Is There Somewhere || A/B/O || Open To Everyone || NSFW
So because I'm slacking on my story I've decided to go ahead and turn this plot bunny into a roleplay for anyone who's interested. Hopefully this will help out with my inspiration and get the story going again, perhaps if the roleplay goes well some of the characters here may have a cameo in the story even!
All characters in this roleplay will be living in the same apartment complex, which will be a different building than the setting in the story but in the same gated community.

Set in a modern alternate reality with supernatural creatures and the second genders; alpha, beta, and omega.
For many years now the population has been in a steady decline and recently it has hit a dangerous low. In response to this crisis the government has enforced new rules and regulations for their people, more specifically regarding alphas and omegas. Contraceptives and suppressants have been banned; though desperate citizens can find questionable resources sold for a high price from dealers in a type of black market.
In addition to trying to rid the country of contraceptives, the government made it mandatory for anyone presenting as an alpha or omega to be given a status card. Alphas and omegas are now also required to live in designated gated communities in an attempt to bring about more pairs and children. These gated communities are heavily protected by guards who restrict both entry and exits. Therefore any alpha or omega who has reason to leave has to be approved by certain officials before doing so. Within the communities are hospitals, schools, and universities; as well as many different shopping centers, limiting the reasons for leaving.
Here we will focus on one such gated community, Prine, in a city called Iricdence. These are the stories of a small group of alphas and omegas all tied together through both friendship and hardship.

-In your replies it'd be appreciated by everyone if you wrote more than just one sentence, please & thank you.
-As is the rules of this forum your character must be over the age of 18.
-Your character can have any job as is per normal in a modern community, though remember that omega characters are discouraged to hold high positions.
-Betas within a community are rare and discouraged, usually only holding security guard positions.
-You can have more than one character if you'd like, but to limit the number of omegas you must have at least one alpha before creating two omegas.
-Omegas enter their 'heat' period once every month, however if they are around their 'destined pair' or 'life mate', whether they are bonded or not, their heat is affected by the person. Meaning the more they are around their mate the more likely they are to enter a heat sooner and more often than normal.
-Before deciding on your omega's destined pair/life mate make sure to message the player of the alpha so it is agreed by both people as that means they are meant to be bonded for life unless one passes away.
-A bond is created during intercourse, during which the alphas bites the omegas neck leaving a permanent mark.
-Omegas looking to protect themselves from an unwanted bonding may purchase a thick leather collar off the black market.
-The black market is also the only place one can buy contraceptives or suppressants. Though they are very expensive and can be faulty. (As explained above.)
-Two alphas may produce a child but two omegas generally cannot without fertility treatment help. It's not impossible, however.
-An alpha is capable of carrying a child, though the delivery of the child can be difficult as their hips are generally not as flexible as an omega's.
-If you have any other questions about A/B/O dynamics for this plot line feel free to send me a message!

Character Form
Name: (First & Last)
Species: (Supernatural species)
Age: (18+)
2nd Gender: (Alpha,Beta,Omega)
Major/Occupation: (Current job or current major in the university)
Children: (Can write none yet)
Fated Pair: (Can be edited later if none yet)
Additional Notes:
(Family if they are a character in the roleplay, such as brother or sister.
Collar if they have one. Tattoos/scars. Anything extra you want to add.)

Characters That May Appear In My Posts
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

My Characters

Name: Amadeus "Ace" Smith
Species: Fallen Angel
Age: Unknown (rumored to be over two thousand)
2nd Gender: Alpha
Major/Occupation: Language Professor
Children: N/A
Fated Pair: N/A
Additional Notes: A wealthy man, has the power and money to afford suppressants to keep himself under control around most omegas. Has a set of large wings that can be hidden away from the eyes of most humans and supernatural, only permanently visible to demons, angels, and other fallens.

Name: Crevan Murphy
Species: Kitsune
Age: 22
2nd Gender: Omega
Major/Occupation: English/Writing Major
Children: N/A
Fated Pair: N/A
Additional Notes: Was an immigrant in the country since he was sixteen, once he presented at eighteen he was separated from his beta parents and placed into the community. Can be a bit shy at first and distrusting as he cannot afford suppressants and is an unmated omega. Mostly keeps his species to himself as kitsunes are a rarity in this country and the number of kitsunes in the world is dangerously low.

~May add more later if needed.~
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

(I'm starting to RP so I'll be only one character)

Name: Suzukaze Inazuma
Species: sylph
Age: 21
2nd Gender: Omega
Major/Occupation: Undeclared. Tends towards nursing major
Children: No
Fated Pair: Not yet
Additional Notes:
The younger twin born between a Sylph and a Yakuza leader, Suzukaze was sent with his mother's family when his wings grew. After being presented as an Omega, he was placed into the sepparated community. Has a collar which hides from everybody with high-necked tops and scarfs. Identifies himself as demiboy. Keeps in contact with his father's family.
Medium-tall height (5'9''), short, black hair; grey eyes, athletic complexion. His wings resemble dragonflies'
(Feel free to reply to either character, I figured it'll give some options. Also don't feel as if you need to match my replies in length....sometimes I get carried away and write too much...yep definitly wrote too much. Sorry! Like I said, you don't have to match my replies. Just a few sentences or something is fine!)

The café was quiet, making it a good place to get in some work Crevan still had for his classes in the university. The café was a popular place during lunch and dinner times, but this early in the morning it was pleasently empty for the most part. The owners, an older alpha and omega couple, were behind the counter getting prepped for the upcoming day. Every once in a while the omega would approach Crevan and offer him another cup of coffee when his cup was near empty, which he accepted gratefully.

Crevan chewed on the end of his pencil lightly, staring out the window where he had clear view of the park in the center of the community. A few parents were already up with their young children, outside chatting away while their children played together and enjoyed the warm morning. It was slightly distracting and keeping him from finishing his work more quickly. On top of that, it didn't help that he'd been paying close attention to the calander and knew that his dreaded heat was just around the corner.

The sound of a cup clinking against the table startled him out of his own thoughts and Crevan jumped, looking up to meet the grey eyes of the omega owner.

"Sorry to startle you," he apologized, offering the red head a small smile. "Here's your coffee."

Crevan waved off the apology and nodded, "It's alright, thank you." He grabbed the mug and blew on the steaming liquid as the other omega walked off back behind the counter. Crevan's green eyes going back to the window, watching the other residents of the community go about the start of their day.

Despite how early it was in the morning, Ace was already in the lounge of the university. He relaxed against the sofa inside, feet propped up on the coffee table in front of him, appearing as if he owned the place with his lack of regard. What few other professors were already there were getting ready for their classes today. Every once in a while someone would come in to use the photocopier in the room he was in and he'd watch them from the corner of his eye as he flipped though tests he was grading until they left. He ran a hand through his dark silver hair while his dark eyes scanned the pages in front of him.

A younger student whom he didn't quite recognize peeked his head into the lounge and seemed to shrink against the gaze Ace turned on him. "Can I help you?" the Fallen asked, raising an eyebrow over the top of the papers.

"Ah, Mr. Smith," stammered the dark haired student, keeping outside the room at the uncomfortable atmosphere around the professor. "I just wanted to tell you Ziya won't be in class this week. I'm sure you can guess why..." his voice died away and he waited for a moment to see if the professor would answer. When he got no answer from Ace he disappeared back the way he came just as quickly as he appeared.

The Fallen sighed, letting his head fall back against the sofa. "Pity," he muttered to himself. "The rest of the students couldn't write a decent paragraph to save their lives."

A laugh came from behind his sofa, and he turned his head to see another professor standing behind him shaking his head. "You should be kinder to the students," Conor mentioned offhandedly, sipping coffee from a mug. "You'd have more students in your class, then you may find someone with talent. It's bad enough that the Dean would see you fired if he weren't so afraid of what you'd do to him afterwards."

Ace chuckled at the comment, nodding his head. "Job security," he commented with a wave of his head.
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

He couldn't say he was unhappy with his life. Still, since he was presented as an Omega everything changed. Gome were his childhood friends and family, it was a miracle that he could get information from his father's family, though they haven't been in good waters since he was sent to live with his mother's relatives. Still, his brother always found a way to keep in touch with him, and to help him in whatever he could. For exampke, the collar he always wore was from him, and he gave him ideas of how to hide your smell and don't smell the others. Suzukaze didn't like to everyone know he was an Omega, and couldn't understand if others didn't mind it. He felt vulnerable if others knew what he was.

That's why a clearly signal of his precence was the musky smell of his cologne, hiding his true smell, more like wool or fur. He was new in the university, being one of the lattest admitted, and Prine was completely new for him, bigger than his old community. To say: he was completely lost. He had yet to find his appartment, and the unicersity. He wished he could call a friend or anyone, but any of them knew about Prine, his new home.

And his knew prison.

He sighed, resignated to face his new present, he would find his hause eventually. It was early, and he didn't have any conferences until the evening. He could spare some time to take a walk and find any place to have a proper breakfast. And so he entered in a tiny cafe which window has a "helper wanted" advertisement. Well, if the place was not far away from his appartment then he had found a work.

"Good morning" he announced before sitting on the table next to the one with a customer. He began to look at the menu while someone came to attend him.
The sound of the café door opening brought Crevan's attention towards the noise, green eyes turning towards the young man entering the building. His brows drew together when he realized he did not recognize the newcomer. Having been in Prine since he was eighteen, he had come to recognize most of the residents within the community, even if he didn't speak with everyone. This man he didn't no recognize however, which meant he must be relatively new to the area. Crevan scented the area lightly, trying to pick up anything that would tell him more about the stranger, but the heavy scent of cologne burned his sensitive nose instead. He winced slightly, burying his face into the coffee so the smell of coffee could replace the cologne. It wasn't that it stank, but it was heavy in his strong fox-like sense of smell and he hadn't been expecting it.

Resting his cheek on his hand, Crevan watched the stranger out of the corner of his eye debating whether or not he should introduce himself. He could remember the first time he'd arrived in Prine and the experience wasn't all that pleasant. He'd been nervous, lost, and scared of anyone that had tried to come close. Of course things were better now, even if he couldn't afford any luxuries like a collar or suppressants, he found he could manage by avoiding alphas and spending the few days leading up to his heat relatively close to his apartment.

Crevan noticed the omega owner, Kevin, coming over to the newcomer, always smiling and in a pleasant mood. The owner's alpha mate, Will, generally stayed in the back. Even though mated alphas were not affected by omegas other than their mate, it was more out of respect, knowing some omegas in the community were still very cautious around his kind. Mated or not.

"Will makes pretty amazing French toast f you're hungry," Crevan finally spoke up, pointing at the menu the stranger was holding with the hand that held his coffee.

Kevin smiled with a light shrug and warm laugh. "It is one of the more popular items on the menu, though everything sells pretty well. Will's always been a very good cook."
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

Suzukaze took an exhaustive look of the place. Dark wooden walls decorated with some old photos in black and white and in colour. The chairs, which had wings supports, and tables were made of dark forged iron, giving an elegant touch to the place. It was certainly a lovely place, and he was sure his friends in the community would have loved it. His old place was in a very rural area and they were always complaining about not having a good place to sit and talk. How much he missed them.

He noticed the other client's flinch when he entered, and suppressed a smug smile for knowing that he tricked someone who was too sneaky for his own sake. He was sure that the red-haired man would only be the first of a long list, and he might get in some problems for his bad habit, but he couldn't help it.

Stop thinking about nosy people, he had more important things to do. For example, looking for his apartment. He opened his backpack and pulled a map out. After two minutes of unpackaging, he picked a pen and began to search where he was and where he wanted to go. An arduous task for anybody. Prine was enormous compared to his little town. He rubbed his temples, erasing any bad thought of his mind when the redhead talked, commenting something about French toasts. He forced a polite smile while saying: "I'm sure they might be delicious, but I'm vegetarian. Usually, I can't handle any animal product. Don't you have anything vegetarian?"

It's not like he had his hopes up, it was common that any restaurant he went have vegetarian breakfast, but he could give it a try, right? He tugged his scarf while giving the menu a look, looking for something he could eat. He didn't want anyone discovering his collar.
Crevan's eyebrows raised slightly as he did his best to suppress a chuckle, taking a sip of his coffee to keep himself quiet. He was a little surprised to hear that the stranger was a vegetarian, not hearing that around here. Many of the residents in Prine were fond of their meats, especially considering the majority of the supernatural population were werewolves or something closely related to animals. Of course then there was the small population of celestials of which didn't eat anything unless it was for show, but Crevan did his best to keep away from that kind of creature. They were too unpredictable and powerful for him to want anything to do with, not only that, they always had an attitude that they were 'holier than thou', which could get extremely irritating.

The redhead watched as Kevin tapped his pen against his bottom lip in thought. "I think we can make something work," he assured the dark haired man. "There's warm apple or banana bread you can have as a side and then some pancakes if you'd like? No eggs involved in the pancake process, and we can throw in some fresh blueberries if you'd like? If you don't want the pancakes, we can also make some home-fried potatoes with some peppers and onions? Sorry for the slim selections, you're our first vegetarian."

Crevan waited for the man to give his order, eyes running over the map that the man had been studying earlier, noticing that the apartment he'd marked was the same apartment building Crevan resided at himself. He could probably offer some assistance to the newcomer that looked a little overwhelmed at the size of the community, but he was still unsure if his help would be welcome. The newcomer reminded him of himself when he first arrived in Prine; weary, uncomfortable, and perhaps a little angry at his situation, and he probably wouldn't have accepted help from anyone at that point either.

Turning back to the university assignment in front of him, he began his own work again, offhandedly making a comment towards the stranger that he deemed safe enough. "What do you think about the apartments?" he commented without looking over to the table next to him. He offered a shrug in regards to his own comment. "I think they're decent, a little bigger than what I need."

His apartment was large; three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room, and living room. Certainly more than he needed living on his own, though he supposed that if the government and community had their way he wouldn't be living on his own for very long. The whole point in being placed into the community was to have him find a mate and do his part to increase the declining population. So the apartments were large enough for a decent sized family, and the rooms on the first few floors were larger than the rooms on the higher floors to encourage alphas and omegas to make large families. It almost made him shiver to think about, so he quickly pushed the thought out of his head.
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

Suzukaze looked at both men, embarrassed for something that didn’t even made sense. It wasn’t so weird to be vegetarian right? Or it might be because it caused him health problems? He didn’t like to show weakness in front of anyone, but experience had taught him to be always ready to explain his feeding habits. It seemed there wasn’t a lot of elemental creatures in Prine. Which only contributed in settling the alienating feeling in his heart. He wondered which creatures lived in that community.

Suzukaze repressed a sigh, disappointed of seeing that there were no people like him, at least in that part of the city. He managed to smile though, since the waiter made an effort to meet his needs. “The pancakes would be great, thank you very much. And I’ll have green tea, if it’s not a bother, please” he answered, withdrawing a bit on his seat. He had got too much attention for that day. Better to eat fast and search for his appartment.

Prine was overwhelming. How could people not get lost in there? It was simply too big for his taste, with too many people. Probably the vigilance was bigger there too. He wondered how would his brother communicate with him. It was so different from his little community, no more than sixty inhabitants, where everyone knew everyone. To be in such a big place was both scary and exciting, but he couldn't help the homesickness that invaded him when he thought about his community. He only wished he could go back there every now and then, though it would be hard.

His wings fluttered when he heard the customer talk. “Oh-hum… Yes, my apartment is a bit bigger than I thought, but I can always rent a room. Right?” he asked, unsure of his plans. He had heard that in the big cities the government was more implicated in the communities than in the rural ones, when it was easier to… go against the rules. He remembered when he and his friends bribed one of the guards in order to go to Mardi Gras. And how after an Alpha and Omega were married they could live in the town, though their residence was scripted in the community. The fact of being known and loved helped a lot in the country. “Prine is so big… I hope I won’t get lost so much”

He looked at the man, like if he was going to tell him a secret: “Hey… Are all the apartments that big? Do you know why they are like this?”
The omega owner gave the stranger a sympathetic smile and nodded as he wrote the order down on his pad. "It's not a problem," Kevin assured him. "I'll bring the tea over right away, the food will be just a few minutes." He then turned to Crevan and asked if he would like a refill on his coffee, of which Crevan nodded his head with a thank you.

Crevan leaned back against the chair and downed the remainder of the coffee in his mug before setting aside his assignment and turning towards the stranger, figuring it'd be more polite to speak to him somewhat face-to-face rather than off to the side. He was an interesting person, especially those wings of his. Crevan had never met someone like him, and there were a lot of different species within the large community of Prine. It seemed as if here they were both a rarity, which sparked an interest within the redhead. Perhaps they could grow to be friends, though he wouldn't get ahead of himself just yet, but it'd be nice to actually have someone he could feel comfortable around.

Kevin came around to deliver the newcomer's green tea and refill his coffee just as the other man spoke, causing Crevan to shake his head lightly and sip at the hot coffee in his mug. "As nice as that sounds they won't let that happen. The only way someone can move another resident into their apartment is if they're mates and bonded. So two alphas cannot room together and two omegas cannot room together. Kind of ridiculous but expected given the whole reason they constructed communities like Prine, though Prine is one of the largest in the country. Thankfully they don't make us pay very much for the apartments, they're insanely cheap because the government pays for the majority of them." He was quiet for a moment before adding; "And they do pay more attention to this community. The government I mean. So I really wouldn't suggest doing something against the rules, you could get in big trouble if you're caught. Like I said; Prine is big, and because it's so big, it's got a lot of security and police that are in the pocket of the government."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair, getting a little more aggravated the more he thought about it. It was an unfair situation, especially for omegas like himself, and it frustrated him that there was legally nothing he could do about it.

At the newcomer's next question, Crevan couldn't help the raise on an eyebrow, running his green gaze across the man next to him. "You really must be new to the community," he mentioned softly with a light sigh. "I don't know how your last community was but Prine has never been subtle about the meaning behind keeping us all here." He moved forward in his chair so that he was on the edge and slightly closer to the other, keeping his voice down. "I'm guessing since you're here alone that you're not mated, like me, though I don't know if you're alpha or omega but anyway it doesn't matter. That means you're probably on the twelfth floor or higher, which is some of the smallest apartments they have. Eleventh floor and lower the apartments are meant for bonded pairs and they're much bigger," he quickly added. "I mean huge, mainly because they've got so many bedrooms." He raised both eyebrows, hoping the other caught his meaning. "Of course the other rooms, like ours, have more than one bedroom because one doesn't necessarily need to be mated to get themselves a bouncing baby either."

Crevan waved his hand as if brushing away his own words. "Anyway," he started over. "I feel as if I've been completely rude this entire time. Striking up a conversation without introducing myself. Name's Crevan, but you can call me Van."
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

( Hopefully this is okay. I've needed a place to play this character for a while, and I need one more active RP to kill time with, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Let me know if there's anything I should change. I could probably also whip up an Alpha character if needed, though it's not my preference. )

Name: Calix Marinos
Species: Siren
Age: Twenty-four
2nd Gender: Omega
Major/Occupation: Academic Librarian, on his third year working in the university
Children: None
Fated Pair: None
Additional Notes: He rarely speaks; as a siren, his voice does tend to hold influence over other people, so he keeps it to himself, instead communicating with gestures or short notes unless he's sure his words can't be taken as a command. In addition, he sports a pair of black wings, one of which was injured when he was removed from his family and taken to Prine; after healing wrong, it now sits at an awkward angle. For this reason, they're usually kept hidden away, instead taking the form of tattoos on his back--even in this form, it's clearly visible where the wing was injured. ISFJ personality.
Face claim is borrowed from the amazing artist, Crimson-chains on Tumblr, here and here, at least until I can draw up my own.
you were born to be real; not to be perfect

{ Lights ON }
Actively searching for semi-lit M/M RPs.
(Absolutely fine! Welcome! Feel free to join in on the group in the café or if you'd like you can reply to my other post taking place in the university! It's totally fine,
you don't need to add any characters you're uncomfortable with. I believe he'll fit right in.~)
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

( Thank you! I was just thinking because of the current ratio of Omegas to Alphas that another Alpha might be needed, but I'll just work with Calix for now, and if we need another Alpha later, I really don't mind. )

* * *

The early bird gets the worm.

Or that was the old adage anyway, and Calix lived by it as ironically as possible. Yes, he was usually up at the crack of dawn. Yes, he was a siren, and yes sirens were technically descended from birds. Of course that made him an early bird, but unless the worm was a few hours of peace in the library with a cup of cocoa caramel sea salt tea before professors and students began to leak in and demand guidance to reference material, then he wasn't really interested. Selfless as he was, and as much as he loved being able to assist in the education process however he could, he still treasured those quiet moments. And the next time someone likened him to the early bird, he was probably going to explode.

That morning, he had managed to get in two cups of tea, curled with his knees to his chest and his wings tucked protectively around his body to keep himself warm before one of the professors came in looking for a reference book on secondary gender biology for a lecture he was writing up. After that, three or four students entered over the next half hour to use the computers, and at least one of them was browsing social media while two of them were standing at the printer, and the last was typing furiously, likely needing to finish a paper last minute for an early class. Calix sighed to himself, wishing for just a moment more of quiet tranquility before he had to fix the jam in the printer and then watch the two students squabble over who would get to make copies of their posters for some extracurricular activities first.

In a library this big, handling so many tasks on his own would be impossible, so on the one hand he was very appreciative of the second librarian. On the other, the man was always late, and Calix wondered if he wasn't punching in and then taking a nap in one of the store rooms so he could keep his job and still get paid. He strolled in with a yawn and watched Calix, watching the two students fighting over the photocopier. "Are you going to fix that?"

Calix's only reply was a soundless sigh and a wave of his hands. Of course he was going to fix it; he just needed to mentally prepare himself. When he intervened, it was with a soft hand on each of the students' shoulders and an even softer look between them. He took one of the students' pages, motioned for him to hold out his hand, and then wrote precise, even letters into it with the tip of his finger, "How many?"

"At least three hundred. I have to cover the whole campus." The student didn't look very impressed, especially when Calix's jaw dropped. Three hundred. Another breathy sigh left his lips and he shook his head, motioning for the student to wait there; he'd go up to the faculty lounge and make copies there. Later, he'd look into his request for a second photocopier in the the library--having only one was trying, even for someone with patience as strong as the siren's.

When he entered the lounge, he found that it was already occupied, and immediately felt terrible for running three hundred copies of a student's poster--which he probably shouldn't have been doing anyway--just to keep the noise level to a minimum in his library. Figuring it would be a while, he made himself up a cup of tea, holding it close to his chest as he sat on the edge of the sofa nearest the copier, and specifically to keep an arm's length away from Amadeus Smith. Not that he was afraid of him, but more because he could see that the professor was grading papers and wanted to be as polite as possible. Not to mention, he was just a little on the shier side, especially where a good-looking man was concerned.
you were born to be real; not to be perfect

{ Lights ON }
Actively searching for semi-lit M/M RPs.
“Thank you” he repeated. He was lucky to have found such a nice place where they could meet his needs easily. Especially since that city seemed more fond of meat products. Well, he will find his way to have a healthy diet. He took a loot at Crevan, noticing what seemed to be a university assignment. Maybe he was from the local university? He might ask later.

The owner brought him the tea, which smelled delicious. Still, it was a bit different from the one he used to drink. It didn’t matter at all. He noticed the interest of his wings, fluttering them slightly. He was a bit shy of showing them, as showing anything in general, but he couldn’t hide them away like most of other creatures do thanks to his father being a human. He looked at the redhead, and a tiny smile appeared. Maybe he could help the sylph. “So… Do you know where this block is, right?”

He looked at his cup, disappointed. That flat of his was too big for him, and though the redhead told him he wouldn’t have to pay a lot, he thought that it was too much for him. That apartment looked too big and too empty for just one sylph. Why did he feel like this? Some sort of unconscious memory of the first sylph who used to live in small caverns up in the mountains? He wasn’t sure, but he didn’t care either. The function of the communities… He sighed, figuring that he wouldn’t get out of Prine without an Alpha at his side and a baby growing on him. Every time he thought about it it made his stomach twitch in horror. He didn’t want that, at least not for a long time. “So I guess there is no suppressants or contraceptives…” he whispered, noticing the change of tone from his companion. He thought the worst: what if they caught his brother trying to communicate with him and they got arrested? What would they do to them? what would they do to an Omega like him?

“It’s unfair, isn’t it?” he commented, thinking about someone who did a very similar thing than what the government did to them.

Listening to the redhead explanation, his worse fears were confirmed. He just came here to get a university degree and leave, but it seemed that the government wouldn’t let an Omega like him escape. But his stance here wouldn’t be bad at all, the perspective of being on a high floor was exciting for him. There weren’t any tall buildings in his community! He could fly freely there.

“You are right, I should have introduced myself too. My name is Suzukaze”
(Well like I said; you'd never have to make a character you don't like playing or makes you uncomfortable, so don't worry about it! Thought the thought is appreciated!)

Ace spoke for a short time with Conor before the other professor finished his mug of hot coffee and left to his class room before any of his students could get there before him. Conor was a decent man to converse with, as Ace found it hard to have a conversation with people who didn't exactly understand his antics, but the dark haired professor had a dark mind like his own and so the two of them got along well enough. Perhaps it had a little to do with the other man's species as well; a Plague Doctor. Not a common creature in this day and age, though one with a dark power of disease and corruption, something the Fallen appreciated. Once Conor left however, he was alone in silence within the lounge leaving him with nothing to do but continue grading the papers in front of him. A tedious task for someone like himself.

Ace was a Language professor, which suited him just fine considering how long he'd been on the Earth and how many different languages he had picked up and could speak fluently. However it seemed many of the students did not have his particular talent and so going through their papers felt more like he had been smacking his head against a cement wall for the last thirty minutes. Granted, Ace had a bad habit of thinking his students had even a fraction of his experience and so perhaps he assigned them more difficult work than they were prepared for. At least he could spend his afternoon class going over the tests rather than coming up with a new topic. Perhaps while they worked on correcting their own mistakes he'd put together a new take-home test revolving around the same topic as the tests in front of him. That way maybe eighty percent of the students wouldn't fail like they did on this test and he could have a relatively easy day himself. Win-win.

When the door opened to the lounge once more he was almost thankful for the distraction, though it was short lived when he noticed who had come in. He recognized the man as Calix Marinos, the head of the university's rather large library, and knew from previous meetings that the other was not a talker and doubted there would be a conversation between them that could fight off the headache forming from the tests he was still attempting to get through. Still, he watched the other out of the corner of his eyes while the dark haired man placed something in the copier and then made himself some tea. Right away he could assume that from Calix's mannerisms that it would take awhile for the job to be finished and a slight smile came to his face as maybe he could entertain himself with Calix even for a little bit.

Purposefully yawning aloud, Ace set the papers next to his feet on the coffee table before stretching his arms out wide, letting his wings come out and stretch as well. Each wing was about as long as he was tall, making his wing span around twelve and a half feet, long enough to practically fill the room. Using this to his advantage he stretched the left wing out right between Calix and the copier, intentionally invading the man's personal space as the feathers fluffed themselves and settled into place. Releasing his wings after a long period of time always felt particularly nice and he let out a contented sigh as he settled himself deeper into the sofa he'd been sitting on.

Dark eyes rolled towards Calix before moving his wing and glancing towards the copier still spitting out copies one after the other with a raised eyebrow. "I'm going to assume that's not all for the library," he mentioned offhandedly before running a hand through his dark silver hair. "Playing errand boy for the students are you?" There was a teasing tone to his voice as his gaze returned to the librarian with a coy grin.

Crevan gave a slight frown though he buried it with his mug of coffee, hoping the bitter taste would wash away his bitter feelings towards Prine and the government, and the whole shitty situation they were stuck with. He knew a few couples in Prine that had tried to leave after being mated and having a child, he didn't know exactly what the government had said to them but they were still here regardless. It seemed even in Prine, after you duty was completed, you were still a prisoner. The thought left a taste more bitter than the coffee on his tongue and he chewed the bottom of his lip trying to rid himself of it. It wasn't that Crevan was completely against having a family of his own, it was more like he wanted to find it on his own, wanted to let the act happen naturally rather than it forced upon him. How could there be true affection in a relationship forced upon someone? Granted there were a handful of couples he knew that were happy together, that seemed to actually love each other, but they were still prisoners within these walls and that seemed to restrict the relationship in his opinion.

Either way, he was happy to see the slight smile on Suzukaze's face as he asked him a question, to which Crevan fought away the uncomfortable thought's he'd lost himself in to smile and nod reassuringly. "Yeah," he replied. "I can show you where it is after your breakfast if you'd like. I've been in Prine since I was eighteen so about four years now. It may seem huge, but after being here this long, I feel like I know it like the back of my hand now. Any questions you have just ask me." Though he doubted that the other man would like some of the answers Crevan had to questions newcomers always had.

There was a silence between them for a while at Suzukaze's attention seemed to be on the tea in front of him. It gave enough time for Kevin to come back with the dark haired man's food, asking Suzukaze to tell him how he liked it afterwards and if there was anything he could think of adding to the menu for vegetarians don't hesitate to tell him. Crevan watched as Kevin left before his attention was drawn back to Suzukaze at the other man's whispered question, leaning closer to the dark haired man so that he could whisper as well. What they were talking about was a taboo subject and completely illegal and even though the café was empty Crevan still felt the need to keep quiet about it.

"Not legally anyway," Crevan told him seriously. "I know there's a man in Prine that works in the black market, he's a little frightening and even the security doesn't bother him because of it. Though they have gone after his customers if they find out that they've done business with him. Either way, his prices are ridiculous and his products aren't very good. I also know a few of his customers that got pregnant despite being on his contraceptives. If you've got the money and are willing to try," his voice got lower. "I know where you can find him."
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

Calix tried to pretend like he wasn't being nosy when Ace set his papers down and wondered to himself if he'd disturbed the quiet too much for the language professor to continue. It hadn't been his intention, and in retrospect, he probably should have found a different copier where he could be alone to do something that he most certainly shouldn't have been doing. It wasn't his job to make sure the students had what they needed to their club presidents or teachers on time; all he had to do was help them do their research and make sure they had the materials they needed. To be honest, if the student knew he needed three hundred copies of something that day, then it was his own poor time management that had failed him. Calix didn't have to cover his ass for him.

Just like Calix didn't have to keep quiet about the other librarian coming in late every day and leaving all the work for him and the assistants. He just couldn't help thinking about what would happen to the man if he lost his job. Would the public library take him on? Not likely. Not after being fired from a prestigious establishment like this. And no Omega was going to want an Alpha who couldn't hold a job and provide for his family; that was out of the question. Calix certainly hoped there was someone out there for his colleague who wouldn't mind picking up his slack; from the beginning, the siren had made it clear that that Omega would not be him, even speaking it out loud to make sure that he never tried it again. Even that was after almost a full year of putting up with unwanted advances that were all too easy to turn down, even for someone who was terrible at saying no, and even close to his heats.

The sudden rush of movement around him and the stretch of a large pair of wings only startled him marginally--Calix had his own wings hidden in the form of tattoos on the pale skin of his back, and he knew well how nice it felt to let them out, fanning them as far as they would reach. He enjoyed sitting out in the open where the wind could catch the dark feathers, and he could almost pretend that he was flying again. Any chance of that happening had been torn away, though, with the way his left wing sat crooked from about the middle down; there was even a spot that was permanently missing feathers, and he was sure that attempting flight like that would be painful at best, fatal at worst. But understanding the need for relief didn't mean he was expecting it out of nowhere, and when he jumped, he nearly spilled his tea.

He watched as the dark wing curled between him and the copy machine, and Calix's cinnamon brown gaze followed it from its tip all the way to the base, and by default, to its owner; his eye brows were raised and his eyes wide, cheeks inflaming slowly as he was called out on his indiscretion. He probably wasn't in that much trouble. Maybe. He took a breath, lips parting instinctively as he wondered how to respond, then sighed and shook his head. He knew. There wasn't really a short, sweet way to explain himself when even he wasn't sure why he was doing it. He'd listened to enough of the squabble to know that the student needed the copies before class because he wasn't going to have another chance, and he was behind in making them as it was.

Maybe it was because he could identify with a person who procrastinated, who didn't do and say the things he needed before it was too late. So, as an answer, he shrugged and set his tea on the coffee table. Tentatively, the siren slipped closer to wind delicate hands around one of Ace's, tracing letters into his palm, slowly so he could catch every one. "It was the right thing to do." Whether it was against the rules or not was one thing. Morally, there was no way that Calix was going to let either student fail, even if it was their own fault for letting themselves get behind. It was this nature of his that saw people take advantage of him often, and Calix fell for it every time. "Margaritas ante porcos. Am I right?"
you were born to be real; not to be perfect

{ Lights ON }
Actively searching for semi-lit M/M RPs.
A smile graced Ace's lips for a moment at the reaction he got from Calix, pleased with himself. There were times, like now, that Ace liked to push limits and buttons, wanting to see what kinds of reactions he could get from other people. He may not have the passion and love for His other creatures like his previous Master had, but he did find them interesting in their own way. Perhaps it was his sick interest in watching them squirm and grow uncomfortable that had him tossed from his perch and left a Fallen, but he wouldn't deny the fact that they were able to draw from him a pleasure, an indulgence if you will. Perhaps he was more like them than he gave himself credit at times, but he'd never admit it. At least not aloud.

Ace knew exactly what Calix was doing and what the librarian had gotten himself into, and maybe that was what always had drawn Ace to the librarian from the start; how opposite they were. He'd paid attention, even when everyone else thought he cared for nothing other than himself, he was excellent at watching and making sure no one noticed either. So he knew that Calix was the type of person to bend himself over backwards in an attempt to help anyone he thought needed his help; students and faculty alike. Ace was convinced it would be his downfall. His feathers tensed at the though, and he cast a gaze towards them offhandedly, a little disturbed that no matter how well his emotions were controlled on his face his wings would give away his internal feelings every time. The wings behind him started off a pure white at the base, where they came into contact with his shoulders, and down the middle to the joint, but after that the feathers started growing darker. Like a stain. It seemed the longer he was on Earth the darker they became, and he regrettably missed the pure white they had been before and how they blended so easily into the clouds as he crashed through them during his flights.

The chuckle fell from Ace's mouth before he could stop himself, capturing the finger that had been tracing words on his palm within his hand as he forced his gaze on the librarian. "Quoting scripture to a Fallen?" he asked, the teasing tone never leaving his voice. "Is that supposed to be some sort of joke?" He released the finger after a moment, watching Calix before turning to gaze at his palm as if the words had been burned into it. "Nolite dare sanctum canibus, neque mittatis margaritas vestras ante porcos, ne forte conculcent eas pedibus suis, et conversi dirumpant vos." That dark gaze of his returned to the man before him, the corners of his lips raised ever so slightly in a grin. "Be careful not to be trampled and torn to pieces, then," he added, the wings behind him fluffing once more before disappearing. "The students think of themselves and themselves only, they won't hesitate to throw you to the mud and stomp all over that porcelain skin of yours. It'd be such a shame."

Leaving it at that, the coy smile never left his lips as he once again picked up the papers he had set by his feet, letting his gaze run across the student's words though he wasn't really reading them. His keen senses were all honed in on the other man in the room, waiting for his reaction towards the harsh truths that always tended to fall from the Fallen's mouth. If there was anyone who'd give someone the brutally honest truth, it was Amadeus Smith, or better known as Ace. He'd given out the nickname himself, mainly because it was his favorite card in the deck, and because his true name had meaning behind it he wasn't completely comfortable with. It may have been over a thousand years since he'd fallen but the subject was always a sensitive one to a creature like himself, of which had been on an almost literal pedestal for the majority of his created life.
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

Quiet as he was, Calix was also observant. He wouldn't be entirely helpful if he weren't, and for some reason he just couldn't stomach the thought of that. As it was, Calix was in Prine because he wouldn't drown sailors to feed on their bodies. He could have. He'd done it before. He just wouldn't. Somewhere along the line, he'd looked at what he was doing and it made him feel sick. They were people just like he was; they had families at home who would miss them, just as Calix was sure his would. There was always that insatiable need to sink ships--that never went away--but Calix found himself rescuing sailors instead of devouring them, and the only thing it had done for him was made him a home in a gated community where he was expected to mate and breed.

Pearls before the swine, indeed. Except in that case, he was the pearl. Considering the otherwise unharmed state of the other citizens, he could forgive what happened to his wing; it was an accident, no one had meant to hurt him. Not like that, anyway. In many other ways, he'd already been trod upon and torn to pieces, and maybe that was what helped him accept and embrace his new life.

The siren noticed when something literally ruffled Ace's feathers and glanced back with a raised eyebrow, almost as if the wings would give him the answer to his unspoken question. And when they didn't, he found his eyes trailing back to Ace's face, in a blatant and open attempt to read something there. Instead, his hand was grasped, and the professor's comment had Calix grinning, almost laughing soundlessly. He hadn't thought of scripture at all; it just seemed like a saying that fit the moment, but now that it was brought up, the verse quoted back to him in full, it did seem funny. He set his hands back in his lap, listening to the last of the man's words with his head lowered as he tried to make heads or tails of them. Ace was an enigma, that was for sure.

With parted lips and a huff that was almost frustrated, the siren lifted himself from the couch, finishing his tea and checking the progress on the copier. There were still several more to go, so he refreshed his cup with hot water and resumed his seat at the edge of the couch. This time, however, he tucked his feet beneath him, relaxing quite comfortably in his place while he waited. Clearly, he wasn't any sort of disturbance. If anything, he seemed to be a welcome distraction, and for whatever reason, that alone had him smiling into his mug. It wasn't often that he interacted with any other members of faculty unless they wanted him to bring all thirty extra copies of the ridiculously thick microbiology textbooks back to the library because they hadn't needed as many as they thought, after he'd spent his morning the day before lugging every single one to the science wing just because they'd asked. His afternoon was not looking good at this point, but he was certain he could use his experience this morning as a springboard to help him stay positive for the rest of the day.
you were born to be real; not to be perfect

{ Lights ON }
Actively searching for semi-lit M/M RPs.
His eyes followed as Calix moved back to check the copier, and Ace found himself watching the machine as well, almost having forgotten that the other man had come in for a particular purpose. For some odd reason Ace found himself growing disappointed that as soon as the machine was finished printing off the necessary copies the other would leave and he'd be alone in the lounge again with nothing but the papers that were back in his hand. He tried to dismiss the thought and feeling that came with it as he refocused himself on the tests, though he was really watching as Calix settled himself back on the sofa. If he himself relaxed a little at the sight that told him the librarian wasn't leaving too soon he wouldn't admit to it. It was company and that was all it was, besides there weren't too many other professors at the university that could stand being around Ace for any longer than necessary. Between the Fallen's attitude, lack of personal space, and all too honest tongue, he was not in the running for most popular at their prestigious school.

Scanning the test in front of him, he found that his eyes were not actually focusing on the student's words but rather his own. Latin phrases that the students had been required to translate and explain the meaning of. Words that, now that he was thinking about it, hit all too close to home to feel comfortable. He hadn't been thinking this way when he'd put the tests together, but now they seemed to ring throughout his whole body as his eyes ran over them. "Malum quidem nullum esse sine aliquo bono," he muttered quietly to himself. 'There is, to be sure, no evil without something good.' And then; "Dum inter homines sumus, colamus humanitatem." 'As long as we are among humans, let us be humane.' Those were the two phrases that stuck out at him the most, and by far the most frustrating to him. At this point he tossed the papers back down to his feet and set his heels on them. Forget it. He'd come up with some excuse about leaving the tests back home and snag one of the latin DVDs they had in the back of the library on his way to class. Movie day, because he was far too distracted to actually be proficient.

His eyebrows furrowed as he questioned his own mood, he was usually very good at keeping himself in check and he wondered what had him feeling so off today. He glanced for a moment over towards Calix and then glared at his own shoes. It wasn't hidden from him that the other was an omega, but usually omegas didn't have an affect on him. He considered himself above that, and the suppressants he managed to purchase off the black market certainly helped with that. When was the last time he'd taken one? Certainly it wasn't that long ago, but knowing the black market they weren't nearly as strong as they had been back when the government had taken control of everyone's mating habits.

Ace reached over and grabbed his briefcase that had been sitting on the floor leaned up against the sofa. With a click of the clasps the leather box was opened and he reached inside a pocket that was hidden away from sight on the side within, snagging the bottle of pills within. He dropped two into his open palm and dumped them into his mouth before hiding the bottle away again. It wasn't a secret that suppressants were available on the black market, but it was still seen as taboo to take them by most. After swallowing the pills down dry, the Fallen leaned back into the sofa with his eyes closed and a heavy sigh, this time purposefully avoiding glancing in the direction of Calix who had been sitting next to him this whole time. He didn't care what the omega thought of an alpha like himself keeping himself restrained by suppressants that were now considered to be an illegal substance. At least that's what he told himself.
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

There was something almost cathartic about the repetitive whirring of the copier as the soundtrack to this... whatever they were doing. Pointedly ignoring each other while also observing each other in silence. Calix sipped at his tea and waited for something to happen, whether that be the photocopier finally completing its task or Ace speaking to him again. He hadn't even intended to look up from the spot on the floor he'd picked to stare at, but the atmosphere in the room was changing, and making Calix feel much more agitated than he had in a long time. At least since his colleague in the library had tried to pin him against the desk when he was going into his pre-heat and trying to ride out the last day before he resigned himself to his apartment. That had really been his own fault, and he'd learned his lesson afterwards; but this was entirely different.

The air just felt a little thicker, and his body felt a little warmer. Nothing to be alarmed over.

Finally, curiosity got the better of him and he lifted his gaze to where Ace sat, reading aloud off the paper. He seemed agitated himself, but for all the librarian knew, it was over some past hidden demons that Ace was still battling. Just judging by his generally foul temperament, Calix thought there must be a lot of them. More than anything, he wanted to be able to do something, be of some assistance--any assistance--even if that was just sitting there quietly and being a constant presence. That was something he was good at, though most people couldn't understand why he chose to stay silent. Without being able to explain his heritage, there were a good many people who thought of him as standoffish, even after he'd done everything within his power to be of service to them. And then there were those even still who thought he was just strange and laughed behind their hands, whispering because perhaps they thought that just because he didn't speak, he couldn't see or hear them either. It was okay, really. At the end of the day, that was their problem, not his. He knew what kind of person he was, and if he had to bottle up the minute amount of hurt that it caused, then he'd do it.

Being of some sort of service made him feel good, gave him something to focus on so he could push past his own problems. In this case, he didn't know what he could do for Ace. The professor just seemed to be getting more and more frustrated, and Calix didn't know what to do. His stupid heart was racing, and he felt, for some reason like he was out of place or he was doing something wrong; not entirely fear, but more like... how he'd felt living in cliffside nests with his family, when he hadn't had a ship to sink in too long. Oh, yes. He needed something. And he convinced himself that he needed to help. That was it. He wasn't doing enough.

The siren watched, frozen in place as Ace swallowed down the pills, his eyes wide and concerned. Whatever he'd taken seemed to be doing the Fallen more good than Calix was, but it gave him a good opportunity to do something. He leaned over first, tips of his fingers ghosting over the Alpha's arm, and slowly, slowly, moved forward again, just until the professor's shoulder comfortably filled his palm. He held out his mug, offering a drink to help ease the pills into the Fallen's system, thinking to himself that something to eat wouldn't hurt either. He remembered in the beginning when he'd first been brought to Prine, the pain from his wing and the anxiety of being brought to a new place, far away from everything he'd ever known, he'd been prescribed with painkillers and an anti-depressant, just until he could settle in, and had been instructed to take them with food and water. The idea that he could do something had him feeling rejuvenated, and he stuffed his mug into Ace's hands as he bounced off the couch to rifle through the fridge in search of his own lunch. It contained a flaked salmon sandwich and several containers of various types of fruits. After a brief debate on what would be the best in this situation, the siren huffed loudly and brought the whole box back, dropping himself down cross-legged, facing the professor with his lunch box wide open.

Pick something. The gesture he made didn't need to be spelled out to be explained, and judging by the concerned look on the siren's face, there wasn't too much room for rejection. If Ace wouldn't pick, then Calix would.
you were born to be real; not to be perfect

{ Lights ON }
Actively searching for semi-lit M/M RPs.

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