02-22-2019, 09:28 AM
Getting dumped hurts, harshly, might I add. I don't know what I did wrong, what I did to deserve the...vitriol, when she was the one that cheated on me, not the other way around. I stare at the windows, while it was raining outside in the Valley Way bar of the city of Athonis. You may be asking yourself, who are you and what do you do? Well, thanks for asking, invisible person. My name is Naethan Aryen, a freelancer, illegal or not. 6'2", black hair, light brown eyes, light brown skin, of black descent. Wearing clothing that are similar to the very big classic movie, Star Wars, back when Earth wasn't nearly destroyed and everyone had to colonize on different planets in order to survive, but that was centuries ago. God, talking to imaginary people again, Naethan, are you? Must be alcohol taking effect . I want love; I'm 25, and I want real, genuine love. After everything I did for her, and that's how she repays me?
I turn away from the dreary darkness outside, and ask for more booze from the robot bartender.
I turn away from the dreary darkness outside, and ask for more booze from the robot bartender.
Hello! These are/were my social media accounts to RP with me:
Tumblr: blueeblues (You'll get a fairly quick response. It's not my preferred account, though.) (Edit as of May 25, 2024: I don't roleplay on Tumblr anymore.)
Deviantart: blueeblues (same dragon picture as my profile pic on here) (Edit as of March 16, 2023: You will not get a quick response, since I am rarely on there now.)
Kik: MonitorXX (You'll get a quick response)(Edit as of March 14, 2023: I do not have Kik anymore.)
Discord: MonitorX#9527 (You'll get a VERY quick response, I roleplay on Discord now.)
Just letting you know in advance, I am currently not RPing on MpregCentral, since my responses will not be as quick, and I am rarely on here, anyways. So, if you private message me on MC, there is a 90% chance I won't respond back to you. It's easier for me to use Discord, which is why I HIGHLY recommend it.