O Birth Clinic of St. Pablo

Tears Falling down his face he doesn't know that this one is the biggest one yet

Eric brought an ultrasound camera.
Richard put the gel on the belly of his beloved and began the examination

He looks at Richard "is it another baby

- Wait - he began to move the device over Jackson's stomach - Fuck - saw another big child on the monitor - See - he directed the monitor toward Jackson.

Jackson looks at the monitor "is it a boy or girl and it looks huge

- I can't tell, it went wrong - he said with a little laughter. - So what a surprise. Successful or not? - he asked and started rubbing gel from Jackson's stomach.

Rett didnt hear the doctor's over his own heavy breathing and the hum in his ears.
"Do...do you think that hel...helped?"

- They moved down a lot, but - he put his finger lubricated with lubricant in his anus - you're only 7 cm. We have to wait. Maybe you'd like to do something else, you little bastard? - and he slapped him on the cheek.

Jackson groans softly "dear I want to grip the bed frame

- All right - he showed the parturient the methyl bar of the gynecological chair.

He grip the chair breathing hard

- Take it easy. We're gonna bring this baby safely into the world

I can feel this one may be bigger then the other 3 dear

- I won't lie to you. This child is the biggest of the four. But don't worry, if you can't, we can do a C-section. It's understandable after so many hours of pushing. - he explained.

He shakes his head no"I I'm scared of needles

You won't have much to decide if your life is in danger, baby. Then we'll go to the O. R. without your permission. - He said seriously - I don't want to lose you.

Tears Falling down his face "I am scared that if I have the surgery I have an ugly scar on my stomach

- It's better to have a scar and live than to be buried two meters underground - he said, truthfully. - Besides, scars are signs of victory over suffering

He cuddled Richard crying softly "I I have the surgery

- I have no choice, darling, but don't be afraid. We'll give you an anesthetic so it doesn't hurt. You'll be conscious. - kissed him on the forehead and told Eric to bring the necessary things.

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