were as he was constantly rubbing and scratching them as he was in discomfort.

"Justin .. your chest seems to be a little irritated? I can help with that. I promise to be gentle." She said softly as if whispering, pulling out a secret ointment that would help heal the inflamed flesh of the discomfort that the big, growing ring like redness around the nipple area. She did not want nor did she seem to be perverted. She knew that Justin tried his very hardest to hide it.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Justin felt relief from the application of the ointment. Samantha seemed only too happy to help. The shirt went back on and it still continued to chafe there. The ointment soothes but Justin tried to figure out a more permanent solution if this persisted.
Samantha looked at him intently stating she didn’t see anything else wrong with him. Maybe a chance encounter with the wrong plant or food causing it.
He took back the bracelets and put them on. His mind wandered back to the maiden who sold them to him. He again remembered how peaceful and serene she seemed, like she was living her life that was meant to be. She seemed happier than he had ever been. He felt jealous that he did not feel that way. He was jealous? Jealous of her happiness? Jealous of her contentment? Jealous of her pregnancy? He stopped himself a soft chuckle. But the thought lingered. Maybe the life of a warrior wasn’t meant for him. Those questions would wait until he was done with this quest.
“Shall we go to the tavern?”

Samantha was gentle when helping Justine, applying the ointment which would soothe him upon the sore areas of his breasts where the awful shirt caused him severe, unnecessary agony. She tried hard not to frown, trying even harder to not pounce on Justine and have her way with him. She herself was slowly turning more of a male that she tried hard to hide and somehow able to keep under wraps. She had a long thick amount of clothing on as if she was freezing. "Yes, I would love to." The tavern that Samantha and Justine traveled to by a short amount of walking had many choices of differently sweetened varieties of mead, beer, wine and so on and so forth. For now she would desire for a mug of fully filled up with a friendly and true eagerness to swallow down to fill her with warmth. She was more than eager to get a correct clothing for him to wear that would safely hold up his chest and stop from chafing and causing the flesh to blister and bruise. She sat down at one of the many tables, waiting patiently to get down to drinking and get intoxicated enough to where she would be able to truly slumber.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

The two of them found a table in the corner of the tavern. They ordered a meal and mead. A few hours in they had drank a lot of mead and Justin was feeling it. The physical discomfort had subsided slightly but after two glasses of mead he felt severely impaired. Must be his sickness because mead didn’t affect him this quickly ever.
The barmaid came over and began flirting with Justin. He struck up a chat with her but strangely did not reciprocate. It wasn’t that he had never flirted before, he just wasn’t feeling any chemistry with her. His gaze kept going to the young man tending the bar area. Justin kept looking over his muscular body. He couldn’t take his eyes off the man as he was working. Justin felt his body stirring as his eyes continued their travels over the young mans body. Especially when his eyes hovered at the mans crotch. Butterflies in his stomach and his heart skipped when the man made eye contact and smiled. Justin thought to himself “he really is handsome”
He blushed and averted his gaze from the man after the smile.

Samantha had smiled at Justine, not knowing as to what to sum up to say when she would be found out. She was the sorcerer who was being searched for, trying her very hardest not to be nervous, worried or sad. Sooner or later she would be the one to be slaughtered by Justine. She was secretly in distress and that such emotion was because of betraying his beloved's trust. She was who to be soon "he" had hidden her chest and stomach hair, managing to do such in a successful way with such long sleeves and long lower portion of the dark black silks.

Life was so much like a race, a meaning between living life and fessing up to death's ice cold, unbearable embrace. The Reaper's embrace was one filled with hatred and cruelty to all he had touched. She felt attraction to Justine and him alone but it seemed as though he were focused onto the other man at the bar who was sanitizing it in case new customers would want mead. Meanwhile .. Samantha was truly disgusted by the barmaid who thought she could just walk up and flirt like a filthy whore but simply ignored it, drinking her mug of mead till barely thinking.

"You look much better Justin, am I correct." Samantha said with a smile, putting asking Justine about the looks he gave the bar bartender off.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Justin was shaken from his daydream state of staring at the barkeep. He looked at Samantha and blushed.
“Ummm yeah I am feeling a little better I think. But I’m still weak I think. These meads are very strong to make me feel this way”
His eyes kept looking back towards the barkeep and back to Samantha. Samantha wasn’t sure but when Justin looked away did he lick his lips?
Justin couldn’t shake the feelings going through him each time he looked at the barkeep. Part of it frightened him because it felt similar to how he felt over a week ago with Samantha

Samantha chuckled softly, finding it humorous that Justin who was slowly being Justine had a secret attraction to the drop dead handsome barkeeper. She wanted badly to chat about her friend's blossoming body which was slowly becoming more and more lady like. She ordered herself a few jugs of mead until she was seeing things that were not truly there but enjoyed it. "That is wonderful that you are feeling a bit better, and as for your slightly lingering sickness it will pass I am sure. Maybe it is probably something in the air that you caught." She smiled gently, reassuring her ill friend that it would be gone in a few days. And when Justin glanced from the unknown barkeeper, her eyes went wide for a moment as she saw Justin's tongue take of what it seemed like to be of a lick upon his lips like a wolf did when it was devouring prey and enjoying it's raw taste of flesh. It was carnal .. it was alluring and most of it .. it was unable to be tamed. That was probably just what she thought it was to be of or maybe she was wrong. Maybe she was truly wrong, maybe it was just that her two eyes were playing tricks on her.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Justin licked his lips again. He was consumed with passion. A passion that needed filling. He then stopped himself and silently cursed himself. He was a knight and behaving poorly. A knight had to control their passions. Maybe again it was the drink causing this behavior combined with the lingering illness.
As he kept drinking the more his eyes went back to the barkeep. He also found himself looking at a couple of other men who were celebrating some victory in the corner. Justin blushed again when the barkeep smiled at him again. The smile made him flush and he felt weak in the knees.
He got up slowly to excuse himself and slowly went over and made his way to the barkeep. He seemed like a strapping young man like Justin. Maybe he would join them on their quest. Justin truly desired that he would.

Samantha noticed just how sexual Justin was becoming toward the strikingly handsome barkeeper. She looked away from the scene and rolled her eyes, never saying a single word to him. She knew exactly as to what was occuring and left such things alone. She sighed silently, simply finishing getting as intoxicated as her slowly transforming male body was allowing her to become. She did not know what was happening to the scene and before she could say something she was seeing Justin arising from his scene and venturing over to the male barkeep he was playing peek a boo with. She sighed but this time it was much more softer and a bit male like and like Justin Samantha was also changing. She got up to her feet, feeling heavily aroused for the men as well as her body was taking it's sweet time to change into her true self and the same went with Justin who was struggling to figure out what was happening.

"Hello .. do you want another drink, Sir?" The barkeep said to Justin, another warm smile on his face.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Justin felt his nerves to go haywire when the barkeep talked to him. He’d faced armies and monsters but here he was nervous. He blushed again. Kind of tongue tied with the handsome young man in front of him.
He could smell the musk off the man and Justin felt every nerve feel like it was on fire. He drank in the form of the barkeep.
What was his plan here? For the first time in his life he felt uncertain. He giggled (that was new) and said “I could use some more mead and have a question for you”

The barkeeper smiled without a single moment of thought. He also found it alluring that Justin giggled and smiled at him as well. "A jug of mead coming up, hmm .. what is the question?".

Samantha stayed at the table, silently mumbling as her beloved friend was more interested in the barkeep. He had sighed, taking a few more drinks until she was beyond the word "drunk". She stood up to her feet and made her way over to the barkeeper that Justin was speaking to. She knew that it was highly rude to just barge in but she could barely give a damn. She felt as though Justin was hers and hers alone. He was eager to be back with Justin who was soon to be Justine. He wanted him to be just his and his only. He was eager to be happy.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

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