The Royal Consorts

Name: Coullair
Age: 21
Role: Prince consort of the second prince
Appearance: 5'4 tall, pale skin, lean body, Sandy blonde hair, green eyes
Description: shy and quiet but can really be protective of his husband and fellow consort, was originally diagnosed as barren (so it will come to a surprise that he became pregnant.)

Name: Conrad
Age: 25
Role: First prince, husband of your character
Appearance: 6'4 tall, lightly tanned, big framed body, brown hair, green eyes
Description: very protective of wife but is a humble giant to him; gets along with his brother who is the second prince.

The kingdom of Aolivea was peaceful and bountiful. It sat on hilly terrains that provided for good pasture and agriculture. All the citizens live good lives; no one starved and there's no crimes. It was made to be a small haven, reaching this era of peace, thanks to it's current king. The king, however, was growing old. He has two heirs with their prince consorts, but none of them have produced him a grandchild. It was quite worrisome, especially if he planned to pass the throne to his sons having no heirs of themselves. 

The queen came with a medical report in her hands. It was her duty to oversee the consorts whom just had their routine check-up. She looked saddened. 

"My queen, what is wrong?" The queen looked up and sighed. "The second prince's consort, Coullair, is barren. The royal physician just confirmed it." Oh goodness, what dilemma is this? 

"And the other?"

"He's healthy, may be it's not the right time for him yet." The king was relieved at that. Both Queen and king loved the consorts like their own sons and so still had faith on Coullair despite the given report. They won't also pressure the other consort just because he was the only one found healthy to reproduce.

"Please call for them, our sons and their spouses. I shall talk to them. This heir problem is becoming a serious issue as I grow older." The queen nodded before excusing herself.

Coullair stood shakily beside his husband who was trying to comfort him. He is barren. He can't produce heirs. What will happen to him. They were standing outside the throne room doors. At his side he could see Conrad and his wife happily chatting with each other.

"My king, they are here." And they were led inside by the queen. 

Name: Jin
Age: 20
Role: Prince consort of the first prince
Appearance: 5'8 tall, pale complexion, muscular body, chocolate brown hair, brown eyes
Description: very intelligent and caring, very protective of those he loves and cares about

Name: Jackson
Age: 23
Role: Second prince
Appearance: 6'0 tall, tanned complexion, toned and slim body, light brown hair, blue eyes
Description: known as very gentle and kind, caring for everyone - stranger or not, gets angry and protective when family, friends, or loved ones are hurt or insulted

After hearing about the news, the princes and consorts immediately rushed to speak with Coullair and his husband. This was a large issue in the kingdom and it had to be resolved. Heirs were needed for when the princes' times were up. The kingdom needed someone to rule as the next generation.

Jackson had entered with his husband and their consorts, "we came straight away once the queen informed us. What had happened? What can we do?"

(I'm sorry if not all of my responses are as lengthy as yours but I will definitely try my best!)

(It's fine as long as we don't do one paragraphs with few sentences.)

Coullair stood before the king and queen, ashamed of his inability to reproduce when the need for heirs is dire. And also, Jackson; what does his husband think of him now. "I'm sorry." His apology was for his love, but it was also for the other couple who was sure to be more pressured with the task seeming as they are the only ones who can get pregnant.

Conrad was holding Jin by the waist. He could feel Jin being nervous with the situation and had made effort to comfort his beloved. "What do you want us to do, father? Do you have a plan?" It was unsettling that their future children will be forced to conception but they are royals and they have their duties to the kingdom.

"Conrad and Jin, with Jackson and Coullair being barren, the responsibility of heirs becomes solely yours. I do not also wish to have this forced on you but as you know there are many enemies in politics. We need to secure your thrones, sons. I'll be waiting for another month to let the conception happen naturally but after that and still no baby, I'll take this matter more seriously."

Conrad just held Jin closer to him. "It will be fine, love. Don't worry." It was only a whisper, not wanting to disrespect his father. 

Jackson could only hold his husband close, his heart aching from Jackson's apology, "my love, there is nothing to be sorry for. We will figure something out to resolve this, I promise."

The tenseness that occupied the room grew heavy. The next generation of rulers, the kingdom's heirs, were left up to Conrad and Jin. To say it was troublesome and hard-hitting to the princes and consorts would be a large understatement.

The future of the kingdom, laid upon the men's shoulders. Whatever they chose to do to resolve this issue simply cannot fail.

The queen went to Jin and held the consort's hand. "We believe in you, son. Make me a grandma soon?" It was a poor attempt to lighten the burden probably felt by Jin but better that than none.

She next went to Coullair giving the second consort a much needed maternal hug. Coullair's dam finally broke and he sobbed hard on the mother's shoulder. "We still love you, dear, and all the people of Aolivea will still respect you as their Prince consort, heir or no heir." Coullair was thankful to the queen. At least with that he can find a tiny bit of comfort.

After comforting both consorts, the queen stood between them, a gentle smile on her face. "May our goddess bless you, my sons, with seeds that will bear fruit soon."

The king then stood from his throne. "You also have my prayers. Go now and fulfill your duties."

(I was thinking that we should focus more on Jin and Coullair from now on. I plan to make a time skip to maybe two weeks later when they start getting pregnancy symptoms? Is that okay or too fast?)

(No no, that's okay with me!)

With the touching comfort at ease, the princes assured that they'd do everything in their power to protect them and the possible heirs.  Though it was a shock to all, unborn child(ren) are involved, therefore any and all precautions must be met by everyone in the castle; rulers, guards, staff, and all.

"We promise you nothing by safety.  As long as we are around, nothing will harm you.  That is our royal honor." The princes took turns in speaking.

(I'm jumping to one week later. Focus more on describing Jin. How does he feel about the situation, is he experiencing pregnancy symptoms, or how he respond in relation to Coullair's problem. We'll have the queen, king, and their two husband princes as side characters so that we won't be confused with our flow.  :D )

One week passed since the heir problem was raised by the king. The week flew through a storm of emotions that often led to comfort love making between the princes and their consorts. Their 'activities' were only meant to comfort one another. Unknown to them that it bore fruit to the kingdom's most awaited heirs.

It was a beautiful day and Consort Coullair decided to spend the morning outside the palace gardens. He felt so drained of energy lately and thought that maybe the sun is just what he needed. He had invited Consort Jin to join him for tea. As he was waiting for Jin to arrive, he busied himself picking flowers that would go well to their table.

Jin had soon arrived and was in search of Coullair.  Emotions still ran thick through the castle but not so bad as when the news first came to light. The consorts, along with their princes, had a huge weight on their shoulders had needs solutions and answers and needed them soon before it was too late.

The pregnant consort search throughout the castle until turning to his last resort and searching the garden grounds.  Jin traveled outside and confirmed his suspicions of the other consorts whereabouts.  He had found Coullair on the ground and hunched over a small patch of plants.  He approached the hard-at-work consort and knelt beside him, watching.

(Does Jin already know he's pregnant? I was hoping we can play it out as a guessing game for them still, only confirming it when the symptoms get too serious and the queen finally intervened to have them checked? But this can also work. I'd just play it safe for now and wait for your decision. :D )

Coullair was to engrossed with the flowers to notice Jin kneeling beside him. It was only when he turned, hoping to pick a flower on that side, did he notice the other consort. He gave a surprised gasp but quickly composed himself to smile. "I'm glad you can join me for tea, Jin. It's been so long since we've done this."

He rose from his kneeling position and led the two of them to the gazeebo were a table had been set for tea time. They sat across from each other as maids made their tea. Having a better look on Jin's face though, he could notice that the younger looked pale and sickly looking? "Jin? Are you okay? You're pale. You're not sick, are you?"

(I don’t know, whatever you want I guess. I’m still confused about this myself)

Jin has smiled softly, “it has been a while. It’s a night refresher from all the chaos throughout the castle.”

He looked at the other consort regarding his last remark and shrugged, “I’ve been off and on. Feeling okay one moment then the next I feel like I’m on my deathbed. But it’s okay I guess”

Coullair frowned confirming hi friend was sick. "Have you gone to the royal physician? Are you even well enough to be here? Well, as long as you say you're fine."

Their tea came and he gave thanks to the maids that prepared them. Just as he was about to take a sip, though, he suddenly felt the need to vomit. He quickly put the cup down and cupped his mouth as he gagged then swallowed hard. What was wrong with him? He called a maid over giving her the cup of tea. "I'll have water instead, please."

 He looked at Jin with an embarrassed look. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me"

"It's probably just a small cold or something of that sorts, I'll be okay I promise Coullair." Jin smiled reassuringly.

Jin looked at his friend not only confused but worried as well, "it's quite alright. Are you okay though? You don't look well so suddenly." He responded as he went over to gently rub the paled male's book soothingly.

"I think I'm fine. Maybe I ate something that didn't agree with me. I'm sorry for worrying you." Coullair really appreciated to have someone as supportive as Jin for a friend. They were practically brothers than mere fellow consorts.

"Ah, let's continue our tea time. We have so much to catch up to." They talked about the weather, events in the castle and all friendly things. They were having a good time, that is, until a butler came delivering the daily newspapers. Coullair bit his lips. On the front page was the issue of the kingdom's princes still not having heirs of their own. He looked at Jin worried, knowing that the news may affect Jin's feelings. "Jin, just ignore them. My niece or nephew will come when she or he wants."

Jin nodded in response.  He sat beside his friend and discussed their opinions on the most recent events of the castle.  He managed to peek over at the newspaper and e signed softly.

The consort looked down and nodded at his friend's reassuring reply, "yes I know... I just... feel bad.  Word of this has spread like wildfire and it seems we're stuck in the middle of it all.  So far it's been rather frustrating and quite upsetting.  I wish I could fix this so the king, queen, and kingdom wouldn't have to worry." Jin spoke softly.

(so sorry for the late reply! Internet went down so I couldn't reply sooner. Sorry!)

Coullair didn't like how the news was putting pressure on Jin. He smiled at him hoping to give him comfort then went closer to place his hand on Jin's stomach. "Hey, baby will come when it wants to come. I'm sure you'll be pregnant soon enough and the people will have its awaited heir. No pressure."

Guilt built inside him seeing the state his friend was in. If only he wasn't barren then he could carry half the burden. "I'm sorry Jin, if only I could get pregnant like you then you don't have to shoulder all pressure of bearing the kingdom's heir. I'm sorry." 

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