C Dark times

Vale verte oíl freely over the swollen angry red nethers of his lover and his own fingers, before he pushed in two fingers placing them between the infant's neck and the cord to keep her from strangling as she came out.

He gave a soft smile knowing he had said something silly about thr baby being close. "I know... You know better how close she is" he said taking a good hold in the baby as she was almost out. A new smell came through in the room. He could smell milk, or better said colostrum, an infant's first nurishment. He looked to his lover's chest in the last hour thr breasts had become swollen and the nipples had a full look to them. He was sure the baby will have no problemes getting her nurishment from her young father.

He could no longer stroke his lover's ongoing erection as he had his hands full. He did the best next thing and stroked it softly with his mouth and tongue to aid him to go through the ring of fire. His lips would encase the throbbing member and gently released it, and he wouos also kiss through the length of the shaft in hooes of bringing relief "One last push... Push and she's out" he said letting go of the male member in order to be alert and ready to receive his daughter.

Halcron whimpered softly, but stayed still, closing his eyes to focus only on his lover's frigid temperatured fingertips, his pitiful mewling keens of agony becoming more of soothed moans and whispers of content as his body gradually untensed and relaxed, something that it was meant to do.

He fluttered his eyes, opening them wearily to gaze at his beloved who was probably just as wiped out as he was. He noticed the strange scent in the air, sniffing a few whiffs of it with a rich curiosity. He followed his lover's eyes, his own drifting down to his significantly swollen breasted chest, his eyes widening like saucers as he noticed the awkward expansion in growth. They were both heavy, resting unconfortably upon the upper dome of his swollen expanse of belly which was fully exposed in all of his pregnant nude glory.

"V-Vale? w-what are you do- oh! .. oh? .. ohhh .." He was surprised at first but then he grew attached to the mouth and tongue sexually exploring his length orally. He moaned and grunted, trying hard not to thrust his hips too violently, doing such softly before preparing for the triumphant push. He did so, his high-pitched moans and grunts becoming of a singe long peaked roar-scream, giving it his all and lowered his head, sucking in and clenching his teeth, clenching his eyes closed tightly and holding in a breath that he did to bring their precious rarity of a daughter into the world. His body struggled, trembling harder than he ever had but it was worth it, all to hear their daughter's first cry.

He never knew what a "woman" was but he would accept her, no matter what happened.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Vale felt a primal jolt of fire in the pitch of his stomach just by being before Halcron's display of fertility at bring both not only able to carry and deliver an infant safely, but being fully ready and equipped to take care of said child after the birth with his own body. He would have never thought the most atractive look of his life partner would be while panting and sweating through the hard and ardous task of childbirth and his breasts swollen and full of colostrum.

He enjoyed the gentle thrusting naturally Halcron took to his sexual acts and it was even better to hear him let go so naturally even if he was a light elf and all he was doing was utterly unholy. For a moment he thought his lover would rip or split open as the head was being delivered by how rough the muscles stretched around the baby's head. Yet Halcron's body was designed for this and nature proved his fears wrong. The baby emerged quickly with the last push and safety into his waiting burnt hands. The child's grey sickly skin had been cleaned into ivory white thanks to his father's light that was still shinning through to keep cleaning her. It was a small infant. If Vale had to guess she was around four or five pounds yet she had powerful lungs that alertes everyone in the room now they were three people in the humble abode, not two.

"She's perfect, looks just like you" he said laying the crying child over the towel he had previously laid over Halcron's belly. He knew the scent of colostrum and to hear her father's heartbeat would calm her down and ease her to sleep. They needed her to keep as quiet as posible. Vale gently lowered over his lover and kissed his lips "You're so brave my love" he said and smiled "Cant believe you just made me a papa" he said for he hadn't thought of children. Not all men were capable of carrying and seeing they were of oposing tribes asking about it or discussing about a future family had never came up.

"you should try to nurse her" he said as his hands began to feel around the empty but still round belly. Baby was out, but delivery not, for the after birth still had to come out. "Have you thought of what we should name her?" he asked rubbing the belly.

Halcron gave it his all, his body continuing to tremble to the point where he had to try to keep his legs open and parted which was an absolute chore, but he did anyway, his upper thighs spasming as he gasped sharply and began breathing erratically. He wanted to stop, but he didn't, his primal instincts spurred him on, driving his actions and with one mightier groan that arose to a bloodurdlingly, spine-chilling shrieking as the muscles surrounding the daughter's head violently reacted in a way which released a few spurts and drops left over from the tip of his still erect penis, fully shoved the head out, allowing it to emerge fully with a "noticeable" moist pop and with one last upward thrust of his hips he wished to collapse but steadied himself, leaning against the wall behind them after scooting back a bit to it.

He sighed with relief, the pressure slowly ebbing from a piercing sharpness to a dull thobbing that lingered but became more bearable to tolerate. Finally, their "precious one" was delivered. His instincts to protect and nurture were in full effect upon hearing the wail, it was feeble and quivering but it was strong, she was strong. He directed his eyes downward, locking them upon the mere being, she appeared small, very much so and by that he grew uneasily, consumed by worry even.

"T-Thank you Vale, my Dark one. I could not have achieved this feat without you. We have .. a daughter .. she truly is perfect, so perfect." He could not keep his eyes off of the child, curious about the strange tiny creature squirming upon the towel that covered his still swollen but now devoid of life belly. His hands did before his mind, gently placing his hands upon the sides of her little pale back and gathered her to his chest ever so softly as he was by his father as an own infant. "Shhh precious one .. you are safe, just close your eyes and let your papas protect you. I am Halcron, and your other father is Vale, and you shall be .. hmm?"

"We can say a list of names and see which one she reacts to."

They softly said a few names, seeing how she reacted and before long she responded the most to one: Whisper

He nodded softly, coaxing his infant to feed from his nipple and helped her to latch on, never glancing up a singe minute. He was entranced by the little "Whisper" and even though she was tiny he knew she would be strong.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Vale could read his mate as a book and could see he was worrying over the baby because of her size. "She's a bit small, but healthy, dont worry I'm sure she'll begin to put up weight with you nursing her" he said with a small smile as he let Halcron take over the care of the baby as his instincts seem to kick in.

The child and Halcron were still attached through the umbilical cord, Vale was in no rush to sever it, till the after birth was delivered. He listrd some names he thought could be fitting and smiled as it seemed the baby liked Whisper. "Whisper, for she was born in the whisper of the night?"

He could see the child took the nipple quickly and was nursing with hunger. She had a full head of hair of light color, almost white as Halcron's.

He cleaned Halcron's forehead of sweat and offered him some water" you still need to deliver the placenta love "he said combing Halcron's hair back gently" how are your contractions coming? Once that is out I will cut her cord, if you're fine with that "

Halcron kept his eyes upon Whisper, the poor thing was so small she was absolute nonexistant in his large arms but he held her close and promised to all things above he would never place her down from them, or from his chest.

When questioned about the name of their daughter he nodded in affirmation, expressing a smile but glanced up for a moment to express the answering. He directed his eyes back downward to the child who was feeding, taking in each and every last feature of her.

"Thank you my Dark one. And they are a bit more dull now, I shall pass it while Whisper is in my arms." He sad softly.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Vale did take no ofence from how Halcron seemed to not really pay him attention. He was centered and focused on the baby as it was normal, and he could just tell regardless of the story that had made Whisper come to existance his lover was in love with the child.

Vale set a wodden bowl close for the placenta when it came and helped then to clean the child as she nursed hungrily. She would remain attached it her father for the up coming weeks to receive the nurishment she needed. "You seem more clam now" he said glad it was so. Just some minutes ago they were both so scared of parenthood and now... It was all bliss. Vale was even beginning to forget why he was so scared and with such an urge to run away immediately after thr delivery. Seeing Halcron with Whisper now made it clear that was imposible, at least for tonight. Thr child was to fragile and Halcron's body was still shivering from exhaustion for it had broke open in order to bring new life.

Vale sat close to the new family. He gently stroked Halcron's thighs as he was still with both legs bent and open and fully un covered. "Love... Im sorry I didn't realize you were pregnant or what happened... I... Would have been there, through the pregnancy too" he said wanting Halcron to know that and for some reason he felt sadness on having missed to care for his lover in his pregnancy and see him slowly grow round with their offspring.

Halcron closed his eyes for a moment, holding her close as he held in a breath, using his abdominal muscles to bring forth the placenta, shuddering as it became freed from him but simply held Whisper, allowing her to continue to deplete milk from his slowly draining breast but was delighted to know that she would not starve. He had ample amounts of milk that would sustain her for a prolonged moment in time.

"Yes .. yes, I am. Just a bit .. unfamiliar with my body a bit." He chuckled weakly, struggling with keeping himself alert. Somehow through it all, through all of this he triumphed. Whisper yawned which caused the father's eyes to lower once more, becoming concerned by the strange reaction from her. "I-Is there something wrong? she made a strange sound .."

"I .. I know .. but I do not blame Whisper for being born .. not anymore." He frowned for a moment before smiling as if he was not affected by all that occurred, swallowing heavily before nodding, he tried to be strong, to be there for both Vale and their daughter but it was becoming harder to cope .. to be stable. To be normal. But with them both he would triumpth .. he would and together they would protect Whisper from all who wished harm upon her innocent life. And their own too.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Vale noticed how his lover shifted evrftso slightly and bore down on instict. His eyes went down to the nethers and saw them open up again, this time with no struggle, he gently pulled on the placenta as it was expelled and made sure all of it was out. Once that was taken care of and it was disposed of. He took his knife and cut thr umbilical cord of the child. He brought the clean clothes seg así de for his daughter during labor so they could cover her and keep her warm. Even if it was his shirt.

"Its okay my love, Im here and we will do this together" he knew thr pain his lover was going through. It couldnt be easy. He kissed his lips lovingly "you should try to sleep. Ill take care of both of you as you do" he said knowing baby and father were exhausted.

Halcron smiled gently, yawning and trying to protest but ended up laying down after his lips were kissed ever so lovingly, laying down upon his back with his daughter in his arms. He fell asleep after much struggle and strife, sighing with relief as he drifted off.

He snored lightly, his chest rising and falling heavily but calmly at the same time. The daughter did the same as well, not waking up until his rest was sufficently achieved.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Vale watched Halcron fall asleep and how he was followed by the baby not long after. Even asleep the baby would nurse hungrily from her father's tit. He sat there for a moment in just complete awe at Halcron and hie his body could keep up with all thr physical and emotional demands of the new born.

Once he was sure they were both asleep,he covered them with a sheet and blanket and retired to the small bathroom to clean and dress his wounds. They hurt badly now he had used all the adrenaline to see Halcron through a life or death situation. Many men would perish in the delivery. He was thankful to the gods his lover was alive and resting in his bed.

As he returned to the room, he fed the fire and checked on his family. He aided Whispere to change to the other breast to get milk as she had already depleted the first tit she had taken. It was no reason to worry, he could note Halcron was producing more milk already for her to thr point small drops of milk were coming out of the free nipple.

In silence he began packing what little belongings he had and they could need and carry with them. Sadly he couldn't get anything of Halcron and they would need to share the clothes he owned. He worked through the rest if thr night. Only pausing go check in dad and baby.

As the sun began to rise, he began to prepare break fast. From now on Halcron would need a good and balanced diet not only to keep up with his milk supply but recover from the birth. He began to also prepare a special tea given to parturient men after delivery to help with the swolleness of the womb and get rid of any remaining discharge.

He brought up the food even if he was not sure if Halcron would be up yet.

Halcron remained in the realm of slumber, not aware of the surroundings that were around him so Vale was basically his and Whisper's eyes and ears for that entire point. As much as the young father wanted to bond with his newborn at the same exact time he was rather weary, not able to open one eye because he was so weary.

He snuggled into the sheet, staying upon his back while slumbering ever so soundly. So did Whisper only awakening to whimper for milk to soothe her voracious appetite, and within minutes the such infant's outbursts arose higher, forming into a piercing cry that quivered along with her tiny, feeble body. A precious hand formed into a fist, resting against a side of the breast she was feeding from. Through it all Halcron never stirred, never winced or moved, too locked in slumber.

He was much too tired even as the sun arose, and needed a bit of help to awaken and arise. He never moved from that spot, never.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Vale felt his nose tingle with the smell of the herbs and spices. It was a strong smell but it had a good taste wich aided the just delivered father to drink periodically as needed. Once a baby was born all the attention went to the imfant
, yet Vale knew the father needed a lot of care, perhaps even more than the newborn. VLd thought it was his job to make sure his recently delivered partner was safe and well.

As he came up, he left the tray in the bedside table and saw Halcron was fast asleep still. Whisper was softly crying and he noticed she needed a nappy change. He scooped thr baby up into his arms gently to not stir his lover "Im taking her to change her" he whispered to his sleeping husband so he wouldn't get scared y him removing the baby.

"I know, you want your father, not papa and you're hungry." he said to the baby as he changed her from the soiled clothes. He changed her with aparent knowing hands and placed her back with her father aiding her find a nipple to latch back on.

"Halcron, dear... Wake up" he said gently kissing his lover for he needed to eat something and he also needed to check him to make sure he was not bleeding too much.

Whisper awoke as she experienced her first uncomfortable experience, her first changing of a nappy. She responded to it with a scrunching up of her facial features, contorting her feeble body as much as she could as she let forth an earpiercing whine, alerting the father awake that she was in distress. When she was scooped up she was startled a bit but then stopped crying, simply gazing up at her new father, Vale, just staring, studying his features of face and hands with curiosity.

When she felt better and was dry she let something of positivity, a gentle relieved, joyous cooing, forming her lips into a round "o" shape. She was testing out her voice, doing such while gumming upon her fingers, closing and opening both hands as if entranced by them.

Once upon the nipple she attached her mouth to it, causing Halcron to jolt awake with a soft gasp, stretching a bit but holding the daughter as if by instinct, which it happily was. "Augh! .. oh? .. oh .. oh my? how long was I asleep? and what is that strong scent .. it seems like you are cooking something?"

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"I made brrakfast it only seemed fair as youre taking care of her brrakfast" he said with a small grin, happy and proud of his new family "I hope you like it, it's meant to have a high caloric count to help you keep up with Whisper's milk supply and the gratis to aid you expell any remains in the womb and help it be less swollen" he said as he placed the tray in bed so Halcron could eat.

"Its mid morning so you slept for some hours. It's okay you needed to rest up. Whispher has been fine, she has been nursing none stop" he said smiling for the baby already had his heart. "How are you feeling? I was thinking after this you might want to take a bath. I'm already heating some water for you"

Halcron yawned softly, following it with a suitable stretching as much as he could. "Like it, I love it my Dark one!" He spoke, his voice still strained and feeble but still he expressed his gratitude. He ate slowly, smiling as he listened to Vale speaking.

"Oh my! I slept for that long?! and that .. that is a relief to know of Whisper." He smiled. "I am feeling a bit weak but I will be alright, and yes, yes I would love a bath. That would do absolute wonders for me." His smile widened significantly.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Vale kissed his lover's forehead and smiled glad to see him recuperating from the birth. He settled the tray before the light elf so he could eat comfortable remaining in bed and served him a cup of the special tea, along with some juice in case he didn't liked the taste of it.

He felt like a proud father to see Whisper move and nurse at her dad's chest. "I thought you might later want to swaddle her to your chest. It might make it easier for the two of you" he said and sat in bed with them as Halcron ate. "Love I don't want to startle you or worry you, but....after last night it's not safe for us to remain here" he said hating to bring this up now. "Iw any you to eat and shower, nap some more of you need to, but... I feel I should let you know we do need to run away as soon its safe got you and Whisper to do so. I packed what little I could find we can take with us. I know it will be dangerous but I'll be there to keep you both safe and well. Im thinking we can go easy and try to find a new town to settle down, where no one will know us "

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