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- Sure. - He took him under his arm and started walking around the room with him.
They walked like this for a few minutes until they heard a knock. Richard put the pregnant man on the couch and opened the door. It was Thomas with all his medical supplies.
- How's the situation? - he asked.
- He's having cramps. So far, big time intervals. The water's not gone yet.
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Jackson groaning softly leaning on the couch seeing Thomas chuckles softly "I didn't know we got a snowman for a doctor as he was covered in snow
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Men laugh. Thomas is setting up medical supplies, and Richard is lighting more candles. Thomas is wearing gloves.
- You want me to check the opening or your fiancé? Whose fingers do you prefer in the rectum? - he asked.
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I don't mind either 8 minutes apart
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Thomas looked at Richard. He knew this one was very possessive.
Thomas stepped back and made room for his friend. Wellington slipped a finger into the future husband's anus.
- 5 cm, we're halfway.
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Richard began to massage the belly of his fiance.
- Maybe we can go and relax in the tub? It will ease the pain a little.
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Richard took his fiance to the bathroom, which was on the ground floor. Both undressed and entered the water.
During this time Thomas took a short break.
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Jackson groans softly leaning on Richard having a contraction
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- Breathe. Relax. You have to forget about the pain for a moment - it strokes his puffiness, and holds the other hand on his stomach. - In a moment we will leave and give birth as you wanted.
(here you can choose positions, scenery, atmosphere etc. in addition to water delivery)
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He looks at Richard "I gotta push dear
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- Wait a minute, sweetheart - he helped the birthing man out of the tub and put on a shirt they had specially bought for delivery.
- Thomas, put your gloves on, it's started! - Richard shouted from the bathroom.
He put Jackson on a special mattress, and in the meantime Thomas was already at his feet and watching the hole. Wellington propped him up and sat down on his semi-straight seat.
- Next time you contract!
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He groans softly leaning on Richard pushing
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He began to whisper soothing words to his future husband.
- Why don't you spit everything out and start calling Richard like men usually giving birth to their partner? -Thomas suggested.
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Jackson looks up confused "spit it out?
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- Insult him. For example, you dick. - Thomas explained.
At his words, Richard got a little angry. He did not like when someone spoke ugly words in the presence of his unborn children.
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He groans softly pushing hard" I don't use those words that much
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- My bunny is not aggressive - he said towards his friend. He kissed his forehead - You're doing great.
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Jackson blushed badly "and your my nice bunny dear