C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy)

"As long as you're sure," Yuni agreed. He accompanied Jace back to the house in order to help carry any of the picnic supplies. He also added a jar of sweet peach cider to the basket, kept cold inside the metal cannister. The unofficial grandmother of his little commune made the delicious beverage a few times a month in the summer. It was a delicious treat that Yuni always looked forward to. And when she learned that Yuni had a "date" (despite his protest that it was NOT) she made sure to send him off with some.

((I'm thinking that in the winter will be the time Jace doesn't see Yuni much. With him being the representative of spring/summer and bounty, winter would be his weaker months as a deity. And would probably have a difficult time keeping up the human farce at that time, especially if he was pregnant ))

((Yeah that totally makes sense))

Jace smiled warmly and wrapped the sandwiches in paper before putting them in the basket with some slices of cake he had made and some jam for them. He grabbed the basket to carry them into town for fhem “Let’s go” he said smiling gently at the other man. He couldn’t help but think to himself that he perhaps wished this was a date but shook that out of his head quickly, he had promised not to fall in love again.

((I think I might make it so that his entire little caravan leaves for warmer weather in the winter season. They start packing in the early fall so that they reach their destination before winter hits. That way, the next time Jace sees him, he's got a noticable baby bump. What do you think?))

The two of them settled under a large oak tree with their treats. Yuni spread a large blanket out for the two of them, and poured two glasses of the peach cider. As they began to eat, a few curious ducks waddled their way up from the pond and towards the pair. One got close to Yuni, looking at him expectantly for food. Yuni frowned, looking from the bird to his sandwich. "No, no treat this time. I like you, but Jace made this one for me. I want it."

((Yeah, for sure))

Jace laughed gently and sipped at the drink “Oh my goodness, that is the most delicious drink I’ve ever had” he said licking his lips to savour every drop. He broke a little of his bread off before feeding it to the ducks gently

"I'll tell Granny you think so," Yuni said, smiling. "She's the one who makes it. Everyone looks forward to it; along with her apple pies." He did too. Despite being a fan of all things verdant and leafy, Yuni had a massive sweet tooth. It was only further exacerbated by the delicious sweets that Jace had been making.

Yuni pointed to a spot across the lake where the bright, colourful tents reflected on the water. "That's where I live. Since the last time you only saw the place at night. See? Kind of neighbors."

Jace leaned a little closer to see where Yuni was pointing “Oh, the tent area. Yeah, I’ve seen it before” he smiled warmly and turned looking back at Yuni before realising how close they were and clearing his throat sitting back a little.

Yuni didn't mind that Jace was so close. In fact, he kind of missed it when Jace moved back. He was used to constantly always being around people at the commune. Everyone was so open and friendly that skin to skin contact and cuddle piles at night were the norm. Rarely did he sleep by himself when he was among his human friends. But, he supposed that was different than how he felt about Jace touching him. While he didn't mind the thought of cuddling with Jace like a couple of affectionate cats, the desire to be with him was different, the touch more electric.

"Life outside of the city walls is all I've ever known," he began, "so I'm excited to see your world." There was an excited gleam in his eye and eagerness in his voice.

Jace smiled warmly “I promise, it’s not all that amazing” he said softly shaking his head “Why do you think I manage a farm and a small cottage” he said and laid his head on his knees “Not all the people there are kind and money is important” he sighed a little and looked over the other way at the greenery he called home “My fiancé…she left me because farming does not make nearly as much money as she thought, she married a banker instead, they have a child now” he said sadly “I am not jealous of him, she turned out to be petty and cruel but I’m jealous that although I was the one who always wanted a family she now has one and I’m alone”

"You deserve so much better than her," Yuni said. He scooted closer to Jace until he was sitting beside him, their thighs touching. He tested his head lightly against Jace's shoulder, leaning into him like the aforementioned affectionate cat.

The Gods have heard your prayers,' he thought. As soon as he left for the day, Yuni would go see his senior, the God of Love and request his advice. He was not a god who could provide him with the happiness Jace sought, but he would make sure Jace was blessed with fortune until the one he loved became his.

His heart squeezed sadly at the thought. It couldn't be him, could it?

Jace smiled gently and laid his head atop the other man’s. Every spot where there bodies touched felt like the warmth of a fire in winter, just the right amount of heat to calm you from the cold. He put the thought of being with Yuni aside, he had chosen not to love and he was not to be one of those people who suddenly realised they loved another, he had to stay strong as he could not recover from another heartbreak.

Yuni contented himself with sitting next to Jace for as long as Jace wished it. He would be lying if he said he didn't like it as well, but those were thoughts for another time. He gently massaged Jace's hand with his own, tracing idle circles onto it with his thumb.
The touching moment was interrupted by the squawk of one of the ducks, who gently nipped at their clothes with it's beak, looking for more goodies. Yuni giggled and sent the bird away with a few scraps to chew on.
With the mood suitably restored, he assisted Jace in packing up their picnic before heading into the town.
Without really thinking about it, Yuni took Jace by the hand, leading him towards the town. "Shall we go?' he hummed.

((It OK if I draw them? I draw in my spare time, and I would like to draw out characters c: )

((Yeah, of course))

Jace couldn’t help the small smile on his face as his hand was rubbed, it was incredibly comforting to him, almost the same as relaxing in the sun or a good book.

Jace helped to pack everything up, a little wary of bringing Yuni to the town as he himself had avoided it as much as possible since his ex fiancé had left him for someone in the town. Those thoughts quickly vanished when his hand was taken and all he wanted to do was impress Yuni, which shocked him and he tried to brush the thoughts from his mind quickly.

They went back to his home to drop off the picnic basket and items they no longer needed before he smiled warmly at Yuni and took his hand before beginning the short walk to the town feeling the fear start to creep up his back.

(Okay, when I have something done, I'll show you c: )
Yuni, the oblivious little ball of sunshine, didn't really notice (or care) how trotting into town with their hands intertwined would look. He just knew that Jace was nervous, and physical touch always seemed to work for him. So, like an excited dog, he tethered himself to Jace via his fingers and they made the short walk.
When they arrived, he was in awe of what they saw. People were bustling about everywhere; the streets were paved with cobblestone, unlike the soft dirt roads he was used to. There were numerous shops and pop ups, all with enticing smells and sounds to lure him in. He vaguely wondered what a 'smithy' was. He avoided looking at the butcher like the plague. He and his people were vegetarians; preferring to live with and the wildlife rather than from them. He knew other people lived differently, and that was okay. But he hated the rather intrusive thought of his favorite cow ending up hanging as a dried piece of meat.
That's probably why if the caravan ever had business in town, none of them asked Yuni. Not did they accept his help. Yuni gripped Jace's fingers a little tighter.

He's a verified Disney Princess
(A sketch, but my tablet pen is dying)

((The link wouldn’t work))

Jace could feel his hand sweating in Yuni’s as they got closer to town. Once they arrived he smelled all the different aromas and they hit him with nostalgia of heading into town with his parents and lots of times where himself and his ex would meet.

He felt uncomfortable and people bustled past giving them the side eye, not because they were men but because they could see from Jace’s clothing that he was a simple farmer and many in the town found him ‘dirty’. Jace rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly “So, where would you like to go?” He said not wanting to upset Yuni by asking to leave or ruining his experience in the town.

(( Aw rats. For some reason links on this site are difficult. https://twitter.com/Goth_Milk/status/162...SA2fw&s=19 ))

Yuni looked around, not sure where to go. "Well, let's please avoid the butcher," he murmured. He noticed the sweatiness of Jace's hand and looked at him with large, concerned eyes. "Would you like to leave? We can go back to the farm, or even go to the camp for a little bit?" He offered. He didn't notice the stares of the others, only the upset on Jace's face.

((All good, looks good so far))

Jace nodded in regards to the butcher. “It’s okay, I just haven’t been here in a while” he smiled warmly trying to dissuade Yuni’s concerns. He led him over to one of the stalls and purchased a candied apple for Yuni before handing it to him gently “Here, this is something I think you’ll like” he said trying to simply focus on Yuni’s happiness over the anxiety the town gave him.

((Thank you!))

Yuni's eyes got wide with delight at the apple. His concerns were temporarily blown away by the thoughtful gift. Like most other gods, his love language was giving gifts. "Thank you so much!" He exclaimed, taking a big bite. He definitely had to learn how to make this. He would bring it up with Granny later. He then extended the apple to Jace, an offer for him to try it. "I can't eat something so delicious myself without sharing," he offered.

Jace laughed gently at the delight on his face before shaking his head “It’s all yours, I have had them many times before” he smiled warmly and led him further into town looking at the various shops and items on sale. He watched Yuni out of the corner of his eye and his interest in many items, it was incredibly endearing.

"Yuni? Is that you?"

Yuni turned his head away from the booth with lovely flowers to see who was calling out to him .A big smile lit up his face and he waved the person over. "Charlie!"
Said person, a handsome trans man who was a bit shorter than Yuni, ran over. "It is you! I didn't think you would be in town." Charlie was a handsome young man, appearing similar to the two of them in age, with warm brown eyes, freckles, and chestnut hair that was cut into an effortlessly messy style. He was carrying a bag of fruit over his shoulder, just picked from the commune, to sell at the market. He was wearing tight black breeches and a flowy, poet top whose neckline plunged just a little too deep; showing off his chest-abd the scars on it.

Yuni nodded at Charlie's assessment. "You're right, but my friend Jace is doing me the honor of showing me around." He gestured to the other handsome man at his side.
"Jace, is it? A pleasure." He extended his hand to Jace, offering a shake. Yuni noticed the flush on his face when Charlie's eyes met Jace's.

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