Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed)
"Out of the way Mysteria" Chance said flatly and with a roll of her eyes. She had practically camped herself infront of Chazz's bedroom door knowing Merin was on the other side and would need to come out some time.
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Mysteria huffed out a few more steams of smoke before she stormed off. She had to check on her kits anyway.

"Come on Eric, it won't be that bad." Chazz said.

"Just leave me be, please." Eric replied as he pulled his lab coat on; good thing he always packed more than one.

"Eric....ya gotta..."

"Chazz... you're pushing it. Please leave, now!"

A sigh left Chazz but he gave a nod and did as the scientist requested.
Chance checked over merin, having ro practically make the room pitch black before she could inspect his eyes then put the blindfold back on him. It didnt take long at all before Chazz returned to check in.
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"How's it going? Chazz asked.

IT was rather dark but he didn't say anything about it. Poor Merin couldn't deal with the light anymore it seemed.
She gave a soft sigh "going well all things considered" she says softly "His scales are as tough as Chrome Digizoid, you know thats one of the toughest substances around... his eyes are hyper sensitive to light, and his abilities have increased nearly twenty fold, however the blindfold seems to subdue most of ot" she turned to look at chazz.

"Hes in a bit of pain, amd is worried about something but wont tell me, maybe youll have better luck?" She walked to the door and smiled back at them giving a light bow before leaving
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Chazz nodded and took a seat.

"Merin? What's wrong?" Chazz asked. "Besides the light, what is it?"
He sighs "i just..." he whimpers softly "i dont feel right" he says softly and 'looks' to chazz.

"Am i dangerous now?" He asks softly "i have so much power in me... and i own two dangerous mon, the blackwargreymon and Marx... and to top it all off... i think..." he whimpers and looks to Chazz

"I think that the... event...triggured me to go jnto heat early..."
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"You'll get the hang of it. DOn't worry." Chazz said, though the man sighed. "Oh boy...."
Merin reached out and pulled Chazz into a tight hug "i dont want to be pregnant again... not yet... i...i wanted to finish the gyms we were doing..."
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"Then we'll just wait it out. Heat comes an goes, so long as you don't have anyone try to...please you there." Chazz said as he gave a hug back though he soon stood up. "Sure it'll be tricky but we can manage. You can do your journey again when this heat ends, without giving into you desire. Okay?"

(Totally gonna fail eh?)
He whimpers and nods "im..ill go lock myself in my room" he says softly and stands up "n...noone but you, chance and ever are to come in ok?" He gives him another hug before heading off.

(Hehe, ip to you who he fails with XD)
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(I'll be evil an make it Eric. Torture!! lol)

"Okay." Chazz said. "Straight there, nothing else."

Eric slinked out of his room. His coat wrapped around himself and the poor man just trying to hide his stomach; which was now slightly bigger than a basketball. Giving a sigh, he felt his stomach grumble with hunger. Though he soon bumped into something and staggered back.

"Sorry." Eric apologized. "Woa.....what happened to you merin?"
Merin blinks and shudders a little at the contact.

"Gah i...ah... i think wh...when you... you know... i got some of it" he says trying to imply to Erics condition "th...then with...blackwargreymon i... i must have" he gives a whimper and quickly rushes to his room.

"Igottago!" He says rushing to his room. The next few weeks would be hard
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A brow was raised to Merin's incohernt speach, though Eric left em go. The following day, the man knocked on their door. Holding a plate in there hands. It held some poffins an honestly, they wer ehorrible. Sure they were sweet but still! He didn't like the taste and rather than waste em, he figured he might as well offer em to someone.

"You in there Merin?" Eric asked.
"W...what is it?" He called back although psychicly instead of with his voice as tight now it would be nothing more than a needy moan
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"I brought some food for ya, you've been in there the whole day almost." Eric said. "I'm sure you like these poffin...thigns but...I can't really stomach em that well. They don't taste too great. I can just put them down somewhere in there for ya if ya like."
The lock clicks "leave them on my table" he says letting him in
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Entering the room, Eric glanced at Merin as he closed the door.

"You okay?" Eric asked as he set the plate down, he could feel the young in his stomach shift about.
Merin nods slowly " maybe... can...can you come closer?" He asks softly. The room was heavy in pheromones
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"O...kay..." Eric said.

Course he did as merin asked. Course he wasn't expecting what happened next.

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