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"I dont think yo ruthless, I just miss you and my kids. I still dont understand what went wrong. but we will talk about that later. Im worried now for you and our children" Ansgard said.
Marion eyed the children in the basket. It was a good thing Agnes had confided in her and let her know in advance, just what kind of pregnancy she was about to check over. Marion had seen to a pregnancy like this in the past. Decades ago, a human omega after falling pregnant of a wolf alpha had refused to give up the pups and seeked her help.
It had been a sad story, the man had lost his litter due to malformations of the pups, but she had gather knowledge on how a wolf pregnancy went. "I know what you´re carrying. I might not understand why you have such a relationship but I care a lot for Agnes and wont harm you or your pups" she said as she sat in a corner of the bed. "do you know how far along you are?" she asked, her elder and warm hands felt around the mostly flat abdomen, but a gentle swell was visible, and there the skin was more tightly pulled.
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Edward found it hard to focus between Marion and his husband, who was saying something reassuringly to him. Omega sighed silently, trying to reset his brain and breathe. Feeling the midwife's hands on his stomach, he focused his gaze on her. He may have trusted the woman, but still, he didn't know her and was a little afraid. His instincts told him to defend the litter. "The beginning... A few weeks, I think. I'm not sure," he explained, and then gasped, feeling his stomach tighten even more than the woman's. It hurt him a little. He hoped the older one had a lot of knowledge and would help their pups.
"Ans... I feel my stomach tighten... It feels so good. I have life in me. I want so much to carry the pregnancy and give birth to our pups," he said in a bound and then let out a breath, feeling the woman continue to explore his belly
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Marion nodded at his words and wrote it done on a little notepad she had brought with her "your aunt Agnes told me this is not your first pregnancy, and that the prevous one, was same in nature" she said and eyed the basket with the three puppies in it "it would be of aid to me, to know if you suffered any kind of complications during the pregnancy" she said gently, "I´ve brought some of my tools from my own clinic. I can see youre in some sort of pain, I would like to run some tests and exams to see how I can help. I would like to start with a sonogram if youre okay with it" she said as she took out a portable sonogram machine from her bag.
"so is tightening good? is it normal? please be careful Ed...I do love you, and I do hope you know that" Ansgard whispered through their bond, wishing he could be by his mate´s side .
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"Do whatever it takes, I won't be opposed. I want to make sure the kids are okay..." he muttered, and then looked at the camera go that she had taken out. Compared to the Ansgard world, their world had modern technology and better developed medicine. Omega wasn't so worried about the litter. Here they had more opportunity. Sjofn was still a trusted medic to him, but she wasn't here. That's why he entrusted his life to Marion.
"Let's not talk about feelings. I still have a lot of explaining to do. Now I have to be calm. I'll have an ultrasound. I'm gonna find out how many puppies I have, Ansgard"
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Marion placed cold gel on the lower belly and turned the machine on. it was a gray image that appeared showing the whole of Alex´s womb.
WOMP WOMP WOMP WOMP WOMP came a very distintive sound of a heart beating fast and it was noticible it was more than one. Marion moved the wand in search of the litter and she found it. With the sonogram machine she could take mesurements of the fetuses. "I see two pups" Marion said as she guided Ed where to look to see his children "by the development of the sac around them I can tell you are a week into gestation, they´re behind in growth a few days, and as you know days are like weeks for a pup as your pregnancies go much faster" she said gently and pointed at the screen.
"there are no malformations or anything unnatural with them, but I will indeed need to be checking on you to make sure they catch up. Have you bee in a stressing situation lately? stress is harmful, specialy in such early stages, it impairs growth" she explained to him
Ansgard waited in silence "okay...but let me many? what is wrong, has she said anything?" he asked as he kept his eyes closed to be concentrating in his wait for Ed´s words.
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A heartbeat calmed the omega. Fortunately. However, when he heard about their size he frowned a bit. If he wasn't stressed so much then this problem wouldn't be there. He bit his lip, feeling himself getting sad. It's his fault. Tears poured into his eyes, but he did not cry. "I lost two puppies at my first birth and still have personal issues.... I was a little nervous," he said, and then looked at the screen, seeing two hearts. Twins. Babies. He touched his belly carefully, where the gel was still on.
"We have two ... But their size is small. It's the stress." he said as much as he knew for now, but in the bond his wolf cried without hiding his emotions. He was sad.
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"grief could cause this too" Marion noted and turned the machine off and gave a paper towel to Ed to clean his belly "if you havent healed from that loss we will have to work on it, for its affecting these children now, and yourself. " she said with empathy " you know I lost a child too, and fell pregnant again close to that. I found myself feeling guilty to be happy of the new baby, when my elder child had passed. I wonder if you are experimenting something smiliar" she said and placed the sonogram back inside her bag.
"can you bare yourself waist down. I will like to do an anal check up, see if all is well and no signs of infection. How do you feel about human medicines and methods?" she asked knowing wolves were not fond of them and would prefer to take infusions or use herbs to make everything better. But sometimes some more help than that was needed.
Ansgard felt his mate´s pain and his sadness. He hugged his mate through the bond to reasure him "you´re a good mother, Im sure youll do the best for them"
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Edward nodded understandingly in Marion's direction. He knew he wasn't alone in this situation, but still, the experience was painful. He lost his children. It was awful. "Do anything if necessary. I've gotten used to different methods over the past year while living on the other side, but I'm from here and lived here a long time, so I'm not surprised by the methods here." he explained and smiled gently at the midwife. He slowly lowered his pants, staying naked in front of the women, and somewhat embarrassedly showed his ass. However, his husband saw him most often in this capacity. As for Ansgard, when he felt his embrace he calmed down a bit. Alpha knew how to take care of mental comfort. He appreciated it.
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"are you in any pain?" she askes gently palping the testes as they seemed swollen just as the entrace. That could be a sign of a healthy sexual life if the human mated often with his partner, but it could also be caused by a very rough Alpha she knew in one night. Marion had him on his fours to be able to examine better, she didnt used her fingers as Sjofn would. In fact she gloved her hands and used her instruments, a metal device to gently part the ass cheeks and later the swollen opening and an electric light to have a good look to the passage. "I see your cervix is sealed, but the mucus plug is too thin to protect the twins properly, have you experimented any pain in your canal or on the lower belly?" she asked gently evaluating his condition.
Ansgard didnt like how silent Ed had gone, but he imagined he was listening to all the healer was saying. He kept a good hold through the bond on his husband to reassure him all would be well.
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"My lower abdomen is stinging and I have a bit of a fever...," he admitted, and then felt a bit tense as he felt the instruments in his entrance. He groaned every now and then. Nobody put that stuff in there for him. Sjofn had natural methods and his husband only put his member in there when they made love. Such discomfort he understood, though medically it had to be something ordinary as well. Omega tightened his grip on the sheet, feeling his head spin a little. "Marion... It's pinching me, can you take it out?" he asked, and then touched his stomach. He had to carry the litter. He won't survive another loss.
He was silent in his bonds, not knowing what to say. But I guess he had to tell the alpha after all." The cervix is thin, it will make it difficult to maintain the pregnancy...."
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Marion was silent, it was not a good prospect for this early in pregnancy. She took off her instruments as Ed told her it was hurting him. "Could you manage bed rest for a few days? Im hoping rest and some medicines will aid the plug in your cervix thicken. I will use and IV to keep you well hydrated and pass some sedatives and medicines Im hoping will aid you" she explained "I will also use a fetal monitor to keep track of the twins, its a belt worn around your belly that keeps track of the heartbeats" she expalined calmly so her patient wouldnt over worry.
Ansgard was silent "what does she say? can she fix it? I know my sister could take care of it" he didnt knew that but he trusted his sister´s knowledge.
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Edward listened to Marion in silence and in concentration. He stroked his belly, feeling how it really calmed him down. He lay on his back on the bed, and then his aunt covered him. "Do the best you can. I don't want anything to happen to the kids" he said, and then looked at his aunt. He grabbed her hand "You'll help me, won't you? I'm collapsing on your head and asking too much," he said, feeling how close he was to shedding tears. His situation was difficult. He didn't even answer his husband's question, feeling powerless in this world. He had to rely on others
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"of course, you need to rest and get those babies growing. Ill take care of the other pups"Agnes said gently.
Marion took his hand as he laid back down on his back. He rubbed his hand with alcohol with a cotton ball "it will be a little pinch, take a deep breath" she said before inserting the needle of a catheter. She used a bag of serum and with a syringe placed inside the amount of sedative and medicine Edward would need for his treatment.
"how does that feel? try to not move too much this hand or it will get swollen, Ill be coming to administer the medicines and see how you progress" she said as she then rasied the sheets and took out the fetal monitor, blacing the band around the lower belly and turned it on "see this here? this is one baby´s heart beat and this is the second. If you notice a dip in one or something different from what you are seeing, you call me" she explained as the room now filled with the beeping sounds of Edward´s twins.
"youre a good mama and this is nothing we cant get better with some rest and medicine" she assured him.
Ansgard barely felt his lover now but kept the reassuring feelings flowing.
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Edward thanked the women politely for everything. When Marion had packed everything up he hugged her gently. He was grateful for the help. For now, he was grounded at his aunt's house, but he hoped to be back on the other side soon. The children also felt a longing for their father. He knew it was a matter of time. He lay in silence, massaging his stomach quietly. The drugs started working. He was sleepy, but feeling good. The midwife was right that it doesn't take much to recover. Omega fell asleep while his aunt watched the puppies. His mind and body craved it. A few moments without stress and worry. For the twins' sake and his.
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Agnes laid a close watch on her nephew as he slept and rested as he should. She kissed his forehead and took the puppies aside so they woulnt bother him.
Agnes learned puppies could drink from a human baby bottle and that they liked formula, yet they seemed to not enjoy it as much as when Ed had nursed them before her. she rocked the three puppies as she sat in a rocking chair to ease them to sleep. They seemed to be looking for someone, at first she thought it was their mother, so she would point to Ed´s sleeping shape in bed and tell them where their mom was, but then as they kept searching she understood it was the father they were searching for. She felt helpless, for she couldnt guide them or point to where their father was.
The beeping sound of the machine lulled her a bit, but she fought to stay awake and keep watch. In this light and the belt applying some pressure on the belly, Edward was visibly pregnant. a woman at one week wouldnt even know she was pregnant yet, yet her nephew was already showing and having fetuses a sonogram could measure.
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Edward fell asleep with his hands on his stomach. He felt peace of mind. In a way. His omega longed to be close to the alpha. But he wasn't ready. Maybe he was hurting the puppies with it. They needed a father. Edward, however, was lost and hurt. Mentally, he wasn't feeling well. He needed that isolation. Ed didn't even want to contact his husband through the bond. I'll just let him know about the other litter.
When he woke up late in the evening, the kids were sleeping next to him on a blanket in various positions, and the machine around his stomach was still working. His aunt had left a light on for him. Omega got up and went to the bathroom with the machine. He had to urinate. When he returned he sat down on the bed and mused. He didn't know what to do. He felt like a fool
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Agnes was preparing dinner downstairs, she heard some movement upstairs and knew then her nephew must be up.
She turned off the oven before going upstairs to check on him. Marion had been once while he was asleep to administer the medicines.
She entered and found him sitting in bed. "how are you feeling darling? How are the twins?"
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"It's okay now... Thank you for asking," he said as he snapped out of his reverie and smiled weakly at his aunt. He rested his head against her shoulder and so sat beside her in silence. "I'm getting on your head, Auntie... And I can't solve my own problems. I don't know what to do. I'm probably too stupid"
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"Don't say that. I'm glad you've comed to see me and to introduce me the pups" she said looking down y his naked belly with the belt around and then the pups sleeping on his old bed.
"perhaps if you explain to me what's this problem with your husband is, it can help you clear your mind. And I'll listen. Just remain calm and relaxed, Marion disd it was important you did" she said and kissed his cheek with motherly affection
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"Like I said, lately I've been getting frustrated with how much he explains everything to me. She takes care of the house and the puppies. He must have killed his friends when they first saw me... He wasn't at the birth. Am I really exaggerating?" he asked, and then stroked his stomach gently. Luckily for him, the pups were still asleep and calm. Although they did have a really decent rest. "You know what Auntie... I really want to do well for the twins and myself, but I can't find the courage. And Ansgard is stubborn and would love to come here right away"