new RP idea

Lucas pushes again trying to focus on just getting the baby out

As his egg exited with another 'plop' Adrian rubbed his hard belly, then scooted closer to Lucas' side. "" He breathed.

'Please, it wont come"

Adrian nodded his head, and scooted down in between Lucas' legs. Once there, he did see a head bulging out, clearly stuck. Trying not to worry his friend, he extended one hand to rub the young man's rock hard belly, as the other one reached for the head itself. "Okay, next contraction I want you to push as hard as you can manage, and I'm going to try and help you pull it out...okay?"

"o-ok" Lucas readies himself and on the next contraction pushes as hard as he possibly can. Crying out in agonizing pain as he does

As Lucas pushed, Adrian pulled at the head as carefully as he could manage, apologizing to Lucas all the while. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I know it hurts!" He tried to calm the other man down. "You're almost there though, it's crowning now! Once it does, you can take a break!" He continued to try and rub Lucas' swollen belly as he helped him try to get the baby out of his body, doing the best he could to ignore his own contractions in the process.

Lucas gives another big push and the head pops out. He feels instant relief but knows the hard work isn't over yet

Adrian smiled at seeing Lucas' look of relief. "You're doing great!" He continued to encourage his friend. "Now you just have to get the shoulders, and the rest will hopefully just slide out." After saying this though, Adrian winced. He could already feel his body preparing for the next birth, and he was almost positive it wasn't an egg this time.

"Adrian go have your next one I will be fine" Bares down and pushes again, getting the shoulders free

Adrian simply nodded his head, and went to lean back against the nearest wall. Unable to say too much, he bore down and began pushing out the child. Unfortunately it wasn't moving too much, and he started to feel uncomfortable, so he moved around until he was crouched on all fours and resumed his pushing. "I...hope...this doesn't...last...much longer!" he managed to grunt out, as the baby's head started to crown.

Lucas frees the baby from his body and goes to help Adrian "you are doing great Adrian keep going"

Adrian began to huff and puff with exhaustion. "So...tired..." He managed to speak softly as he attempted to focus his efforts. At seeing Lucas, he turned his attention back to the young man. "You...okay?"

"Adrian don't worry about us, get your baby out ok? Come on the head is right there" Sees the babies head bulging out

Adrian groaned and strained as best as he could manage. He could feel the baby's head bulging out, and he bore down as much as he could physically manage without hurting himself. Once the head finally managed to crown, releasing some of the pressure he was feeling, Adrian let out a weak laugh. "Between you and me..." He began. "I think I prefer the eggs." He then gasped, and began to try and push the shoulders out.

"I wouldn't know about that. At least not yet" laughs "come on Adrian you are doing so good push the shoulder out!" Lucas gasps as he feels another contraction but tries to hide the pain

Letting out a loud, almost primal sounding scream, Adrian pushed as hard as he could still physically manage. After several more good pushes, the shoulders followed by the rest of the child quickly came sliding out. This allowed a small break for Adrian, and he hoped that he was nearly finished. His belly's size had deflated slightly, but he could still feel at least one more egg or baby inside when he touched it. At hearing Lucas gasp, his attention turned to his friend. "Next one ready?" He asked.

"yeah and I think its an egg it feels different" He breaths out moaning with another contraction

Adrian felt relieved at Lucas' statement. "Well, that's good. I mean...they still hurt, but for me it felt...I don't know, easier somehow." Looking at Lucas, he seemed happy that he could finally give his friend some useful information. "I found squatting really helped if you want to give that a try."

"yeah squatting sounds good" Adrian helps Lucas get into a deep squat and Lucas wastes no time starting to push the egg out

Adrian felt a look of relief wash over his face, as Lucas' egg made some good progress. "You're doing awesome!" He encouraged his friend.

(Unfortunately, I have to go again for the night. However, this is still quite fun, and I'm sure I'll be back at some point tomorrow! Goodnight!)

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