O Code Black [Open to everyone]

A train derails during late winter causing a horrific pile up on the nearby freeway

When the news came over the intercom everyone knew that thigs were bad but never did they imagine it being this bad. As the doctors, nurses and anyone else arrived on the scene of the train crash the only thing anyone could think is “How could anyone have survived this?” Each person was given a bag of medical supplies and three different color tags, Yellow, Red, and Black. Yellow indicated that the person needed treatment but wasn’t in danger of dying right away, Red meant that the patient was critical and could die within moments if not given medical attention. Black meant that the person was already deceased or was too far gone to be treated. There were multiple vehicles and train cars involved in the wreck and it was quite cold out, ice on the tracks causing the train to lose traction when going around a corner, the train going across the nearby freeway. There were also reports of a rather severe winter storm approaching, everyone hoping to get everyone out and to the hospital before it hit, the temperature continuing to steadily drop.

Looking for patients and nurses/doctors

# of babies:
How far along:

Name: Christian “Chris” Keller
Appearance: Tall 6’4 dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, muscular
Occupation: Nurse with full medical training
# of babies:
How far along:
Backstory: former soldier and med school student. Completed Medical School with high grades, in training to become a pediatric nurse.

Name: Gus Lloyd
Gender: Male
Appearance: Average height 5'9", shoulder length dark-brown hair, hazel eyes, chubby build
Occupation: Writer, blogger, stay-at-home parent
Pregnant: Yes
# of babies: 2 (big babies, at least 8 lbs. each)
How far along: 8 and half months
Injuries: Broken foot (right foot), severely sprained wrist (left hand), laceration on his forehead, and several cuts and bruises here and there.
Backstory: Professional writer and blogger for a food and restaurant website; married with 3 other kids.

After everyone arrives they begin searching through the wreckage for any sign of life.

Gus came to in his minivan, disoriented, dizzy, and feeling rather cramped. The cramped feeling wasn't because of his large pregnant belly. It was because the actual environment of the van had been compressed, like a soda can. Then the memories started flooding back into his rattled brain. The train derailing, train cars flying across the freeway, cars slamming on their brakes, and the last thing Gus saw was the back end of a Ford F-250. In fact he could still see the tail gate of the truck that smashed his windshield. He tried moving his legs, but a severe pain shot up through his leg. "Oww! Shit!", he exclaimed as he realized very quickly that something was broken down there...and his legs were pinned beneath the steering wheel column. The only thing that put his mind at some ease was the flurry of movement coming from his womb. He put his hands on his belly, also realizing there was some pain in his wrist, and rubbed it. "Ok babies, everything's fine...I hope."

The nurses and doctors begin looking through the wreckage, already they had to black tag a few people, them being either dead or too far gone to be helped. One of the male nurses eventually approaching the mini van, a faint voice reaching Gus's ears.

Gus inspected his enclosed environment, seeing that he was truly well and stuck. He saw the pickup truck smashed into the front of his van, a large sedan on its side was smashed against the passenger side, and a volkswagon beetle was blocking his door. Suddenly, he heard voices coming from outside. "Oh thank God! HEEELLLP! HEEELLLP! I'M STUCK! I'M IN HERE! PLEASE, CAN ANYONE HEAR ME!", Gus screamed as loud as his dry throat would allow him.

Hearing the strained cry for help the nurse works his way around the wreckage before finally making it to the small opening allowing him to see Gus's figure in the van, the driver side window busted out. He makes his way over to the van, the Volkswagen beetle not allowing him full access. "My names Chris, i'm going to see about getting you out of here alright?" Chris moves around to the backdoor of the van, the door was slightly crushed but it was the only way he was going to get into the van seeing as the other side was completely blocked.

(Would it be alright if I applied and jumped in? c: )

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


(02-04-2016, 10:25 PM)chrome Wrote:  (Would it be alright if I applied and jumped in? c: )


Name: Austin Young
Gender: Male
Appearance: 5'11" with blonde hair  and green eyes, slim build with some muscle
Occupation: Police Officer
Pregnant: --
# of babies: --
How far along: --
Injuries: Was in one of the vehicles involved in the wreck, was not on the train. Only a minor laceration to his forehead and bruising to his left shoulder.
Backstory: Jumped right into the police force after high school, had been on the force for five years now making him twenty-three. Has experience in emergencies and medical assistance. Was off duty an on his way home from work when he was involved in the pile-up.


It was screaming that brought Austin back to consciousness. A cry for help that immediately had him startled into an upright position, years of emergency training drilled into his body making it instinctual. Of course the actually movement brought a wave of nausea and dizziness that had him reaching to an area on his forehead. His fingers came back wet and red with blood from where his head had made contact with the steering wheel. Remembering the events previous, he recalled being unable to break fast enough to avoid a train car that had derailed onto the road causing the minivan behind him to slam him from behind and send him flying forward. It was from that minivan that the cries for help were coming from. Cutting out of his seat belt, thankful for the large F-250's protection from any real injuries, he was able to slip out the driver's side window that had busted open during the wreck.

There was already another person on the scene, a large guy that carried a medical bag with him. Austin could only assume he was a nurse. "I'm a police officer," he announced as he approached. "I can help." Assessing the situation, it seemed the man in the minivan had been hit on either side as well as his tail gate, pinning him in the vehicle.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Gus sees the two men through his window. "Oh thank God, thank you so much!", he practically cries in relief. He looks around his cramped environment. "I don't know how you're going to get me out though. Do you have the jaws of life?", he asked hopefully. The babies in his womb were very agitated at this point, kicking and punching up a storm. "Ow, oof! Will you two knock it off in there. The nice men are going to get us out." A pain slowly made its way through Gus's back. He took in a sharp breath and breathed out quietly, "Ow, ow, ow...crap did I sprain my back too?"

Chris sets his bag down before grabbing ahold of the door handle and giving it a pull. It moves only slightly but with another few tries he manages to open it enough so that he can squeeze into the van. He was careful where he stepped but eventually makes it behind the man's seat. He reaches around to put a hand on the guys shoulder "Why don't you tell me a little about yourself while we work on getting you out of here alright?" Chris hadn't yet seen the extent of Gus's injuries or the mans large swollen stomach.

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