The Discovery (open to all, nsfw)

(Ok I'm not going to wait another two weeks for a few replies.)

Ryu puts a blanket over the now sleeping humanoid. He tosses on his outfit as a request for his help at the medical bay shows up on his screen. He hurries there to see what's going on.

Made to wait due to the current medical staff all being busy. Rylan stumbles to a bed and lays down onto it with a groan, his back now hurting more and more as time goes on, not realising its from a growing weight in his stomach being pressed onto his damaged back. he suppresses a growl of pain and gives a soft hiss hoping someone will be able to help him soon.

Available for conversation, pm me.

Shiina woke up, missing the presence of these new people. He got up, holding the blanket close, and walked around, managing to find the medical bay. "What's going on?" He asked softly.

Ryu looks at Shiina as he goes into The room Rylan is in. "Oh your up? Well the medical bay is a bit crowded so they need my help a bit." He turns his attention to the albino "your Rylan right? What seems to be the problem?"

The feline gives a soft growl mixed with a hiss and whimper at his discomfort "Well... remember that shockwave that went through the ship? I was thrown into a wall..." he looks over at you giving another rumble of discomfort "And although i made it here fine... now I'm laying down, my back is hurting so much i can't move..."

Available for conversation, pm me.

Ryu blinks "well just sign this saying your ok with me useing magic in your care." He hands Rylan the waver.

He signs the form with a soft groan and then puts his hand on his stomach "My stomach feels odd as well.. thing you could check that as well?"

Available for conversation, pm me.

Ryu nods "certainly." He starts to mutter magic words to let him see the lions skeletal structure as well as his stomach regions. "Your bones are all ok. Nothing is broken or even cracked."

"What shockwave? What caused it?" Shiina asked, unaware that it was his orb that caused it.

Ryu " the orb that was found opened up. Inside was a new alien race." He moves the scan on to the lions stomach.

He nods and Gives a groan "i must have dislocated something..." he watches as the scan goes to his belly "i was studying the orb when it went off"

Available for conversation, pm me.

Ryu nods "I was by it as well. But no you didn't dislocate anything. What you have is two growing forms inside you. Some brusies on your back also but that's about it."

"You're pregnant? Congratulations! We should celebrate!" Shiina said happily.

He blinks "pregnant? Your pulling my tail right? Im a male" his eyes search the elfs face waiting for the 'got ya'

Available for conversation, pm me.

((Officially made it back to the house from graduation.))

Dïlan had awoken a few minutes later. The male groaned a bit, but he was aware at what happened and while he had found himself attracted to what occurred, he was now a bit repulsed. This invader: Who was it? What was it? He ran his body through the shower before getting dressed. He needed to take of of two more objectives: report to the labs on Earth again and then appropriately secure whatever this being was. He walked out the room with his regular weapons loaded, their bullets not enhanced through magic or bionics in case a certain situation were to occur again.

He stepped though various doors, the male informing some of the other guards and scientists about the situation. While their data did not state the being had slipped out, there were several reports about the person roaming around the ship before heading back to the med bay. His boots stepped through the door his green eyes have a rather cold glare. He had obviously come in to an interesting conversation as he heard the talks of pregnancies left and right.

"I'll get straight to the point" his voice cut through the others with a tone of authority as he was not otherwise pleased with what was done hours ago. Perhaps it was embarrassment or maybe a bit of shame, but in either case, he needed answers. "What exactly are you?" He was not present during the time the male announced himself as an Ecian, but Dïlan was about to get right to probing and interrogating. As a military run operation, he was simply a foreign object that needed investigation. Dïlan could be as relaxed as most on a easy day, but at the moment, a lot of strange incidences were occurring and he was going to investigate it fully.

Shiina looked to Dilan and pouted as he asked Shiina a question in his serious manner. "I'm Shiina. I'm an Ecian. Ecian's were powerful beings who existed since before humans, elves, and whatever else in the galaxy existed. To put it relatively, we were and still are the most advanced technological species in the galaxy. Though judging by your computers records, Ecian's don't exist." Shiina finished on a sad note.

Ryu sighs "captain while i understand that your the boss and all but could you kindly take this outside of this room? Rylan might of not wanted his current pregnancy with to be told to every one. As for being a male and being pregnut male elves do such all the time. It just takes a bit of magic. I don't know how your started though."

"Except this is all natural Ryu. Ecian's don't need magic or technology for this." Shiina explained as he rubbed his belly.

Ryu points to rylan "not for his kin. Your maybe but not the lion humanoid. Most albino's are sterol actully so this is very unique."

Dïlan glanced at Ryu.

"Everyone?" He looked around. He did not see the doctors inside the room. He did not see the nurses. Patients that were present were completely out cold from the medications they were on from the explosion. "Asides from just my advanced hearing, nobody has heard of this conversation though if this gets out of hand, how soon do you think everyone will remain silent about the matter?"

Dïlan had a few matters to handle and the privacy of the labs was the best place to put it among those that were steadily becoming aware of the matter. What better a place to ask now than later? He turned his attention back to Shiina. "Last night and even before, you displayed a strange source of energy. Do you know what it is you're producing?"

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