C My dearest friend (w/ Littleittyboy)

Violet blushed, feeling the word princess to be a more intimate title than it ever had before. With Elliot, the word was a diving line between the two of them. With Liam, it felt warm, it felt like a secret nickname for them to share. She loved it, but she was also wanting something more personal. She hesitantly said, "you may call me Violet, if you like."

She would like that. Very much. She felt a surge of happiness course through her before replying, "It's nothing btonworry about. The politics of royal marriages are complicated. Not even with the marriageable parties, but the in-laws." She made a face at that.
Alex barked a laugh before saying, "let's feed you two first." He pulled the food from the basket, putting some of each on El's plate before handing it over. He was very carefully sitting to hide the bulge in his pants, letting El know he was hungry for him in that way as well. "And then I shall feast on you." Leaned over and gave Elliot a deep kiss, aching for more, but willing to wait for what was to come.

Liam felt his cheeks flush at the permission she gave him “Okay, Violet” he said her name tenderly. He watched her as she spoke “Ah…the King” he said gently “Yes, he has an….off putting personality. Incredibly surprising that his son is so sweet” he said before gasping “I shouldn’t have said any of that, I’m so sorry, please pretend I didn’t say that” he said nervously feeling like taking poorly of the king would end incredibly badly for him.


Elliot moaned softly against his mouth as he was kissed and moved to sit in his lap ignoring the food “We can eat after” he mumbled against his mouth and kissed down his neck nipping at it gently. It had been so long since they had been intimate, it was too dangerous for them to be together in his room so it had been since before Violet arrived since they had truly touched each other.

Violet snorted, accidentally letting all pretense of decorum slip. "Off-putting is an understatement," she said in hushed tones. She added his secret to her collection, glad to know that she wasn't alone with her sentiment about the king. She put a finger to her lips, indicating that his secret opinion would stay that way. "Thank you," she added.

"Are you sure? What about the ba--"
All coherent thoughts were immediately thrown out the window by the handsome distraction in front of him. He returned Elliot's desirous kisses with eager ones of his own, moaning at the pleasure that Elliot gave, eager to return it. But he had to be gentle. He kissed Elliot's lips once more before working his way down to his neck, then massaging Elliot's member with his other hand.

Liam looked a little shocked at the loss of decorum but couldn’t help the bright grin that crossed his face at the fact she made that sound after he said something. “I don’t know why you’re thanking me” he said laughing gently and poured her another tea gently “I am in awe of you…Violet” he said softly “To come from your home all the way here to marry a man you’ve never truly met. It just sounds…kind of sad to be honest” he said rubbing his neck “I’m sorry if I’m being inconsiderate”


Elliot tightened his grip on Alex gasping loudly as he was kissed and touched. He had felt so horny lately but had often found himself pleasing himself not sure if Alex even found him attractive at the moment with his rounded belly. “I love you” he gasped out before pulling his mouth back to his own kissing him desperately.

"Thank you for listening to me, Liam. I greatly appreciate it," Violet said, taking a sip of the freshly brewwd tea. Heavenly. She laughed, hearing him say he was in awe of her. "Of me? No, that can't be right. It is not so heroic to be a political pawn"
Her eyes softened at his words, "it can be quite lonely," she said, "the prince and I are good friends, but friendship is not love."
She felt like letting that much slip was okay. It wasn't admitting that she wasn't betrothed anymore, but also it let him know that she did have a void in her life that needed to be filled.
"I love you too," Alex said, gently laying Elliot down on the pillows. He wanted to give him as much support as possible. And if Elliot doubted his affection and attraction to him, the shape of his member straining against his breeches would hopefully say different. "May I?" He asked, gesturing to Elliot's clothes. He loved him so much, but he wanted to gentle and delicate.

((I can already tell you that when it's Alex's turn he is not going to want Elliot to be gentle lol))

Liam rose an eyebrow at her “I think it’s incredibly brave to leave your home and begin a new life somewhere else” he said softly before blushing a little even of thinking of loving the princess “Well, I will always be here if you need someone else” he said, specifically not saying friend just in case because of course he wished for more but he was also just a peasant and she was royalty.


Elliot laughed gently “Alex, my love, I’m not made of glass” he said softly “I love you so very much but you don’t need to treat me like I’m breakable” he said and pulled Alex close to him kissing him desperately and quickly started to pull his clothes off.

Violet smiled at him. "Thank you; I will cherish your presence in my life," she said carefully. She wanted to have more, of course, but how could she say that? Not yet. She squeezed his hand, gently running her fingers down the labor-worn hands. It was a strange, but not unpleasant sensation against her smooth ones.

"Right, sorry," Alex said. He carefully lifted Elliot's shirt over his head, exposing his upper body. Then gently tugged his pants bdoen to reveal the rest. "The most handsome man I've ever seen," he breathed, before kissing Elliot again. He kissed from his neck to his chest, slowly, working his way lower, but not before stopping to suck on Elliot's nipples, giving each one attention as he continued to play with Elliot's cock. He them kissed lower, with most of his teasing focus being on the space between his thighs. "I love you so much."

Liam swallowed roughly staring into her eyes as her soft fingers ran over his hand and his thoughts immediately went to her running her soft fingers through his hair and over his chest. He felt his cheeks redden simply thinking inappropriately of her. When her fingers left his they suddenly felt cold, that they were missing an essential element to keep warm.


Elliot moaned loudly bucking his hips a little “Oh gods Alex!” He cried out digging his hands into the blanket they were on “You have no idea how much I need you right now” he said desperately feeling so close to the edge already because of the hormones raging in him “Please” he begged desperately.

Violet said quietly, "would it be alright to visit more frequently? Outside of the shop?" She bit her lip. "The prince and I have... An understanding. He wouldn't mind if I were to visit you more often; as long as you don't." Her face was pink, feeling embarrassed with how bold she sounded. She sounded like a homewrecker of ever there was one, despite that being the case.
Alex turned his attention to Elliot's member. 'You can come for me, my love," he purred, 'I told you I would devour you." Before he took Elliot's cock in his mouth, sucking on it like it was the most delicious candy. He then used his fingers to gently massage Elliot's openings, as it had been awhile since they had been intimate.

Liam felt his heart quicken and took her hand again gently raising it his mouth and kissing her fingertips gently “Princess…Violet” he said her name reverently “I would be more than honoured to spent as much time with you as you wish” he said feeling his own cheeks flush as he gently lowered her hand, not wanting to seem improper where others may see them.


Elliot gasped and moaned loudly bucking his hips once before crying out as he came gasping in pleasure “Oh Alex!” He yelled, glad they were in the forest, his whole body in bliss but wanting more. He pushed himself up, a little awkwardly because of his rounded stomach and pulled Alex to him kissing him desperately tangling his fingers in his hair “Gods, I love you” he said against Alex’s mouth in between passionate kissed

Violet's face lit up like a blazing stove when he kissed her fingertips. Not that she minded, of course. Gods, he was so handsome. Her insides were warm and gooey like hot chocolate. "Th-then, I would be in your care," she said, her face lit up with happiness.
Alex licked his lips, cleaning the last of the spend off his face before he kissed Elliot back. "I love you too, my handsome man, is it okay if I enter?" He had been working Elliot's hole, trying to make it a bit looser and have him feel good.

Liam felt his insides twist in delight seeing the bright smile on her face, that was a smile he had never seen on her face before and he believed it was just for him. He cleared his throat gently “Yes princess” he said gently placing his hand next to hers on the countertop just brushing their fingers together.


Elliot nodded desperately “Yes, please do” he said desperately and reached down taking hold of Alex gently feeling the hardened member and pumped it a few times using the precum to lune him up a little “Would it be easier for me to turn on all fours?” He asked gently

((How far along would we say Elliott is now?))

((up to you, but I'm guessing he's close to delivery; probably in the 7/8 month range? Since it was going to be early))

Violet hummed happily, even though their fingers barely touched, it felt electric. "I loved the tea," she said casually, trying to find some semblance of decorum."The rose was a refreshing change from my usual afternoon tea. But, it will not best my favorite; which I now must order with mint."

"How about laying on your side?" Alex asked. In truth, he was throbbing with need and couldn't wait too much longer,but he wanted his love to be comfortable. "With the support of the pillows, it would probably be the most comfortable for you .. or..." He bit his lip, looking a bit shy, "you could ride me?"

((Yeah, that’s what I was thinking but I didn’t want to be on different wavelengths haha))

Liam smiled warmly “I’m really glad you liked the addition” he said softly stroking her finger gently, just wanting to have that physical contact with her “I have another for you to try as well” he said but not moving to grab it just yet “It’s more of a sweet tea, with dried fruit extract” he said gently


Elliot barely waited for the end of the suggestion before he sat up and pushed Alex down on the pillows gently before getting on top of him “I like watching your face anyway, it’s my favourite part” he said grinning at him “Now, I can’t see past my stomach, can you guide yourself in and then I can ride you properly” he said putting his knees on either side of Alex and his hands on his chest feeling the built muscle under his hands.

"Wonderful," Violet said, feeling giddy. She hadn't felt this giddy in.. ages. Or at least, it felt like it. She was a bit scared that this would go so badly, but she quickly forgot the notion when his finger stroked hers. She decided to be a bit bold and said, "A sweet tea? But aren't they all like that?" She asked, "because you made them?"

Alex had to admit he liked it when Elliot took charge sometimes. "Yes, my prince." He happily complied with his request, gently easing Elliot onto him slowly, letting him adjust to the sensation again. In the meantime, he busied his hands with appreciating Elliot's body, from his smooth and soft skin of his face, running his hands down his chest, to his stomach, passing to appreciate the swell of their child, before taking Alex's cock in his hand once more.

Liam couldn’t help but laugh at her silly joke, his eyes crinkling a little as he did so “Wow, what a joke princess” he said playfully “This one’s extra sweet because it reminded me of you” he said returning the playfulness. He was scared this may go pear shaped but in this moment he couldn’t contain his happiness


Elliot shivered slightly when he was called his prince, he didn’t know why but when Alex called him that it started a fire in his belly. He bit his lip as his lobe ran his hands over his body, his eyes fluttering closed feeling the rough fingers on him.

Once he felt comfortable he started to bounce a little, his stomach bobbing up and down with him as he began to make his bounces bigger moaning loudly as he threw his head back grinding down on his beloved.

The two of them did not think of how badly it could be, of who might be watching. Because in that moment, they were happy. Violet giggled at his equally cheesey joke. "You're one to talk." While no one was around, she was happy to drop the formality and just enjoy being a person. A person with a crush on an incredibly handsome man.
Alex gently steadied him with one hand as he started moving. He moaned, feeling a delightful sensation that he hadn't in so long. "That's it, my love," he praised, pumping Elliot's cock with his other hand, "Gods, you're so beautiful," he moaned.

Liam rolled his eyes grinning widely as he continued to lightly play with her fingers gently, his face turning serious “Violet, I will never let you feel lonely again” he said softly but truthfully. He knew what his heart was saying, that she was special and there was something intangible between them that could be so much more.


Elliot groaned as he too was touched “Alex” he moaned out loudly, he found it hard to speak when they were together like this just wanting to focus on every touch and kiss and put it tightly in his memory for the time when they were not together “I love you so much” he moaned out starting to move himself faster panting a little

Violet smiled, looking around for anyone watching, then she gently kissed his cheek. Maybe it was too forward, but she wanted to show him, at least in some small regard, that she felt the same. "I would love it if I could do the same."

Alex helped Alex along, moving his hips so that Elliot wouldn't have to do all the work; despite Elliot loving the look of his future husband on top of him, riding to his completion. "That's it love," he said, stroking Elliot faster.

Liam felt his cheeks burn where she kissed and a bright smile lit up his face as she responded to his remark. He pulled his hand back “I assume you can not stay too much longer” he said, clearly sad about that. He grabbed the small bag of tea for her and placed it in her palm his fingers lingering on her palm gently.


Elliot panted heavily, the baby compressed his lungs so this was a true workout for him. “Are you close my love?” He asked rocking his hips up and down, he bit his lip as he rocked his hips trying to hold onto his own load to make sure his partner was satisfied. He couldn’t hold it much longer and screamed out his lovers name as he came between them.

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