My alien baby (open for one)

Jace(Jay for short) meets a guy and they start dating. They have been dating for about 2 years when Jace starts to get symptoms of pregnancy, which makes no sense to him as he is male. His partner then admits he's actually an alien but didn't realise that e could get Jace pregnant.

Name: Jace(Jay) Holden
Age: 22
Appearance: Average height, short dark brown hair, green eyes, tanned skin and a pretty slim build.
Backstory: He grew up in the city and knew he was gay from a very young age. His parents weren't very accepting so he cut off most contact with them when he moved out. He had never been in a serious relationship before this one and doesn't plan on leaving who he believes is his soulmate any time soon

1) Use full sentences and try to make it so I can reply with detail
2) If you want to have a baby we can do that once I have had one, I don't mind being a companion in birth
3) Have fun

Age: (Write in brackets actual age of alien and outside brackets their human age)

I don't mind starting when they first meet and building up the relationship, or starting when Jace begins to get symptoms ? Please let me know if you have any questions or ideas.

(May I?)

Yep, so where would you like to start? When they first meet or after a few years when Jace falls pregnant?

(Few years sounds good.)

Jace hummed as he moved around the apartment cleaning happily. He had woken this morning feeling so ill that he couldn't go to work but after vomiting a couple of times and eating a whole jar of pickles, which was very unlike him, he felt so much better. He heard the oven go off and pulled out the chicken he had cooked for dinner. He put a plate out for himself and one out for his boyfriend before bringing them over to the couch knowing his boyfriend would be in any minute from work. He flipped through some channels casually trying to decide what to watch

Name: Kage
Age: (150) 23
Appearance: Tall, spiky black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, muscular build,
Backstory: An alien called an Apex, Kage came from his homeworld to study humanity, in particular humans. Apex resemble humans in appearance but they are incredibly strong and live for over 900 years. Apex are natural warriors as they train from a young age. Kage was selected to be a scout for the Apex Empire and to research human relationships with one another.

Kage entered his apartment, smelling the chicken that Jace had made. It was a few years since Kage came to Earth and since he met Jace. He fell for Jace the moment he laid eyes on the young man and without much worry, they started to date. Now however, Jace has been feeling sick. Kage hoped Jace wasn't sick from anything serious.

Jace smiled brightly over at him "Hi there baby" he said happily and scooted over on the couch to make room for him. He held out Kage's plate for him and smiled lovingly at him. He didn't understand how he got so lucky. "What would you like to watch tonight? We have reality tv or a rom com" he grinned widely at him before curling into his side.

"You choose. You watch more tv than me." Kage said as he sat down. Kage never really liked rom coms but he knew Jace loved them. He laid back before wrapping an arm around Jace and eating some chicken with the other.

Jace bit his lips as a slight blush covered his cheeks as he chose the rim com, he knew that Kage wasn't as interested in them as he was but Jace secretly loved them, especially since he had gotten in a relationship himself. He started watching happily and took a bite of his chicken before making a face and spitting it back out "Don't eat any more chicken, it's off or something, it tastes metallic"

Kage looked at Jace before tasting the chicken himself. "It tastes fine to me. Maybe it was just that piece." He suggested as he looked to Jace.

Jace frowned a little and picked a little chicken off Kage's plate before making a face "Yours tastes funny too" he said confusion evident in his voice. He got up and went to the kitchen grabbing the things he had cooked the chicken in "Nothing is out of date or anything..." he said confused

"Maybe you are feeling a little sick? Why don't you go get some rest while I make you something?" Kage suggested, showing a calm face while secretly wondering what was wrong with Jace.

Jace looked at Kate confused "But being sick doesn't change the taste of food..." he said before reluctantly heading to their bedroom anyway. He curled up under the blankets and started to doze off to sleep

Kage came to Jace's side, watching Jace go to sleep before going to the closet. He reached in and grabbed a small scanner. He went to Jace's side and pressed a few buttons on the device. "A full body scan should see what's wrong with Jace. Hopefully, I can treat it without him knowing." He said to himself quietly as he let the scanner do its work. After it was finished, the scanner displayed Jace's body, showing off everything from his heart rate to his blood pressure. The scanner displayed an abnormality in Jace's body.

"Interesting." Kage said before he turned off and put away the scanner.

Jace woke a couple of hours later rubbing at his eyes groggily. He sat up and whimpered as his stomach did a small flip fearing he was going to be sick but sighed in relief as it went away. He hopped out of bed and went out looking for Kage "Babe?" He called out walking around the apartment rubbing his tender stomach as he did.

Kage was in the kitchen making some tea for Jace. "Right here Jace. I'm making some that I think will help with your stomach problems." He said as he poured a cup for the young man.

Have went and sat on one of the kitchen stools and smiled gently at Kate. "Thank you" he said taking the tea gently and sipping at it lightly humming happily "This tea is so good, what did you put in it?" He smiled as he felt his stomach settle a bit

"Just a little honey. Nothing special." Kage said happily as Jace drank the tea. What Jace didn't realize was that Kage had secretly drugged the tea so he could study Jace more. Jace started to feel very sleepy, like he was about to go asleep where he stood.

Jace yawned rubbing at his eyes lightly "Hmmm, tastes so good but now I'm so sleepy again" he laughed tiredly and stood stumbling a little to the bedroom due to the exhaustion. He collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep quickly, a soft snore starting up.

Kage quickly grabbed Jace and carried him to the car. After he placed Jace in the car, Kage drove off to the nearest forest. There he went off the beaten path and found a small clearing. At first nothing was there, but Kage pulled out a small remote from his pocket and pressed a button, revealing a ship of Apex design. The hangar doors opened and Kage drove in before the ship turned invisible again. Kage got out of the car and took Jace to the medical bay of the ship, intent on learning more about Jace's predicament. "Computer run an analysis on Jace." He said.

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