The Star-Man's Womb

Trian spent a few days trying to get his mind off of things, though that wasn't easy when he felt the babies fluttering in his belly. For food, he would walk to the nearest fast food joint. It wasn't particularly healthy, but it was cheap, quick, and simple. Trian didn't want to spend too much of Jeremy's money anyway, and it satisfied his cravings for crappy earth food.

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy spent most of his time on long walks with Kiba, trying to sort out his thoughts.

Unfortunately for Trian, pregnant ditherians don't handle stress well. As the days went on, his health began to deteriorate. Fast. Making the trips to get food became harder and harder for Trian, as his energy declined and he grew weaker. Standing up seemed to be an impossible task now. Getting out of bed may as well have been like climbing a mountain. At first, he left his room for fewer meals, until he found he was only leaving to get breakfast, and that was it. But he grew sicker and sicker until it was all he could to to leave his room and get food from the hotel lobby's vending machines, and he put off doing even that until he couldn't handle the hunger pangs anymore.

Trian's body was having trouble keeping the food down, what little he ate. He often found himself hunched over the toilet, regurgitating the little food he was ingesting, or even just liquids. His body was losing weight at an alarming rate, trying to compensate for the nutrition he wasn't getting. His mental state wasn't any better. The.majority of the time, he was just laying in his bed, crying.

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy knocked on the door. "Trian?"

Trian opened his eyes and struggled to sit up. He managed to will himself out of his bed and onto his messy floor, littered with empty wrappers. He leaned on the wall for support. He peeked through the peephole and saw Jeremy, and he reached out a shakey arm to open the door.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Hoo-oooooly crap. Trian! Are you alright?"

Currently, the alien was naked, his entire body on display. His skin was a lighter blue than before, as he had grown pale. His hair was greasy and bags sat under his eyes. He could barely stand as he leaned on the wall and his legs trembled. Most alarming, though, was that where he had once had a distinct baby bump, Trian now only looked slightly chubby. He opened his mouth to try and speak, but instead vomited on himself and his lover, though it really wasn't anything more than water and semi-digested cheeze-its. His face went blank as his mind took a moment to restart itself, and when he realized what he'd done, a look of horror crossed his face as he began sobbing.

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy picked Trian up and carried him to the shower where he began cleaning the alien off. "What the hell happened to you?"

Trian babbled something as he sobbed, his words unintelligible. Not that coherence would have helped over the growls of his stomach.

I'm just here for a laugh

"You're coming back home," Jeremy said. "God, you're just skin and bone..."

Trian only continued sobbing.

I'm just here for a laugh

Once Trian was cleaned up, Jeremy got him into the car and took care of the bill before taking Trian back to his house. He sat Trian in the kitchen and started heating up a can of chicken soup.

Trian's head banged onto the table, as his eyes stared off.

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy put the food on the table and made some ginger tea.

Trian forced himself to sit up and tried to feed himself, but his hands were shaking too much.

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy helped Trian eat.

"Why did you come for me?" Trian managed to ask.

I'm just here for a laugh

"I was worried about you."

"But what'd you decide?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"I'm sticking with you," Jeremy said.

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