The Coffee Shop

Caleb looked at the menu and debated what to get. He was hungry, but if he ate too rich of food, his stomach might act up again and he didn't want to throw up again. He felt he should tell Henry the truth, but a part of him held him back. He barely knew Henry. Let alone to know him well enough to predict his reaction. No, he told himself. I'll wait.

(12-01-2014, 08:42 PM)Eskal Wrote:  Caleb looked at the menu and debated what to get. He was hungry, but if he ate too rich of food, his stomach might act up again and he didn't want to throw up again. He felt he should tell Henry the truth, but a part of him held him back. He barely knew Henry. Let alone to know him well enough to predict his reaction. No, he told himself. I'll wait.

(Do you mind if i join?)

(This is more of a 1 on 1 RP)

(12-03-2014, 10:25 PM)Eskal Wrote:  (This is more of a 1 on 1 RP)


Henry hummed behind his menu, unknowing to Caleb's thoughts. He ran his eyes over the menu and decided on a small steak and hot potato. A classic, and a very good one at that. "Find anything?", he said, looking over at him as he put his menu down. He offered the male a grin, feeling a little nervous himself. And guilty? Maybe...

"I think I'll have their lemon chicken and rice," Caleb said as he placed down his menu.

"Alright, sounds good" He waved for the waiter and after she had left again with their orders, he spoke up. "It's nice to be out with someone. I usually go out on Fridays, it's really my night off, but it's usually to a bar or something. This is great, been awhile"

Caleb nodded. "It's been a while for me too. Going out for me was spending the night at the hospital." He let out a nervous chuckle. "This is nice though."

"Hospital?", he repeated, frowning lightly now, "Nothing serious I hope....? He was glad he was at least giving Caleb a nice night now. Imagining him at a hospital, and often it seemed, made him sad.

""Oh it wasn't for me," Caleb said quickly. "My previous boyfriend...He had cancer and it got bad really fast. He spent his last few months in the hospital so I spent most of my time there."

"Oh, oh! Sorry!", he stumbled, flushing. God but was he stupid. Don't bring stuff up! He shrunk down, feeling bad. "Sorry...."

"No. It's fine," Caleb assured him. "I miss him, but I just keep him in my thoughts."

"I'm sure you do. It's a hard thing. And what your doing now is even harder!", he gestured around them, "I mean, you moved away from your home and life to begin someplace else. That's pretty amazing, and tough of course."

"I felt like I needed a clean slate, that's all." Caleb blushed lightly. "Some place to make new memories."

"Ahh well, the community is quite nice around here, real friendly", he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I've noticed." Caleb sipped his water. "So...What made you want to run a coffee shop?"

"Hmmm? Oh well", his eyes got a little distant,a sad smiled playing on his face, "Some of my earliest memories are in a coffee shop. My mother used to visit this little one a lot, she would bye me a hot chocolate in the winter to keep my hands warm and such. My parents would also meet there often, back when they were alive of course. I guess I always put them and the shop together, it inspired me. made me feel close... ahh! I'm blabbering now aren't I? The male flushed, dunking his head.

"No, not at all. It's really nice. You have a very nice coffee shop."

"Thank you!", he grinned, "I tried hard" The waiter came back with the food, placing it before them and asking if there was anything else. Henry told him no and smiled at Caleb.

Caleb blushed lightly and began cutting into the chicken breast.

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