PM Space

Why is there a limit on how much we can save in our inboxes?

It's to keep the forums from getting bogged down with data. If I can find a way to increase the inbox capacity I will, but not by much.
You can always download your messages via the menu above your inbox.

Well it even classifies sent messages in the supposed quota as the site calls it. and yes you can download them. that is fine. but after only messaging back and forth with one friend for 2 days my quota was full due to what was in my inbox and my sent messages and my trash....

You can empty your trash. You just have to actually go to your trash folder to do it.


If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here-->

yeah i learned that today... evil lying trash folder. lol

(03-09-2012, 07:22 AM)ElviraTepes Wrote:  yeah i learned that today... evil lying trash folder. lol

Don't forget to empty (Sent Items) also.

Why does it say i've used 100% of my PM space whe i'[ve just taken it down from 3 pages worth to 2 pages? I take it I wont be able to eciee pm's until i'm below 100%? :(

(03-25-2012, 05:39 PM)xHappyBumpx Wrote:  Why does it say i've used 100% of my PM space whe i'[ve just taken it down from 3 pages worth to 2 pages? I take it I wont be able to eciee pm's until i'm below 100%? :(

I moved your querie to the post originally addressing this issue. See above comments.

Sometimes, the world is cruel to shiny things...

How is it that with only 12 inbox messages and absoluely NO trash can messages or drafts i'm using 91% of my PM space?

I'm really confused...

(03-26-2012, 11:12 PM)xHappyBumpx Wrote:  How is it that with only 12 inbox messages and absoluely NO trash can messages or drafts i'm using 91% of my PM space?

I'm really confused...

Did you check your sent messages?


If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here-->

I wondered why I couldn't find it - I didn't know the thread "Whyz" addressed my issue - and with no-one telling me until after I re-posted my question did I find this.

@ Kicking - I checked my sent messages but they wont delete :S i'll try again tommorow, sometimes when my laptop overheats all kindsa weird stuff happens.

Thanks for letting me know though.

(03-26-2012, 11:18 PM)xHappyBumpx Wrote:  I wondered why I couldn't find it - I didn't know the thread "Whyz" addressed my issue - and with no-one telling me until after I re-posted my question did I find this.

Sorry about that. The mods are able to track down a user's posts by thread, and sometimes we forget that you guys might not be able to.

I renamed the thread so everyone knows what it's about. I hope this helps! Let me know if you are still having trouble with your inbox.


If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here-->

(03-26-2012, 11:18 PM)xHappyBumpx Wrote:  I checked my sent messages but they wont delete :S i'll try again tommorow, sometimes when my laptop overheats all kindsa weird stuff happens.

Thanks for letting me know though.

I'll keep playing around with it. If you are sending messages with attachments, that might be using up your space?

Or maybe it's the length of the PMs? *shrug*

Hopefully the site is just having a delay in deleting the messages and they will be gone soon.

When you send a message, at the bottom, it gives you the option of saving a copy. You can uncheck it, and you won't have a copy saved to your sent items.

It's times like these when I miss having a chatbox. Then we could figure out the problem while talking to each other in real time...


If you have an issue, I can help! PM me or email me here-->

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