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Alex nodded. His strength had recovered somewhat, but he was still weak. "I don't... I can't do it." he said, and then waited for Dom to press his stomach. He could feel his anus burning. The child was coming down. A little more...
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Dom kissed his forehead and held him tenderly. He pressed down on the belly along wkfhtthr contraction to aid the baby down.
Daniel had a hand in the lower abdomen feeling the baby move down. The anal opening began to dilate and push out. "Alex! I can see a head" he said to encourage the young man. He didn't mention he was still bleeding, surely the man could feel the hit liquid slowly emanating from him.
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Alex screamed, feeling the pain. He felt that head. Baby opened his anus. He thought he would explode in a moment. Drenched in sweat, he put his hand on Dom's thigh, feeling him get really weak. He was breathing hard, and a sigh came out from between his lips. He knew he was bleeding. Daniel didn't need to speak. He felt very bad, but he didn't want to say it. He had to have a baby.
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11-07-2021, 06:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2021, 07:04 PM by
Dom was worried, afraid Alex would fall inconcous in his arms for he felt very light in his arms as if he could move him around as he pleased. He continued to push with the contractions and hold his lover best he could."you're almost there" he encouraged and kiss him.
"Careful now Dom, the head is about to start crowning. I need you to push but slower and gently to allow Alex to be able to stretch around the head" Daniel instructed as he cleaned the head that was beginning to emerge from blood and fluids with a clean towel. He also rubbed the anal ring with his thumb to encourage the muscles to keep stretching and not to tense.
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Alex looked briefly at Dom, sending a weak smile. He took a few breaths through his nose, then caught Dom's hand that was on his stomach. He knew this one was getting stressed out doing this and might be unsure of what he would do next. But he felt everything perfectly. "I want to push lightly now... Let Dom take a break," he said quietly, trying to find the strength to push his head out. He looked at Daniel with a meaningful gaze and then gasped, feeling him rub, intertwining his hand with Dom's and pushing gently, feeling another spasm
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Dominic smiled back his gaze held full admiration for what Alex was doing to bring to the world a child he knew in his bones was his. It didn't mattered to him Daniel felt so too about the child or that he loved Alex as well.
"you're amazing for going though this..." he said as he didn't pushed along with Alex but allowed him to do the job to see if he could manage from here on his own. It had been horrible to be the responsible one for the blood curling screams from his lover.
Blood flowed out freely to the floor as Alex pushed. The anal opening bulged out as it began to stretch around a a head with black soft curls. "out baby has hair Alex" Daniel called as the head slowly but surely began to crown as Alex labored weakly but with determination.
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Alex didn't give up for a second. He took short pauses for breaths and then pressed gently, knowing he had to so and so much strength. All the while he had Dom's hand caught, resting on his torso. He felt his presence and support. He also felt admiration for Daniel for helping them and not being disgusted by the sight. He could hear the dripping of blood, but he didn't think about it for now. He pushed like this for a few minutes until he finally felt a ripping and sudden relief, he screamed out loud, feeling how much blood was now coming out of him
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Dominic held Alex close to give him warmth, his hand would gently rub the belly in comfort to his lover. He noticed how he was becoming very pale due to blood loss. He prayed his lover would resist and be well.
Daniel felt silent as the head was delivered owrh a scream of agony. He quickly supported the head yet it was imosoble to not notice the baby had dark skin, like Dom and it made a stark contrast to his ivory hand now supporting it. He felt a pang of pain to realize it was very unlikely now for the child to be his. There was still a possibility as genetics could play tricks. Either him or Alex could have an ancestor with dark skin causing their baby to be so.
He sighted. He needed to concentrate on the birth and worry about the paetenity later "you delivered the head. Gold job Alex xthat was a big part of it, now comes the tricky part to get the shoulders out. Once you do that I can pull the baby out and your job will be done and the baby safe.
Deon where Dom sit holding Alex he couldn't see the baby emerging and didn't know if the dark skin the baby posses.
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Alex was panting hard, leaning against Dom's cage. Words reached him with difficulty. He was weak, and even worse than before. He didn't have the strength. The head was hard to push out. And now there were going to be shoulders. It was crazy. The heavy breathing finally stopped with him, and he placed Dom's hand on his stomach. "I don't have the strength... Dom do it please," he said, and then with his other hand he searched between his legs for the head. He wanted to touch the kid's head. Perhaps for the first and last time. "Daniel... Where's the head? I want to touch or see," he muttered to the teacher who was working between his legs
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Dominic nodded and muzzled him, asking him to forgive him for the pain he would be responsible for.
"here..." Daniel días guiding Alex's hand to the head of his child. "look down" he said as he reached for a mirror so Alex could see his child imagining actually seeing the bbe would encourage him and keep him strong.
As a contraction came, Dom began to push gently to aid the baby emerge further on. Daniel would instruct him on how much force he needed or if he needed to pause.
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Alex smiled genuinely, seeing the baby's head. The baby he had waited so long for. He wanted to take them in his arms. When Dom started to push though he felt pain and really in that moment he wished he could stop doing it though. He weakened in his lover's arms, screaming only occasionally feeling his anus tearing and the bitter taste of blood in his mouth. He'd lost a lot of blood, though Daniel didn't speak directly. He was afraid that these might be his last moments. He'd had enough. At one point he slumped inertly, being unconscious. He lost his strength. He didn't have the strength to open his eyes and move. He could only hear sounds vaguely.
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"Alex!" screamed Dom feeling him go limp in his arms "no no no Alex... Please wake up.. Don't leave us" he pleaded as he continued to push on his swollen belly to get the child out.
"Dom... We need to concentrate let's get the baby out and it's what's best for Alex and the baby." he said seeing terror in Dominics eyes.
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Alex saw different images in his head. He saw Dom playing with a small child in the children's room. Immediately he saw Dom walking towards him with a smile. Immediately the scene changed. But it only seemed that way to him. He knew darkness, and then he heard it. Crying. Vivid and clear. It wasn't a dream? Was it his child?
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11-07-2021, 08:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2021, 08:03 PM by
As Dom pushed down gently and following Daniel's instructions they got the shoulders out. Once they were out Daniel quickly pulled the baby out.
Crying of a newborn filled the room as Daniel covered the baby girl in a towel and cleaned her best he could and then wrapped her in a blanket handing her to Dominic who managed to hold the child and get her between him and an unconscious Alex. He noticed the color of the skin of the girl, happy it was just like his.
"Help me get him to rest in bed" he asked Daniel who had just delivered the placenta.
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Alex was still unconscious, blood dripping between his legs. It was bad. And he was aware of it. He could hear their voices a little more clearly. Ah, so he has a daughter... Girl. He wanted so much to see her, to touch her... He only managed an invisible tilt of his mouth. He was laid back on the bed, feeling his back regain its relief and his stomach diminish a little.
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They laid Alex on bed and they cleaned the blood between his legs, but the hemorrhage continued. So they placed layers of towels to soak it up.
Dominic undressed himself fully to give body heat to his lover and daughter. "we really need an ambulance Daniel" he said to the older man as he got in bed with Alex and used blankets to cover them.
Daniel aided the baby girl to be placed over Alex's chest and tried to guide her to a nipole so she would nurse even if Alex was unconcous.
"I know... Hopefully it will arrive. I called one before coming here. They know it's an emergency" he said "keep a hand on the baby so she can nurse. She needs her milk"
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Alex felt the small body against him, and when she started sucking on his nipple he felt his heart beat faster. Finally here it is... His little... A quiet gasp came from under his slightly parted lips, his hand slowly trying to grab the infant's back. His eyes could still not open on their own. So he tried through his other senses to locate it accurately. He heard about the ambulance. He was glad. They need to investigate the little one, and him in the process. He would love to see her so much. Just for a moment. "Dom?" he managed to say, feeling a metallic taste in his mouth.
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Dominic had his arms around him and the baby to keep them warm. He felt elated as Alex talked "I'm here... So is our daughter. She's beautiful" he called and kissed his forehead. "please stay awake" he pleaded and guided a hand of Alex to touch and hold the babe at his breast.
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Alex felt a smile creep onto his face. He was happy. They had a daughter. His child was here with them. It was undersized, but perfect. Just like Dom said. "I'm happy... But also angry at myself. I couldn't give birth to her myself," he said quietly, laying his head on his lover's shoulder. He felt warm, it made him feel better. "Have you cut the umbilical cord yet? Dad, did you do it?" he asked, and then gently managed to open his eyes
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"I don´t know how...Im afraid. I dont even know if you´ve delivered the placenta or not...I just...I want you both to be okay" he said kissing his lover on the forehead as he noticed he opened his eyes "do you see her?" he asked as the girl was tiny but seemed strong enough to nurse on her own. As she had been cleaned already, her darker skin was more clear and her light black curls were standing up.
"the ambulance will be here soon. I know it" he said knowing both father and daughter would need to be throughly checked out, specially Alex who was loosing blood.
"dont be silly you´re the one that gave birth to her"