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Serious question. So how long have you ever roleplayed a pregnancy before? I've done it only once for 9 months. Around the 6-9 months, it was turning fall so i could hide the pregnancy belly from my friends. For the labor, I put a little zip-loc bag up my a-hole and it was like that for about a few hours until it pop and my "water broke". So how long have you've done it before?
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Wow. Roleplaying it for 9 months? That's impressive. Do you have any pics of your belly?
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I'm doing a 9 month simulation right now. I am currently 14 weeks along right now, but I can't have my belly on all the time with work and the fact I'm having triplets
drop a line anytime you have questions or drop by for a belly rub.
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Both reports here are amazing!
I have done maximum one day.....
but.... I don't live alone, so that make it a lot harder.
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Sorry, i have no pics of my belly. But yes, i kept the belly on the entire time. It was really awesome. I had a few friends help me to as well.
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When you say help out doyou mean getting the belly on or helping you with stuff because you were pregnant?
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Well my friends were there to help me put on and off the belly (this was when I had a cast of a pregnant belly before it broke)
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i haven't really wearn mine for long i usually wear just my 5-9 month belly only cause i like to be huge but i havent worn it all day!
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New personal record!
I've now gone six hours inflated, which is my method of looking and feeling pregnant. It's not too bad, actually.
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The longest I've ever done was 2 weeks, but it included shower and bathroom breaks due to outfit limitations. It was during vacation so it was indoors only. Another shorter time was when I did a 9 days = 9 month pregnancy where each day was its own snapshot of that month. I did a little stuffing early on that I could hide under a coat while at the mall but again, the last 4 days I stayed inside.
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I feel a bit inadiquate now as I usually go only a few hours, tops.
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in my case I just did it around 1 week or 2 maximum. just pauses to go toilet.because i took bath and shower with a bathsuit on. was really good feel my heavy body on the bath. never went in public. I think it's so easy to see I'm a men that people would stare at me an I would feel to embarrased. But my dream is can pass for a pregnant girl and go to the mall to do maternity shopping
in spain a proverb says: they go in labor they decide.... I WANNA DECIDE TOO..
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This makes me sort of jealous of others on here. I will have to figure out how to carve out enough time in my life to do this sometime. I think the longest I've ever had the time was one afternoon/evening, overnight, to the next morning or so. Maybe it is partially not living alone, but there also always seems to be something else I am supposed to be doing somewhere else.
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If I had a less clunky way to simulate pregnancy I'd be willing to try an extended one, but I'm stuck with the quickly-becoming "medieval" form of simulation; water-filled balloons, and that's just too risky to leave on at night. I would absolutely love to though, and Embarazado, taking a nice hot bath while simulating sounds heavenly. Curse my simulation outfit for involving so much clothing... How did you hold it to your body while in the tub? Just under the swim suit? I would imagine it would slide around too much without some sort of belts or straps to keep it in place.
Kilix stockpiled 3!
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not. just the beach ball inside or the balloon inside. I would like to do it if my prosthetic belly arrives...
in spain a proverb says: they go in labor they decide.... I WANNA DECIDE TOO..
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Nine months?! Seriously, that's truly impressive! I feel pathetic in comparison.
I can only simulate when I'm alone and I know I won't run the risk of being 'caught'. This might be having the house to myself for a few hours or if I'm staying overnight in a hotel somewhere where I've got all night (if I needed to) and can lock the door, knowing no one will come in or disturb me. These are the only times I feel comfortable simulating.
The longest I can recall simulating was getting on for five hours. These are occasions where I've been in a hotel and retired to my room for the evening - so typically simulating late at night, usually going over into the very early hours. It can range from bloating/pushing my bare belly out due to drinking/eating earlier to utilising things around the room such as seat cushions or pillows from the bed. I'd typically simulate in a thin, cotton t-shirt. I don't quite know why, but there's something about being in a strange place, that's a public building but you're in privacy (if that makes sense...), where I'm usually at my 'best'.
My typical simulation sessions, in the house, would last for around two to three hours.
If I'd lived alone or had a genuine reason to go to a hotel (and have my own room) for a night or two, I'd simulate more often. Sadly these opportunities to simulate have almost all but evaporated over the last five years. :(