C "Genisis" (closes w/heavilypreggo)

Adam woke up. He just, woke up like that, to the chirps of the birds and the light breeze brushing against his body. It's lovely view, being surrounded by greenery and wild lives. He had no idea who he was, how he came to this place and... who this other man with his eyes still closed was. 

He sat up and wriggled his fingers and toes. He knew what they were, he wasnt without basic knowledge, but in so many other aspects, he was like a child. Everything appeared new to him. He had the concept of being hungry, but he couldnt determine what's edible around him. He was well aware there could be something that's poisonous, but again, he didnt have the ability to distinguish.

He looked beside him. He felt little flutters when he looked at the other figure. He knew that's attraction but he didnt know what to make of it. The eyelashes of that other man fluttered, and he held his breath awating for him to join him in this world.

Steve gained his consciousness just like that. He slowly took in the sound of his surroundings without opening his eyes. He moved his hands slowly and his palms met something soft and a little bit ticklish, he could feel the light breeze caressing his skin, the sound of birds chirping.

After a few moments, among other things, he felt the presence of someone beside of him and that someone's currently staring at him intently, he's almost afraid to open his eyes and find out what he would come face to face with. He felt vulnerable with his eyes closed, especially with someone being so closed to him so he opened his eyes slowly. The soft sunlight felt blinding and he could barely make out the outline of the stranger.

He let his eyes adjust to the light and as if in the slow motion, the face of the stranger came to focus, 'beautiful', that's the only thing that came to his mind. Granted, he had never seen another man before but he decided right there and then that the stranger beside him was the most beautiful man ever.

He didn't look dangerous apart from the intense gaze so he built up the courage to raise his hand and rested it on the stranger's face, the stranger flinched so he quickly pulled away his hand.

It's strange. The other male looking at him so intently. It's lovely to see his eyes finally. Adam flinched at the foreign touch on his face. He didnt recall anything simlar to this, so whoever he had been, that's not a gesture he was used to. Howver, he regretted it immediately, for when that stranger's hand lerft his face, he actually felt inadequate and wanted it to stay.

Gazing into the pure and lovely eyes, he read appreication and something soft and lovely - he couldnt read the emotion too well, but suspect what's going through himself was going through him as well. Something sweet and pure, an attachment developed immrdiately. He knew he's falling for the man even before he had properly spoken to him.

Adam took Steve's hand. Clearing his throat, he tried speaking, but his voice was so coarse. He cleared his throat again, coughing, snd this time finally managed. "I…i am Adam." He uttered uneasily, like he hadnt been speaking for too long and it's sttange to be usibg words again.

"Steve." Steve frowned hearing his own voice, it's foreign even to his own ears, it's hoarse so he cleared his throat and tried again "My name is Steve."

A comfortable warmth spread through his body when Adam touched his hand, it felt softer than the grass he's lying on. He looked at their joined hands and amazed by how they fit perfectly.

"You're beautiful." He just realized he had said it out loud when Adam's eyes widened, Steve blushed furiously and retracted his hand to cover his face out of embarassment. He got up quickly to run away from this beautiful stranger before he could embarass himself further but his legs were a little weak like they hadn't been used to walk for so long and he fell down face first. He just wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole.

Steve. Adam muttered in his mind, loving how it sound already. Everything about this other man is so perfect, he couldn't help but fallling more for him with each passing second. It's so lovely, he knew this man would be his soulmate - side from being the obivous choice...

He lifted his hand and looked up in surprise hearing what Steve had said. "W-what... wait!" Adam got up quickly after Steve, chasing him. Steve was fleeing like a frighteneed deer, though his face- that flushed face was the most amazing thing he had ever seen. Adam couldn't help with his chuckle though - he had fought off that weak feeling as he had woken up earlier, and therefore he caught the man before he could hit the floor. However, from how he tightly squeezed his eyes together and stubbonrly refused to look at him, he thought Steve might welcome a collision with the floor.

Adam smiled and tugged Steve closer to himself. "oh! i am taller than you...." being so close, he finally realised even though they were both male (a straneg concept.. but somehow he knew there's such a word.) they had different sizes. Steve was smaller, making it easy for Adam to envelop him in his arms. "hey... there's nothing to be embarrassed of... i think you are beautiful too." He muttered, stroking his face.

Despite being embarrassed, Steve felt so safe and comfortable being fully enveloped in other man's arms. When he heard what Adam said, his heart swelled, so this attraction he felt wasn't one sided after all. What did this mean though? He didn't know what he's allowed and not allowed to do but the pull to be as close as possible to Adam was so strong so he inched forward and put his lips against Adam's.

He breathed out a sigh of relief when Adam responded to the kiss, Adam's lips were massaging his lips in the most pleasurable way possible. Steve couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips and when he opened his mouth, Adam's skillful tongue quickly slipped inside, sending electricity ran through his whole body.

They had been making out for quite some times when Steve felt something hard poking his lower body, curiosity got the best of him so he pulled away and looked down. It's actually a body part of Adam's, he ran his fingers across the length of it "What happened? Are you okay?" He asked curiously.

Adam was surprised at first, but soon he come to enjoy the soft lips of Steve. It's lovely, and there's some subtle sweetness in teh other male's lips which encouraged him to explore further. He seized the opportunity and somehow, he just knew how to kiss, their tongues entangled together, bringing the sweetest moans from the other man.

While Steve was getting lost in teh kiss, Adam noticed his hands resting on his chest, and his legs going weak from the electrifying contact. He held him tight around his waist and lost himself in the sensation, until Steve's question startled him to his own condition.

"w-waht? I..I don't know.... what's wrong with it?" Adam groaned from Steve's innocent touch, sending a shiver through his body while the pleasure wasn't like anythign his body remembered. His brian shortcircuited for a second before he opened his eyes again to look at steve. "Do it again.... you should feel this as well." He reached between Steve's legs, wanting to give his pal the equally thriling sensation he was experiencing.

"Ohhh..wow." Adam palmed his hard on and gave it slow strokes, he had no idea getting stroked there could give him so much pleasure. He could also feel himself getting harder and harder, he just hoped it's not a bad thing because he enjoyed it alot.

Steve wanted Adam to feel the same sensation so he wrapped his hand around his body part and move his hand up and down, the body part was throbbing in his palm. He tried to squeeze it a little and much to his surprise, a small amount of white, thick substance came out of the tip. "W-what?? Did I squeeze too hard? I-i'm so sorry."

He really enjoyed whatever Adam's doing to his body but a part of him, a bigger part was yearning to be filled with...with...he didn't know what, he just needed something to feel the emptiness.

(wow i forgot if i have asked but.... what time zone are you in!?)

Adam thougth he was doing good, his hps started shoving lightly into the grip of Steve - until the cute male squeezed him tight and got him squirting. It's a peculiar feeling, not in a bad way. That sensation was so revolutionary to him. It's probably teh most amazing he had ever felt, and he had already developed an addiction to that.

"more...." Adam grabbed Steve's bottom and pulled him closer, rubbing their "rods" together. He kept his hand on the buttocks of Steve, marvelling over how peachy they felt... and decided he could play with it a little more. he pulled over Steve's considerably smaller hands to their rods, clasping them together in his palms so that he could spare both hands to knead his bottom.

The two fleshy globes were again, fascinating. The entire body of Steve was fascinating. Adam started mumbling the other male's name, uttering it over and over again in such a loving tone, he coudl see the small hair behind Steve's neck standing up. he smiled and squeezed Steve's bottom, changing its shape and then - purely coincidentally, he rubbed against the opening between it.

(Yes you have haha, GMT+07.00)

Adam's rod was considerably big, Steve could barely wrap his fingers around both of their rods, so he put both of his hands betwen their bodies and rubbed their rods against each other, he really needed more friction. It also felt so good when Adam kneaded his backside.

Steve gasped loudly when Adam accidentally rubbed his opening, he didn't even know he had an opening but it felt amazing and he needed Adam to play with his opening again, he changed his position so his back leaned back towards Adam's broad chest, his backside pressed tightly against Adam's rod.

He desperately wanted Adam to rub his rod against his opening but too shy to ask so he rocked his backside to nudge Adam's rod repeatedly to send the hints. Steve also grabbed Adam's big palm and guided it towards his hardening bud in the chest, luckily Adam got the memo and started rolling his bud around his fingers.

(HAHA i guess I am surprised at the timing you reply every time.... i am usef to late afternoon being a quiet period considering I am gmt+8 xD)

Adam didnt know what's prompting Steve to turn suddenly, but he didbt protest - it's still very pleasurable when his rod slid between the peachy bum of Steve's. His rod jerked and seemed to have thicken a little more, but their movement on each other was so clumsy, it never quite hit Steve right at the opening they had just discovered.

On the other hand, it was all too natural for Adma to be fondling with the 2 buds on Steve's chest. He liked them a lot, the little hardness that were perfect for his fingertips to play at. He wasnt feeling like he wanted to be touched there, but from.those moans from Steve, he guessed rhe other man was enjoying it enough he had no reason to stop.

It's with one harder tweak on his nipples that caused Steve to squeak, and that had led to his hips jerking foeward as well, creating a perfect angle for his rod that when he softened back down, the hard and thick rod of Adam's finally poked at his spasming opening again, before sliding down his crack and got pushed between Steve's legs below.

Steve was enjoying Adam playing with his buds and poking his rod around his opening when suddenly his rod slid through his opening, "AARRRGGGGGHH!!", the pain took him by surprise and he tried to get away from Adam's embrace but he just tightened his hold around him and he even pushed his rod further into him.

"Owww, please s-stop, it hurtsss..." he begged Adam, he even put his hand on Adam's abs to stop him from moving forward. His opening was never stretched by something so big, if not at all. Adam's rod's girth touch every inch of his inner wall of his opening, it even hurt when Adam tried to pull it out of him. "Please stop m-moving, Adam."

It was an accident. Adam wasn't aiming at it at all, but his rod just seemed to know its way... he moaned at the intense pleasure. He was sure he never felt something as good as this. Taking Steve in his arms, he couldn't wait but thrust into that inredicbly tight and warm cavity.

It was lucky taht Steve's body seemed to be more adapted to this than they thought - he was somewhat lubricating himself, with slick that had smoothed the entry of his cock - which was why it had slipped in in the first place, or his cock woudln't be able to get through the super tight ring of muscle in the first place. Adam whined at how Steve stopped him, and grabbed his torso so tight while burying his face onto him. "I... I am trying not to move but Steve... this is so good...." he said as his hips jerked and sent his rod that bit deeper into Steve.

"O-okay, but gimme a few minutes to a..adjust. Ughh!" Steve panted from the pain, he didn't want to let Adam down so he powered through and let him thrust into him after a few minutes, "You can try to move now but please go slowly."

He closed his eyes tight, the first few thrusts hurt but the pain lessened and lessened until it turned into pleasure. "Oh god, it's starting to feel good. Go faster." Steve rocked his hips back and forth to match Adam's thrust, resulting in Adam's rod sliding deeper with each thrust.

They moved in a perfect rhythm for a few moments until Steve felt his lower abs tightened and with a particularly strong, deep thrust from Adam, he reached a new level of pleasure he didn't know existed. His body shook uncontrollably and white, thick substance shot out of his rod and landed on his own stomach.

"Wow what's that?" Adam was startled by the sudden warmth reaching his hand that had been holding around Steve's lower abdomen to keep him steady. The sudden tight clench on his rod was so tight, he almost felt pain from the most sensitive part of himself getting gripped.

He didnt get any response from Adam who was still lost in the ecstasy. Wirh this sudden pause in action, his rod died down a little, but the moan coupled with the priceless expression of Steve's that's visible when he tilted his head back.compensated for.that - overcompensating alitlte even when he felt the rod jerked and thickened.

Adam couldnt wait for a proper answer from Steve. He had to move or that rod would.explode. he shoved into fhe still spasming canal of Steve's, his.mind exploding with the pleasure that followed each thrust. Steve squeaked and gave a choked sound, but turned silent when the rhythm was established again. If Adma could see, he would notice how Steve's eyes were rolling back from pleasure.

Steve couldn't respond because he's just way too lost in ecstasy, he wanted to feel embarrassed but he couldn't care less at that moment. He finally caught his breath and answered Adam "I d-don't know."

His backside was still sensitive when Adam started rocking again. He didn't know how Adam's rod was still hard and able to penetrate him when his had returned to its' normal state.He just laid there and let Adam do whatever he's doing to his backside.

But then the pleasure came back again and he couldn't stop the loud moans coming out of his lips. "Adam.....Adam, how can you be s-so hard? Don't you d-dare stop now!!" He's too tired to do anything, he let Adam do all the work, Steve would just clench his backside muscle once in a while.

Adam was getting obsessed with the thought of drawing.more moans from Steve. He wanted to hear that, knowing he had driven the lovely man into pure ecstasy, and that he had been the sole source of such pleasure. "Oh Steve... steve..." he rubbed on his nipples again. They had been played so thoroughly, they appeared quite swollen now against Adam's long fingers.

With his rod still going strong, Adam freed up a hand to run further down Steve's front, and clutched Steve's limp rod into his palm. His rod wasnt as large, especially now that it had gone limp with its "content expelled". Adam tried to wake it up again, but tje slightest touch of it caused Steve to jerk - it being.oversensitive.

Adam was startled. "'I'm sorry! Did i hurt you?" He asked pulling himself to a stop, despite Steve's earlirr request. The smaller man immeidately whined, and shook his butt just a bit, and Adam knew he wsntef to continue. The incident had them shifting thrir angles slightly and when Adam thrust again, he seemd to have nudged through some extra snesitive spot - a mysterious place deep within Steve.

"A little, please don't touch it for now." Steve laid there and out of nowhere Adam was shaking and he felt Adam's rod thickened before hot liquid was shot deep inside of him which in turned made his own rod ejecting the same thick, white liquid.

Adam's rod slowly slipped out of his backside, it's no longer hard. He turned so he's facing Adam now, "What were we doing just now? Is it a natural and normal thing to do?" There were just so many questions in his head, he didn't even know how he ended up here.

"So what now?"

"I have no idea...." Adam was still panting a little, but right now, he wanted nothing more than cuddle with the smaller man. "Perhaps a little nap would be a good idea?" He smiled and wrapped Steve up in his arms, slowly falling asleep again on the soft meadow.

They didnt know how mcuh time had gone by, but the Sun rose and fell. They explored around the area theyvwere in, much of their timr was on food hunting where they had to distinguish whivh plants were edible and which werent. They would sometimes repeat what they did the very first day, but most of the time just content themselves with cuddling with each other.

Gradually, Steve started acting a little strange. He wouldnt want to eat things in the morning, his appetite was horrible, but his waist seemed to have thickeend and he was putting on weight.

Time passed by and Steve felt sick, mostly in the morning. He couldn't keep the food down and he'd rather to not eat at all in the morning. He wondered if the sickness was caused by the maybe poisonous food he ate but he and Adam always ate the same thing and Adam was fine.

The weirder thing was he's putting on some weight despite of skipping breakfast everyday, his hips got wider and his stomach was bloated. "Adam, what do you think happen to me? I'm getting bigger each day." He whined and took Adam's hand and put it on his ever growing belly.

The sickness continued for a few moons, once it's gone, Steve's appetite became uncontrollable. They would spend most of their days hunting for edible food, luckily they could eat almost anything in sight so they didn't have to worry of running out of food. As a result, Steve grew bigger and bigger......

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07-28-2017, 03:38 PM

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