The Alien Vessels (private Rpg with SRuiz)

The trerat chuckled and smirked at him. "Interesting. But I am not telling you where you little friend is. Maybe I will tell if you give me a little snack." He got up and moved it's hips in a sexy manner. It got on it's knees and licked at his belly button and kissed a trail down to his cock. "Tell me does your cock still work?". It stroked the human's cock gently as it licked it's lips. "Well?". It purred as it started to lick the human's cock gently as it sensed it child inside the human called Vector growing stronger. It continued to thrust gently into the commander's stomach. But what the commander didn't know was that the tentacle in his belly was slowly searching for the weakest point and was going to attack it. So it would kill him or slow him down long enough for the trerat to escape and get to Vector.

Dïlan stopped for a few as his belly began to gurgle from the eggs in his body. The eggs were beginning to take in his body, though it was not a shocker to him. "I suppose that answer's your question" he said as his cock began to elongate, fattening up to a nice eight and a half inches. "Since I am doing this for a very horny alien in an effort to help his cause out, I trust you will be a man of your word" he smiled with a very naive look. "Or else I'll kill you slowly" the male did not become the commander for nothing. Just as the creature tried to be deceptive with his tentacle, a form of anti-bodies were lying in wait, ready to infect the creature with them in case he tried anything crazy.

Vector's stomach growled again causing him to sigh. It was obvious the snack was not enough. He opened the fridge, searching for the leftovers of the day. The male grabbed the beef along with rice. Not noticing he had piled the gravy and food in a rather large amount than his usual serving, the male began to eat quickly as a gut was beginning to form.

The trerat sensed the anti-bodies and stroked the eggs as they formed inside his belly. "Don't worry I only wish for a snack. Trust me I am a noble creature if anything." It licked at his cock and continued to wiggle it's tentacle around the growing eggs. Finally it removed it's tentacle from the commander's belly button and started to suck on the tip of his cock. "Mmm...yummy". It was pleased that it's child was growing quite healthy inside the human. The child would be immune to such weapons that could harm it and would breed more of it's kind inside the human after it was born.

Dïlan moaned softly as he placed a hand on the alien's head softly, running a hand along one of his antenna's. Noting that life was beginning to stir within him, he felt he could ask the creature what it's plans were. "So it's easy to assume you didn't come on peaceful terms or are you desperate to revive your race?" The question was not asked to insult, but rather another curious one. The male oddly found the crrature's appearance cute, from the silver eyes to the bluish almost transparent skin that made it radiate with a shine. This was a male who thought the insectoid aliens on the isolated planet of Tyrene were beautiful when they scrunged their eyeless domed faces up to show their silvery teeth in recognition to attack. The Trerat however looked way better than that in his opinion. A small pudge began to form while a small amount of pressure rose inside his cock, a drip of precun slipping out. The taste probably would urge it to continue.

Vector had finished the meal with a rather satisfied burp deep within. The male stared at the plate, wondering if he had in fact just ate it cold. "Well someone seems to have worked up quite the appetite" He turned to see the person of the feminine voice. The doctor had returned along with her nurses, a male and female. Vector wiped his mouth as he smiled. "Just the person I wanted to see. Can I get another physical?" The question was bizarre as he had one earlier that day, but the doctor was happy to oblige. She motioned for him to follow inside. He got up with haste, hoping everything would be alright.

The trerat purred and lapped up the pre-cum happily as it continued to suckle the commander's cock. "I am the last of my kind. I needed a way to revive my race. It stroked his stomach happily as it felt the life stirring inside it. "I do believe we can help each other. You allow me to impregnate your crew members as willing volunteers and I will happily provide you with samples to for your race to test. What do you say? Mmm...wonderful. I can make the impregantion process quite pleasurable as well as the birth. Then, you can just drop me along with my offspring on a isolated planet to live happily away from the human race." It could sense it's child growing stronger and sensed the strong carriers near the human.

Dïlan heard the creature purr as it suckled up the cum with it's tongue or tentacle. The male wondered about it's nature however. It tried to paralyze him as well as stop the ship. He had yet to tell him where Vector was at as well. Though he believed his intentions were well thought out, Dïlan could not help but wonder if the Trerat had other plans for the crew. With an obvious bulge and darkening of the pecs, there was no denying that he had indeed impregnated the commander. The male blusher warmly at the hand rubbing his belly. "I think that would be a just cause, but why go through the trouble of trying to attack me?"

Vector hopped on the examination table as the doctor began to pull up his files. The male worried about the alien loose on the ship. It told him it would kill off the women and feed them to it's children. A hand rested on his gut subconsciously as she pulled over a scanner for his body. A small but pained gurgle stretched throughout his body as he winced slightly. "Well, ready when you are" if the Trerat sensed everything, the child would be in danger as it would be considered a foreign body which they would try to extract out of him.

"Well that was just my first choice to go. Sorry about that, force of habit. I felt I had to do so that I could rid myself my any threats. Wouldn't you do the same if you felt threaten by a strange creature?". It purred and kissed his belly for moment before going back to suckling his cock. "You are enjoying this aren't you?. You actually are enjoying having me stroke your growing belly like this?" It continued to stroke his belly as it suckled his cock. It was knew the human was getting an exam. It ordered it's child to blend in with the human's organs so it would seem like the male was overworked and would require to return to his room and rest. "Now commander please just relax and move over to the bed. So I can give you a relaxing massage on your belly."

Dïlan shrugged at the question. "I suppose..." he did not think much of it that way. He took out an entire ship by himself once, but that was for different reasons. The crew and commander of that fleet was just downright insane and he had to take care of them. "Be that as that may, I'm certain the majority of my crew would not want to be impregnated by a foreign alien" he found it amusing how it kept going from his cock to rubbing his belly. Dïlan was not in a complaining mood though as he got up from the chair. "Yes. It feels great actually" he lied on the bed as the creature neared them. "I would be willing to leave you on an isolated planet if there were any nearby." The ship had gone through hyperspeed with intents on returning to the Capitol. He would need clearance with a particular race in order to go back. "Judging from your recent actions though, I'd say the reports about your race were true" he was not accusing the creature of anything as it obviously was appearing to be less hostile. Then again, the commander was an oddball. He was certain his crew would go and act insane trying to fight the alien, especially some of those that were of the race they warred against centuries ago. The male's belly was beginning to expand out slowly but progressively enough.

Vector rested his back on the exam table as the scanner observed his body. The doctor only chuckled. "Everything is normal other than having an enormous appetite to the Chef's nasty food." She looked at the bags on his eyes and other notable features. The male obviously looked stressed and tired with fatigue. She pulled out a syringe. !This will help you sleep and God knows you need it" not resisting the male held out his arm. Vector walked out the medical wing and back towards the elevator. As it chimed, the male walked out on the second floor, yawning. He was worried about the crew and ship, but there was silence. Even Aýa was not saying anything though he knew "she" was there from the light blue lights that adorned the walls of the light. The male opened his room. He sighed in relief that the creature's were gone and he could get some rest. The room had even been returned to it's usual design, the bed made with fresh sheets and covers. He plopped on the bed, snuggling under the covers of thr cold and dark room. With the drugs taking effect, the male began to rest peacefully. He assumed the Commander had it under control as the fact he escaped from the creature, killing off it's children hardly crossed his mind.

The trerat purred and continued to suckle the commander's cock gently. "Thank you, don't worry I will only use the males for breeding. Don't worry even if they fight me. I will not kill them. But either way I will get what I want from them. I have no use for your females so they will not be touched. They are getting bigger and quite strong. I will even allow you keep a certain amount of children as samples or be used as soldiers for you. Just think about it. You would never have to send your own kind out to fight your wars. They would do the fighting for you and win. By the way, I don't have a name. Would you care to me give me a name?. I am going to need one if you are going to keep me as your lover. It will our own little secret. You could always visit me on the planet and gain more soldiers to build an army." It kissed his belly button and licked at it for a moment before kneading his belly gently as it felt the life pulsing under the skin. It could sense the human carrying it's newest child sleeping with it's guard down. It gave the child orders to continue but to wait for it's birth for it get there. "How do like the massage?".

Dïlan's cock began to swell up as an orgasm continued to form. He only nodded at his foreign yet apparent lover. He had even went his way as asking hin to give him a name. He ran a hand on the peach fuzz that adorned his chin. "The army sounds tempting, but I wouldn't want to do that. Not if you're going through all the trouble to revive your race." He moaned as his belly sprung forward with life as some of the eggs leaned on his prostate. "How does Kravahn sound?" The male thought it would be nice, blending in the name of Krakken since the alien had tentacles. The kiss on his belly seemed to be on cue as his belly button had pushed out slightly. The same redness remained on his face. "It feels great."

Vector rested in the bed peacefully unaware of his belly springing with life. His belly continued to grow as he appeared six months pregnant. A hand came to his belly as he turned in his sleep in response to the creature kicking inside him.

"Kravahn, yes I love that name." Kravahn kissed the commander and wrestled tongues with him as he continued to knead his belly and played with his belly button. "Don't worry, after my race is stable enough. I can provide you with soldiers." It broke off the kiss and started lick at the commander's belly button as it swelled a bit. It revealed more tentacles and started to stroke the fleshy orb to further pleasure the commander. One the tentacles wrapped around his cock and started to stroke it gently to push his orgasm further along. Before moving his mouth to the commander's cock and started to suck on it. It could sense it's child growing bigger. It was pleased with it's progress and ordered it continue.

Dïlan smiled at him. "Kravahn it is then" he urged the alien to continue as both their tongues wrestled. Noting the many tentacles sprouting out, the male was obviously being influenced with curiousity along with hormones. The tentacles played around with his belly button as it swelled outwards along with his belly. Feeling another give a firm grasp around his cock, he was enticed to pull the alien closer to him, his warm body heating up further. Afterwards, Kravahn had slipped down to lick his belly button" lowering his mouth until ue reached his cock, continuing his job as the male exploded into his mouth as moans escaped his lips with a rather aggressive flare. "You said you only required males" his breath was rather choppy as he was still erect. "What's wrong with females if you don't mind me asking."

Vector rested in the bed as much as his belly would allow him to. His face told a story of being uncomfortable as his belly reached a human's nine month marker. With a popping sound, his belly button pushed out as his shirt rode up above the belly. The alien had appeared fully active as it moved around on numerous occasions.


Kravahn purred and swallowed his lover's seed as it continued to pleasure him. "Mmm, I find them useless. Their bodies are not strong enough to hold my eggs. It would kill them. Also, I happen to find the male's form of your race quite appealing." He purred and stroked the commander's belly as it swelled out a bit more. "I love your body it's so sexy and smooth. The taste of your seed is the best I have ever tasted." Kravhn could sense it's child was almost ready and quite active. It was pleased with it's strength and power it had gained and ordered to continue it's job on getting stronger and to remain inside the human until it said so.

Dilan chuckled at the response. "Ah, an all male race then? That is interesting" he found the concept interesting because the previous race that had wiped them out were all female. Perhaps it was all because of unreturned feelings or something for their Matriarch. The male did not know, nor did he care at the moment as he was engaged with his apparent lover. The hands rubbing his belly only made the male feel hornier, the sensitivity almost becoming unbearable. "mmm....your's is a sight to behold itself." he ran his large arms across Kravahn's back, chuckling at it's other statement. "Really? Did you do the same thing to Vector?" Since it's form was humanoid based, the male only assumed the curves his hands were running past were that of his butt. He grabbed the right one hard as the frisky male smirked, the swell increasing as the children grew. "So does your kind reproduce the other way around?"

The belly had continued to stretch and form as Vector slept for the most part. Responding to it's father's call, the male began to grow even further. The male moaned in his sleep as he began to stir. Waking up groggily to an urge to use the bathroom, he slowly staggered to get up. With eyes partially opened in the dark room, the male waddled past the mirror and into the bathroom. After ten minutes had passed, seven of which was spent for the male to look and aim at the toilet without missing, oblivious to the large swelling orb that was his belly, he headed back out the bathroom and back into a state of slumber. As minutes passed, the female and male nurse had opened his room after searching the pilot's area. The doctor worried if the male would try to fly the ship when he was tired, so she sent them both to check on the male. They were puzzled at their find, seeing a large lump under the covers.

It purred and kissed Dilan's belly. "Yes, I did. Don't worry he will be fine and live though it. He is carrying a stronger new breed of my race.. It's quite a sight to see. It stroked his belly and kissed him passionately. "He is safe as long they don't attempt to harm him or the child he is carrying." It sensed the nurses near the human and ordered the child to blend in with the human's skin and give the appearance of his flat stomach and stay still. "I will be back. I can sense a couple of fools who are about to wake him up. He needs his rest." Kravahn stood up and kissed Dilan. "Please call the nurses back to their station and give them strict orders not to disturb you or Vector. Or I will have to stop with your pleasure to get them to leave him alone."

Dïlan nodded at the rather affectionate creature. He could only bellow slightly at what he said about Vector. "Hopefully he is alright" he grabbed the board to check his vital signs. "This is how I knew you were an imposter. You didn't match up with his vital signs which were blazing off the charts" he stared at the other "Did you do what I think you did?" It was asked in terms of Kravahn saying he would get what he wanted in the end. Not being able to sense what the other could, he sighed softly. "If I could, I would, but before you came, I initiated an order to the ship. That was to stop the ship for twenty-four hours. If the order is not let up by the commander with the matching vitals and whatnot, then it flies towards the nearest sun" he was not kidding about that. "I had no idea what we were dealing with, so I had to execute it. It should be fine though. I will let it up after Twenty-four hours. Since it blocks technology, you should go handle it."

The nurses were puzzled at his size in the dark. Turning the lights in, they discovered the large bump was gone. "We must've been seeing things" the male said as they still remained to make sure his vitals were easing up.

Kravahn nodded and purred as it stroked the commanders' stomach. "Very well, I understand. But still do please call those two away from Vector and put his room on lockdown. He will be due soon enough." Kravahn kissed his lover and moved down to his cock. "But first allow to take good care of your little problem." It licked the head of Dilan's cock and started to suckle it again. It moaned and slowly deep throat his cock with ease and stroked his belly button. "I will go though with my plan after I finish my snack."

Dïlan chuckled. "As I said, it is blocking me from sending a message. You need to go handle it." He nudged the other off of him softly as he got up with the best effort. The children grew quite fast, prompting the large male to waddle. He pressed a few buttons on the wall causing a red laser to shoot around his belly. It did not replace hot water and soap, but it did get rid of the dead skin cells he recently acquired from the oral sex along with bodily fluids. Throwing on light clothes, the male examined himself, running fingers across the large orb. "That means I have to do things manually."

Kravahn purred and kissed him as it stroked his belly. "Alright, but just rest here. I will back shortly. Don't go anywhere". It changed into his form and threw on some of his clothes and left the room. It moved calmly to Vector's room and entered the room. It stood up straight and used the commander's voice in a stern voice. "You are dismissed for the tonight. Go back to your rooms that is a order."

The male nurse turned to face the Commander. "Uh, sorry sir. We were just checking in on him" it was only common. He placed a bottle of medicine on the lamp stand as him and the female turned to head out. When they were out of sight. Vector's belly began to expand as the baby resumed it's regular form. The male moaned in his sleep at the sudden expansion.

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