C Unexpected

"you dont have to apologize. Its okay" she said gently and kissed his lips softly still feeling him inside her. There was no rush for him to pull out. She nuzzled his no se and laid her head over his chest, placing soft kisses over his skin, her hands coming to rest over his little bump. "Im so happy with you... Its so hard evrytime you need to leave and go back to school" she said gently, yet knew he needed to do so, to continue his studies. Her fingers gently trailed thr now familiar curve of his baby bump "I dont know if I told you... But it really suits you being with child. And Im not just saying it because its my child" she chuckled "well maybe a bit... But it is true. There is something about you... Like this... It cause in me an almost etheral feeling"

He smiled at her as she mused about his pregnancy. “It suits me huh?” He laughed, making his small pregnant belly bounce. “I don’t know if you’ll be saying that when I’m 9 months pregnant waddling around the house. If I’m showing this much this early I’ll probably be huge by then.” He chuckled softly and looked out the window. “I know it’s tough when I go back baby, I miss you too when I’m there. It drives me crazy when I’m not with you, I just need to figure out how to handle all this better. I was reading online that once I start really showing I can request my classes to be online, so at the rate I’m going that should be pretty soon haha.” He pulled her in closer, still inside her softly, and kissed her. “Seriously though baby, thank you, for being so understanding.”

"Of course I will think the same when youre nine months along. You will still be you. The love of my life, who will then be so close yo dslivering our baby" she said with da soft smile, knowing make pregnancy was a challenge all on its own. Many me would terminate early on to not go through it and she could understand that. For they struggled more.

"And do you want to go that route? I dont want you to miss out of university ot for you to change your dreams and plans because of me or the baby on the way" she said worried yo be the cause of such big chsnges in his young life.

“I do want to go that route.” He said seriously, looking into her eyes. “I’ve been doing some reading… and apparently near the end it’ll be a lot harder for me to move around. Not just because of the belly, but also because of the… other things.” He said, his cheeks blushing slightly. Feeling a need to lighten the mood he joked, “with everything happening we will see if you feel the same way in a few months baby!” He laughed out. Deep down beneath his jovial demeanor though he was nervous. His reading didn’t just say it would be difficult to move around, it also talked about just how intense the labor will be. He quickly snapped himself out of it though. “You sure you’ll like me when I’m so big and round? You’ll still find me sexy then?” He said, making her blush this time.

Rhona knew all the up coming months would be about constant changes. All in anticipation of becoming parents. She kissed his now small but firm baby bump. Right now it was just a little cute swell, yet it encased the most precius thing in the world for them, product of their mutual feelings of love.

"Ryan. Dont you always tell me to not worry about my insecurieties of being a old woman for you?" she asked gently. She did struggled with that, yet deep down knew Ryan did loved her. "Well its the same for me. There's no change you can go through and much less for growing and giving life to out baby, that would ever make me not desire you or make me stop loving you"

He kissed her back, grateful to have such a loving partner.

———1 month later, 4 months pregnant———

He sat there fidgeting uncomfortably. His shirt hugged his belly tightly now. He had told Rhona that he felt like he was bigger than he should be. He looked online with her last night and he looked comparable to 6 month pregnancies. His belly button had already flattened slightly, and he had given up all hope of it not popping out by the end.

They were sitting in the waiting room of the paternity clinic, waiting for his ultrasound. He tapped his knee, doctors appointments always made him nervous.

He also was nervous about the lunch scheduled with his good friend, Rhona’s brother after the appointment, he didn’t know he was pregnant yet. There was so much racing through his mind.

He fidgeted again, his genitals fit uncomfortably in his pants. They had already grown significantly larger since before the pregnancy, and Rhona kept telling him to buy some paternity underwear but he had stubbornly said he didn’t need them yet to save money. He looked at her now, she was so beautiful, so caring. “Do you think we will get called soon Rhona?”

Her long wavy red hair was up on a messy bun. Today they had another pre-natal appointment right on the clinic on her small town. That meant all the nurses and doctors already knew them, and it also meant there were a reduced number of pregnant Men needing medical care.

She had a blue binder on her lap that held all of Ryan's medical info, medical check ups and lab results. She had been a bit embarrased of him seeing her build that up. Yet it was already coming on handy for she had everything in order and had no problema whenever the doctor asked about a exam or something seen in a previus check up.

Before a nurse had done a weighting and drawn some blood for la exams. Rhona had wrote the current weight in her binder with neat cursive letters. She had mused on how it might be in the bigger side for a man entering 16 weeks of gestación, yet it was a proportional increase on his previus numbers.

Silently she placed a hand over his kneee knowing he was nervous. This wasnt the first sonogram or check up. All was going well, but she knew there was the fear of something not being okay this time. It didn't helped they would see her brother, Daniel, after this. Not only to tell him they had been seeing each other, but that they were expecting. She didn't knew how her little brother would take it or how Ryan had been able to keep it all quiet for four months.

"I'm sure they will be calling us in a few minutes. They must be waiting on those lab results before letting us in" she said with a soft smile and kissed his cheek. " I know you said no last time. But we should go to get you some clothes. Let me do that for you?" she asked kindly knowing not only him, but thr baby would be more comfortable.

A nurse came over with a clipboard and smiled seeing thr couple "The doctor is ready for you Ryan. Pelas come in. I left a hospital gown in the bed for you to change into it. Remember to take everything off, all right? The doctor will come ina minute"

“Please baby, these clothes are alright, let’s just get some new clothes when I really need them.” He said, being stubborn. A part of him didn’t want to admit he was already showing this much. Seeing her so prepared for everything was adorable, it was clear how much she cared, but right now he just wanted this day to be over. The nurse told him to go into the room and change for the doctor’s examination. He stood up and stretched his arms out, causing his shirt to rise up, revealing his belly which had grown visibly since the previous month. He caught Rhona looking at his visible underbelly and turned red, for it was clear he needed new clothes.

They walked into the room, and he started to strip down to change. Rhona sat in the chair looking over his medical information making sure everything was in order for the doctor’s checkup. He got down to just his underwear and glanced over to her for a moment. Seeing her messy hair in a bun and her cute freckles made him forget where he was for a moment. He slid his underwear off, revealing his enlarged form to Rhona. He paused for a moment and took a deep breath, while Rhona caught glimpses of his swollen, enlarged member and engorged scrotum. He caught her looking and she blushed, reminding him that he needs to finish changing and that the doctor could be in any moment. He slid the gown over his body, completely naked underneath, and saw himself in the mirror, looking thin and fit, except for a visible protrusion in the abdominal area. “Damn Rhona, I’m even visibly pregnant in this thing…” he grumbled.

Rhona looked at him and smiled softly letting thr matter of the new clothes be dropped for now. He did needed them down and she was sure after thr appointment he might feel different.

Once they were allowed in. Rhona took a sesteon a chair next to the exam bed. Binder still over her lap she began to make sure she had everything with her thsg might be needed. Her green eyes though would look out as he changed before her. She blushed at being caught and pretended to be reading his medical info. "you look bigger in the gown than you did with your clothes." she said gently for him to not think he looked so huge in his own clothes.

She came close and offered her hand so he could use her as support to get in the exam table "there you go, love" she said easing him down and holding his hand and later kissing it. "why are you so nervous today?" she smiled and giggled "Im thr anxius one in this relationship" she said as a joke to try and relax him. Yet proof of her anxiety was that blue binder. Or how she kept worrying over his lack of patrrnity clothes.

He sat on the exam table, his legs dangling off as they waited. “I don’t know baby, I just don’t like hospitals. Also the idea of that lunch after doesn’t help either.” He glanced at his watch and grimaced, dreading that conversation with his friend over lunch. He started to rub his belly absentmindedly, a trait he picked up the last month. He looked at her and smiled. She was so gorgeous, just looking at him always seemed to comfort him.

“You really think I look bigger in the gown?” He said chuckling. He thought he’d take this opportunity to tease her a little bit. “Do you like it when I look bigger babe?” He said smirking, watching her face as it turned beat red.

"I can look into home check ups if that would make it easier for you" she said and csrrased his fscd gently "we would only have to come earlier for the lan tests and let the doctor do the rest back at home" her home, was now theirs and it was silly she felt excited for simply mentioning that in a casual conversation.

"the lunch will go okay. Daniel's your best friend, isnt he? You must trust your best friend will be happy for you and his sister" she said knowing that last part was what could make the new hard to handle. She was sure Ryan wouldn't be si hrsitant on telling Daniel about his new girlfriend and baby on the way, if said woman was anyone but her.

"you do, it being so big on you, just gives the imoression there is more of the baby that there actually is" she said touching the little curve on his abdomen gently "I do... Its... Like getting a sneak peak of the future. And it happens I was not wrong on imaging it will suit you and make you... More adorable" she said blushing.

"Morning Ryan" Doctor James called as she entered the exam room "and morning to miss Rhona as well. So? Are we ready for today?" she asked as she went over to the sink in order to wash her hands and glove up. "I just got your blood work and everything is perfect. So no need to worry" the woman said looking at Ryan but mostly at Rhona, who blushed at her anxiety being aknowledged by her boyfriend's doctor.

"I see we have a sonogram and penis exam scheduled for today. Any preference on what order we do that?" she asked him gently "I also hope you tell me how youve been feeling lately. Any headaches or fatigue?" the doctor asked as she came closer to take Ryan's vitals.

He smiled at her, she was always so caring, and that was in overdrive now that he was pregnant. “Thanks baby, I appreciate that. That sounds great.” He said and pulled her close for a quick peck on the lips.

“You’re right about your brother, it’s just… a lot to spring on him you know? A part of me feels like I should have told him sooner, but everything happened so fast. I don’t know, I just am not sure how he’ll take it.” He said, rocking his feet back and forth as he sat on the table. Before the conversation could be resolved the door opened and the doctor walked in, introducing herself. Ryan was nervous, he hated exams like this, they felt intrusive, but he knew he needed to do them for the health of the baby. “Morning doctor,” he said back, looking at her in the eyes. “I think we should start with the penile exam doctor, then do the sonogram.” He said, he wanted to get the more intrusive one done sooner. “No headaches or fatigue doc, to be honest I’ve been feeling great. Just… a bit bigger than I thought I’d be by now you know?” He glanced at Rhona nervously as he finished that last sentence.

Rhona nodded and made a mind note to look into homecare for Ryan, si it would all be easier for him and he didn't had to go through stressful situations.

"I know that. But even if he gets angry, we should let him be. It will be quite unexpected and he might think Im taking advantage of you. So hell be angrh at me, not you." she smiled trying to ease the mood and continued to hold his hand.

The doctor went over his chart quickly as he explained his concerns" you feeling good is a good sign. Some me carry big since their first pregnancy and you seem like a tall man, so that also adds up for you to be on the bigger side. "she said and smiled to ease him" now I need you to lay down for me, bend your knees and place your feet yo the stirups so I can see how youre doing, "

Rhona held his boyfriend" need me to help out? "she asked not knowing if he prefered to have things done on his own or wanted her help.

“It’s okay babe, I’m sure you’ll get tired of helping me do this in a few months,” he chuckled, leaning back and placing both legs in the stirrups. He felt so vulnerable. The doctor first started looking at his engorged penis before touching it, writing some notes down quietly. It made him more nervous, but he knew he just needed to relax. After a minute or two her words brought him out of his daydreaming: “Okay Ryan, I am going to start my examination now.” She said, and started to slightly grope and feel his swollen testicles, commenting how they seemed about normal for this stage. She said the semen production seems slightly above average, but still within a healthy variation. “At this rate you won’t have to worry about lubricating the birth canal at all when the big day comes!” She laughed out, making Ryan’s face turn a beet red.

She then moved on to his shaft, moving her fingers along the shaft, resting the firmness of it. She then got a small measuring device and softly slid it inside the tip, “this is to measure your dilation. It’s important to keep a baseline for when you’re full term.” She said and wrote down the measurement in her notes. “Same case here Ryan, by the time you’re due you’ll definitely be large enough to birth through here, if anything you should be proud, you’re ahead of schedule!” She said smiling, by Ryan looked at Rhona, beet red, and forced out a nervous smile. He felt himself getting aroused by Rhona’s beautiful face. He thought of their intimate moments together to get his mind off of the current awkwardness, and before long he started to get aroused, forgetting where he was at the moment.

The doctor noticed his hardened cock, and let out an nervous “o-oh…” she said, seeing his pregnant shaft stand to attention.

"I wont tire of you silly" she said as she oversaw how the exam took place.

Doctor James was gentle as she rose the gown enough for her boyfriend's genitalia to be exposed and of easy access for examination. "he grows every week a little, about 1or 2 mm" she said seeing how the doctor was now touching the shaft she knew so well and was so familiar with.

Doctor James nodded as she heard Rhona's words. She usually didn't took what partner said si much, but knew the red head to be very specific and careful when it came to her boyfriend. There was no denying the man was visibly swollen and his body esa prepping nicely to grow and deliver a child. "I need you to take deep breaths to see if youre dilating ay all now" she said gently pressing the tip of the device through his opening "I want you to now pant and hold your knees up to your chest. Push gently just using your shaft, like when you orgasm. Can you do that?"

Rhona began to Pet his hair to ease him and relax him. A light over the doctor was focused on Ryan's genitals. "you can hold my hand and squeeze if you need" she offered. Seeing how the doctor was now gently parting the dark pubic hairs for her to have a more clear view during the exam.

He grabbed Rhonda’s hand and panted softly just as the doctor instructed. He felt so vulnerable, so exposed, but regardless, due to the sheer amount of hormones rushing through him, he couldn’t help but be aroused. “Okay Ryan, I’m going to start to stimulate you. This is important to measure your semen production to determine if you are on track.” She said, lightly gripping the base of his shaft while the device was still inserted. “Rhona, watch how I do this, you’ll be able to do it on your own after this lesson.”

She started to pump his shaft lightly, while her other hand massaged his scrotum. It made him moan out softly, embarrassing him more, and making Rhona’s face turn a deep red. As time went on, her strokes got deeper and faster. Ryan felt himself thrusting softly against her hand.

“Okay Rhona, this is the most important part, make sure when he is close that the tool is firmly inserted to extract it all. It’s okay Ryan, feel free to ejaculate whenever you want to, we are ready for it.” Ryan simply moaned softly in response, and rubbed his belly with his other hand.

The tubeeod the device was very thin. Not even a cm in diameter, yet there were different sizes that could be used all depending on how much he could open and dilate at the moment of the exam.

"How often do we have to do this at home?" Rhona asked not sure if she would be able to do it by herself, afraid she could hurt Ryan.

Doctor James was noting many signs during the exam. Ryan was already dilating even if he was still early in his pregnancy, as she estimulated him he was rock hard quickly and noticed how the penis would not only throb but make a small jerk even when she was not touching or stroking the member. "Ryan do you know what Adam's syndrome is?" she asked just as she stopped using her gloved hands to stimulate him and changed to a silicon encasing that resembled a female's vaginal canal.

“Nngh!” He groaned out softly as she switched to another tool, which enveloped him and felt like a vaginal canal. It was clearly meant to extract semen from him. “No doctor I’ve never heard… of it.” He said, struggling to finish his sentence as he was close. He gripped Rhona’s hand tighter, and looked at the doctor, “doc… I’m close.” “That’s okay Ryan, that’s what we want, let it all go.” She said, and pumped him even faster. He gripped looked in Rhona’s eyes, and thrusted into the device: “Mmph!” As he started to unload into it, almost filling the tank at the end of the device with his seed. The doctor’s eyes widened upon seeing the amount, “Oh my…” after a moment for Ryan to collect himself, he asked: “doc, what is that syndrome you talked about?”

Rhona had a strange feeling in the tip of her stomach. For a moment she was a bit jelous the doctor was touching her boyfriend so intimately. Yet soon that feeling went away for it was a medical situation. She concentrated on Ryan and being of any help during this exam. Sometimes she felt she could do so little as the burden of growing and gestating relied on Ryan alone.

She felt mezmerized by Ryan. Seeing his face grow flushed with intense feelings. How his belly would gently rise up as he buckled his hips. He seemed to glow below the exam room lights. He was so handsome...

She lost her train of thought as Ryan held her hand tighter and looked into her eyes. She leaned down and kissed his forehead as he released.

The doctor took note on how much semen he had expelled." well, its a rare syndrome that some carrier men have. They are not only really good carriers and show high fertility, but their body actually needs to be pregnant to function properly and well since the first conception. So the body seeks and looks to become pregnant if at the moment he's not with child "

He took a minute to process her response, he was still recovering from his orgasm. "What exactly do you mean by 'needs to be pregnant to function properly'?" he says nervously. He clutched Rhona's hand again, nervous about this sudden revelation. His mind was going a mile a minute, as he struggled to break down and process the information he just received. He imagined himself continuously pregnant. The thought frightened him, but a part of him was strangely aroused by the thought. He had been enjoying the changes to his body so far, and he knew Rhona was too. His increased sexual prowess was something that he definitely noticed she enjoyed, but how much would he enjoy things when he is 9 months pregnant? Constantly needing release? Constantly needing assistance with the simplest of tasks as he struggles to accommodate his new body?

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