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02-24-2013, 06:25 PM
To all following any of my threads, and those I talk to on here respectively [Kilix, and Mr.PregnantBoy612, I'm lookin at yall.], I just want to report that I'm still amongst the living and pregnant!
To all, as the subject line so asks,
"Don't you hate it when 'real life' gets in the way sometimes?"
Between work, school and my spots of depression, I haven't really been able to Mpreg or lurk and post on this sire for a month! Ugggghhh..
But I post this thread, to check in, and say that Visser5 is back
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Real life has definitely been kicking my ass lately, too! I haven't updated any of my writing at in over two weeks and I feel really bad -- My standard update time for a while was every three days!
Sometimes, the world is cruel to shiny things...
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Yeah I wish the real world would stop hassleing me.
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Yeah, real life can be a bitch at times. A lot of times, your fantasies/day dreams are sooo much better than real life and you wish your fantasy/daydream could become a reality (as we all do with mpreg and me with dragons). Fortunately, I haven't had any MAJOR real life interruptions...yet. But they can come at anytime so....I'm just going to hope that it doesn't happen.
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Yes, I do hate it when Real Life gets in the way. It has this annoying habit of sucking really badly sometimes.
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I was about to post a similar thread. Seems like I'm stuck in the same rut. Rhe only reason I'm on now (at 3:41 am est) is insomnia. It seems to be worse lately, more or less because it's that time of year form me again. The Ides of March mean little to anyone save for myself and Ceasar.
Sugar Kitten =^_^=
Totally! I am free to be pregnant around the house, but I kinda get a bit sad when I have to go to work and I'm not pregnant anymore, or I have to run errands to the shops etc.
Thankfully Amazon monthly subscriptions to the rescue! Here is to living like a hermit! Both myself and my Mistress are not very outwardly sociable simply because we tend to be so open and most regular people in our street have very narrow views or spend all their free time binge drinking and watching football, going to pubs ugh.. its kinda my nightmare.
I follow the rules of pregnancy even when I'm in RL though, no smoking, no drinking, limited caffine and plenty of water and fresh fruit and vegetables!
I'm glad you are back with us Visser5
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dude im glad ur back and hey it happens man just dont over do it and enjoy life abit
i love my preggo belly. dont u? lol
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It is a drag when reality intrudes, though it is probably for the best my fantasies stay fantasies, they would make my life far too interesting.
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Real life can be a bit of a bummer, but I use it to the best of my ability when it comes to fantasies, and that YMSB fic that I posted (Yonder Mountain String Band being what YMSB stands for), I put the band members in the roles that their costumes show, but made it so that the mad scientist is not so... erm... mad (as I know they like to do most of the time). Only thing that really annoys me is the fact that I'm not a male robot and that I have to see the dr tomorrow for one of those examinations (the joys of being a woman)
Valar Morghulis - All Men Must Die.
For those who want more mpreg stories from me, visit which is my new page and will be dedicated to mpreg (page currently inactive due to loss of inspiration).
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Real life has dished me a pretty poor hand over the last five weeks or so. It's mainly down to a few particular issues at work that I'd rather not discuss in great detail. Lets just say the end of February and the first half of March was a very busy period. Of course, lots of rushing around meant inevitable mistakes have been made here and there. The amount of queries that have been coming in or cropping up at the moment are ridiculous... As someone who has suffered from quite a lot of anxiety related stress (and minor depression) over the last four years or so mainly triggered by an unexpected redundancy in mid 2010, I've not really felt too brilliant for around two, maybe three weeks now. If I get five hours of sleep per night at the moment, I'm doing well...
The trouble is that when I get in one of these more anxious periods, they tend to last for months before subsiding and generally, I'm not in the mood to do more or less anything. Yes, I have seen doctors several times over this problem but it doesn't really help. Something else I find that crops up over these periods is that during the working week, every minute feels like two or three. As soon as I'm at home over the evening or at weekends, time goes by so quickly that I'm not surprised smoke doesn't pour from the whizzing clock hands. For instance, I feel as though I looked at the clock an hour ago and swore blind it was 2:30pm. I've glanced across again just now, it's almost dark outside and it's 8:10pm... Another example of this ridiculously fast moving time is that yesterday was my birthday where I booked a day off work. I didn't even have a lie in. I got up in the morning to open the few cards I had. Before I knew it I had to go out with the parents for lunch and it was gone 4pm when I got back. Huh?! :huh: Also, today is the first time in two days I've managed to get the chance to come online at home...
Believe me, my fantasies are considerably better than real life and certainly than my real life over the last month or so. I thoroughly enjoy writing pregnancy-based fantasy stories in my spare time (two of which I've not long posted up in the Fpreg Library section - the other two will probably follow). I managed to find the time to get four typed up and posted on another forum between July last year and this February (most of the material on the latest February one was actually done in December...). So technically four months on after my last story, I've barely done a third of a story (Mpreg this time) on another one... A combination of a lack of time and with me being in my current mood means I have little in the way of drive or good ideas coming through at the moment.
I used to enjoy some minor pregnant roleplaying in my late teens when I used to have a few hours every weekend of having a house to myself. Needless to say, it's been a fair few years since I've been left entirely alone for that amount of time...!
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We cannot get away from reality and that is the sad truth but we will have eachother here, whenever possible to meet and release our tension :)