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"I'm gonna go to bed for just a little while... I beg," he said quietly, then looked weakly at Dom and Daniel. Immediately, the window above the bed made strange noises. Something was pushing against them with great force. Like something's trying to get in. "It'll be fine, you said so yourself... The baby will be nice and healthy, right?"
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Daniel was abotu to say he hadnt any tools,when he heard the noice and turned to look what was happening. was the snow shatering in? or where they being rescued?
Dom held Alex in his arms and covered him with as many blankets as they had aviable.
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Alex lay quietly, breathing more and more confidently. He felt a little more strength as he lay on his side. He massaged his stomach. " I guess... I'm used to the cramps, but my back hurts so hellish. Can someone massage them for me?" he asked, and then a crack appeared on the window. Something was really pushing against the glass. Heavyweight until he looked up and then felt something come out of him. He placed his hand on her anus and then pulled it out. Blood. He was bleeding. Oh, shit. "The baby... My child-" he said terrified
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Daniel was quick on his side, it was blood without any ammiotic fluid. That was not good. "its okay...I need you to be calm" he said to Alex, if he got stressed it would just be worse.
Dominic was pale as a white sheet and felt at loss on what to do to help. He hoped the windows held and kept the snow away from them. "cant he push Daniel?" he asked knowing sometimes getting the babe out as quick as possible could be the best solution.
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Alex wiped his blood-stained hands on his blouse, being very scared. He so wanted this child. He had waited so long for baby. He loved baby. As the guys talked to each other, he shut down from the present. He had to give it his all. Give birth to a healthy baby. He took a deep breath, then took out a small pocket knife from the cabinet that was an heirloom from his grandfather. " Let's break the waters... I'm going to speed this up... "
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Daniel took the knife and nodded.
"wait what? You're... Using that?" Dom asked fearing it would only hurt Alex I'd they used a knife to break his waters "Is that even long enough to reach his womb?" he asked yet Daniel was silently sterilizing the blade in the fire.
"Alex are you... Sure if it?" he asked looming concerned as he missed his forehead.
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As Daniel sterilized the pocket knife, Alex put his hands around his stomach and then looked at Dom. "If we want to hear a healthy baby we have to do it.... It's the only real way in this situation," he said, and then grabbed his lover's hand. He knew he was scared too, but they would get through this together. Daniel knows what he's doing, Alex may not necessarily. But he knows he'll see his baby
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"But... What if you bleed too much? Or it doesn't works?" he was scared and looked wide eyed as Daniel came with the knife sterilized by fire.
"all right Alex, I need you to part your legs and take deep breaths. I'll try to make his quick" he said trying to concentrate for they didn't even had the basic tools to help Alex or the baby if he wasn't precise.
Dom even if he didn't wanted to do this aided Alex. Carefully he peeled the covers to expose to Daniel his nethers and legs as he parted them to give Daniel access.
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Alex, on Daniel's advice, took a deep breath and then squeezed Dom's hand. He felt it... The blade came between his legs at a surprisingly fast pace. His anus was burning, it was burning him! He felt his muscles tighten painfully on the pocket knife. All he could do was scream silently from the pain he was experiencing. Tears streamed down his face. He could feel the blood rushing out of him. After a while, something else as well. Mucus mixed with water and blood stained the sheet under his ass
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11-07-2021, 11:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2021, 11:50 AM by
Daniel did it quick and swiftly the moment Dominic got Alex exposed. He didn't liked the amount of blood that came rushing down the anus it how the amniotic fluid came with blood. It was supposed to be clear to signal a healthy delivery.
He worried, if Alex lost too much blood they were in trouble.
Dom held Alex as he gave a blood curling scream as his waters were broken in that manner. He felt his boyfriend struggle and heave in his arms and he went silent seeing the large amount of blood being expelled between Alex's legs.
"Alex we have little time, I need you to push okay?" Daniel said to the younger man as he rolled a clean towel below Alex's ass.
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Alex nodded with understanding, and then looked back at Dom with broken eyes, squeezing his hand tightly. He took one deep breath and, at Daniel's command, thrust for the first time, feeling his anus pinch and tear pain. He hissed loudly, feeling like too much of that didn't do anything. He looked at the teacher, who seemed confused. "How much time do I have? I-I don't know if I can do it, it hurts so much," he said and then pulled his nose, feeling another contraction coming on. That's not how it was supposed to work. He was to give birth in a civilized manner, without haste. He was afraid. What if the baby suffocates? Or worse, gets stuck in it? Horrified, he looked at his boyfriend, resting his sweaty forehead on his shoulder. " I can't push!" he cried, feeling helpless
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"I'm not sure but you're loosing too much blood and is cold. You might fall asleep or fall unconscious and we need this baby out before that happens" Daniel said.
"yes you can, you just gave a knkoto the teacher so he would cut and help you have your baby. This is nothing compared to that" Dom reminded his boyfriend and gently rubbed the belly and took his hand on his "I know you can do it and deliver our baby" she said kissing his cheek
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Alex still didn't believe he would make it, but he knew he had no choice but to push. At the next contraction he thrust, feeling his anus burn and more blood emerge from it. He didn't know how much blood he had already lost, but he guessed a lot. He hoped that as long as it wasn't still very tragic, the baby wouldn't run out of air inside. With a great squeal he gave another squeeze, squeezing Dom's hand tightly. He was really weak at what he did. "Fuck!" he yelled when the contraction finally ended and he stopped pushing. He sank his head against his lover's body and breathed heavily. "It pinches, I won't do it... I won't. Please get help or... Cut me open. I won't be doing this any time soon!"
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Both men encouraged Alex to continue pushing in that manner for around eight minutes. Till it became apparent it was no use as Alex said. He was too frail and weak to aid the baby to be born.
So the men decided to move things up and see if a new position, and gravity and some manual help could do the trick. "come here love" Dominic called as he stood up and picked Alex in his arms and moved to the other bed that was clean. He gently walked with his boyfriend in his arms and sat down in bed, his feet firm in the floor as he settled Alex in his lap, moving his legs to straddle him, so his opening was perked up and exposed for Daniel to aid in the delivery.
Daniel kneeled infront of the younger men and cleaned the ass cheeks that were covered in blood as Alex was still loosing blood. " Dominic, I need you to keep him warm, perhaps if you take off your shirt and cover you both in a blanket it would help" he instructed as he felt around Alex´s belly to see where the baby was, as the plan was he would push for Alex witth his hands to get the baby out and into safety.
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Alex didn't know at first what the men were planning. Just feeling powerless he gave in and let them do anything. When he and Dom were in this position and Daniel was kneeling between his legs he felt a little overwhelmed. What's going on? He asked himself this question. As Dom covered him up and provided warmth, he felt his hand find its way to his stomach and hard. They will press on, he guessed. He looked at both of them in horror, catching his breath hard. "No, no! Don't press! This is going to hurt, no!" he said, trying to push Dom's hand away from his stomach. He was afraid.
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11-07-2021, 06:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2021, 06:18 PM by
Dominic hated the fear in Alex´s voice and eyes, even more so that it was directed at him, as he would be the one to have to push "it will be okay, I´ll be as gentle as I can, I dont want to hurt you , or our child" he said kissing his forehead, silently asking Alex to trust him on this. It would be worse if he allowed Daniel to cut Alex open, then he was sure he would loose Alex in certanty. He had take off his shirt to give Alex body to body heat and covered them both with a blanket.
He kept filling the young man´s forhead with kisses to calm him down, and as a contraction came he pressed down with his hand to aid the baby down as Alex was too weak to push.
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Alex squealed really loudly, feeling everything hurt, burning. Tears of pain began to stream down his face. He kept begging Dom to stop, in the pause after the contraction he cried even more, making his stomach hurt even more. He did not look at all at the lover who held him. He was angry, but also powerless. Maybe the idea was working somehow, but Alex didn't like the feeling. At one point he gained some strength and started to wiggle his body, including his legs. He wanted to break out of this embrace. He almost even hit Daniel with his foot. "Stop... It hurts so damn much!" he kept crying
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Dominic tried to calm him down. But it was no use and he was struggling to keep him in position or be able to help him push.
Daniel placed a hand on Alex's back "Alex I imagine it hurts like hell but it's working the child moved down, you must be feeling the baby pressing down on your cervix now it's about to move into the birthing canal... We will have this baby out soon, but we need you to bare it for a little longer, we don't want to loose either of you "he said bluntly.
" I'm sorry ai hurt you... "Dom said as he held him on his lap.
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Alex pulled his nose a few times, feeling that crying wouldn't help him. He stopped fighting, looking at it all with indifferent eyes. He just wanted his baby. He will suffer all the consequences. He slumped inertly against Dom's body, having had enough of it all. " It's not fair... You decide for me... Just save my baby. I've been looking forward to them so much!" he said, and then felt another contraction coming on. He bit his lip. That's when someone knocked on the door. Fortunately, the door was locked. " Are you guys fucked that it's so loud?" someone asked, and then several voices burst out laughing. It amused them. And here was the fight for two lives
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11-07-2021, 06:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2021, 06:45 PM by
"do you want to try and push alone with this contraction?" Dom asked as he rubbed his back gently
"we're trying our best to save you both Alex" Daniel said.
"go away!" Daniel called "unless you can bring a doctor or an ambulance keep away!" he called