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“Yes a little bit omg I can’t believe this is what women go thru it hurts so bad” cried James
“You’re doing so good babe soon enough we will be holding our precious babies in our arms” said Tasha as they kissed
James started walking around with Tasha some more breathing thru each contraction. They went back to the delivery room James got back in the stirrups
“4cm James. You’re coming along good. How do you feel?”
Said the doctor
“My hips feel like they’re gonna break and penis hurts. I feel the pee hole widening it hurts. Why the penis? Ouchhh” James cried
Tasha curious gave another look at her man’s penis/birth canal. Her fear now turning to fascination and excitement knowing she’s gonna see her babies soon
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Tasha walked back to James’ side and leant down to whisper, “when the doctors leave I’ll massage it a little”. In response, he looked up and tried to smile, “thank you”, he whispered back.
Tasha helped James sit back up and get his feet out of the stirrups, “what would you like to do now?” She asked, “you can rest, walk around again or bounce on the yoga ball thing”. James thought for a second before replying, “I’ll bounce on the ball”.
“Alright”, Tasha said, as she brought it over, “here, give me your hand, I’ll help you up”.
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They got James back in the bed and the doctors and nurses left them for a moment to check on other patients. Tasha whispered In James ear
“Well looks like we are all alone”
James smiled as Tasha decided to make James feel better as well as speed up his delivery
Tasha decided to play the role of doctor
“Well let’s see what we got going on here” said Tasha
She reached down between his legs and and massage his penis with its hole starting to widen more and more. At this point Tasha could fit her little pinky finger in it. She was so tempted but went slow. James moaned as Tasha worked his shaft
“Oh does my big pregnant man love that” said Tasha
“Omg yes yes I do” moaned James
“Maybe I should reward u now for all the hard labor and work you’re about to do” said Tasha
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James nodded, frantically. “Yeah?”, Tasha asked, smirking at the pregnant guy withering in the bed, “well what do you have in mind?”. She continued to stroke his penis, which began to be erect, whilst watching James try to get the words out of his mouth.
When he still didn’t say anything but laid there looking a little dazed, Tasha bent down and worked her mouth on it. She planted at kiss on the tip, licked along the base and tongued the dilated hole. She had decided that his penis was too wide, at the moment, to try to deep throat him so she continued stroking and kissing it, eventually squeezing and fondling with his balls. James had his head thrown back and was moaning, his eyes squeezed shut, and his contractions now seemed dull and less painful. Eventually he reached his limit and came but Tasha had been ready - she put the tip in her mouth and swallowed.
“You liked that, huh?”, she asked, smiling up at him. She couldn’t help but chuckle at his dazed expression and moved back up by his head. Tasha began to stroke through his hair, whilst waiting for him to wake up a little.
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Some time later after James getting a break the contractions kicked up again
“Owwww Fuck what are the babies doing ouch” cried James
“Breathe baby breathe. Hee hee hoo hoo hee hee hoo hoo” said Tasha
“You’re coming along great James 7 cm” said the doctor
James penis hole was 7cm opened. His penis was widening opening prepping for the babies head
“Omg babe 7cm It’s so wide now” said Tasha excited
“Omg how is my penis still widening it hurts. No penis should do this ouch” cried James as he tilt his head back in agony
The doctor then told James he had to lube the inside of his pee hole. The doctor slipped on a latex glove and squirted the jelly on his two fingers.
“Deep breathe James this is gonna pinch” said the doctor
“No no no owwwwww ouch my penis” screamed James as Tasha held his hand
“Breathe baby breathe. Be my big strong man” said tasha
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James starting breathing heavily, his faced was screwed up because of the pain he was experiencing. “It hurts”, he whined. “I bet it does”, Tasha cooed, she tried to peek at James’ penis but he pulled her back and panted out, “don’t look down there”. She agreed not to look again and carried on comforting him.
After a while, Tasha felt that there was nothing she could do to help and so she asked the doctors, “what can I do to help?”, whilst looking back at James who was, once again, panting through a contraction.
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Well if u want u can help lube the penis hole. It needs constant lubing especially at this point It’ll help the dialation speed up and allow an easier delivery.
“Oh no please I can’t take anymore” cried James. He was humiliated by his future wife sticking fingers in his already ruined penis causing him even more pain in his manhood.
“Come on babe you’re Alrite I’ll be gentle with ur penis I know how sensitive it must be” said Tasha
“Just be gentle it hurts so bad” cried James
Tasha then gently massaged the lube inside her man’s penis. Tasha’s fears and awkwardness about it all vanished as she was now all about helping the doctor deliver her baby and trying to help her vulnerable man thru it all.
Finally James reached 8cm but was stuck at 8 as the contractions intensified
The doctor then said he had to bust out the jaws of life
“We need you more dialated James. We are gonna have to use some tools to open up ur penis hole more Tasha I will need your help if you are interested if not I’ll have one of the nurses help
“I’ll help” said tasha
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Tasha’s eyes widened at the sight of the tools, “yeah, you might wanna hide those from James’ sight”, she nervously chuckled. James, hearing this, tried to sit up to see as his huge stomach was in the way but Tasha rushed forward to stop him. “I’m serious, don’t look at it”, she instructed, worried for him, “remember, I love you”, she bent down and kissed him.
Tasha then returned to the doctor, satisfied that James wouldn’t look, “what would you like me to do?”, she asked.
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“So I have to insert the tool in his urethra once I’m in deep enough you’re gonna squeeze the handle here until I tell u to stop” said the doctor
“Oh wow that’s intense” she said
“Let’s lube his pee hole now James this is gonna burn. It’ll be a lot of stretching just breathe thru it” said the doctor
The doctor lubed his pee hole and carefully inserted the tool deep inside his shaft as James screamed and cried in pain. He helplessly cried and screamed as he he lay on his back legs spread open in stirrups big swollen belly In front of him as his doctor and fiancé stretched opened his penis
“Now go ahead Tasha and squeeze the handle and don’t stop till I say I’m gonna hold the tool deep inside your fiancé” said the doctor
“Omg I never knew his penis could stretch so much” Tasha said as she repeatedly squeezed the handle causing her man’s penis to stretch open wider and wider forcing his penis Into full dialated. The nurses holding onto James legs in the stirrups so he couldn’t move them as he cried and screamed in pain at the stretching and opening of his penis
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“Ok, stop now please”, the doctor ordered, he then inserted the tool into James’ urethra. Tasha still didn’t really understand what was happening so she just stood there holding the tool, she really wanted to go and hug James though as she felt bad. James was sobbing at this point and it looked like he was having a panic attack.
When the doctor instructed, she removed the tool and rushed back up to James. “I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t know that was going to happen”, she said as she hugged him tight. He was still crying, “calm down, try to breathe”, Tasha said.
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“Ok I see the baby coming down ur birth canal let’s go James give me a big push” said the doctor
James beared down and gave his first push screaming as he felt his baby making its way thru his penis.
“You’re doing so good babe be strong” said Tasha
“Give me another big push on three James one two three pushhhhhhh”
“Ahhhhhhhhh” James screamed as his baby’s head started sliding farther down his shaft stretching his penis more and more
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06-05-2022, 05:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-05-2022, 05:34 PM by
Tasha looked down at James’ penis, seeing it stretching, “we are so close to being able to hold our twins”, she gushed, kissing him on the cheek. James looked up and tried to smile at her enthusiasm, “yep”, he groaned out.
James continued pushing for about 10 minutes, with small progress, “perhaps he should try a different position?” Tasha said to the doctors, “like we got taught in Lamaze class”. Before anyone could say anything, James had another contraction and started pushing again, “Tasha, come back” he groaned, making grabby hands at her. She smiled warmly at him before returning to his side and held onto both his hands.
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James kept pushing and breathing and pushing some more. Tasha was there by his side cheering him on as the baby made its way thru the penis. James penis was the size of a watermelon now. His penis hurting badly and testicles very swollen to the size of a grapefruit.
“You’re doing so good” said Tasha “just keep breathing and give me some big pushes big boy”
“Omg my penis hurts how big is this baby she’s gonna split me open” said James
“Aww babe your penis will be fine let’s just worry about getting our twins out of it first let’s go big push babe 1 2 3 pushhhhhhh” said Tasha
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhjjhhj” screamed James
“Omg I think I see the head” said the nurse excited
“The head is getting close your gonna be crowning soon James. Don’t be alarmed but I may have to use a scalpel for ur penis head if the baby struggles getting out most men need it” said the doctor
“What scalpel? Not my penis no no” said James
“It’s ok James if I have to use it we’ll stitch u back up and your penis is gonna be fine”
“Relax baby your penis is gonna be fine don’t worry about it and only worry about pushing our twins out of u”said Tasha
“Be my big strong man and give me some pushes big ones NOW” said Tasha trying to inspire her man to push
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James continued to push and whimper and Tasha continued to try and comfort him.
“Ouch, it burnsss”, he cried out, arching his back.
“I know but you have to keep pushing baby”, Tasha replied, seemingly sympathetic.
He continued pushing until the head of their first twin crowned, causing James to screech in pain. “Oh my!” Tasha gasped, her eyes beginning to water, “this is amazing”.
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“Omg babe you’re crowing push push push” exclaimed Tasha
“Ahhhhhhhh” James screamed in pain as he pushed
“Alrite I see the head pushing thru” said the doctor
The doctor has a mirror positioned so Tasha could coach James while seeing her babies come out. The baby’s head finally started coming thru. James screamed in agonizing pain as he crowned. His penis stretching beyond belief
“Ahhhh it burns it burns get it out of me ouchhh” screamed James
“Keep pushing ur doing great babe push push push” exclaimed Tasha her eyes glowing with excitement
The head was trying to get out the doctor got out the scalpel to make a slight incision in James pee hole
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James screamed and started to cry even harder, one of his hands began to clutch at his large stomach for comfort. Tasha saw what they were doing to James’ penis and closed her eyes, shuddering at the blood, she felt bad that he had to experience it. “You are doing so much better than I would ever do,” she murmured, still holding onto James’ hand, “I see their head! James! Their head!”
James smiled weakly up at Tasha, “I want you to be the first to hold them, when they come out”.
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“Ok James you’re crowing come on push push” said the doctor
“Ahhhhhhhh” screamed James
“Push baby push” screamed Tasha “omg I see the head I see our baby’s little head”
“Ahhh what do u mean little?” Moaned James
Legs opened in stirrups hands gripping the life out of both the handle on the bed and tashas hand James screamed cried and beared down giving the biggest pushes ever as his baby’s head tore thru his penis hole. James screamed and beared down once more and the POP!
The babied head finally busted thru his penis
“Omg that had to hurt” the nurse whispered as she had never seen a baby bust thru a man’s penis before
“The head is out James give me another big push” said the doctor
“I’m so tired” said James
“Come on babe u still got another baby to deliver after this” said Tasha
She held his hand and helped him to push the rest of the baby out of his penis. The doctor assisted by gently pulling the baby out of James pee pee as he pushed
“It’s a girl” said the doctor as James head fell back from exhaustion while tears streamed down tashas eyes at the sight of her little baby girl
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“She’s here, James, I can’t believe it!” Tasha cried out, as the baby was placed onto James’ chest, he looked up at her, “well I can”, he joked, weakly. That reminded Tasha that there was still one more to be born but James already looked exhausted, “are you going to be alright? Y’know to give birth again?” She asked, concerned about her love. “Yeah, I should think so”, he replied, guiding the baby to his nipple to try to get her to breastfeed.
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James fed his new baby girl but once he finished the pains came back and now it was time to deliver the second baby
“Ow I feel my baby dropping into my hips” said James
“Alrite James breathe you’ll feel some contractions now I’ll tell u when to push” said the doctor
“U got this babe” said Tasha
“Alrite James go ahead and give me a push” said the doctor
“Ahhhhhh” he screamed
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Tasha jumped at James’ scream and so did their new baby - who then began to cry. “Pass her to me, I’ll hold her whilst you push out the next one”, Tasha said and held out her arms. James scooped up the baby and passed her over to Tasha right after the contraction and grabbed her spare hand to hold.
“You’re doing well, sweetheart”, Tasha said, smiling down at him as the next contraction began.