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"You didn't ask me if I would become your boyfriend..." stated Alex smiling slightly at him. It was then that he felt the first gentle contraction. He croaked in spite of himself. " I'm sorry. I... It's a premonitory contraction. I often have them. It'll get better soon "
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"well, would you be my boyfriend? I didn't asumme you to be either. I simply said my hopeful future blyrforododng I?" he said with a grin.
"did it hurt?" he asked in a mix of being curious and also a bit startled for he knew little of child birth "you sure you're okay? I shouldn't call a teacher or something?"
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"It's okay. Don't worry... I'm better now. I'll get dressed in my pajamas and we can go to bed. We can sleep through this snowdrift," he muttered, then stroked his head, "My boy... As I think," he said, and then kissed Dom's lips briefly
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Dom grinned like a cat that is very pleased as he received that kiss and fell next to the young and pregnant man in his bed "I'm taking that as a yes?" he asked, as the wind howled around them and snow poured trapping them in even more.
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Alex smiled sweetly as he pulled his pajamas over his body. Then he lay down next to Dom in his cramped single bed. The sound of what was going on outside irritated his ears. "Yes... I'll be your boyfriend"
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Dom smiled pleased at his words and cuddled Alex. "last was different to well...when it was just you and me" he said looking at the swollen middle between them "but I don´t mean it in a bad way, you really are agile to move that way even with a baby" he said grinning as he kissed his lips and liad a hand over the pregnancy, he found it was enjoyable to lay his hand just there or to trace the curves Alex now posesed.
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Alex looked at Dom's hand on his stomach, then touched his palm. He would want the baby to be his, but also the father could be Daniel. They'll find out after the DNA tests. " Well... I am young first of all and my body is doing well so far.... The only thing that scares me is the birth itself, but a little more. I'll let you know when my waters go away if you want," he said, and then laid his head on his torso
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"are you saying, youll call me when youre in labor to go to hospital....or are you saying your waters may break in the vicinity of today? " he asked scared. what would he do if Alex when into labor? they were stuck, there was no way to get a teacher in there, let a lone a doctor that could tend to Alex and the baby. "Ive only seen birthis in movies...I mean...Im not chikining out but...I know its important for a doctor to be there, right?"
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"Calm down," laughed the pregnant man briefly at Dom's reaction, "No water will leave me today. I say for the future. Would you like to accompany me to the hospital?" asked, and then looked at him with his sleepy eyes
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"I would like to be there if you let me" he said blinking at the thought of that, and trying to figure out how such a thing would go and play for him "well...Im couting on your word that your waters will hold. its really a bad day to be born anyway. Such a hellish day" he said noticing Alex seemed to be sleepy even if they had just waken up a few hours earlier. "perhaps you should take a nap"
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"Mmm... If you want, you can grope me while I sleep, but don't do anything that will wake me up," he warned him, then snuggled into the pillow and fell asleep with his stomach and bare thighs exposed. He was really tired at this stage of the pregnancy. He was constantly eating, sleeping. It was monotonous
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For a while Dom having permission traced the naked exposed body. It was a wonder to him, how the body expanded to acomodate the baby and give him or her space to grow. he would also notice some movement from withing, making ripples show over the taut skin or a clear buldge of a arm or leg pushing against Alex´s skin.
He found he liked the feeling of the pitter patter from within. He wasnt sure what would happen if it turned out he was not the father, he had already began to care for the unborn child and he found he perhaps after all did felt something for Alex that wasnt lust and his absolute desire to have his own pleasure and fun.
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Alex wasn't aware of what Dom was doing now, but he trusted him. It had been a few of their sex encounters since he had started to have small feelings for him, but until now he had been afraid to say what he felt for him. He was afraid of rejection. Well, because he was pregnant, and there were two likely fathers. Including the Dom. He wondered what he would do when it turned out that Daniel was the father. Will he leave him? Will he find someone better? Dark scenarios began to appear in his mind. He felt immense pain at the very thought. And so he woke up a few hours later feeling severe abdominal pain.
(I'll write back infrequently, intermittently, as I manage)
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The pains were like ripples over his body some seemed to start at the womb others at his back and take root onto his bones as they were strong and painful. During sleep the hips had swollen up as his body tried to make room for the head that was being pressed down to the cervix by the contractions.
Dominic had fallen asleep next to Alex. It was unclear what time it was but the storm was worse than ever and their fire was dying out in the room's chimney
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Alex didn't know what was going on. At first he thought it was because of the wild sex his body was now receiving the unpleasant consequences, but when he got to the bathroom and saw that his belly had dropped considerably in 24 hours he realized it was probably labor. Probably, because he wasn't sure. It was ridiculous. He still had three weeks until his due date, but apparently the baby was in a hurry. He leaned his elbows against the sink and began breathing deeply, massaging his lower abdomen. It was a sharp pain that made him freeze.
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Dominic woke to a scary moan. He was used to the moans that came of a lover but not the type that had woken him up. It was deep and sent an unpleasant shiver down his spine for it was burn of hurt and pain not pleasure.
He found he was alone in bed and it was freezing. "Alex?" he called as he got out of bed rand found the pregnant man leaning against the sink trying to handle the pain he was clearly feeling.
"Alex? What... What is going on?"he wasn't stupid it was probably labor, yet he wished it to be something else. It was a bad time for Alex to have the baby.
" hey it's okay... Let get you to bed... It's too cold here "he said. If Alex was in labor he needed to get him to warmth and safety
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Alex looked at his lover with eyes full of pain. He grabbed onto his arm and when Dom let his back rest against his, the pregnant man did so eagerly. His body was experiencing torment, and this was only the beginning. "You know... I guess the baby doesn't like sticking to deadlines," he said weakly with a bitter accent. Then he took a few deep breaths through his nose to make a few jams along with Dom towards the bed. Feeling the bedding under his butt calmed him down at least a little. He still felt the pain and anxiety of it all. However, it still didn't occur to him that he was about to see his child for the first time.
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"does anyone like deadlines?" he asked guiding Alex back to bed, where it should be warmer.
"Do you know what you're having?" he asked to distract them both "or will it be a surprise?" as Alex settled on the end he went to see how he could keep the fire alive "we have very little logs left" he said worried.
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Alex smiled slightly at Dom's words. Propping himself up on the bed, he felt his pelvis being pressed so hard he thought it was tearing him apart. Immediately he gasped sluggishly. Conditions were not the best and they were all alone. That's right. Daniel. He was supposed to call him when it started, and probably the baby was just pushing into the world. "Dom... Give me the phone. Please "
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Dom fed the fire with some logs hoping it would be enough till their confinent ended.
He went to gr the discarded phone and handed it to Alex not sure what good it would do as they were trapped. Things seemed to be very advanced by the way Alex seemed to be in pain. "just... Let me knke what you need of me okay? And I'll help best I can"