How did the whole football team get pregnant (open to everyone )
In this rp a fraternity decides to prank the football team by using their own sperm to artificial inseminate them during the team check ups. As a result the whole team becomes pregnant. This takes place one and an half months later after  they find out they are pregnant and immediately after the college releases a statement about what happened. The college is looking for those responsible for it and the coach is just as upset as the players.Need football players and frat bros.

Name: Sean Colt Knight 
Position: quarterback #52 freshman year
Looks: Brown hair, blue eyes, 6ft 1, muscular, full beard.
Clothes: a college football shirt, shorts, jockstrap, cowboy boots, and a college football baseball cap with #52 Quarterback 
How many if on the football team: twin boys
If a frat bro which player did you artificial inseminate with your sperm: none he is a football player
Other: comes from a football dynasty father, and grandfather played in the NFL and two of his brothers are playing in the NFL and another in the CFL (Canadian Football League), is openly gay and is dating and dating one of the soccer players 

Sean felt scared after the college made the announcement that someone tampered their team check ups and now all of them were pregnant. Already his phone began blowing up with friends shocked about the announcement and how he was dealing with it. His parents were flying in after the college gave the players enough time to tell their families before they made the announcement. His brothers were flying in as soon as their games were through. When he came to this college he thought he was just going to play the sport he loved and now this happened. He looked again at his phone coach McCain was letting him know NBC wanted an interview with him. The college were going to give the team their first ultrasounds next Monday. He knew he wanted this baby or babies and didn't want to give it or them up for adoption. He also wanted to know whose responsible and if its more than one the father so he can deck and kick his ass. He hasn't even talked to his boyfriend since they found out he was pregnant. His going through his own issues like me, thinking sill this change our relationship and could someone do it to his team next. He finally noticed his baby bump he thought he wasn't getting enough fat burning in his workouts and wasn't working out enough. He texted  coach McCain to schedule the interview to during the ultrasound. He turned on the TV all of the news channels, Talk shows, and ESPN were talking about what happened and getting reaction from other college football teams saying this never should have happened to us and could it be considered rape since they did this on purpose. 
(I can make this into a story but I want this to be an rp I don't want Sean to be the main character)
(Ok I will post another post in Sean's story please join this rp don't want it to become a story)

Sean spent the whole weekend with his family and they were shocked that he wanted to keep his child. Or children and understood his decision. His father Angus said "I will never forgive whoever did this to you but I knows you will love this I enjoyed being pregnant with y'all and you will too". His mother Justine felt scared for her son "Your life is changed now you know when your father went through his first pregnancy with your brother Lucas he felt so happy even though he hated his developing breasts and wished he didn't retire from the Packers to start his family but for you had your whole career ahead of you who ever did this to you must pay".

"I know mom and I know Lucas, Nick, and Jeb will arrive just in time to see the first ultrasound and I have an interview with NBC during it and I want y'all with me. "So of course we will be I still remember how scared you were when you came out as gay to us at 16 and I hugged you saying we love you for who you are", Angus said. "Richard still won't talk to me im scared that our relationship is over mom and dad" Sean said. "It isn't his baby or babies he should be at your side throughout this pregnancy and if he doesn't that's his fault cause you will find someone who loves you for you and wouldn't let this come in between y'all", Justine said. I love you mom and dad" "we love you too son and our future grandchild or grandchildren", Angus said and reached down and kissed his belly. "Hi little one or ones im your granddaddy Angus".
Name: Brayden "Bray" Mayfield
Position: Punter and Co-Captain (Junior in College, Age 19), number 12 Jersey
Looks: Dirty Blond Hair, Hazel eyes, stands at 5'11" with a stocky but muscular build with a lean frame. He wears facial hair, but it can vary from being recently shaven with early signs of fuzz as a result or if he's in deep study mode for Finals, a full on thick beard that he keeps up from time to time.
Clothes: He's a fan of flannel shirts as overcoats, a V-Neck T-Shirt underneath with varying sets of necklaces, baggy camouflage pants and a set of boots over the pant legs, usually varying between cowboy boots with flatter ends usually made for field work, which his family usually does from time to time on the campus. He wears non-colored contacts on most occasions, but can be seen wearing glasses as well.
How many if on the football team: One girl as he likes to think, or at least he hopes so.
If a frat bro which player did you artificial inseminate with your sperm: None
Other: Probably like most, he was born into the trend of sports, but for him Soccer usually took top priority. That explains where his sturdiness for punting and kicking came from, but his parents raised him to see more than just one opportunity if it had arisen and that had come up to say the least. He got a scholarship for football more than he did for Soccer and the rest is history. Due to his family's name among the campus, his father cut a few strings to get him into one of the best fraternities, it isn't the same frat that discreetly impregnated the entire football team, himself included. Out of his family, he has two older brothers who are out in their respective careers, the oldest making his own small sports brand that is slowly gaining national attention and his middle brother playing MLB. His mother spearheads a vineyard while his father likes to openly run his mouth about how great he used to be in his brief time playing NFL and trying to capitalize off his children as a result. Well, something like this was certainly worth capitalizing off from. As for Brayden's sexuality, he often considers himself straight, but he's never looked down on anyone that prefers the same sex, which makes him flexible as a result if all the certain buttons are pressed the right way for a slightly old fashioned male who prefers to court someone before jumping into the word date.


Perhaps it was his partial nonchalance that did not make him think of it as a big idea, but when the coach announced that their physicals were tampered with, the first thing that had naturally come to Brayden's mind was if it just lied about who may or may not have been taking steroids. When it was let on that it might have been a slight accident of some nurse fooling around with somebody's sperm and fertility treatment as a result, that was a slight cause for alarm. Within the next set of weeks though, the obvious signs were beginning to let on and it was quite clear that the school had an epidemic that they could not sweep under the rug this time, not like someone pulling escort services for their players anyways. Now imagine the face on not just himself, but everyone else at practice when this all had yielded to unintended effects and they were really unable to practice as a result? Better yet, imagine how many came in all pissy with used pregnancy tests confirming that this was something that didn't go away? Not only was the infirmary under fire, but soon the college as well and after much thoughts and deliberation, the Administration had no choice but to call off the next set of games and make the official announcement. The saving grace was the fact they gave the team time to tell their family the news in advance before the official release came out into the full open. That was just little than less than a month going on two ago. Here was the present time where everything was now coming out.

Brayden was from the State, naturally. His parents did not have to travel out too far when they heard. He was sitting in his room in the Frat house, examining his figure before a long mirror, the male's abs visibly beginning to show signs of distending. He ran a hand down his partially hairy belly while naturally his mother rubbed it as well for good measure to be certain this was actually happening. His father? Well, his round burly form was pacing around in mad fury.

"Somebody is gonna pay for this," the short southern male shouted with rage. "Who done thought this was a good idea!?"

Brayden's mother smiled nervously while reminding her husband Calvin to simmer down. Already, his rants were causing a few faces to peer from their rooms, some filled with other parents who had to take in the news as well.

Naturally, they did not want their son having to deal with such a matter. They raised them up to essentially "think like men" as a result, but in a case like this, where someone spiked a physical examination, there had to be a few exceptions, especially when considering how well Nancy Hale-Cameron liked to parade her Pro-Life stickers on the back of her SUV while driving around. As a result, abortion was extremely out of the option and adoption? Yea, that was not happening either. If anything, those responsible for this were going to pay out of their pocket instead.

Brayden began to button up his shirt, the male feeling a bit nauseated thinking about the matter further and his parents, his father mostly anyways, were not helping with their inherent rage.

"The coach has pulled us for interviews," he stated, Brayden naturally having no choice since he went all gung-ho about being Co-Captain this year. "That is within a few days, so we have the weekend to just figure out what we will have to do."

"Oh, I know what exactly what I'm gonna do," his father shouted, cowboy boots clicking on the
wooden surface of the second floor of the house. "I'm going to the Admin!"

"Calvin, honey," Nancy said with a concerned look complete with a southern accent. "The Admin are gone for the weekend. You're not gonna get anyone. Let's just get off this campus for a few, shall we?

Brayden nodded, grabbing a few bags he packed while reaching for the keys to his Jeep. His mother insisted on them taking their father's truck though. Brayden, with some independence, insisted on still taking his Jeep on the ride out as he wanted to still drive out and about when heading back to their town for a few.

((Let me know if this is alright and I will edit if not.))
(It sounds great )

Monday morning two of Seans brothers arrived. Lucas and Nick came in wearing their Saints and Rams baseball caps. "Little bro we are so sorry this happened to you", Lucas said. "The press was hounding for interviews of how I felt after the game luckily my team kept the press at bay until I got out of the stadium", Nick said. "We were already one of the most famous sports dynasty's in America now this will l ensure our permanent spots in the tabloids.

Justine's phone rang and picked it up "Hey Job. What do you mean you won't arrive in time for the ultrasound. Oh I understand we had had interview but we can manage without you see you when you arrive son", he said and hung up. "Jeb's flight from Toronto was delayed until this morning because of a storm", she said.

"Ok so Jeb's out so here is it I want to go forward with this pregnancy and want to keep it I don't care if I leave the team is is my child or children", Sean said. "Of course little bro all of us will help you out", Nick said. Everyone else in the room agreed.

Sean's phone rang end saw it was Richard "Hello, what do you mean your sorry, you can't even walk over here and tell me in person, fine bye". He said and ended the call. "Richard broke up with me saying its him not me", Sean said. Angus hugged his son and said "He didn't deserve your love anyways". "Thanks dad", he said. "We better get going if we want lunch together before the interview and the ultrasound", Justine said.
The brief trip to his home town wasn’t anything to be desired. Truthfully, Brayden probably would have felt better just staying in his room. The idea really didn’t bother him as much to warrant needing to be smothered in hugs by his family members, his mother in particular if he wanted to be frank. Maybe he was just the type of guy who didn’t prefer to let most of his emotions ring out, which was perhaps a stark contrast to what his usual smiling and partial baby face presented out on social media. In truth, he was out of playing a sport and some random grown man or young man was practically the father of his growing child. There were a lot of things on his mind that he just really didn’t have time to focus on the seemingly positive.

Still, perhaps there was a good reason for it. He got more peace and quiet in his old room than anything else and it prevented him from being a hothead and getting into random fight. He may considered average or short to some, but he could handle his weight essentially. But, when Monday arrived, it was a headache once more. His father was already jumping the gun about future plans.

“I wonder how they’ll arm will be,” the old man would say. “Maybe he can throw a football or slug a baseball.”

Naturally, Brayden and his mother both rolled their eyes at the man, Nancy casually stating “What if it’s not a boy, Calvin?”

That seemed preposterous in his eyes, but there was an apparent saying that the father of the child typically had a way of determining the gender. Brayden stepped into the clinic, seeing a lot of faces, though the coach made a partial deal to get those getting interviewed a top priority. It was the entire football team though, one way or another. Even their benchwarmers were knocked up. The school had no way of getting new talent to replace most of the entire roster in time for the season. For those like him who morally had no choice but to go through with it, they had to begrudgingly deal with something a reckless infirmary and unknown party caused. Brayden eased into a seat, hefting up one of the car magazines on the table to keep his mind slightly calm. It was either that or toy around with his phone. His father was naturally waiting outside due to his crazy notion about seeing opportunities with the unborn child leaving what Brayden considered to be the lesser of two evils: His occasional overbearing mother. His brothers refused to show up. They visited of course, but going to a clinic for ultrasounds was apparently something that needed “delicate sensibilities.” He could imagine what their wives felt.
(Sean did get a few offers to join their fraternities but had submitted his request to pledge to the same fraternity Brayden but didn't hear anything before the news broke out)

Lunch was hard since the media were all trying to get into the college cafeteria for photos of his pregnant state. "And I thought the weeks after I won the super bowl were bad enough these paparazzi are even crazyer", Lucas said. "Tell me about it my roommate had to get another room since they were hounding him down",Sean said. "Well the only way to get out of here is for campus security to escort us to the medical building", Justine said.

"They finally got to the floor where the ultrasounds were and got into the room where his interview was going to take place. Sean was used to give interviews but never like this.

"Hello in behalf of me and NBC we wish we didn't have to give this interview

"Thank you miss", Sean said

"Now that was going on when you found out about that you were pregnant" the reporter asked. "Well I got an call from Coach McCain saying I needed to get to the locker room immediately and when I got there we were asked to pee into cups. We thought that someone has drugs and wanted to check of the rest of us were clean but then we were called in the coach's office one by one and we were informed that the check up was tampered with and what we did was really for a pregnancy test and everyone came back positive to being pregnant", Sean said.

"Now this question is for your parents and brothers, what was your reactions to finding out what happened we Sean now being pregnant". I was in the middle of training when my coach took me aside with a concerned look on his face saying Sean was Skypeing me and I really needed to talk to him. I got angry at the college thinking they should have watched the check ups more closely and scared for my brother since he was pregnant", Nick said. "I found out when my team was flying to our next game and got angry thinking that who ever did this too my brother must pay for this he came to this college to play the sport he loves, and that person has gotten my brother knocked up", Lucas said. "Both of us were at home when Sean facetimed us asking to talk to the both of us he looked scared and was crying as he told us what happened. I did feel angry for him knowing his future has been forever changed", Justine said. "I got angry wanting to find the person who got my son knocked up to face us", Angus said.

"Now Sean have you thought about this pregnancy at all?", the reporter asked. "I don't blame the baby ffor this its innocent in this its the father who should pay for this act. I do intend to carry the pregnancy to trim and will keep it or them. My family is behind me for this decision

Coach McCain popped his head in the door "Sean its your turn now",

The cameras were rolling through the ultrasound and the nurse said Sean was carrying twins but was too early to determine their genders. "Here you have it folks a family in turmoil over the biggest college football scandal since Penn State, who should take the blame, thank you for your time Sean", the reporter said wrapping up and leaving.

As they were leaving Justine received a call, "Hello hey Jeb, so you are at the dorm great see you in a few minutes", she hung up the phone. "Jeb is at the dorm as we speak", she said.
As Brayden was selectively reading, more so to look at potential cars he would eventually want, he noticed a male rushing through the clinic itself. A few guards were on standby, as it should be since the blond Athlete heard the stories of people being hounded down by ABC, NBC and even CNN correspondents. To think Brayden actually was majoring to get on the ESPN sports panel at some point. Being a journalist was tough work, but hounding someone down? Yea, that wasn't for him, so his green eyes watched as the male (Sean) was being whisked away into a room right alongside his mother, father and whoever else had come with him.

"Gee, who was that," his mother asked with a worried look to her face. "Looks like the poor thing was thrown out to the hounds except they didn't want what the Good Lord gave 'em."

The male reserved a chuckle for himself when thinking on the comment, but naturally stated the other was just a freshman, but perhaps one of their top prospects. Most likely he was getting interviewed first, which was fine and all for Brayden. That meant when the nurse called him, which was now, he was going to get the ultrasound first. He rose from his seat and while his father, Calvin, was all gung-ho about following suit, it was Nancy who raised a hand and told for him to sit down in the waiting room. Brayden of course mentally thanked her for that as he probably was going to ask one too many questions.

When advised to, he tossed his clothes off and dawned the gown needed, easing his way into the bed. What were his feelings, though, he had to mentally ask? Was he truly alright with just naturally shrugging everything off like he typically did with nonchalance or was there truly a need for him to panic already? Hearing the stories of how him and his brothers were quite the handful as little children certainly were not comforting on the mind after all. His skin rose with small goosebumps when feeling the tingly cold gel rest on his small bump as the nurse herself rubbed it in.

As the minutes let on, his mother was stoked to hear the news when wanting to know the gender after seeing how the child was coming along inside of him. All her time being basically the only woman among the house had finally come to an end. That was the assumption anyways based on what the nurse tried to determine.

"But aren't girls just as worse," Brayden stated when buttoning his shirt up in an effort to tease his mother. "Having to deal with their teenage years, the additional sass and of all things, prom?"

Nancy patted his shoulder only after dropping her jaw in shock, though of course it was meant to jest as well as she brought him close to hug him.

"We can focus about that later," she insisted. "This day isn't over with just yet, but we're not telling Pops anything just yet. Let's let that mind of his wander a bit more for a bit before announcing the news."

The nurse commented how he was lucky to just be having one. The captain had arrived earlier to find out he was carrying triplets and someone else was having quads thanks to the infirmary tampering around with fertility products. That gave Brayden a lot to think on when finding himself face to face with Coach McCain. While Brayden smiled with a bit of relief, he was actually nervous to get in front of a camera and actually hear the questions. Some had to contend to NBC anchors. Brayden had to deal with Goodmorning America and so he wondered who was it. Were it some of their popular faces that appeared on the show all the time or some individual who barely got screen time? Either way, he adjusted his bowtie put on his best Southern smile when walking inside, seeing a very familiar male who used to play Football himself.

There were several retakes, naturally. Calvin would occasionally catch a fit, Nancy wanted to go off record every once in a while with random facts she found from the wikipedia or mayo clinic; of course the reporter had to get everything back on track as this was his segment to conduct a report on. Still, he was able to focus back on Brayden when asking "Who do you think or would consider to be at blame here?"

Brayden gave it some thought before answering. No need for him to say something he may regret after all because he didn't think it out all the way. "The clinic. The infirmary is really to blame here, I think. When you have someone who mysteriously gets pregnant from a botched physical, I believe that is grounds to sue for malpractice. You're a professional, after all. These kind of things you're supposed to know how to do. How to tell what is needed and what isn't. Intentional or not, somewhere down the line something has to come into your mind to know and question if something doesn't appear right and to ask someone else for confirmation. Now you've got like, what? One thirty-six?"

He turned to look back at his coach for confirmation on the number, McCain nodding before Brayden looked back. "Yea, close to One-thirty-six students pregnant and that is on nobody else's fault but for the people behind the infirmary itself. I'd love for the people responsible to come clean, but it wouldn't have happened had someone spoke up in the first place."

He exhaled after downing a bottle of water when the interview was concluded. The bright lights around them set to light up the room's ambiance wasn't exactly cold. The male had to wipe sweat from his face a few times. He opened the door to walk out into the clinic's waiting room once more, seeing more football players present now more than earlier on.
Sean and them got back in the dorm and saw Jeb in his Edmonton Eskimos teem hoodie in the lobby lounge. "Hey all sorry that storm was bad". "Its alright Jeb though the paparazzi and media were hounding at us we had campus security escort us out of the cafeteria", Justine said. "Well it is a field day one of North America's biggest sports dynasties youngest son is one of the victims of the biggest college football scandals since Penn State if not one of the biggest sports scandals of all time, Canadian Media has called it "PregnancyGate", Jeb said. "Hey Lucas could you get my mail out of the dorm mailroom heres the key its #145A", Sean said handing the key to Lucas. "Sure little bro", Lucas said taking the key and walking to the mailroom. "So Sean how are you dealing with this", Jeb said. "Well I am keeping the twins, yes Jeb its twins too early to tell the genders yet", Sean saying. "Wish I could be happier with this pregnancy that never should have happened" Jeb said.

Lucas came back with two bags filled with mail. "Sean you have a lot of fan mail don't worry already sorted the mail into important and not that important oh and you did get something from a fraternity for you", Lucas said. Sean opened the mail from the fraternity, he had been waiting for them reply to him for over 2 weeks. It said that they were sorry what happened to him and that they accepted him into the fraternity as a full member and can start to move in to the frat house at anytime. "I got in that fraternity, I wanted to join", Sean said. "Well that is good news", Angus. "The fraternity does have other members of the team in it so I don't have to deal with this alone in my room", Sean said. "It would be better after all not just anybody could slip in the house", Nick said. "Hey y'all mind helping me pack my stuff up to take to my room in the frat house", Sean asked. "Sure we can son", Angus said. They went up to his dorm room to start packing his stuff to take to the frat house.
The media outlets were still on campus. Any hotshot local reporter trying to get an edge over the other for their station was out like vultures, trying to pick and pull whoever they could find. Some were willing, naturally. Others, not as much. Brayden clearly was one of the faces they wanted to interview, but the male knew his way around the campus and that included every secret route to take when needing to cut through a few places. That was if he had the fortune to do so on his own, but that was not the case as he had his parents with him. His father and himself included were more than enough to shoo various faces though, but the flashing cameras? That was another story. Brayden slapped shades over his eyes and walked casually with his parents while trying to drown out the noise. The male's ears twitched when he thought he heard something suspicious around a horde of students, but what with the preying paparazzi hovering around, there wasn't much he could make from it.

"Congrats," he said to himself mentally. "People are going to forever remember you as one of the men who became a victim to an odd set of circumstance."

He looked over at one of the football posters that had his face plastered on it meant for promotions. He sighed as he climbed into the backseat of the truck, his father getting them out of the news infested area as much as possible. Some, naturally followed suit out towards the Frat House.

"This is worse than that one show errbody talks about," Calvin said as he slammed the front door to the house shut with a lock to boot. "Whats it called? The Dead Walking or something?"

Brayden got the gist of what he meant though. The athlete walked into the kitchen of the Frat house though, his parents following suit. He hadn't eaten anything that morning almost going into lunch. It wasn't that he didn't want to. It was just the fact that the nurse wanted them to come in with an empty stomach. That and in all honesty, he probably would have just thrown it up with the nausea he was still feeling. It wasn't as bad as it was earlier on though and so, they were going to have lunch there instead.

"Should we call some pizza in," his mother inquired as she set her purse down on the counter and sitting on one of the stools beside it. "That or Chinese Take-Out?"

Brayden wasn't one to object, but subconsciously the male asked for both. Were those the dreaded appetite gains that came with everything? He didn't know, but honestly, his mind was a bit preoccupied as he pulled the shades away to reveal his eyes, which were painted with a state of heaviness. Going out among the crowd had certainly done something to him, but he didn't have time to fret. One of the Frat brothers, one he pledged the same time with actually, walked in.

"Hey," the male said with his Phi Kappa Mu T-Shirt of Sky Blue and Gold on. "We've got a few members getting ready to move in from the secret rush."

And by secret rush, they meant those who were expecting. Brayden and them planned out an entirely different way of going about their intake as the current Dean of Pledges, but that had gone out the drain relatively fast when most of those who they highly considered were now pregnant. They'd have to think of something later, but for now, Brayden nodded.

"Great," he said. "Let's just hope the news doesn't come barging in while they move in. I don't think I can take listening to Gale Reed today and her nasally voice."
"Well how are we getting out of here and Sean's stuff too", Justine said looking at the window at the media. "Sean you sure you are the only one of the team that lived in this dorm", Job said packing the last of Sean's stuff up. "Yes cause Coach McCain got upset I wasn't in a dorm with some of the other players", Sean said. "Good than I can create a diversion since we do look alike", Job taking of his Edmonton Eskimos hoodie and slipping on Sean's football team hoodie, put some stuff to look like a baby bomb and sunglasses on. "Yall get the stuff to the truck while I will distract them, Sean you better put on my hoodie and your sunglasses on so they can't tell us apart", Jeb said walking out and went outside. "It worked they think Jeb is Sean going on a jog", Angus said as the media ran to follow Jeb. "Well he can't hold them for long", Lucas grabbing two boxes of stuff to take to the truck. They managed to get all of Sean's stuff in the truck and he gave the dorm key to his RA. "Heres the address dad", Sean said d handing him the paper. "Campus security is already at the frat house to keep the media at bay", Justine said. "Well here we go", Angus said cranking up the engine and they were on their way.

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