The Coffee Shop

Caleb plopped down into one of the plush chairs in the back of the small coffee shop. He rubbed his eyes and let out a light groan. He needed coffee. He wanted his raspberry flavored espresso with a thick layer of steamed milk froth. It always worked magic on his mood. That's what He would bring to home during lunch. At least before everything barreled down-hill. Calab sat up and ran his hand through his butterscotch-blonde hair. A vanilla cream would have to do for now. For the next few months. He wasn't looking forward to it. Or was he? His mind was a jumbled mess of emotions and thoughts.

Henry was in the front, behind the counter, preparing drinks. He watched as a man came in, looking down and tired. He flops down in the back, still in view but harder to see. He seems to think for awhile be fore h sits up, looking even more down. The cafe worker frowns, feeling bad for him and heads over, ready to take a order and maybe talk, if he wants. He stops beside the table and chairs, offering a kind smile. He's a tall male with deep gray eyes that twinkle and messy ebony hair that settles on his shoulders.

"Oh right," Caleb muttered to himself. He plastered on his best smile. "I'll have a vanilla cream and...I'll have a raspberry scone." At least it was raspberry. It would have to do for now. "Thanks." He squinted at the name tag on the man's chest. It took a few seconds for them to come into focus since he failed to put his contacts in. Again. "Henry." God he was a mess, though not as much as he was a few weeks ago.

He's patient, waiting for him to sit up and order and then say his name. He nods, still smiling softly. He looks so frazzled.... Henry wants to say something, maybe try to help but he doesn't. He just turns to go get his drink, looking back with a worried look. It isn't his place to say anything, just to make and get drinks. He mixes up a a vanilla cream and gets a raspberry scone out, still warm. He brings them over, pausing before taking a step back to watch for a moment. There's no one else in the shop, it's still early.

"Thanks," Caleb said as he sipped the vanilla creme. It threw him off for a moment. "I'm Caleb. Sorry about my manners. It's just...Been a rough few weeks." He ran a hand through his hair again, brushing it out of his blue-green eyes. "Thanks again."

"Your welcome Caleb", it's the first time he spoke to the new stranger, his voice his soft, quiet and calm. He blows a piece of hair fomr his face and hesitates, deciding then to ignore his usual rules. "Is there some thing i can do? Maybe talk or.... whatever"

"Talking....would be great," he sighed. "I don't really know where to start... I guess losing my boyfriend and moving to a new town is a great spot..."

He sits, frowning lightly. "ahhhh I see, yes that would be a good spot. Must be hard...", he reaches to pet Caleb's hand, head tilting, "But why move? Was he causing trouble, hard to break up and then move...."

"What? No...He...uh...Died. Ivan was a great guy. We were together for nearly 5 years." Caleb broke off a piece of the scone and shoved it into his mouth. He just let it sit there for a while before swallowing and washing it down with his beverage. "We thought we almost beat it, but the last two months. Everything just went down hill..." He felt his throat tightening as his emotions tried keeping hold of his emotions. He wiped away tears from his eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie. "Ug...I shouldn't be dumping this on you."

"oh....", he winces, wishing he knew. The way he put it..... He listened quietly, feeling the pain and grief that was in Caleb. No wonder he looked so down, no one could blame. He shook his head vigorously at the last comment, watching him choke up. "No no, it's okay and...... you shouldn't keep it all bottled up, it's not good for you..."

"I know," Caleb croaked. "I'd go to therapy, but I have a... lot of expenses coming up so I need to save where I can."

"hmmm", he looked down at the table then looked up, tugging on a stray piece of hair, "Well..... I mean, I can kinda help, you know id ya wanna talk to somebody, I don't mind"

Caleb sipped his drink. "I would like that. Just... Let em know if I talk too much." He blinked and put a hand over his mouth. "Pardon me." He bolted out of his seat and turned around the corner into the men's bathroom. He unleashed what little contents his stomach held into the nearest vacant stall. He coughed and groaned as he flushed and washed his mouth out at the sinks. "Damn..." It was going to be one of those days.

He looked up, clearly startled by the sudden movement. "Caleb?....", he got up, following the young man, frowning again with a sharp look in his eyes. He slipped inot the bath room, watching the other male wash his mouth out. "Caleb? Are you okay, you need help?", he asked softly, laying a hand on the man's back.

"I'm fine...It happens when I get really emotional. Thank you for your concern, though."

".....", he looks over him, not really believing him but not saying it, "okay then, just be careful..."

Caleb fished his wallet out of the pocket of his hoodie. "How much do I owe for the drink and scone?"

(sorry, ran into some trouble. Luv your icon btw so cute C: )

He waved a hand, a look of worry still on his face, "It's on the house", the poor man didn't have it down for long anyways, "Are you sure you're okay> You're awfully pale...."

(Ah~ Thank you. Drew it myself. :3)

"I'll be fine." He said more for his own sake while he popped a stick of mint gum into his mouth. "Thanks for your concern, Henry. Um....Do you know where the library is or do you have wi-fi here? It's going to be a few days until I can get my internet up and running at my new place...And I need to talk to my clients."

"There is a library a few few blocks away but we have wifi", he waved back towards the other rooms, "It's strong near the counter and near the back, with the plush seats, you're welcome to use it" He smiled softly.

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