C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy)

Jace grinned over at him nudging him gently “You don’t need to worry that much, it’s not the first time I’ve been hit in the head, it won’t be the last, and I promise a cow head butting me hurts a hell of a lot worse” he smiled gently at him. He could see how worried about him he was and it made him secretly happy

Yuni nodded, calming down. He was probably more worried than he should be, but humans were fragile. "As long as you're sure. No way, I can't imagine any of those babies headbutting anyone. They're so sweet," Yuni said with a grin, finally. "Would you like to sit down for a bit?"

Jace smiled and laughed gently “You’ve met Harlequin, she’s not the nicest cow around” he grinned cheekily before shaking his head gently “No, I’m okay. It is getting close to dinner time though so I should head home and feed my animals, don’t need another headache today” he teased playfully but not wanting to part from Yuni

"Would you like some help feeding them?" Yuni offered. Not only was he worried about Jace's health, but he didn't want to part from him either. "If it's not too objectionable, would you like to come back here for dinner? Everyone loves you. You don't have to, of course. But I have a feeling Charlie is going to be making a special dessert tonight."

Jace smiled warmly “I wouldn’t object to the help” he said gently “And of course we can then come back over for dinner” he said smiling brightly at Yuni before heading towards his farm with Yuni next to him. He could never tire of the warmth he felt near Yuni, he was like a sun to him.

((Aphrodisiac dessert? Haha))

((That's a good idea xD More like an apology, but he could definitely use it to try and set them up ))

On the way back to the farm, Yuni held Jace's hand like it was second nature to him. Because well, it was becoming second nature to him. He missed Jace's touch when he wasn't near, and even the smallest connection made his heart soar. Which ultimately stung him inside, because he knew what this growing feeling was. He just danced around it. So that when Jace found the person he was supposed to be with, Yuni wouldn't be standing there with a broken heart after. The goddess of love said he was doing everything right... But was he? Or was he just hurtling himself toward heartbreak?
But even if he was, it was too late to quit now. He wanted to see the mission through of making Jace happy.

"I'll feed the cows," Yuni volunteered, "you can't stand any more head injury." He gave Jace a sly smile to indicate he was teasing.

Jace couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face when Yuni took his hand, it was something so simple but something that made him so happy. He couldn’t admit what the true feeling was to himself, he didn’t want to cause himself any heartbreak if he did find that Yuni was with Charlie or perhaps didn’t feel the same, he didn’t think he could go through heartbreak again.

He rolled his eyes playfully at the jab “Okay cat, you go feed the cows” he teased letting go of his hands as they separated, missing the touch already as he headed towards his chicken coop humming gently to himself as he fed them and collected eggs.

((Do they know he’ll disappear? If so, maybe they do it as a going away thing but don’t really tell Jace? Maybe Yuni kind of hushes them when they bring it up?))

((That's a good idea. I was thinking that they all pack up and go with him, travelling to warmer regions together. But I kinda like that idea as well. ))

Yuni smiled playfully and went to feed the cows. They all started crowding around the fence when they saw him. Not only was it dinner time, but they had now come to know him as the treat giver. He always had something extra for them, so they had come to expect it. Yuni tossed the serving of hay into the trough and filled the other with water. While he watched them eat, he stood there thinking. His time was short; the long summer days fading and growing shorter. He didn't have much time left. But he wanted to leave Jace with a parting gift. He concentrated on putting as much of his energy into the surrounding land. To cause it to grow in abundance, to flourish. That way, when it was time to harvest the summer crops in the fall, Jace would be left with more than enough funds to get through the winter.

Winter. He shivered just thinking about it.

((I suppose they could all go but then why would Charlie be the only one staying behind?))

Jace whistled as he put the eggs in his shed to sell in town in a few days time before feeding his dogs and heading back over to the field with the cows. He smiled seeing Yuni talking to the cows and went up next to him “They don’t know English….just thought you should know” he teased playfully nudging the other man.

((Yuni was going to ask him to keep him company; but as I said, I like your idea better. ^^ ))

He was startled at first, but his surprise was quickly replaced by a grin. He nudged him back. "If you must know, they are excellent listeners. You should try it sometime," he added. He stood up. He was feeling a bit drained himself, but he didn't want to show it. Not now. "Shall we head back?" He asked.

((I just meant in your idea, if they all left and Yuni asked Charlie to keep him company I think Yuni comes off a bit of an ass haha, like just palmed him off on Charlie))

Jace laughed loudly “Of course they are, they can’t tell you to stop talking” he teased before taking his hand and started walking back with him “Are you okay? I didn’t wear you out too much getting you to feed the cows?” He asked worriedly gently rubbing the back of his hand

((Lmao you're right. And this is why I appreciate having someone else bounce ideas to and give feedback. 11/10 thank you c: ))
"See? The perfect listeners," Yuni said. He felt his face heat up, enjoyed the subtle, but electrifying contact from Jace. It was small, but it meant the world to him. "Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine. I think if cows tire me out, I'm in a lot of trouble."

((Haha, not a worry!))

Jace rolled his eyes “Farm-work is hard, no one knows that more than me. Lifting those hay bales, that’s a tough job” he said shrugging gently “If you’re not used to it it can be hard” he smiled warmly as they made it back over as the sun began to set.

Yuni agreed. Farm work was difficult. Before he met Jace, he had never done it. Sure, he helped out around their little farm, looking after the kids, cleaning and the like. But growing things was never really something he had to put effort into. At least when he was feeling like himself. So he never thought about it that way.

When they arrived, Charlie welcomed them back with a smile and an apology to Jace and Yuni. "I'm so so sorry!" He said again, looking sheepish. "If you'll accept it, I've made dessert for you to enjoy after dinner as a proper apology. I promise you, I bake so much better than I play ball." The poor guy was so anxious about the accident, he was visibly distressed talking about on hrm.

Jace smiled at Charlie laughing gently “As I told Yuni, it wasn’t the first time I’ve been knocked around by something heavy and it probably won’t be the last, I’ve been head butted by cows so I’m sure this is not going to hurt as much tomorrow” he grinned before helping to set up for dinner “What are we celebrating?” He asked seeing some decorations made by the children around the table

Charlie nodded. "Still. Just cuz you can take it, doesn't mean I don't feel bad for it." When asked about the decorations, he said, "the end of summer. The fertility God is most revered in the spring and summer months." He felt Yuni's eyes on him, anxious. He knew he had to be careful with his words. "It is said he sleeps through the the winter, though and doesn't come back until spring. So at the end of summer and onset of fall, we have a little feast to celebrate the blessings we have been given in the year."

Yuni felt a wave of relief flood through him. Technically, Charlie had told the truth. But he didn't say anything specific to him. Good.

Jace smiled warmly looking at the decorations “They’ve done a marvellous job, you must revere this god quite a lot” he said smiling brightly at them before returning to helping set up the table for dinner happily. He smiled brightly and sat down next to Yuni as dinner was brought out for them.

((Hopefully that was an okay explanation ;; ))

Yuni felt his heart throb seeing the decorations and hearing Jace's words. He really did feel the love. Not the love for a deity, but as a family. This, after all, was his going away party. And while he knew it wasn't going to be forever, a few months, he was going to miss them so much. He already missed them. And Jace. He was going to miss him as well. But as much as he wanted to burst into happy tears then and there, he kept it in. He had to.

When they sat down to dinner, he spoke up. "Mind if I say the toast this time?"
Everyone held onto their glasses-be it juice, water, or alcohol and waited for him to speak. Yuni raised his glass and said, "A toast to a wonderful blooming season. To friends and family, old and new. To continued happiness and prosperity into the next blooming season."
Translation to everyone in the know: Thank you everyone. I love you. I'm going to miss you.
There was a chorus of agreement and others began to toast as well.

((Haha, very smart))

Jace smiled brightly at the words spoken, he wasn’t too aware of the deity they worshipped so he did not do a speech but he happily listened to everyone’s words and realised how much they loved and cherished the god they spoke of. After the toasts they ate the food happily, it seemed to be a large feast full of different vegetables all made in different ways for completely different textures and flavours. Jace couldn’t stop complimenting the cooks all the way into dessert.

While the cooks happily brought out the dessert course for everyone (which like all the other courses was quite the production) Charlie put a platter of delicate looking sweets before Yuni and Jace. "A humble apology from me, and a welcome from everyone here to a new friend." He gave the two of them a warm smile before heading back to his seat.
Yuni stared at the tray in amazement --Charlie had really outdone himself this time. These curious little bonbons were so delicate and refined, they looked like something he had only seen in the rich part of the town.
"These look amazing!" He exclaimed, "You have really outdone yourself... Thank you."

((Thank you! Here's a link to the actual food I'm referencing if you're curious:. https://www.urbanmoonshine.com/blogs/blo...c-truffles ))

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