O James and Tasha

(03-18-2022, 05:08 PM)Whoknows Wrote:  Tasha barely had time to recover before she was flipped over and gasped as James slid out and rammed back in again. She moaned arching her back, as James thrust into her over and over.

James felt the familiar pressure building up in his lower stomach, he began to slow down as he finally came. They laid on the bed together coming down from their high when Tasha realised she was covered in sweat and grimaced. “I’m going to take a shower you’re welcome to join” she said and got up from the bed, walking towards the joined bathroom.

James felt so euphoric. A girl he had always liked now that he loved who accepted him for his rare condition and someone who’d keep it secret for him someone he can have fun with laugh with and she was so beautiful in his eyes. He followed her to the bathroom to join her for a shower and maybe even more fun but James and Tasha were living in the moment so much they didn’t realize they weren’t using protection

When Tasha awoke the next day she could smell food from downstairs. She got up and wrapped herself in a silk dressing gown then made her way downstairs. She saw James shirtless in the kitchen, his back muscles flexing as he moved around, cooking bacon.

“What are you making?” She asked, moving to sit on a nearby counter.

“I’m making some bacon sandwiches” he said, getting some bread ready to make them.

“Nice”, she commented,”what is happening today?”

(03-18-2022, 05:52 PM)Whoknows Wrote:  When Tasha awoke the next day she could smell food from downstairs. She got up and wrapped herself in a silk dressing gown then made her way downstairs. She saw James shirtless in the kitchen, his back muscles flexing as he moved around, cooking bacon.

“What are you making?” She asked, moving to sit on a nearby counter.

“I’m making some bacon sandwiches” he said, getting some bread ready to make them.

“Nice”, she commented,”what is happening today?”

“Well having a small group of close friends over for a birthday party” said James “but we have the whole daytime with the two of us”

“Last night was amazing I’m still a little sore I didn’t know u were that big” said Tasha

“Last night was great” said James they proceeded to eat and cleaned the house. That whole weekend they had the best time. Meeting friends and family the next two days having fun and also enjoying the nights alone

One month later

James awakens throwing up so loud it wakes up Tasha who has been staying with him constantly. The two were inseparable after their trip.
“I think u need to see a doctor babe you might have a stomach virus” said Tasha
“You’re right I don’t get it how’s I get this sick” said James
The two then went to see James personal doctor

As they got in Tasha’s car, she handed him a warm container, “I made this whilst you were bathing, it’s chicken soup, try to eat some on the way”, she had been worried about the amount of food he had been eating, it wasn’t enough.

She drove to the location of the doctor and parked up outside of the building. She held onto James’ hand as they entered the building together and told the receptionist why they were there. The good thing about having a private doctor was that they didn’t have to wait too long. After 10 minutes they were called into the doctors office.

(03-18-2022, 06:20 PM)Whoknows Wrote:  As they got in Tasha’s car, she handed him a warm container, “I made this whilst you were bathing, it’s chicken soup, try to eat some on the way”, she had been worried about the amount of food he had been eating, it wasn’t enough.

She drove to the location of the doctor and parked up outside of the building. She held onto James’ hand as they entered the building together and told the receptionist why they were there. The good thing about having a private doctor was that they didn’t have to wait too long. After 10 minutes they were called into the doctors office.

Dr Smith greeted them both kindly and began running thru james the usual standard questions. Suddenly the doctor realizing that Tasha was with him asked the big question
“James have you two been sexually active?” Said dr smith

James and tasha both turned pale as ghosts

“Yes” they both said

“Have you used protection” replied the dr

“Yes we have...oh no except that friday night before my birthday” said james as it all came back to him. Their forst time having sex together was so spontanious that they never used a condom

“Why dont you lay down on table and ill get out my ultrasound machine”

James was helped onto the table by Tasha who then got his legs in the stirrups

“Omg this cant be happening.” Said james

“Relax babe itll be ok im here for you. For all we know you could be sick and your doctor is just trying to be sure of that” said tasha who then kissed james as he held her hand

Dr Smith returned
“Ok lets see whats inside of that belly”

Tasha sat and fidgeted with James’ hand whilst waiting, it was nerve racking to wait. Her and James watched as the doctor set up his equipment to check, Tasha was fascinated at the things that were to be used.

“I’m nervous” James muttered, Tasha could feel his hands sweating and wiped them on her own jeans.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine” she replied, trying to make the atmosphere less tense,”plus I’ll always love you”.

Tasha leaned over and kissed James on the cheek as the doctor finally approached having finished setting up.

(03-19-2022, 08:07 AM)Whoknows Wrote:  Tasha sat and fidgeted with James’ hand whilst waiting, it was nerve racking to wait. Her and James watched as the doctor set up his equipment to check, Tasha was fascinated at the things that were to be used.

“I’m nervous” James muttered, Tasha could feel his hands sweating and wiped them on her own jeans.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine” she replied, trying to make the atmosphere less tense,”plus I’ll always love you”.

Tasha leaned over and kissed James on the cheek as the doctor finally approached having finished setting up.

The doctor moved James shirt to expose his stomach and squirt the ultrasound jelly on his belly. He ran the device around his stomach
“Alrite james here’s the uterus and u hear that noise that’s the baby’s heartbeat and this little thing here on the screen that’s your baby. Congratulations” said the doctor “now I’m gonna go print the picture and we will talk about the process we will be taking for helping u have a safe pregnancy and delivery”

Tasha hugged James as she started to cry. Although unplanned and super early she was gonna be a mom which not too long ago seemed like a fantasy. Plus she didn’t have to go thru the painful childbirth. James was excited as well but considerably nervous at the same time. Tasha knew it was gonna be a tough experience for him and comforted him assuring him she’ll be there the whole process and he’s gonna do this. Tasha was kinda happy about the idea of men getting pregnant she thought it was about time more men had to experience it. She was so excited to begin helping her pregnant husband. She kissed his belly and agin began crying tears of joy at the reality of her finally becoming a mom

“I’m so happy” she cried, hugging onto James tight, after he stood back up, he smiled down at her and rubbed her back.

“So am I” he smiled faintly,” just nervous though.” Tasha squeezed him tight then looked up at him and cupped his cheek.

“I’ll be with you to support you the entire time” Tasha promised, wiping away her tears, “I love you”.

(03-19-2022, 07:16 PM)Whoknows Wrote:  “I’m so happy” she cried, hugging onto James tight, after he stood back up, he smiled down at her and rubbed her back.

“So am I” he smiled faintly,” just nervous though.” Tasha squeezed him tight then looked up at him and cupped his cheek.

“I’ll be with you to support you the entire time” Tasha promised, wiping away her tears, “I love you”.

“I love you even more” said James

They sat down and discussed with the doctor He gave James prenatal vitamins and discussed about doing regular appointments.

“Dr I just have one question. Ummm well how are we gonna get this baby out of me is this gonna be a C Section?” Said James

“So that’s a big thing I need to discuss with you James. Your condition is rare but has happened before. C Section is far too dangerous for men and so we must do a natural childbirth.” Said dr smith

“You mean...” James said as he gulped in fear

“Your baby will be birth out your birth canal in your penis. Now before I scare you it’s been done successfully and your penis will recover. It’s designed to handle a childbirth but I do recommend some Lamaze classes to help you two prepare as it’ll be intense” said the Doctor

“It’s gonna be ok babe. Thank you doctor” said Tasha

After James calmed down on the car ride back he got happy again talking with Tasha about if they wanted a boy or girl and what they’ll do

“Well luckily working for my fathers business I do a lot of my work from home and zoom so I can be home” said James “I was gonna wait awhile before making such a big move but I really need u by my side right now being in my vulnerable position”

“What’s that baby” said Tasha with a smile

“Well I just bought a brand new house and it’ll be ready by next month and I’d like you to move in with me” said James. “It’s really amazing 7 bedrooms 5 bathrooms a pool, home theater, gym and a lot more.”

“Omg are you serious of course I can’t imagine being away from you especially now” she said as she placed her hand on his stomach

“You’re not just saying yes because I’m pregnant are you?” Said James

“Of course not. I love you so much James and can’t wait to begin this life with you and can’t wait for us to have this baby” said tasha

They got into the car and Tasha smiled and leant back in her seat, feeling content with her life, when a sudden realisation came across her,”what are we going to tell our parents?” She gasped.

James frowned,” the truth, I guess” he looked out of the window at the scenery as Tasha drove and placed a hand on his stomach. Sensing the mood change she put her hand on his thigh and rubbed it a little.

“Even my parents?” She asked, knowing he didn’t like people knowing about his secret.

“Well yeah, in 9 months we are going to have a baby” he chuckled,”how else could we explain it”.

Tasha chuckled aswell,” alright then”.

(03-19-2022, 09:47 PM)Whoknows Wrote:  They got into the car and Tasha smiled and leant back in her seat, feeling content with her life, when a sudden realisation came across her,”what are we going to tell our parents?” She gasped.

James frowned,” the truth, I guess” he looked out of the window at the scenery as Tasha drove and placed a hand on his stomach. Sensing the mood change she put her hand on his thigh and rubbed it a little.

“Even my parents?” She asked, knowing he didn’t like people knowing about his secret.

“Well yeah, in 9 months we are going to have a baby” he chuckled,”how else could we explain it”.

Tasha chuckled aswell,” alright then”.

James and Tasha had told James parents first obviously. His parents were shocked yet so happy and thrilled. They decided to throw a house warming party once James house was ready as well as a baby shower later on. Tasha was gonna be staying with James at his parents until the house was finished. But now was the big day telling tashas parents. James was so nervous. James threw on his nicest suit this would probably be one of the last times he’d be able to wear it for awhile as his tummy would only grow bigger from here on out. Tasha came out dress in the most stunning outfit

“Oh wow how do you manage to look more and more beautiful everyday” said James
“Oh idk but damn look at my handsome man. How’s our little baby doing” she said as she placed her hand over his stomach “our little peanut I still can’t believe you’re pregnant I can’t believe a man is pregnant it’s just so amazing I don’t know why I’m so excited over this”

“You almost ready? I’m still nervous i don’t know what your parents will think” said James

“It doesn’t matter babe. For one my parents are very kind and good hearted people they won’t judge and all that matters is I love you” said Tasha as she kissed her man

They hopped in the Jeep and proceeded to tashas house for dinner

Once they were there, Tasha hopped out of the car whilst James still sat there, staring into space. She went over and opened his door before pulling his head onto her chest, hugging him.

“I promise you, it’ll be fine” she said, rubbing his arm.

“Okay,” James sighed, before getting out of the car,” thank you for supporting me, I probably couldn’t do this without you”.

Tasha blushed, “well it probably wouldn’t have happened with out me” she laughed, causing James to laugh as well.

When their laughter died down, they held hands and began to walk to Tasha’s parents front door. They knocked waiting for someone to answer it.

(03-20-2022, 07:32 AM)Whoknows Wrote:  Once they were there, Tasha hopped out of the car whilst James still sat there, staring into space. She went over and opened his door before pulling his head onto her chest, hugging him.

“I promise you, it’ll be fine” she said, rubbing his arm.

“Okay,” James sighed, before getting out of the car,” thank you for supporting me, I probably couldn’t do this without you”.

Tasha blushed, “well it probably wouldn’t have happened with out me” she laughed, causing James to laugh as well.

When their laughter died down, they held hands and began to walk to Tasha’s parents front door. They knocked waiting for someone to answer it.

They sat down at the dinner table after saying hello. James always the class act brought flowers for tasha’s mother and a bottle of wine for dinner. They began eating and making small talk.
“James u havnt touched your wine” said tashas mother

“Oh yea not drinking tonight I’m sorry” said James

“It’s no problem you want some water” she politely said with a smile

“That would be great thank you so much” said James

They sat and ate some more. Tasha and James both kept looking at each other throughout the dinner waiting for one another to say something. Once dinner was over they knew it was time.

“That dinner was amazing it’s a beautiful day out why don’t we go out onto the deck and enjoy the weather” said tashas mom

They sat out back conversing laughing and enjoying each other’s company

“Hey mom so me and James got some very exciting news to share” said Tasha as James got shy and nervous

“Oh yay what’s the news” her parents said

“Should I tell them or should you babe” said Tasha
James as nervous as he was decided it was time to pull the bandaid on the situation and told Tasha to say it

“Me and James are expecting” said Tasha “James is carrying our baby”

Although her parents knew of James condition as it was a big reason both their parents secretly set them up they knew it was best to act surprised about James condition

Tasha saw her parents glance at each other before sharing how happy they were, she guessed that they already knew something but decided to bring it up with her mother later on.

James smiled at Tasha’s parents reaction before leaning down and resting his head on her shoulder. He hummed happily at feeling her hand wrap around his own.

Tasha and her parents were talking about going on a holiday in a few months with James and his parents when her mum giggled and pointed at James. She looked down and saw him asleep, drooling on her clothes, but she just chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.

(03-20-2022, 08:08 PM)Whoknows Wrote:  Tasha saw her parents glance at each other before sharing how happy they were, she guessed that they already knew something but decided to bring it up with her mother later on.

James smiled at Tasha’s parents reaction before leaning down and resting his head on her shoulder. He hummed happily at feeling her hand wrap around his own.

Tasha and her parents were talking about going on a holiday in a few months with James and his parents when her mum giggled and pointed at James. She looked down and saw him asleep, drooling on her clothes, but she just chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.


James rubs his now growing baby bump
“Babe did u buy more coco butter I’m already getting so many stretch marks” shouted James

“Yes babe I’m coming upstairs with it” she shouted as she ran up the stairs of their massive home

“Omg I feel like a cow. I can’t believe I’m already this big. How big is this baby gonna get I already unsure if I can be able to deliver it out of me” said James

“Oh relax babe it’ll be fine. Now lift that shirt so I can rub the coco butter on ur belly” said Tasha James then lifted his shirt to which Tasha exclaimed “omg look at that belly only three months and you already look like you’re gonna pop” said Tasha
Tasha was obsessed she loved James belly and loved him being pregnant. James was working from home and not going out anymore now that he was showing. Luckily James and Tasha had a massive house with lots to do. James wanted privacy throughout the pregnancy.

“Am I still good looking I feel like a whale” said James

“Aww of course you’re still sexy babe and omg I love seeing you pregnant it’s made you more attractive” said Tasha

“You’re just saying that” said James “I feel less masculine having to carry a baby in me my nipples are sore and sensative my clothes barely fit” James said as he started crying. His hormones were already going crazy from the pregnancy and combined with his odd feelings towards being a man carrying a baby made him feel less masculine

“I love you and I know that’s the hormones talking. You’re still a big strong sexy man to me and it takes a real man to carry a baby in him for nine months and give birth” said Tasha

James smiled and Tasha helped him get his chuck taylors on as they went for an ultra sound and checkup. Tasha could t help but feel this sense of empowerment from having knocked up the love of her life and this role reversal

It was strange though, seeing James with growing breasts and widening hips, but she didn’t care because she loved him and their child. She brought back the shoes for James to put on and knelt down.

“Lift up your foot baby” she said after unlacing the shoes.

James lifted up his foot and Tasha put it on him and tied the laces, she did this for the other one then helped him stand up and wrapped her arm around his waist, guiding him towards the car.

“My back hurts”James whined, he was pushing his back and trying to take the pain away.

“Later on, I’ll massage it for you” she said, rubbing his back a little.

(03-21-2022, 07:11 AM)Whoknows Wrote:  It was strange though, seeing James with growing breasts and widening hips, but she didn’t care because she loved him and their child. She brought back the shoes for James to put on and knelt down.

“Lift up your foot baby” she said after unlacing the shoes.

James lifted up his foot and Tasha put it on him and tied the laces, she did this for the other one then helped him stand up and wrapped her arm around his waist, guiding him towards the car.

“My back hurts”James whined, he was pushing his back and trying to take the pain away.

“Later on, I’ll massage it for you” she said, rubbing his back a little.

They arrived at the doctors office. Dr Smith was shocked by James weight gain
“Wow you’ve gotten big James” said dr Smith

“Ugh I know I’m only 3 months and already so huge” said James

The doctor had James get on the examination bed and lifted his shirt exposing his bump. The ultrasound went underway

“Well ok everything is good here and you can hear the heartbeats perfectly everything is going smooth James” said dr Smith

“Heartbeats?” James and Tasha said in shock

“Yes you guys are having twins. There is a reason you’re already so big James” said dr Smith

“Omg twins no wonder you got so Big Baby this is amazing maybe we will get lucky and have one boy and one girl” said Tasha with excitement

“That would be perfect” James said “omg how will I ever be able to carry around two babies in my belly”

The doctor printed them their picture and the two lovebirds were on their way home

Tasha couldn’t help but smile widely as she drove back home,” soon we are moving into our own home and we are going to have twins! I’m so happy I met you”.

James blushed as Tasha said that.” I’m grateful I met you too” he said, he placed his hand on Tasha’s thigh and squeezed it gently. “We should tell our parents soon” he added.

Tasha wiggled in her seat, out of excitement,” we are going on holiday soon, with both of our parents maybe we can do something and tell them then” she exclaimed, excited with her idea.

(03-21-2022, 10:03 PM)Whoknows Wrote:  Tasha couldn’t help but smile widely as she drove back home,” soon we are moving into our own home and we are going to have twins! I’m so happy I met you”.

James blushed as Tasha said that.” I’m grateful I met you too” he said, he placed his hand on Tasha’s thigh and squeezed it gently. “We should tell our parents soon” he added.

Tasha wiggled in her seat, out of excitement,” we are going on holiday soon, with both of our parents maybe we can do something and tell them then” she exclaimed, excited with her idea.

They got home and packed immediately. Both families were going to tashas families cabin for skiing and snowboarding James sadly would not get to participate in his condition
“That’s fine babe gives me plenty of alone time with you in the cabin. Laying by the fire in your arms” said Tasha
“You know now I don’t feel so bad that sounds quite amazing” said James
Tasha kissed him and rubbed his stomach amazed at the male body being able to create life.
“I wonder how our parents will react to us having twins” chuckled James
“Omg they’ll be shocked. Looks like they’ll be buying double the gifts” said Tasha
A week goes by and James Tasha and both their parents arrive at the big cabin

“This is so exciting!” Tasha exclaimed as her father unlocked the door, she rushed in pulling James by the hand,” this way!” She led him to her bed room and sat down on the bed.

James chuckled at her actions,” come on, we need to unpack now”. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her up.

Tasha groaned,” alright”. She stood up and walked over to the suitcases they brought,” but you should rest”.

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