Something in the Air (Open)

Story: Most speculate how it happens. Maybe something watches over them, but not in a good way. Maybe the government is craftily scheming. Maybe, just maybe, something is just in the air. When someone reaches that ripe age of eighteen in the among the seaside town of Cape Ridley, they simply cannot recall what happened. Some just assume they passed out, but morning sickness sets in and soon the news of pregnancy occurs. This even includes the men, where such a thing should never occur in the first place. It’s not a thing known to the world to this very day as a thick fog covers the town. Passerby’s of age find themselves passing out and awaking at the clinic. Only until a person reaches a certain age or has defects that this...whatever, whoever or however it chooses...only then do the pregnancies seemingly stop for a person, but their offspring and so forth continue the process when they hit that certain age right on the clock. Some have grown content with this occurring while others are determined to put and end to this. Will they figure it out and put an end to it or will they either be compliant the rest of their lives or disappear as the stories meant to scare the truth seekers usually dictate? There’s one way to find out.
Setting: Mystery, slight Thriller (Nothing too Major Scale), Adventure, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Male Pregnancy
Roles: Theoretically, anyone can play the typical Dominant or Submissive role. Both roles can become pregnant however. This is to introduce among most that prefer to not have a pregnancy occur the natural way be in a setting where they’re most comfortable. If said person prefers for sex to occur however, fade out to black and PM the parties involved to continue it from there. That way, in here, everything just casually resumes after the incident.
Environment: Foggy (Always), Daytime however, breezy winds, Early signs of Fall (Brown leaves falling, Pumpkins and other seasonal trends).

Profile Skeleton:
Other Physical Descriptions:
Pregnant so far: Y/N
How Many (If yes):
Are you: Local Resident, Passerby, etc.
Small Bio:

Name: Connor O’Donnell
Age: 21
Height: 6’0
Weight: 209 lbs (Prior to Pregnancy) 230 lbs presently
Other Physical Descriptions: Athletic Build, Dark Brown Hair that alternates from being shaggy or cut short. He sports grayish-blue eyes and facial stubble that’s just a little thick but not quite to the point it blossoms into a beard for that matter. Caucasian with a slight rosen complexion. He often wears a bandanna on his head that had his football team’s logo. It’s faded, but the Red color is still there.
Pregnant so far: Yes
How Many (If yes): Quads at 5 months.
Are you: Passerby
Small Bio: Former football player that was traveling back for presumably the holidays with friends. His GPS picked up a better route to take, what he thought at least and so he drove right through Cape Ridley. Everything was a blur at that point.

It played out in his head over and over again. He tried to recall how he had gone from being energetic to just passing out at the wheel and that was only because he smelled a strange musk in the air. When he awoke in the hospital, all he had to show were a few minor injuries. It was from there he was told the most bizarre news. He was pregnant. Of course, he didn’t believe that and tried to leave like most. His car was wrecked among other things. No signal could be found on his phone and if he tried his hardest on his best days, this entire town was like a maze. Clearly, he never left and his time frame to do so was getting thinner. That was close to five months ago. Presently now, he was cradling a massive baby bump while sitting upstairs in his room. It was a halfway house for those without a means to afford a house or appartment and who would exactly? If they were like him, someone trapped in this town, staying was the last thing on their mind. The worst was what happened when the person finally gave birth. Either they simply vanished or they became fully disillusioned to the idea of bearing children to this mysterious anomaly. He and a few others were piecing together events however, looking for what could be the common source to all their problems. That’s what he was doing presently, reading glasses strapped on as he sat before a laptop on a desk, subconsciously rubbing his belly every now and then.

(Kind of shocked no one has jumped on this yet)
Name: Blake Mills
Age: 31
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 235 lbs (average) 285 lbs currently
Other Physical Descriptions: Caucasian with a stocky build that has gotten chubbier over several pregnancies. His chestnut-brown hair has few grey streaks, reaches to his upper back, and is tied into a pony tail. He has crows feet wrinkles and dark bags under hazel eyes. He can usually be seen wearing corduroy overalls or pants with suspenders and long-sleeve turtlenecks.
Pregnant so far: Yes
How Many (If yes): Quads at 7 months (he thinks it's triplets)
Are you: Local Resident
Small Bio: Runs the halfway house for those stuck in Cape Ridley. The fog rolled in just over a decade ago, and like many people in the town, Blake was frightened at first and went looking for answers. However, many of those people went missing after they gave birth. Not wanting to disappear after just giving birth to twins, Blake stopped looking for the truth. Now five pregnancies and a dozen children later, Blake is, for the most part content. Stressed, but content.

Having just put his recent set of twins and triplets down for their naps, and putting his first set of twins in charge of watching the rest of his brood, Blake went over to the halfway house just next to his own house to check on the residents. He felt for those stranded in this strange town he really did. He poked his head in to each of the occupied rooms to check on and try to reassure the occupants. Most of them were stressed out, angry, on the verge of tears, you name it. And then there were those who wanted to play detective and get to the bottom of this pregnancy mystery. Mr. O'Donnell came to mind as Blake frowned at his ever present nemesis...the stairs.

Grasping the railing with one hand and holding the under side of his impressive belly with the other, he started his trek to check on said amateur detective.Out of breath and with back and hips aching, he finally reached the top. Waddling over to Connor's room, he lightly rapped on the door which was slightly cracked open.

"How's everything going Mr. O'Donnell? Is there anything I can do for you?"

(Haha, yea, I thought it might be something popular to give a try. Maybe time will tell if others will join.)

He started with the basics more than anything, putting what he learned with Investigative Journalism while in college. The fog appeared close to a decade ago. In that same timeframe, he learned there were what most called “gaps.” These were periods in the timeframe in which individuals went without becoming pregnant. This allowed individuals with certain skills, like constructors and engineers, to build more buildings and the likes before it hit them again. The town was clearly expanding as a result, so Connor had to wonder if this fog was indeed sentient to some nature or if there was more at play? He typed away on the laptop in front of him, one of the few things salvaged from his wrecked car apparently. If he wasn’t so busy trying to crack the case at hand, he probably would be playing video games to pass the time. As he learned though, that was limited to the area they were around and can you imagine how many times he had to contend to hearing a lot of kids scream while playing games with their headset as if were a fascinating thing? Yea, he certainly wasn’t putting his children through such a thing...oh crud, he was letting those delicate sensibilities cloud his judgement again.

He sighed, taking a break from researching what was known. Usually he had some kind of help, but as his ears listened in, others within the home were spending their time in agony at the idea of carrying children while unsure if some Alien had free leisure with them or something else played a part. The house was typically depressing and if not for others trying to solve the matter like he was, he might have finally hit that final stage of grief with acceptance. He heard a knock on the door and with it came the door creaking open a bit further. It was the owner of the halfway home, Blake Mills. The man looked a bit worse for wear and that was to be expected given he had to come up sets of stairs. Connor cringed at the thought of having to do so himself. He wanted a room on the lower floor, but those were already taken by the individuals on bed rest, those who had the more bizarre cases of carrying octuplets or complicated births in general. Connor was just considered “healthy” with Quads, not really needing to rest until probably around the seventh month. That meant he had two more months to get this all figured out or else he may find himself like Blake: Getting pregnant back to back. Those who found partners never had to worry about being knocked up by a mysterious entity again. That’s what Blake was having to contend with at his house, what with having several children and presently expecting again.

“Everything’s fine,” he told the older male with a warm smile. “I think the only thing you could do for me is get back to your house and get some rest.”

His tone was courteous and sincere rather than commanding and rude. He really didn’t like to see the man put a strain on himself by tracking himself up and down the stairs. He knew it came with the job though. There was a house of pregnant females and males and it was his job to make sure they were alright.

“I was gonna head downstairs though, have some tea and probably snack on something though if you wanted to join me.”

No need to have him rush off to his other children right away, right? That was probably why his eyes were baggy in the first place. Sides, Blake had given up on the notion of escaping. Connor didn’t want to bombard him with theories him and others were making on their little board. He eased away from the chair a bit, helping ease himself up where he was clad in a long sleeve t-shirt that wasn’t exactly too big nor too small for that matter. He wore what appeared to be a form of either sweat pants or compression pants, grey in texture and form fitting around his now muscle thickened curves. As an athlete, they certainly were already seemingly attractive features. The pregnancy just made them a bit rounder. He waddled, as much as he hated it per his pride to walk normal, meeting Blake at the door. From there, he would help the other back down the stairs as much as he could if needed and in to the dining room if he wanted to hold a conversation.

Blake smiled back at Connor, his tired eyes holding genuine kindness. He was always the type of person to put others before himself, which is why he was one of the candidates to run the halfway house. When out of towners started getting trapped in the fog-laden town, the town held a board meeting to see what should be done with them. Obviously they didn't have the income to pay for housing nor could they leave. It was decided to convert a former bed-n-breakfast into housing for those trapped in Cape Ridley. By that time, Blake had already had his first set of twins and was pregnant with his second set. His plans for leaving the town to go to college had been scrapped, and he needed a place where he could expand his unexpected family. Long story short, the town elected him to be the caretaker of the half-way house and gave him the house next to it.

"Oh that's good to hear, Mr. O'Donnell. And I appreciate your concern, but I've been taking care of this house for years, and there ain't no rest for the weary. If I take a day off, I'm afraid of what might happen to this place." Truth be told, there had been a few times he'd taken some time off, but that's when he'd given birth and wanted to focus on his newborns. Other than that, he was acting as handyman, janitor, homemaker, and counselor for the residents of the house. Of course having a big, baby belly get in the way didn't make things easy, but he did the best he could.

"You know, a cup of coffee and a snack sound wonderful right now. Actually I think it's about time I start getting meals ready for everybody on bed rest, so I'll definitely join you." Blake spied the white board where Connor made notes about the anomaly in this town. He worried very much for the young man and all the others who were trying to help him. Any who dug too deep into this mystery were never seen nor heard from again after giving birth. He had gently warned Connor of the dangers of pursuing the truth, but the man was determined. Sighing with resignation, Blake gratefully accepted help down the stairs.

"Oof! Oh goodness. These little babies are so active." Blake rubbed his belly when they reached the bottom of the stairs. His green, stretchy overalls were at their limit, and the buttons looked ready to pop off at a moments notice. The overalls made him look like an overstuffed sausage with it hugging his hips, bottom and belly.

Blake clearly looked a bit worse for wear as Connor helped him down the steps. How he managed to get up there in the first place was beyond him, but he was more determined to see everyone remain in good health than seemingly his own. That really bothered Connor, especially seeing the older male struggle with triplets near the last stage of his pregnancy. He couldn’t help but wonder if maybe if he didn’t play Football, would carrying the extra weight be harder than it already was? Connor couldn’t imagine how Blake managed to have two sets of twins before the number increased to Triplets all while in a back to back course at that. Whatever was hitting everyone surely had it out for the caretaker and seeing how he was one of the few who helped him and others “adjust” to the new settings, Connor felt more inclined to make sure Blake didn’t strain himself too much.

When he had received the news, complete with an ultrasound, Blake had helped console him. Connor accepted he was going to have Quads a while ago. That didn’t mean he wasn’t determined to prevent himself from having to carry any more. How would he manage having to console four boys -Yes, they were all boys at that- inside of a small room while he was struggling to make things work in this new environment? He put in at places like the news station, but there was hardly anything newsworthy anymore. The news anchors and reporters could hardly get anywhere themselves, the cameramen and women as well as others behind the scenes were having the same struggles of lifting and moving things at a quick rate with a belly. All that was best for them to do was set up shop in their own homes. It frustrated Connor not just because he was basically useless, but because he wasn’t a local in the first place. How many thought he and the others he was traveling with were actually dead at this point? Of course all those months ago, he sobbed miserably like the others who were just brought to this nightmare were. Blake comforted him then, but also warned him not to pursue the truth. Nobody who did ever returned alongside the children they were carrying. Was he to just accept defeat though? He honestly didn’t know.

Here was the present however and what he could do at least was help a man who helped him out find ease into the chair of the large dining table in the dining room.

“Isn’t coffee bad for you,” he teased. “Surely they’ll be a whole lot more active the second they get ahold of that caffeine.”

He moved slowly towards the kitchen, examining the Keurig machine. The first was coffee for Blake, the machine turning on as it began to warm up the water and other processes. He grabbed a bag of coffee and the K-Cup designed for filling with a person’s preference instead.

“Sometimes rest is important,” he continued. “I’m sure there are some capable hands out and about this house that could keep things running if you need to get some extra rest. Someone like me, maybe.”

It was an offer as again, seeing someone else struggle just did not sit right with him. “I’m sure there’s many of the First Trimsters up there that could put themselves to proper use once they finally accept what’s happening. It’s just a process of finding what everyone is really good at doing with chores.”

The machine stopped whirring as the coffee was done. Connor might have seen Blake make his own batch every once in a while to know how he preferred it, so after adding the other elements as well as getting fresh cookies for a snack, he brought everything over to Blake. Now, finally it was his turn to make tea and then relax. As much as it seemed like a cakewalk, he did have to catch his breath a few times, the athlete usually being able to move at a much quicker pace, but forgetting his present physical limitations.

“Sort of like now,” he announced when sitting down. “You definitely need some help with preparing and serving the food. I know my way around a few things in the kitchen. Why don’t I help you?”

He looked a bit closely at the overalls. They surely were at their limits and if Blake continued, he probably would find himself bursting out of them. “And maybe we should get you something a bit more comfortable?”

He poked at one of them in a teasing manner, which poked Blake’s chest in the same retrospect. Connor wasn’t exactly sure, but maybe he was flirting with the male a bit or just trying to be more optimistic? He would have normally been a bit embarrassed at the thought, but several mood swings, cramps, bathroom visits, baby kicks and limited movements later, the need of ever questioning his life at this point was already out the window.

“What were you planning to serve them?”


(That’s totally alright with me!)

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