The Chosen (story rp, open.)
The Devil Rex roared loudly as it smacked Koji with its tail. It managed to break the barrier and roared angrily. Ryne growled in anger as he used his staff. His staff started to glow brightly. "ENOUGH!!" He yelled as he blasted the Devil Rex. The Rex stopped its attack but stared angrily at Ryne before it turned around and walked away. Ryne kneeled down, leaning on his staff as best as he could.
Koji yelped loudly in pain as he was struck again by the Devil Rex. His whole body hurt badly as he fought to get to his feet again to check on Ryne. "Ryne, Jeremy are you both alright?. What about the baby?". He panted and touched Ryne's belly gently and stroked it. "See little one, I promised I wouldn't allow anything to happen to you or your mother". He smiled weakly as his body shook in pain and caused him to collapse to his knees.
"The baby is fine. But that attack merely gave that monster a warning. And right now, my belly feels like a thousand pounds." Ryne explained as he rested on his knees.
"Good, I will give you a massage to help you". He panted and started to massage Ryne's belly with what little strength he had at the moment. Every movement he performed hurt his sore body worst. He pushed it away in favor of helping Ryne and calming with the baby down. He felt like he was going to pass out from his injuries any moment. As he massaged Ryne's belly he whispered a story to the baby to entertain him or her.
"Let's go Koji. You need rest, same as me. That attack drained a lot of my magic and stamina. Let's find somewhere we can all be safe." Ryne suggested.
Koji nodded and got to his feet. He felt so tired and sore all over. But he refused to allow himself to rest until he found a safe haven for the group to use. He was glad the baby was calmed down. He fought the urge to flinch in pain from every step. A lesser man would have been killed from being struck by a Devil Rex's tail. He sniffed the air and allowed the few remaining spirits to lead the group to a safe haven.
Aster began to repair the damage around the forest brought on from both ends before turning back around. After that whole incident with the Rex and Koji apparently needing to tap into some hidden magic to try and fend it off only for Ryne to intervene with his own magic and ward the beast off, he simply had not much else to do at the moment other than to pick up what was his and trail back off into the distance.
"Aster. Can you help us? By this rate, we'll collapse before we find a place to rest." Ryne asked as he held onto his staff.
Koji panted and held Ryne up with his reserved strength as the spirits he summoned searching out a safe area for them. Along with giving Koji the strength to continue to stand up straight and actually move around without passing out.
Aster glanced at Ryne before nodding. He pulled out the flask he carried before that he presented as a gift to Ryne.

"Drink from this and you'll have some spirits restored." He brought the tin silver bottle over, bright but clear and cold liquids residing inside. "One swig usually fills you. It should give you enough energy at least to get you both around to a safer location." Nowhere in a forest was entirely too safe however. One moment or the next, they would find themselves in another's territory. He slowly trailed behind everyone to make sure they were not staggering behind too much. Ryne's spell merely warded the beast away. It could easily return.
Ryne took the flask and gave it to Koji. "Here. You need this more. You're injuried, I'm just tired." He stated as he offered it.
Koji looked at the flask and then at Aster for a moment. Before deciding to trust the elf's offer. He sipped the contents of the flask for a moment and started to feel stronger. The spirits of the forest summoned a light rain that healed Koji's injuries a bit and hid their scent from any other monsters. Koji looked at them and gave them a weak smile. "Thank you, great earth spirit for everything". He bowed his head to the spirits as they kept surrounded around the group as balls of light providing protection. They found a large empty cave for the group to rest in before vanishing after escorting them. Koji laid against the wall and closed his eyes. "Thanks...". He told Aster before passing out from his injuries to gain his strength back.
Ryne got on his hands and knees and rid himself of his cloak. "My belly feels so heavy. Any longer and I think it might've fallen off." He exclaimed.
Koji looked at the group though hooded eyes after he handed the flask to Ryne to take a sip. He panted softly as the spirits returned to the earth knowing Koji and the group were safe for now. Koji's body had the ability to heal itself quickly. But he would need to sleep for a while to regain his strength. Using the spell and fighting the Devil Rex took a lot of his energy. He was glad to pass out covered up with his torn cloak as a blanket.
(12-05-2014, 08:19 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote: Koji looked at the group though hooded eyes after he handed the flask to Ryne to take a sip. He panted softly as the spirits returned to the earth knowing Koji and the group were safe for now. Koji's body had the ability to heal itself quickly. But he would need to sleep for a while to regain his strength. Using the spell and fighting the Devil Rex took a lot of his energy. He was glad to pass out covered up with his torn cloak as a blanket.

"hi" Jeremy said, shyly. "Are you awake? I would like to say "thank you" for saving my life. I've never met anyone who cared so much about me to do something like that. I have an eternal debt to you now."
Koji stirred a bit and flicked his ear showing Jeremy he could still hear him even though he was asleep. He smiled faintly as he heard Jeremy's voice and grabbed him into a hug in his sleep. He nuzzled him gently and used him as a teddy bear without thinking of it. He always had a strange habit of cuddling with the nearest warm body in his sleep.
(12-06-2014, 04:40 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote: Koji stirred a bit and flicked his ear showing Jeremy he could still hear him even though he was asleep. He smiled faintly as he heard Jeremy's voice and grabbed him into a hug in his sleep. He nuzzled him gently and used him as a teddy bear without thinking of it. He always had a strange habit of cuddling with the nearest warm body in his sleep.

"woa" Jeremy whispered, frightened by the rapid and unexpected movement that Koji made. * Oh, gods * he thought * What do I do now? If he wakes up and see me on his side, he will think that I lay on his side on purpose and will hate me forever. And I can not wake him up now, he looks so tired. * Trying to stay calm, Jeremy did the only thing he could think of. He closed his eyes and began to sing a sweet melody to Koji, the same melody he sang before. The idea was that koji listen to music and wake up groggily, so Jeremy could get out without disturbing him.

"Though i'm far away, across the sea
This moon keeps haunting me
as i spread my wings and soar above,
it's you, you're guiding me.
And the morning sun, still shines on me
I feel your power too"
Koji groaned and started to stir awake again. "You have a beautiful singing voice". He mumbled sleeply and nuzzled Jeremy. "You are also warm. Please don't go...". He whispered and held Jeremy closer to his body. Before falling back to a deeper sleep. It felt nice to hold someone in his sleep. It kept the nightmares from haunting him.
(12-06-2014, 04:57 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote: Koji groaned and started to stir awake again. "You have a beautiful singing voice". He mumbled sleeply and nuzzled Jeremy. "You are also warm. Please don't go...". He whispered and held Jeremy closer to his body. Before falling back to a deeper sleep. It felt nice to hold someone in his sleep. It kept the nightmares from haunting him.

Jeremy realized he could not get out of the tight embrace of Koji, then sighed and said. "All right, Koji. I'll sleep here tonight. But please don't be mad with me tomorrow. You are warm too" Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep in the arms of Koji
Koji smiled in his sleep nuzzled him. Before softly whispering in his sleep. "". Unsure if Jeremy heard him or not. He could sense the spirits that he summoned was working on repairing the damages done to the area and protect the group with a gentle rain outside.

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