O Birth Clinic of St. Pablo

Jacobs smiles broadly.
- Hi Emily, I'm Jacob - patted the cat's head when James took him in his arms - You have a really nice owner

James put Jacob in the shower gently "she help many pregnant men when there in labor she like a midwife she stay by your side and the funniest thing is I didn't train her at all for that

- She must be amazing - he says. - Won't you leave me alone? - he asks grab his hand

I never leave anyone sweetie do you have a partner

- He left me for the younger man - he confessed

Rubbing Jacob back "well I won't leave you your very sweet and I think Emily likes you very much

- Thank you sir - he said, holding his hand.
He felt another strong contraction, which passed after a few seconds. But still his waters did not go away.

James grabs a little hook "this will break your water

- No, I am begging you I want them to go away by themselves - he said with tears in his eyes.

He nods his head putting the hook away

Jacob breathes deeply when James massages his sore body while water flies from the shower. At some point, he feels a pulsation in his penis. He's standing stiff.
- I-it hurts. - He sniffs and looks at his penis.

James keeps rubbing Jacob lower back "I know sweetie breathe slowly and rock your hips slowly

Jacob is slowly moving his hips, but it doesn't work that way. He's very horny, and there's a sexy man behind him. The pregnant man moans loudly.

James rubs Jacob thigh "I see your friend big buddy

Jacob gets goose bumps. He turns to a man and breathes hard.
- Do me good, Daddy. - He says a little provocative and gently kisses his lips.

James face turns red as this is his first kiss

Jacob is moving away from the old man carefully. He's very embarrassed. He knows the doctor won't love him or his children.
He leans trembling against the wall and I'm trying to make fun of myself by putting my fingers in his hole. He imagines James' finger in it.

James hold Jacob hands smiles gently "your my first kiss ever

- I'm sorry. - He says, stop moving his fingers in his anus

"Your actually a nice guy Jacob your kids be handsome to have a handsome father

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