Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)
(Set in a world that contains Both Pokemon and Digimon. It was discovered that Trainers and their respected companions can become pregnant regardless of gender. Digimon and Pokemon are like pets, bonding to a trainer of their choice (Pokemon can be understood by their owners but not other humans). Legendaries are permitted, but are not immortal nor all powerful, they are just extremely rare to bond with and have Small litters when pregnant. All Mon can have Live or Egg birth depending on the species. (A Lizard like Agumon would have eggs, a Mammal like Pikachu would have live.) What I'm looking for, Trainers or Mon, male or female (all is welcome). This is not a One-on-One it is a Group RP. If you have questions Please PM me)

Name: .
Gender: Male/Female
Age: .
Species: .
Description: .
Extra Info: .
Pregnancy Length/Numbers: .

Name: Merin

Gender: Male
Age: 29
Species: Mewtwo.
Description: A 'shiny' Mewtwo, he has snow white fur with a green belly, tail and blue eyes. Has been 'feral' living in the wild for most of his life deciding that it was preferable over being owned, his fur is messy and unkempt.
Extra Info: Has a distrust of Humans and other Mons alike, is in need of some extra love and attention.
Pregnancy Length/Numbers: Not Currently Pregnant.

Merin 'mew'd out weakly and whimpered loudly looking around for something to help him in his latest predicament. He had been searching for food when he slipped from a cliff, landing a dozen feet bellow on his tail, breaking it, his leg, and his arm at the same time as well as cutting himself up on the fall. he was in too much pain to focus on levitating home, so was stuck where he was and hoped that no predators would stumble across him and take advantage.
Available for conversation, pm me.
(Still up for this?)

Name: Chazz
Gender: Male
Age: 20 years
Species: human
Description: Chazz has a scrawny build and thus he's nothing impressive to look at. His red hair is short though it sticks up in a mess, when his hair is combed it only reaches half way down his neck. He has sapphire blue eyes and a white skin tone. He can often be seen wearing a grey turtle neck, black pants, an a pair of blue an white tennis shoes.

Extra Info: His starter is a charizard in which he never beat the elite four.
Pregnancy Length/Numbers: Not currently expecting

Chazz always enjoyed taking a flight with his friend Flare; the charizard was one of the best pokemon he had. They were always with him and they were there at the very beginning, lending their strength to help get him through the journey. Granted he failed against the elite four but he wasn't brought down by that. In fact, he was rather glad. He had his adventure and now it was time to let things relax an calm down. Glancing down at the ground, he noticed a oddly colored shape down bellow and Flare even paused as they seemed to hear something.

"You wanna check it out?" Chazz asked as he stared down at the shape, Flare gave a nod before heading down.

Even though Flare could speak, they often choose to be quiet. It was a personal preference it seemed. Landing on the ground a little bit away from the legendary, which honestly surprised him as his sapphire gaze took their appearance in.

"Are you okay?" Chazz asked, his voice showing concern as he stood there.
Merin flinched when he heard the voice address him. He looked up and whimpered softly unable to move at all. The large charizard scared him a bit, he could easily see it was more veteraned in fighting than he was.
"" was the first and only thing that he voiced out, followed by a groan of discomfort. Not thinking through the request fully as to be helped by the trainer he would need to be captured. He was on the edge of passing out already, the fall and injuries sustained taking all his energy just to cope with.
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"They want help." Flare told Chazz.

"Right....but I don't have any potions...." Chazz answered his starter.

What now? It was a legendary yes but still...they were entitled to freedom...well it seemed like the only way. Taking out a ultra ball, he tossed it at Merin and watched the ball shake about. If the capture was succesful, he would pick it up and rush to the pokemon center to get them healed. The only pokemon in his party right now was Flare, he wanted some alone time with his starter. For now that was going to be on hold to help this Mewtwo out. If the capture worked that is.
Merin gave out a groan of a bit of relief as he was enveloped by the ball, it shook a little then clicked, the Mewtwo not having the strength to fight his way out of it. Inside it, he relaxed a bit nearly falling asleep now not needing to stress about being found by some predator.
"Thankyou" he voiced out to his new master with his powers hoping he could hear him but knew he could at least reach the Charizard.
"I'm sorry if I'm causing you any problems..." he added before losing his concentration and going quiet again.
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With the pokeball in hand and getting onto Flare, Chazz was a bit unsure if he had heard the voice or not. He knew it was possible but he wasn't going to question it. For now it was time to focus on getting to the pokemon center. Flare flew rather fast and they soon arrived in Lavender Town, dismounting from his starter, he returned em to their pokeball and went into the center. Giving the pokemon to the nurse Joy, he hoped the mewtwo would be okay. It took a little while but they were soon returned and in good health so the best course of action seemed to be heading home.

His house was a simple one, nothing fancy or standing out to it. It actually had two bedrooms as it was given to him by his parents before they left on their own journies; some people start late in the game. Releasing Flare and Merin, he gave a kind smile to the legendary.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Chazz asked Merin.
Merin Sat on the floor looking around cautiously and with some curiosity not knowing where he was. He didn't hurt any more and he was deeply grateful for that fact. When he saw the Charizard he flinched and shifted away a little, a bit scared of the larger pokemon. Chazz's voice drew his attention and he had to think about his question.

"I... Feel allot better" he said Softly "Th...Thank you... master" he blushed looking down. He had never planned to be captured in that way but now he was there, it didn't bother him that much. his fur still had a bit of blood on it from his scratches, and was dirty from his rolling in pain on the ground since the pokecentre hadnt cleaned him.
Available for conversation, pm me.
"Please don't call me Master, just think of me as a friend and you can call me Chazz. Is there anything you liked to be called?" Chazz said. "You don't have to be scared of Flare here, he's a pretty nice guy. Ya know, if you want to be wild again, you can just say so. I only captured you to get you to a center an I've already done my pokemon journey so, there won't be any battles against other trainers or nothing like that."

Flare gave a nod in agreement with Chazz's words and to try and make the mewtwo feel better, he laid down on the ground so he wouldn't be as big. Chazz petted Flare on the top of their head, causing a pleased sound to leave the dual type.
"M... my parents called me Merin" he says softly and tried to relax a little "I don't know if I want to be free again or not though... Its all I've ever known... " he gives a soft sigh and gives a soft mewl.

He looks around again, inspecting the room a bit more and then over Flare and Chazz. Watching the larger mon churr softly and nuzzle into the humans hand.
"W...would it be ok if I stayed for a while? see what its like being owned?" he asks looking to Chazz again.
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Chazz understood that, he had gotten used to roaming about the region. Though when he failed at the Elite Four he realized that it would be rather pointless to try again. Most people tried over an over again, merely gaining access to another region to do the same thing. Once was...okay enough. Course he gave a nod to Merin's words.

"Merin it is then!" Chazz said happily. "Sure, you can stay as long as you want. Let me show you around. Where we currently are at is the living room, simple couch that is a bit hard but passable to sit on."

Chazz ended up taking Merin through the whole house, showing him every little area he thought that legendary would want to know. Even his own room was showed to em. Course the other room was revealed last, it was a simple place. A white paint on the walls, a dresser, table, a couple of lamps, and a window.

"This is the guest bedroom, you can sleep in here if ya want instead of the pokeball." Chazz offered. "Flare likes to sleep downstairs but will sometimes lug his scaly self up the stairs and curl up by my bed. So no one is really using this room."
Merin nods and purrs softly following him and looking around. the room was certainly more comfortable than the cave he used to live in. having only had a hard floor and a small spring in it for him to bathe and drink from. He was cautious by nature, knowing he was rare and desired by alot of people and trainers, he was somewhat comforted by the fact that Chazz was being nice to him. He slowly wanders over to the bed and went to sit on it but stopped before he did, looking at the clean sheets then his dirty fur.

"Th..Thankyou... it is a bit... odd to be inside one of those balls" he said his tail giving a slow wag "Its more than i deserve... i've spent most of my life in my small cave not far from where you found me...Is there...umm.. A river or stream near by i can bathe in? Id like to get my fur clean... Please?"
Available for conversation, pm me.
"You're welcome, you're unique creatures and deserve to be treated well. Just like people, do." Chazz said. "There is a stream in the backyard a bit, though you can use the bath tub if ya want. I can show you how to use it."

Gesturing for Merin to follow, he led em back to the bathroom and over to the tub. It was white with two knobs one for cold water, the other for hot and a faucet. Pointing the one on the left, he glanced back at Merin.

"This one if for the hot water, and the other is for the cold." Chazz explained. "You just turn the knobs to the left and the water comes out. You can change the temperature of the water with both knobs, having one turned more than the other. So that way you never get too hot or too cold water. Of course, you can use the stream outside too if you prefer that."

(I'll be doing dishes so I'll be a bit slow but I shall still reply. ^^)
Merin tilts his head curious and followed, watching his explanation. The tub was large, big enough for the Charizard downstairs to fit in if needed. He nods and leans over to turn on one of the taps, jumping a little as hot water started poring out. he gave a giggle and watched as the tub started to fill, he started the cold water and watched as the tub filled.

"I...I've never washed in a hotspring" he admits turning to look at Chazz "Or a... Bath Tub did you call it?" he blushed and looked back to the water seeing it was filling fast he turned the water off when it was about half full.

"So i just... get in?" he asked rhetorically and dipped his finger into the water, gasping a bit and pulled his finger back and gave a soft purr at the warm water he slowly stepped into the tub then sat down, his purr only getting louder as he does. "feels good..."

(Is ok, take your time)
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Chazz gave a light chuckle at Merin figuring out how to work it and their reactions to it. It was nice to see the legendary willing to try something new. It showed that they had some form of curiosity.

"Bath tub is right. A hot spring is much hotter from what I experienced." Chazz said, recalling the first time he was in a hot spring, it felt really nice. "Yep, climb on in. But becareful, the bottom can be a bit slippery."

When Merin was in it, Chazz was glad they seemed to enjoy it. What else could the purring mean? Their words confirmed it at least.

"I'm glad you like it. Also, you can use the soap to help clean yourself with, you'll smell like it once your done though." Chazz said was he held the oval bar of white soap to the legendary.
He looks at the bar curiously and sniffed at it before taking it. he sniffed it again, it smelling of sweet fruits and some flowers which peeked his curiosity. he rolled it in his paw causing some suds to form and looked up to the human.
"Wh..What do i do with it?" he asked never having used soap "It smells good though" he looked up to Chazz curious for an answer. he hoped his bombardment of questions wasn't starting to annoy his new owner and hoped that he was understanding enough to know that, he had been feral all his life, so these new luxuries were oddities to him.
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"You rub it against your fur while holding it." Chazz answered. "Just rub it against your fur in the areas you know are dirty, let the little bubbles form and once you think you've scrubbed enough, just rinse that area off with water. And you'll be clean as well as smelling like the soap."

Hopefully he could help Merin out and help em get used to this kind of a life. It wasn't annoying, his sister once had a pokemon like that. Questioning everything, while she lost patience, he kept his. Rather odd but oh well. Speaking of pokemon, he wondered if he should bring a few more of his team back. He did miss having more pokemon about and oddly enough he figured it could help Merin settle in easier. Though...who to pick...

"I'll let ya have some privacy, so I'll be downstairs. Here's a towel to dry yourself off with when you're done." Chazz added as he set the soft fabric down on a stool before heading out of the room.
(Done with dishes. )
Merin nodded listening and his eyes widened as he looked at the bar. he gave a happy purr and his tail wagged as he watched Chazz go.

"O...Ok... Ill see you down there" he called out then started to scrub at his fur experimentally, his eyes going wide when he could see his white fur was cleaner than it had ever been before, and began to clean his whole body. he had never expected his fur to be so bright and vibrant as this, thinking the dull look it usually had when he cleaned himself was normal.

"I guess I'm done" he thought to himself then rived under the water and shook himself clearing it all from himself. he slowly got out of the cub, wiping his fur down to get some of the excess water free. he grabbed the towel and dried himself off, scrubbing himself with the towel and returned it to the hanger before he headed downstairs.
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Chazz had been searching through his PC, thankfully his parents had one in the house that he could log into and search the boxes. It was odd but he just now realized how little he actually caught. He could recall trying to catch many pokemon but it not always working out. Taking his pikachu out of the box, the female electric rodent sat on his lap. Giving a kind smile, he pet her head before he began to search again. Though her ears twitched and seeing the legendary, her little mouth dropped open and she went over to him.

"You're a mewtwo? That's awesome! When did you get here?" she questioned, causing Chazz to get up and pick her up.

"Sorry about that, this is Heart and she gets a bit excited when she meets new faces." Chazz said.

Maybe he should've chosen a more calmer pokemon?
He flinches a little when he was spotted but tried to remain calm. Just looking at the Pikachu he could see that it was alot stronger than him even if it was smaller. he wasn't surprised that she was bubbly and excitable, it being typical behaviour for her species.

"I...Its ok.." he said slowly "I..I've only been here a little while. Mas....Chazz found me in the wilds after id fallen off a cliff" he walked forward slowly and cautiously, reaching out to gently pet Heart.
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"That sounds terrible! The falling part I mean. You'll like Chazz, he's really nice." Heart said.

She was happy getting attention so the petting was well welcomed. Chazz gave a smile as he held the electric rodent. Well he really should get started on something for everyone to eat.

"So you guys hungry?" Chazz asked.

"Yes!" Heart said as her ears perked, Flare merely nodded.

"Alright, since we have a new member, Merin do you have any ideas on what Dinner should be?"

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