C Shibas and cats (grey)

"Indeed." Robert said.

Getting to the wagon, he had the horse take them home. He honestly hoped that nothing was waiting for em there, like angry parents.

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Daisy was nervous the whole way home. Her father would be so upset that she was gone! "Geez I've never dealt with this before.. This is the kinda thing you see on tv.." she said.

(I'm thinking her dad could be James?)


"Yeah well maybe you can sneak out of the wagon before we get there, go around the barn and pretend you were just out adventuring in the woods?" Robert suggested.

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That was a thoughtful idea. "Yeah, but we did this together. I don't want for you to get in trouble for this alone," Daisy explained, her heart pounding.

"Alright if you honestly want to go all the way very well." Robert replied as the building came to view.

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Her ears flattened as their home got closer and closer. She knew she was going to be in big trouble. She'd never been in this much trouble before!

Indeed they were in a great deal of trouble. The Yeats had done little in restoring James normal appearance but the felube man hadn't regresses farther into his feline side thankfully. His tail twitched as he stood there glaring at the youths.

"Truth, now." He hissed.

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Maisie was there, too. Angry at her son for being gone all night long.
"Where were you two?" She growled.

Daisy's ears went back, seeing her father's upset face. "Robert took me out to see the city.." she said softly.

"What?!" James questioned.

"We were careful! No one saw her tail or ears." Robert added.

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"Yeah, I had this on!" She showed him the beanie. "And I wore a big coat. It was okay, nothing happened!" She told her father.

James had a scowl on his face despite her words.

"Precautions or no precautions you both had everyone worried sick!" He hissed.

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Her ears were flat against her head.
"I thought nobody would notice.. "She said softly. She did have like, 50 other siblings.

"Well many of them did." James replied. "To your room now!"

Robert gave a defeated sigh, giving an apologetic look to Daisy.

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"I'm sorry, Dad.. "she said softly before running up to her room to hide.

"Robert what were you thinking??" Maisie demanded. "You could have put her in danger- all of us!"

"I took precautions!!" Robert started. "I never once let her leave my sight! I just....she just need some space from here and...she wanted to see what it was like."

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Maisie was displeased with her son, and didn't want to hear any excuses. "You knew the rules, Robert. You go up to your room, too." She said. She had been worried sick about him.

"We can't keep them all here forever!" Robert retorted. "No you know what, I'm not! I'm a grown man with work to do, so if you need me I'll be cutting firewood!"

With that, the young man stormed off.

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She took a step back, surprised at his words. He was talking back to her! Before she could say anything else, he was gone. She left to go speak to Charlie and James about what to do with their children.

Daisy was in no mood for a crowd of siblings to ask questions. "What is the city like?" "What are the people like?" "Is it like tv?" So she slipped outside to go hide in the barn with the barn cats.

"It's not luke Robert to speak like that." James said to Charlie and Maisie.

On the back side of the barn, Daisy would hear arobwrt chopping the firewood. He had removed his shirt for easier mobility.

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Maisie ran her fingers through her hair. "He's never been this way.." She said. "Was I too hard on him? Am I a bad mother? Is he realizing that?" She rambled on.

Her ears perked at the sound of chopping wood. Chopping wood? She crawled away from her spot and peeped outside. It was Robert. And he had his shirt off. She blushed and looked away.

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