The Star-Man's Womb

Trian stepped inside the station and started looking at various drinks.

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy walked Kiba around for a while and got the dog a drink.

Trian finally settled on a Sprite, and stepped outside, just standing and looking at the scenery.

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy played some fetch with Kiba, trying to wear him out for the remainder of the trip.

"Hey, how about you show me how to drive?" Trian suggested.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Sure," Jeremy said.

Trian grinned, and ran to the truck. He hopped in the driver's seat and started looking over the dashboard.

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy helped Kiba into the car and got into the passenger seat. "Ok so P mean park, D means drive, R means reverse, and N is neutral. The right pedal down there is the gas and the left is for the brake. Only use one foot. And when you need to change gears you have to have the brake activated."

Trian nodded. "Doesn't look too different from my car." The truck lurched forward and Trian swerved onto the thankfully empty road. "This isn't so hard! Responses are kind of different from what I'm used to."

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy nodded and held onto the car.

Trian was driving smoothly for a while, just chatting with Jeremy, when a small furry animal ambled onto the road ahead. Trian slammed onto the breaks, and tried to swerve out of the way. The truck went off-road, onto some grass where it finally stopped with a jerking halt, causing Trian to slam his head into the dashboard.

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy groaned. "Trian!" Kiba whined. "Shit. He's bleeding." He got out of the car and got Trian out of the driver's seat and into the passenger's. He removed his shirt and cautiously wrapped it snugly around Trian's head. "Trian, can you hear me?"

Trian let out a small groan, and put his hand on his head. His only slightly parted eyes grew wide when they saw his blue blood upon his palm. "Oh... I'm bleeding."

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm trying to get the bleeding to slow. I'll get a better look at it when we get to the next gas station."

"Literal blue blood might be hard to explain..." Trian said. He tried to focus on Jeremy. "Is there a first aid kit in here anywhere?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"I have one in the glove compartment." Jeremy turned and opened the glove compartment. He pulled out a small box.

Trian rubbed his eyes and focused on Jeremy. With his shirt off, he noticed that Jeremy's body was rather toned and attractive. Certainly not what Trian had expected from a skinny nerd like him, but that thought didn't last long as he realized that there were a myriad of scars on his back.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Will you have any sort of reaction to hydrogen peroxide?"

"No, it should be fine." Trian groaned.

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy nodded and started disinfecting the wound. "It doesn't look that deep. The bleeding should slow soon."

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