C Dark times

Vale could feel the intensity that was breathable in the room. Raw pain caused not exactly by the natural pain of childbirth, but by the abuse Halcron had endured mine months ago. Thr child was a inocent victim just as the laboring elf in his bed. He knew Halcron was much older than himself in age, yet the light elf was so innocent he often felt as the elder of the two and a great need to keep him safe. As Halcron began to glow even more, Vale was forced to close his eyes feeling his eyes burn. Just as light el es feared dsrkness, dark elves couldn't stand too much light,for it burned them.

They had met by chance, by accident. He had thought Halcron was just as the others of his kind. Yet the light elf kept coming to buy him books and a herbal mix for tea. Conversations began and before he knew it he was head over heals by to a member of the kin that kept him and his people opressed. He felt his heart ignite with fire by how passionate his feelings were for the light elf.

He kept his attentions in the throbbing penis, los tongue and lips taking it into his wet mouth and later releasing it imitating the comes and goes of coitus. He ventured to kiss the pulsing lenght and then kiss and claim the testícles that seemed a bit swollen due to arousal. He smiled pleased as he kissed the full testes again and his fingers began to backtrack del the anal cavity. "full ten centimeters of dilation. That means you're fully opened for the Babe to come, once your waters break, the child will come" he explained and with his last words his long fingers came fully out from the wet depths of his lover. "I need to gather some essentials for the new born, they are down stairs. Can you stay a minute alone? I'll be back before you know it" he promised.

Halcron knew he was a Light elf but sadly he felt as if nothing of the sort, An outsider from his Kind as so to say, he revelled within his head as he was further of stimulated by the ever handsome Dark one whom was his beloved Vale. He reached down, letting a dainty gloved hand linger upon his swell for a moment or two, feeling the steady drum like rhythm of gentle kicking as it struggled to find balance within an unstably cramped confines of visceral fleshed womb, not soothed even by the sway of Halcron's gentle rubbing of the stomach that housed her on all sides.

"Shh my little one .. shhh .. you shall have your saying at a later timing but for now .. you must be still for a moment. Papa Vale is retrieving special items for you to ensure you are born in the best way possible. Shhh .." He encouraged the stressed babe, stroking his belly upward then down along the swell that divided his bountiful breasted chest and exuberantly spacious hips, the same ones which were preparing for the eventual width of the child head and body to soon follow.

Feeling surrounded, the child lashed out, clawing at the walls, thrashing, kicking and screaming in silence from within.

"Honey, you must not struggle, you are within a safe space, Papa is frightened too, terrified too in the highest degree possible but we shall be alright. United even .. just become calm and listen to the sound of my voice, hmm?" At first, Halcron responded with a series of soft, yet nervously filled chuckles, gently breathing in and out as he usually did, but then the pains intensified with the gentle ticking of the grandfather clock on the wall, nightfall was nearing and even though he could not sense it his fear had an awful foreboding that rung in his mind clear as a church bell, the same which caused him to clutch his head, struggle to turn to a side and curl up, and not before long his breathing became hitched, panted heavier, deeper and more frantic, eventually causing forth a shriek as the baby ruptured his water-sac causing a stream of clear-crimson fletches of blood to surge forth and burst from him with a loud squelching, temping him into shuddering and expressing a pained wide eyed expressing.

He gently parted his long but well lengthed legs, examining himself only to discover the massive stain and pooling of a puddle, one of which he could not take his wide, horrfiied eyes away from. "Oh no? .. oh no! .. Ohhh no .. something is wrong .. terribly wrong .. um Vale .. V-Vale, my love .. something is occuring to my body now .. something strange .. I .. I think it is t-time .. the babe .. i-it is c-." He stammered and stuttered, fumbling over each word as he felt the increasingness of inner panic creep up upon him and within minutes a harsh slash across the middle from within caused him to grunt, groan and cry out, the wood rod falling from his mouth as his teeth released it, his mouth opened in a silent scream like fashion. He curled up, cringing inwardly, hoping his beloved would be able to retrieve the items from the lower level downstairs before his next pang of labor.

"O-OH GODS! GRACIOUS GODA ABOVE! CEASE THIS TORMENT!" With a sniveling sob like breath, he closed his eyes as he tried not to be horrendously boisterous, tried his hardest but the agony .. it was much too unbearable to bear.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Vale kissed his lover's forehead before leaving to go downstairs. He didn't took any candels with him as he could see perfectly even in pitch darkness. He went to his working table to retrive an empty basket to use it as a temporal crib for the new born. It was a medium basket which he usually used to go to the market and buy fresh vegetales and fruits and by the size of Halcron's pregnant orb he estimated the child would fit nicely in that basket. He also searched for a smaller quilt to keep the baby warm. He had no clothes for a infante but got one of his clean shirts and cut it to make a makeshift attire. He then got a knife which he cleaned with fire to cut the umbilical cord and emptied his wardrobe from all towels he owned.

He worried as he began to hear grunts and moans of deep pain. He hurried upstairs to find his lover bending over himself in utter pain as he held his belly. He could see Halcron's waters had broken "Its okay my love, that is meant to happen, your waters have broken so the baby can come" he said leaving the supplies he had gathered at a side next to his lover, before quickly taking a towel to clean Halcron from all the body fluids he was covered in. "Im sorry I have no crib or baby clothes so I had to improvise" he said blushing. He knew contractions wouos feel more intense now that the amniotic fluid was no longer encasing the baby,even the pregnant belly had lost it's round shape and looked more oval and oblong shape.

Vale began to feel around the lower belly to find the head of the baby, yet to his surprise he found the baby's bum facing down. He frowned, just mere minutes ago he had felt the baby being head down. That would complicate things but a child could also be delivered beach "Its okay, the baby has shifted it seems, but we can deliver it, we will just be more careful" he said rubbing the swollen hips to calm his lover down. "How much would you hate me if I carry you to the sofa to clean the bed?" he asked. Cleanliness was essential to keep Halcron and the baby safe during birth. He had seen many die due to infections caused by dirty sheets or an unclean knife.

With much effort Halcron lifted his head stiffly but boldly, his eyes following suit and meeting Vale's own, seeming to mirror the same exact yet complex situationed worry, nervously hitched of breath from time to time, sometimes cut off by grunts that went on for a full second, or even more. He whimpered softly, inhaling in a suckle upon the very teat of fresh oxygen, become increasingly desperate to breathe properly.

He quivered at the words "waters have broken" and "the baby can come" he was by far not prepared, even though he was more than equipped to handle this endeavor. As his lower abdomen was connected by a familiar hand, that of his Significant, his Dark one, he exhaled softly with serenity, a sense of safety and security flowing through his very being, the same exact sensation he felt when embraced by the same man, the corner of his lips twitched and arose upward into a soft smile like fashion, revealing his true sense of worthy strength through such terrible suffering.

Through it all he would remain in the battle, would brave all and even perish for his son. He did not know that he was soon to birth a rarity in his parts .. a daughter. "T-Thank you ever so kindly for c-cleaning me and a-as for c-carrying me .. I .. I would hate you a lot if I was d-disturbed from this bed right now .. but .. if it is for a worthwhile cause. I will cause you hellfire at a later time but for now, just proceed forth .. carry me to the s-sofa. I do not desire for our child to be born in such unsavory filth my rupturing and fluids have caused. I .. apologize for soiling your bed .. I .." He seemed to feel shameful for himself now, feeling disgust for his body all of a sudden but did not express forth such things.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Vale couldn't help but chuckle hearing his life partner was threatening to give him hell afterward for moving him. It was such un like Halcron to say something like that for he was the sweetest man there could ever be. "Don't be silly, you have nothing to thank me for" he said and with a decisive movement he scoooed up the laboring elf into his arms with seeming ease "and don't worry about the bed. The towel has taken all of it, and even if it hadn't, it's natural. I hope youre not Planning to apologize every time you make a mess in out bed" he settled Halcron in the small sofa and made a quick sprint to get the bed sheets cleaned and get all the supplies ready for delivery.

Two minutes later, Vale was carrying Halcron back to bed "on your side, love?" he asked wondering if his lover would choose the same position or if he wouos want to change for actual delivery. The new sheets would feel cool and soft agaisnt the heated laboring body. Vale also had the makeshift crib ready and flasks of oíl to both aid the delivery or simply massage his lover to calm him.

Halcron felt moody, irritable and downright enraged with the world, even more for what was inflicted upon him, even more for what was occurring right now inside him and between his legs. He winced as he was lifted upward but sucked in a breath, letting such depart his lungs in a heavy whoosh of gentle but panted air. "Trust me that I will always express my apologies to you, I am natured that way so get .. used to it .. I - AH!" He went to smile wider only for it to be wiped from existence upon his face, feeling a violent pang cause his body to spasm and his swollen swell to jolt upward with a violent outward lurch that caused a dent within his very flesh, raising it upward significantly for a span of time.

"OH GODS! I DO NOT THINK I CAN BEAR ANY MORE OF THIS! JUST REACH IN AND PULL IT OUT! IT IS TORTURING ME!" He cried out with a mournful, tortured wail which ripped from the very depths of his throat, the front of his face burying itself against the side of Vale's sturdy leg, dainty, feminine fingers curling inward as he clutched the clothed limb tight enough to cause a loss of bloodflow to his leg.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Vale silently did it all over again and set up his lover in bed, this time not to examine him or get him comfortable, but for him to deliver the baby. The belly had lost any roundness left and looked a bit lumpy as the baby was so low in the womb ready to pass into the birth canal. Swiftly Vale had Halcron's rear propped up having placed Halcron in a side laying position.

He grunted as his lover took hold of him so strongly, but never complained knowing his love needed to pass on the pain somehow "I can't pull thr Babe out of you. It would hurt it and it would hurt you as well" he said even if he knew the light elf was talking out of desperation. "Now listen to me, when the next contraction comes I need you to push down, I will also be stimulating your breasts from time to time to ease your pain and also stimulate your milk production, all right?" he asked as he was now kneeling in bed next to his lover. He snaked an arm around Halcron's leg and rose it flexing it in direction to Halcron's chest.

Halcron whimpered as quietly as he could, expressing a grunting as he was adjusted, even at gentle levels by his Significant. He tried to focus but all he could do was simply grunt and growl as if a mere beastly creature. He was basically a male in the throes of unstable laboring, and to be honest was not entirely sure how long he could hold out.

"J-Just proceed .. do not be tempted to ask .. my b-body is you c-canvas a-and your f-fingers are the b-brush .. just please .. do anything you can to soothe the raging torment I am plagued by .. please .." He begged, getting half of a quarter way of length through his strained speech only to lower his upper body deeper into the bedding as the first signs of contractions surged forth, causing him to bear down by instinct, sensing his breathing become hitched as it did whenever he was nervous or frightened, he was both now, highly so to the point of fight or flight.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Vale suddendly felt a rush through his senses. Perhaps Halcron was not asare of what he had trully given him license to do. He felt his throat go coarse, as if he was thirsty. In his sinful mind he would made love to his life partner as he was. Yet that was not posible. Now, it was not only thr laboring light lef left brreathless, but the dark elf as he tried to collect himself and not give into depravity.

The ambiense in the room was tense. He could feel Halcron's fears and doubts, and he knew how to handle child birth, but he had never delivered his own child and that was a heavy burned he now carried on his shoulders. "bite down on the rod" he whispered placing it on his lover concerned of the ruckusttheh were causing and hated himself for being the one to ask this of Halcron.

He could see Halcron's aureola's were darker and bigger that they would normally be. He began to rub one nipple, brushing it with his finger tips in order to cause it to harden in arousal. He then let his fingers clasp around it as the lips of a hungry Babe would to be sure thr breasts would have milk for the baby once it was born.

His fingers traced the puffy chest and began to stroke down going into the belly the oblong shape as he searched for what Halcron's erogenus spots were. His fingers came to the hip bones and the the under belly brushing in an almost teasing manner the pubic bone.

Indeed .. the laboring male of High elven blood, the very essence of Light itself was now fufilling his untimate task, providing the world with a new soul to bring forth from his body, a rather hesitant one at best if entirely honest. He tried to focus, God he tried so very hard but the surges of contraction were unsteadily arising, reaching such levels that enticed him to find more intense ways to soothe the searing agony he felt.

He bit upon the rod as it was once again offered by his Significant Dark one, shivering with a shuddering, only to tense up as his vulnerable, highly sensitive but soft as a sponge nipples and surrounding areola was teased with a brushing of mere fingertips and honestly that was more than suitable from such for a swift arousal, become stiff and more raised hardened peaks amongst soft light blue veined spherical globes of morbid sexual perfection and masculine oddity.

Frequently or from time to time his bruise and cut riddled, abnormally, pale as ivory fleshed of swell arose and fell with great hesitance or sprang to life with movement, unstable movement to be precise, beccoming slightly flushed with a blush of red, struggling with himself to endure, to cope while it began naturally causing his body to direct inner pressure. His upper portion of body out smarted the lower one, pressing and crushing down upon his lower regions and responding with a downward tilting of his head, following suit of such motion with a straining push that focused all from the sides of his hips, to his womb and soon to the place lying in wait for emergence between twitching, restless, tingle-riddled legs.

"PLEASE ..do not .. h-hold yourself back .. c-claim my b-body .. p .. p .. pleaseee my Dark one ... r-release mee-AHHHHH!" He stressed his speech syllables as his push-straining-bearing down intensified increasing to grunt like growls and groans became unleashed only to be further muffled by the wooden rod.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Vale began to notice Halcron's body not only was pale, due to physical exhaustion,but his skin semmed to become light itself, a cristal absorbing and emmiting more potent light out. He closed his eyes for a moment as it was becoming top bright for him. "Its a child of light" he whispered for light elves were said to come to the world wrapped in the most pure and bliding light. If it had been a mixed child, he knew his lover wouldn't be turning into this strong and beautiful light source, for it was beautiful regardless if it harmed his eyes.

Perhaps Vale had seemed paranoid always whispering in their secret rendezvous, yet he had a true reason to be so careful and scared of being heard as they were about to learn. The moans and grunts of child birth had been enough to get the neighbor's attention and the Police had been called, who now were at Vale's shop's doorans they knocked with intensity and harshness. "POLICE, OPEN UP"

Vale felt his body falter as one of his fears was becoming true. Yet he mustered all courage he had and looked down to his laboring lover "Its okay, I wont open the door, and if they try to enter they will have to deal with me" he said as his long mauve hands rubbed up and down the large deflated belly. "they will leave soon, legs just keep quiet" he said kissing his lovers lips deciding it wouos be easier to keep Halcron's vocalization down if he had a more applealing muffler. His kiss showed sexual hunger and fear fear, but a strong sense of fetermination to keep his lover safe. He hovered over Halcron's fertile body guarding it with his own. He made the light elf part his legs further and slid two fingers into the throbbing birth exit. He would make love to his light elf, even if his body would burn him for Halcron was becoming like a life sun. He would make love to him to keep him calm during delivery and therefore safe from the guards that were outside looking for them.

Halcron panted heavier and heavier, finding it uneasily harder and harder to control his gag reflex as the agony rose and rose, reaching levels that were harder and harder to distinguish and be of centered against. He whimpered, clenching his teeth together and hissing between the spaces of his pearly whites, his body quivering beyond control as if it had a mind of it's very own.

He shuddered as he heard the sound of rushed footsteps, his eyes widened with terror as his head sharply turned, staring in the door in pure horror, becoming still as a statue, even though his laboring he was aware of the danger they were now in as there was a harsh, rather intense pounding upon the door. "V-V-Vale? .. I .. I am s-sorry .." He whimper-sobbed softly beneath a strained yet sincere breath, turning his head stiffly and proceeded with wrapping both slender arms around him, holding him tightly as if he would have his favorite book that Vale gave him, remembering fondly with a tearful smile, nuzzling his side for a moment before tensing up once more as a pang let itself be of known and grunted softly to avoid being heard further.

"Please .. just leave .. leave us be." He prayed for the authorities to depart beneath a soft mutter, only heard by the both of them.

"W-What do you mean? V-Vale I-I do not believe in violence, y-you know that I forb-. MRRRPH! .." He gasped, highly startled at first, a bright tinting of blush forming upon his cheeks as his lips were claimed by Vale's own, stiff bodied first before he gradually relaxed, giving into his inner urges as his posture melted against his Significant's own, hissing aloud but was muffled against the flesh of Vale's mouth as his clenching, pulsating opening of birthing occupancy was being invaded by Vale's skilled, crafty fingers, softly whispering moans of affection to the protective man between partings of lips. "V-Vale .. I .. love you .. so much .. so .. very .. much .." He tried to keep himself from sobbing but he couldn't keep the dreaded emotion contained.

His body was rocked with gentle temors of sobbing, burying his face within the epicenter of his beloved Vale's mighty chest, against the portion of his sternum where his ribs met. He whimpered, grunting as softly as he could as the child made lurching movements more often, seeming to sense her Father's distress. She felt an inner need to protect but was unaware she was but a mere unborn, but still she tried, not aware she was causing him more and more unbearable agony. Halcron groaned and responded, not knowing of his daughter or son's needs, only bearing down and clutching Vale's sides in desperation while doing so, sharp nail tipped fingers creating scratching upon his lover's flesh beneath his clothing.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

For Vale to hold Halcron as he became a sun in itself was just like holding melting metal just taken out from the forge. He could feel himself burn due to Halcron's purity and light, yet he held on to the pregnant man, now below him and his physical pain, only made his kisses become hungrier and more posesive. His sharp canines would grasp the palé skin of Halcron's lips and mouth. His intensity also kept Halcron from realizing he was burning him alive.

His fingers would rub the entrance in methodical circles, before entering the wet canal and stretch him, helping the cavity and muscles warm up and become loose for the child. "ahhh, its not your fault... Dont forget to breathe and push down for me" he instructed. His hands feeling thr under belly as the child was going through it's dad's cervix into the canal. He knew Halcron was agaisnt all types of violence. While he relished it. He usually abstained from lt, but now what chlice he had?

The pounding at the door became more violent. Sounds of the door being ripped apart and he ay steps going up the wooden stairs filled their ringing ears "dont listen... Don't look... Just look at me my love" he said his eyes becoming as dark as night, not sure if he would scare the light elf. Dont listen... Dont look "he whispered again. He unfastened his trousers in a quick movement" just look at me, just feel me... Youre safe "he whispered before penetrating his lover with his own shaft, just the tip in, so the laboring man could get a wave of pleasure.

The light policemen entered the room, armed. They were horrified by what they found. A light elf, one of their kin in hands of a dark one. They called it sin, deviance of morality. "remember, just look at me..." he said to his lover, knowing he would scare him, but what he could do? They would kill the three of them... As the policemen reached for Vale to remlve him away from Halcron, the dark elf's became just as dark as his eyes has been. His eyes then began to glow red as he used dark magic, making the policemen desintegrate into ashes that covered the room just like old piles of dust.

Halcron felt his very flesh become illuminated as his passions and pains were unleashed, he closed his eyes with a shuddering of breath directed outward, only to become enraptured by lips of just as scorching but abnormally frigid pressure, a broad familiarity. His own canines lengthened further outward a tad but, causing forth a gentle snarl that signaled his growing frustrations of birthing, mixed with curious peeps of keening whimper and moan like grunts that seemed more and more of femenine nature than masculine.

Upon sensing fingers at the upper, middle and lower of his sluggish to expand, yet slightly loose of entrance being massaged in a spherical circular motion he sighed for a mereness of moment, becoming cut off by a sharp gasp as his moist present canal was occupied with fingers once more, causing his hips to respond slightly with a mere rocking, seeming as if he were thrusting his exposed vein covered cock which was still saliva sheathed, gleaming ever so enticingly in the flickering of flame from the nearby candle, casting shadows of them against the wall.

He grunted, sucked in a deep breath, and gave it his all, holding in the breath into his lungs, even when they shouted out for air and burdened him with burning like a wildfire. He tried to focus, trying to let his teeth clench as he rode out the storm of fiercer contractions but upon his horror the pounding of the door became more and more persistently hazardous, setting the laboring male off of balance, causing him to falter, turning his head toward the direction of the door with tear stained eyes, a lump was within his throat, his breathing was errartic and rushed beyond normality and to make matters worse his stress levels were highly arisen. With the same wide eyes he stared at the door in terror, cowering closer to Vale like a terribly frightened pup, never seeming to stare from the door. "V-Vale .. t-they discovered me .. us .. t-they .. they .."

"They .." He glanced in Vale's direction as he was guided, his darkened eeys catching his attention as of sudden, never seeming to descend from them. "Y-Yes Vale .. d-dont look .. will .. not .. look .." He became silent, simply staring with a blink from time to time. His body was abnormally still, grunting from time to time, panting and even pushing but allowed his body to do much of the laboring, struggling but simply staring, never moving an inch or any single thing, just .. simply .. staring. He grunted, gasped and whimper-moaned, responding to the penetration with the tip of his shaft slightly inserted into his heated depths of canal.

He held Vale close, close as he ever would, keeping his eyes upon Vale's, letting his mere voice be of a guide to him. He heard the room opening and the sound of guns being aimed at them clicking ever so loudly in his ears but he remained unfazed, simply focused on Vale, responding back. "Focused on you I and and forever shall be Vale, my Dark one .. do what you have to do to protect us, our union and .. our young one .."

"GET AWAY FROM US YOU BASTARD! DONT TOUCH ME! DONT TOUCH MEEE!" Halcron cringed from the Light elf policeman with repulsion, shouted with a scream that sounded like a growl from the very jaws of a beast itself, baling his hand into a fist and struck the chest of the guard who faltered back before being struck further by Vale and became disintergrated into pure ash.

Halcron's own eyes were a piercing red, heavily panting, tense and quivering violently in Vale's safe arms. He glared at the ashes upon the floor and snarled as well at them. "Grrrh .. bastard!" He spoke in curse Light elven tongue of old for a minute or so about the guard who dared to halfway touch him.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Vale seemed exhausted as he took uneven breaths as he remained over Halcron. The room had a burnt smell that wouos go into his nostrils. Vale liked his lips and canines as slowly his eyes and skin returned to their normal mauve and violet color. As he did he seemed younger than before, for he had absorbed all of the light el es vital energy.

"Did I scared you?" he asked blinking in a failed attempt to protect his eyes from the iracent light emerging from Halcron. "I bought us some time, yet more can come of these don't return to reporte to their superiors" he looked at Halcron "let me see how the baby is doing" he said hoping thr baby wouos come soon, so they could leave somewhere safer. He could just take care of so many light elves for he was also bonded to the light elf at the moment, fuiling his vital energy during the birth

Halcron still breathed raggedly and panted, slowly regaining his posture and gently let Vale lean against him as he seemed to sense his exhaustion mingle with his own. He wrapped his arms around him, gazing up at him only to feel his next breath hitch within the confines of his chested cavity and his very heart seemed to clench like vines around his heart tightening like a vice, slowly tightening .. slowly suffocating .. slowly taking his every breath .. farther and farther .. from .. him.

He simply stared as he did before, never glancing away, never moving, nor attempting to. He seemed to glance away for a moment or so as a pang of contraction, a long and drawn out one caused him to cower, cringing as he lowered a hand, clutching his swollen belly with a wince, glancing at Vale for a moment with a deep breathy exhale, using the next as his vantage point and as such used it to guide himself through the waves of increasing restlessness as he clenched his teeth, wrapping his arms around Vale and burying his face beside his neck, feather soft light pink blush like lips brushing against it's flesh as a further place of focus as he prepared his vessel of a body for bearing down.

He gripped the strands of haier behind Vale's neck that were within frame of reach, closing his eyes as they burned with tears, lowering his head as he proceeded with pushing process, tightening his eyelids so sealed he saw burst of colors before his sheathed eyes, it was by stress of having them so compressed beneath the skin. Vale .. V-Vale .. I .. I .. c-cant .. I .. c.. c.. caaant .. ugh! . uggghhhnn .. please .. get him out .. g-get him O-OUTTT! He scream-howled to the heavens above, hiding his tomato-reddened face into the side of Vale's neck where his lips once were while keeping his arms around his beloved ever so firmly, refusing to let go as he continued to bear down until his body would allow him rest.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Vale felt around for the baby and found it very low. With effort trying to not stare at the burning light his mate was emitting he checked to see if there was any sight of the baby. He felt the opening twltching, almost as if expecting to be stretched very soon. Just an inch or two deeper into the canal he saw feet. "You know I can't pull him out,I wouos harm him. But he's close. I can see him in the canal" he said feeling his eyes burn and had to look away for a moment.

"you need to keep pushing and try to get him to your opening. Once there I can aid a bit more. We also need to get him out as soon as we can" he said not only because more armed light elves could come looking for them, but because in the position thr child was in, he could choke or not get enough oxygen. He felt some movement from the unborn even if constricted as the Babe was already fully in the canal, surely giving its laboring father the feeling of not being able to close his legs or having his hips on fire.

He noticed Halcron's puffy chest get bigger. Now they seemed full breasts just making his lover look more femenine. He stroked the nipples once more, in order for Halcron's milk supply to be ready. Thr Babe wouos need colostrum in large amounts once born. His mind was reeling as he thought of all they needed to do, just to get to safety and get Halcron and the new Babe out of danger. Carriers were often seen as lesser than and as shameful and sinful between light elves. Vale could never understand that concept for without carriers no e of them would be here. Dark elves on the other hand almost revered them.

"come on, push. Try to not use all your energy my love... We might... Need to runaway later" he said with a sad smile. He wasn't sure were to take his new family or where they could go. He was weak and getting weaker by the minute. Anyone that tried to help them would get in trouble. If it was just him and Halcron he wouldnt doubt of running to the woods, but they will have a newborn with them that needed not only constant nursing, but warmth and security.

Halcron tried to focus on Vale's voice, God he tried his very hardest but it was no use. It never seemed to be to himself. He wanted to glance, to sense the feeling of his beloved's hand at his slowly parting opening, but refrained from such, simply keeping his face buried against Vale's thick yet soft to the touch of a neck. He cursed softly in his Light elf tongue of old for a moment, doing such in response to the immediate decline of inward assistance of forceful ejection.

He felt all present color fade from his face upon hearing about their son's "might be" demise, preparing himself and steeling his frayed nerves before taking in and few breaths through his nose and mouth for a mere few moments, feeling a few more moments slip by and gave it all he pushing down completely, even though distress itself which formed as a rather agonizing pressure between his already forcefully spread apart hipbones, but he still persevered, focusing on Vale, the movements of their son and everything that came with it. He clenched his teeth, cried out, clawed at Vale's backside, bit into his flesh and even growled at him a few times *not intentional, just out of laboring frustration* he would apologize later and repent for his transgressions.

"I .. AM .. TRYING .. HE IS DISEMBOWELING ME FOR GODS SAKE!" He snapped at Vale, raising his head with a sharpness, glaring up at him with the same red eyes like before but they held no rage, just innocence of a struggling Father trying to bring his unborn into the big uncertain real of Lights and Dark ones, feeling his body become caught up in the struggle, tremors of his hands becoming body and full-blown. He reached down and began to stroke his still erect cock, hissing with agony as he felt vulnerable and sensitive of high nature but still he stroked himself and pushed down, never stopping, never stopping..

He did not hear the part about running away, too caught up in his own struggles.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

It pained Vale to hear Halcron be in such pain. It made him feel useless even if he believed to be doing all he could in his hands to help his lover. He has half blind at the moment as Halcron's flesh was just shinning more brightly by the minute. Such light was said meant to clean and burn sin away, and fherefore a light elven child could only be born before such scorching light. Problem was Vale was made from son itself. He had just killed four men as if it was nothing and had used the ancient spells to bind himself and Hakcron by blood just to cure him. Light elves would let Halcron die during childbirth if it was the gods' will, even if they had access to such magic that could help.

"You're...turning into a sun, my love" he said as he felt himself burn alive, yet remained as close as he could, holding his laboring mate. He looked into the deep red eyes of the kigjtrelf that showed his amgef at the pain he was enduring, his long fingers began to rub and trace the belly to calm him over "I know it hurts, I know your hips must be on fire due to the babe passing through, and I love to hear you curse even if I don't understand your words, but I know you wouos want this child to be born in a peaceful amtosphere" he said knowing Halcron wouos listen then, yet trully he needed Halcron as calm as possible so his body would open up and stretch with more ease to let the child be born. Anger and struggling would also just make his lover burn more energy, he needed to have all the reserves possible to be able to walk and move just after giving birth.

The only spot in Halcron's body that didngohirt as much to see, was his penis and nethers. He could only guess it was due to being consideres sources of sin and shame and therefore didnt burn or shined as much as the rest of his body. It was hipnotizing to see him pleasure himself with such intent. He could tell the penis had grown in girth due to the constant stimulation "let me..." he whispered as his fingers took over the rask of carnally pleasing his mate "I want you to push along with every hip thrust you do into my hand" he said hoping birthing and having de simultaniously would calm down and ease Halcron. "lets work o getting the child's feet in your opening"

Halcron realized his mistake but yet he was much too entombed in pure agony to respond, even too wearisome to utter a single worded of response to his beloved whom he harmed by mere voice alone. He panted heavier and heavier with each passing of second, the same ones which seemed to tick by ever so sluggish, ugh .. it was so infuriating to the Light elf whom seeked nothing more than absolute security and a sense of eternal refuge from the laboring loom of a sympathetically devoid cloud.

He wanted to curse, wanted to avoid being positive in this moment, because what was possibly positive about this moment? he thought bitterly to himself, sneering outwardly internally meant to be but accidently did so in the opposite way. When he was told about being turned into a sun itself his frowning deepened, becoming of intense, arguing with himself internally before snapping back to reality, darkened by rage features became clad with one complete mask of foretelling.

Concern. And very high levels of it.

He began focusing only on quelling and dampening himself to a much more bearable enough level to be tolerated with his Dark one. When able to he dampened it's intensely blaring golden brightness to a slight hue of his flesh which was an off ivory.

"Curse the Gods! Vale, V-Vale my Beloved Dark one please forgive me .. I .. I d-do deeply a-a and s-sincerely a-a-apologize .. e-ever so d-deeply s-so .. I must have been much more intense to caress and endure than usual. A-Are you .. h .. h .. harmed?" His explosive aggression dulled, becoming more of a gentleness and sympathethic empathy. "A-and yes, yes .. the process is quite rather an eye-opening and if I may confess an extremely, extreeemely *ahem* uhhmm .. "arousing" one." He focused on Vale's eyes, focusing the vocal point of his touch and focused his such attention to the fingertips upon his hand as they explored his scorch heated flesh, a fang like canine biting into the tender yet vulnerable to be pierced into flesh of one of his own lips, the lower one of course for a matter of a mere minute before parting both jaws to proceed with word of comment to his supportive Dark one. "P-Peaceful a-a-atmosphere .. a-affirmative .. I shall not fight this anymore. I shall .. obey my body's wishes .. I just .. I-I just am a bit .. frightened." He felt his eyes wish to leave Vale's, out of shame of shedding further moisture in the form of tears, the same moisture which had many a hybrid of emotions. Anger, uncertainty, guilt, shame, love, fear, courage, and even mere but significant bursts of energy a mere but mighty legged jack-rabbit would be capable of.

His body may have been lady appearing but within he possessed the prowess, inner strength and tenacity that any male would be blessed to have as a natural born gift. He raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow, the other remaining low as it naturally was, proceeding with swift questioning only to gasp a breath sharply inward as his hardening cock was enraptured in palmed frigidness that Vale's hand possessed when it came to temperature of body, quivering with a shudder of joyful pleasure as the confirmation was completed with a closing of his half raindrop shaped and rather sharp to a fine point nail fingered extensions, encircling around the such muscle with a possessive gestured nature. Halcron reciprocated with a gently forced through his mouth a half-lengthy billow of breath then finished such with a soft yet giddy squeak-clad flecks of throaty purring, much like that to that of a feminine Light elf moaning, sighed softly, shakily, he furthered his moans to whispered-tones, revealing sweet-nothings to Vale, his only support, his only love, and most of all, his only true source of protection and security within the land of dread, sin and depravity.

He summoned up courage as he listened to his Significant speak words of wisdom to him, nodding a amount of two full times and as an expectant and rather soon to deliver Papa with well um, well erm .. feminine assets as so to speak he began using such to his advantage, waiting the stirring of movement from the unborn who was of a daughter but was mistaken as a son. When such became present he responded with a slight peep of a grunt before taking in a length of breath momentarily through his nostrils and held it within his lungs, further absorbing it for usage as an anchor and symbol for resilience through the laboring process that birthing unfortunately forced him to endure. He lowered his head, gazing upward at Vale's face, staring at such a majesty to behold with mere sight alone, feeling unworthy to be loved by the lingerer of Darkness because of what had originally transpired between both them and the Light elf guards in arms.

He continued to provide all his pressure of bearing down upon the epicenter betwixt his hips, feeling the child within respond with confusion, expressing that such concern for itself in the form of alertful, yet jerkily erratic twitches, feet flailing wildly and pummeling against his vulnerable prostate and unprepared walls of vaginal flesh, seeming to increase the sensation of arousal against his teasingly let such outward through his passage of mouth was a walking, talking and breathing marvel to behold to Vale but to those whom were blindly unsuspecting of his truth it was a harsh blow and rather .. a very bitter, harshly razor edged-lumpy pill to take whole, force down your throat and swallow. It was unbearable for the Light elf community to witness a fellow member of their High ranking society being reduced to a mere .. Servant and sexual deviant to the Dark elf community.

Even more, they despised, DESPISED! The threat that they felt became of outrage! fully blown because of the fact that Halcron was ever so bold to be reduced to a wretched housemate to a being deemed to be of lesser status than they were, an equal to the unfortunate despised and most of all .. downtrodden. He would be therefore officially stripped of his title and forever a member of the outcasts, the Dark elves. Those meant to be feared in the Light elves eyes but in Halcron and Vale's they were simply .. misunderstood.

Deeply oppressed, stifled, mistrusted and terribly .. misunderstood.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

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