Conquest || w/secretsparrow

Name: Percival Leyune

Age: Male

Gender: 20

Rank: Prince

Kingdom: Luneis
Looks: He's got medium-length jet black hair. He has a dark pale tan skin tone and light brown eyes with a hint of icy cyan in them. He has a little bit of stubble on his face, often appearing kind of scruffy yet at least well groomed. He still likes to wear the best clothes money can buy, but this is likely due to him being spoiled in a way. He stands at 5'9''.

Name: Leo Walker

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Rank: Guard

Kingdom: Luneis

Looks: He is often well-kept in appearance, usually wearing clothes that would cost a fortune, perhaps to show off the status he managed to climb towards. He has short, off-black hair, usually smoothed back. He has an olive complexion and amber eyes that tend to remind most people of wolves. He has a pencil mustache. As of late, his teeth have started to appear sharper than before. Due to his relation to a full-blooded were wolf, he is taller than the average human, coming in at 6'8.
Other: Like Ares, he comes from a fairly humble background. He originally was forced to move to Luneis from another neighboring nation in an attempt to escape Valedor's forced. While his father ended up fighting on the frontlines of the war after having been drafted. He moved to Luneis with his mother in search of protection. He has since met Percival and ended up befriending him.

Name: Ares Vance

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Rank: Adviser


Looks: He's got a bit of a shifty look about him. He has long, well kept dark hair and ice blue eyes. He's about 6'2''. He often has a very regal appearance about him.

Other: He made his way into the kingdom of Valedor by proving he could be of use. Since then, he has been rising up in the ranks until he became adviser to the king. He was the one who really pushed for them to attack other nations and now Luneis is among the first they're after.

Name: Lance Tirel

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Rank: Military officer


Looks: Lance has curly blond hair and golden eyes. As a military man, despite looking like the 'typical pretty boy' he is lean muscled and quite agile. He doesn't care that much for looking the part of a noble, but he will when he has to.

Other: His family is one of the military families in the kingdom. As he is already a military leader, he will eventually become a high ranking general like his father or so he hopes he will. His family is one of the ones from a nation previously absorbed by Valedor. Their family sided with Valedor.

Just a heads up, we may have to have a lot of side characters. We don't need to make forms for them though.

Valedor... A nation down on it's luck, compared to the advancing Luneis. Unlike most other nations, Luneis was known for it's mages and magic based technology. Everyone was uncertain whether they could take down the land, once referred to as an empire, but Luneis was weaker than what many had assumed. Yes of course.. Valedor wasn't well versed in magical technology as they ran on electricity like any other advanced nation on this planet, but Valedor had one thing.. And that was the fact that they were a military might. Luneis suffered from the fact that it felt overly safe with it's mages, not realizing that they needed more than just magic to stop another nation. 

Walking down the polished halls of the castle, Ares was considering his achievements as of late as he drew nearer to the meeting room to discuss their strategy. He was proud to have Luneis on it's knees. The country's land had been receding with the use of his tactics. Things had been getting a little harder to take the little bit of land Luneis had left. They had started fighting back much harder and they were finally bringing out more than just mages. It was clear they were intent on keeping their land.. But Ares believed this was their fatal mistake. They wouldn't be easily forgiven once they were taken down.

When he finally reached the meeting room, he dipped his head slightly to the guards waiting at the large double doors as they opened them for him. He moved to take his seat by the king's seat so he could wait for the meeting to begin.


Meanwhile, Percival was just leaving the castle. He had caught wind of what was going on. He had no real interest in government or politics, but even he was worried to know that Valedor was as formidable an opponent as no one had originally though. Luneisian officials had all figured they could easily fend off Valedor, but they had never been so wrong before then. They were managing to hold them off now and government officials were scrambling to decide on what to do with them. Percival had escaped the chaos of the meeting room narrowly for a breather. He didn't want to be in there for another second.

(I'm not ignoring this just don't want to write something that isn't good, give me a bit.)

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