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He continues to kiss Daisy, and takes her shirt off slowly. He holds her softly as she straddles him. The teasing gets more intense toward eachother. He is getting more aroused....
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Daisy gasped as she realised Richard was hard and couldn’t help but let out a whimper. She could feel her pussy throbbing and her mind became clouded with arousal. She pulled her bra off and started to remove Richards shirt, exposing his defined chest.
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Richard starts to caress and squeeze Daisy breast. He gets completely hard as he looks into her eyes. "I love you so much babe!!!"
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Daisy smiled at Richard, “and I love you too” she said before panting out, “please, I want to have sex already”. She removed his trousers and then freed his cock from his pants, then deciding to tease him a little by wrapping her hand around his cock and pumping it up and down a few times.
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Richard moans softly. As Daisy kept stroking more and more, he felt an intense sensation he had never felt before, but, really didn't think anything of it and just let out a louder moan. "Ohhhhh, mmm". Daisy continues and she lowers herself on to him.
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Daisy could feel sweat drip down her face as she continued to ride him, the sounds of his moans going straight to her vagina as she felt more aroused. She could feel herself close to orgasm and as she did her eyelids fluttered closed, basking in the sensational feeling.
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Richard again has that strange but pleasurable feeling in his pelvic area. Almost to the point of screaming. He still doesn't think anything of it, as he just thought, it was amazing. He holds her hips tight as she bounces."ooogggghhhh baby!!!!"
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Daisy lifted herself off of him and collapsed onto the bed, trying to catch her breath back. She turned her head to see Richard and smiled at the sight of him - before holding his hand. “Damn, I’m tired now” she chuckled.
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"It was so amazing babe, it felt so intense!!!!" He grabs her gently for another snuggle. They fall asleep to exhausted to watch thrlater, he wakes up feeling ill, but, needs to go into work for a meeting which has to be held in the office. He felt nausea and runs to the bathroom barely making it to the toilet throwing up.
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Daisy woke up to the sound of her husband puking - which was unusual as he never seemed to get ill - and got out of bed to make sure he was alright. “Hey?” She murmured, kneeling down next to him, “how are you feeling?”. Daisy made sure to comfort him by rubbing his back or running her fingers through his hair the entire time he was actually throwing up.
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"I'll be okay, I need to get dressed and head to the office." He leans into the toilet throwing up again. "I'm going to shower and get ready."
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Daisy helped Richard stand back up,”are you sure?” She asked,”you probably shouldn’t if you’re ill”. She did wonder if he had picked up a bug from somewhere or if the chicken had given him food poisoning and now she felt guilty. She should have checked the chicken was fully cooked before giving it to him.
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"Take me to the Doctor please!!" Richard says,after he throws up one more time and is able to clean up. He grabs Daisy's hand and heads to the sink to wash up. He grabs his clothes and waits on the couch with a bucket as Daisy calls the Doctor.
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Daisy nodded and grabbed her phone,”right Yeah”. When the doctors answered the phone she explained the situation and how the illness came on suddenly before booking an appointment. “Ugh, I’m sorry love but they are busy today” she sighed,”but I can make an appointment for tomorrow”.
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"Then let's just go to the hospital." He says then proceeds to throw up in a bucket. After he wipes his mouth and grabs a sip of Gatorade. "I am feeling really miserable. "
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“Alright”, Daisy murmured. She chucked on some clothes and grabbed her car keys,”ready?” Daisy held onto her husbands hand as she led them to her car and helped him get inside the passenger seat.
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"Th..." He thrn throws up again in the car managing to keep it in thr bucket. "Thank you babe, sorry, I'm really sorry"
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Daisy’s face softened,”it’s alright, it’s not your fault”. She made sure Richard had his seat belt plugged in before starting the car and driving to the hospital - where she managed to find a space to park relatively close to the actual building.
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He opens the door waits for a wheel chair. He gets admitted almost right away after registering. He holds Daisy hands almost the whole time..
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Daisy smiled down at Richard just as they were taken into the doctors office. She sat down and waited for the doctor to settle aswell before he asked some questions. “Good morning, sir”.