C My dearest friend (w/ Littleittyboy)

Alex's mom washed her hands and checked under the covers to see what Elliot was talking about. "It looks like the bane is turned; you won't be able to push him out as is," she said carefully. "But, we can turn him around in you, so you'll be able to push."

Fear flooded Alex's veins like ice water. But he said rather calmly, "sometimes this happens with calves too, but it can be fixed. Just hold on to me , okay? Squeeze as hard as you need."

Elliot looked at Alex panicked “What does that mean?” He asked looking between Alex and his mother scared “What does that mean? Is he okay? Is he going to be okay? Did I do something wrong? Have I hurt him?” He said crying and whimpering in pain. He grabbed Alex’s hand tightly and screamed as another pain hit him, stronger and telling him to push and get the child out, he squeezed Alex’s hand so tightly he was surprised he didn’t crack the bones.

"it's okay," Alex soothed. "You didn't hurt him. This is not your fault." He bit his lip as Elliot used near crushing pressure on his hand.

"This won't be comfortable," Alex's mom said, "but I can turn him around inside you do you can deliver normally." She them proceeded to placejer hands on his belly and massage the baby in the womb, encouraging him to turn. She felt hopeful when she felt him start to turn under the skin. "Good baby, just a bit more," she encouraged, massaging him.

Elliot grunted and moaned in pain as his sensitive stomach was touched feeling tears fall down his cheeks. He felt another contraction start and began to push again feeling the baby drop into his pelvis “Oh god, I can’t do this!” He yelled panicked shaking his head panting heavily.

"the baby is in the right position," Alex's mom said with a nod. "All you have to do now is let your body do the work. It knows what to do."

Alex wiped his lover's face with his free hand. "You're doing amazing love. I promise you that you can do this. You're strong enough. You're the strongest person I know."

Elliot shook his head desperately “Why would you do this to me?” He sobbed as another contraction hit and he leaned forward pushing “Nnnnngh!” He grunted pushing as hard as he could “Gods, I hate you! You’re never touching me again!” He screamed in pain. He cried out as another contraction came shortly after and bore down screaming out as he started to feel a different pain “Oh gods, I’m dying” he cried out.

Alex took the shouting in stride, knowing his beloved was in a lot of paim at this moment. "As long as I'm allowed to love you, I'll be okay with that." His eyes were watery from his hands being squeezed, but he grit his teeth and gave Elliot hisost encouraging smile. "You're doing well," he promised.

Meanwhile, his mom was at the base of the bed, keeping tabs on Elliot and the baby, ready to help catch him when he arrived. "You're doing well, take a breath," she encouraged, "and then push again."

Elliot cried out “It’s burning so badly!” He sobbed as he felt his arsehole begin to stretch around the baby “Please just get him out!” He screamed in pain, sweat covered his body and his hair was completely matted with sweat.

(We’re going with girl aren’t we? Just to throw them off a bit)

(yes lol )

"Almost there," Alex's mom encouraged. "I see his head. Just give us another few good pushes and your baby will be here."

Alex gave his sweaty and exhausted love a kiss on the forehead. "You're doing amazing my love. You're almost done."

Elliot sobbed a little as he felt another contraction come and leaned forward as best as he could holding onto one leg while holding Alex’s hand with the other “Nggghhhhh! Nggggggh!” He cried out as he pushed as hard as he could, trying to get the baby out as fast as possible as the pain somehow got worse.

"Almost... Almost... one last good push," Alex's mom encouraged. Soon enough, the baby emerged from Elliot's tight muscles and into her waiting arms. She was pink, covered in blood and mucus, but she was alive. Her wail pierced the air as she was forced from her papas warm womb into the cold air. "You have a lovely baby girl," she told the pair of them. "Alex, come cut th cord so I can wash her off."

Alex did as his was instructed, stupefied.

A girl.

He felt his eyes tear up and he had to blink them away as he held the scissors, poised to cut their daughter free from her papa. With a snip, the crying babe was free to be washed and swaddled.

The stupefied Alex managed to say, "thank you my love.. thank you.'

Elliot gasped loudly as the baby was released and fell back on the pillows panting heavily “A girl…?” He said shocked looking at the small being that had just come out from him. He looked at Alex tearfully “We have a daughter” he said the tears falling down his cheeks but the largest exhausted smile on his face.

"You have to think of a name for her," Alex's mom said, returning soon with the pink faced little bundle. She brought their daughter over to Elliot so he could hold her while she went about the business of cleaning up.

"She's beautiful," Alex breathed, looking awestruck. He gave Elliot another soft kiss. "Thank you love. Thank you for bringing our daughter into the world."

Elliot kissed him back softly the baby between them. He whimpered slightly moving over so that Alex could get on the bed with them. He looked down at the little girl “She’s so perfect” he said quietly running his fingers over her “How about Emma-Rose Violet” he said quietly “After our mothers and our friend who protected our princess at all costs to herself” he said gently.

((Heya sorry I got sick Also sorry if there are typos im using a new keyboadrd and its a pain))

"I love the name," Alex confirmed with a smile. He leaned down to kiss his partner on the forehead. "And I think my mum agrees too." He gestures over to the woman who was nearly in tears in the corner. She ws beaming at the two of th who made her a grandmother.

Elliot leaned his head against his partners shoulder, holding their tiny daughter between them. He looked up at his partner smiling sweetly at him “I want to marry you, right now” he said softly, uncaring that he looked exhausted and covered in dried sweat, he just couldn’t imagine his heart feeling any fuller than this moment. “I love you so much”

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